The Adding Machine (23 page)

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Authors: William S. Burroughs

BOOK: The Adding Machine
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‘But who is distributing this hellish stuff?’

‘That’s your department. My guess is it leaked from some top secret project — whether American, Russian, Chinese or French does not matter at this point. Point is, these addicts have a vital necessity to communicate their addiction as a matter of survival. Remember that only one exposure establishes lifelong addiction. They could put it in milk, soft drinks, candy bars, or addict whole populations with aerosol bombs.’

‘My God.’ The high narc steps to a window. He needs a breath of fresh air. ‘Of course it’s the Commies’ he thinks. ‘The
. ..’ He flushes with rage. Then he feels a little stab of pain and looks down to see a dart embedded in his stomach. It must have come from across the street. His flush fades to a gray-green pallor as a cool blue frequency fixes him right to metal. Feels so good that feeling, he could just swim in it forever and ever. And a little cold voice in his brain is telling him what to do. He turns towards the doctor, the dart concealed in his hand, and jabs the dart into the doctor’s arms. The doctor smiles.

‘That wasn’t necessary, except as a demonstration of your loyalty to our cause. You see, I became addicted during my analysis of the drag. I think we are now ready for that emergency meeting with the President and all the top brass. If you want something done, go right to the top. Within an hour, Air Force planes will blanket America with aerosol bombs. Then these States will be truly united.

‘This drug is only the beginning. Soon we will have drugs a hundred,
hundred times stronger than heroin. First America, then the world ... a world without pain and without fear, working shoulder to shoulder to produce the perfect product.’

Mind War

Earlier I have suggested that the CIA, the Russians, and the Chinese have all set up top secret centers to study and apply psychic techniques to political ends. Those of you who have read
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain
will infer that the Russians are ahead of us.

Now anyone who has lived for any time in countries like Morocco where magic is widely practiced has probably seen a curse work. I have. However, curses tend to be hit or miss, depending on the skill and power of the operator and the susceptibility of a victim. And that isn’t good enough for the CIA or any similar organization: ‘Bring us the ones that work not sometimes but
time.’ So what is the logical forward step? To devise machines that can concentrate and direct psychic force with predictable effects. I suggest that what the CIA is, or was working on, at their top secret Nevada installation may be described as
black magic. If Curse A doesn’t make it, Curse Program B automatically goes into operation — and so on.

I recommend to your attention a book called
The Mind Masters
by John Rossmann. This is ostensibly a fanastic science fiction novel, interesting more for its content than its style, that may well contain some real-inside information. The story concerns a researcher who has been disillusioned by his work on Project Pandora, an American psychic training center run by a Colonel Pickett, who is strongly reminiscent of the mad General Ripper in Doctor Strangelove, right down to the cigar. Only he is unloosing
warfare rather than nuclear bombs, having convinced himself that this form of warfare is more effective and more easily controlled for elitist objectives. The disillusioned researcher, one Britt St. Vincent, is contacted by Mero, a private institute dedicated to opposing these black magic centers. (It should be obvious that only
magic has ‘military applications.’)

After he has been taken to Mero’s secret headquarters, Britt is briefed by Dr Webster on the purposes of Mero. Dr Webster cites an early report by columnist Jack Anderson that the reason the Johnson-Kosygin summit conference in 1967 at Glassboro, New Jersey, was held in such a remote spot was that this was the world’s first summit conference on
psychic warfare.
He recalls for Britt how the CIA, while making an electronic sweep of the U.S. Embassy in Moscow for listening devices, discovered some very unusual electromagnetic emanations pulsing through the building. (Later it came out that the Soviets had stepped up the power to a point where Embassy officials and their families were in danger from the high-voltage microwave radiation, which can cause confusion, migraines, and even death.) Not long after, the CIA confirmed that this was in fact part of a much larger psychic attack on the Embassy. When the Defense Department launched its top-secret psychic counterattack, according to columnist Anderson, it was code-named Project Pandora.

Dr Webster goes on to tell Britt: ‘Glassboro wasn’t the end of it, Britt. .. obviously. By easily diverting funds within their mammoth defense budgets, small groups of supermilitarists here and in Russia covertly continued psychic programs . ..

The violent student rioting of the late Sixties was largely instigated by electronic mood-control devices that were derived from the psychic discoveries of Project Pandora. The riots, it is now evident, were the first phase of a massive plot. The students were used by U.S. military extremists for two purposes. First, the riots tended to discredit the student causes. Secondly, the civil disturbances conveniently provided the plotters with the necessary reasons to reinstate some of their psychic weapons programs under the guise of ‘crowd control’ research. Britt learns that similar secret psychic research is still advancing rapidly in China, France, Israel, Egypt, South Africa and Chile, in addition to the United States and Russia.

‘Although these scattered groups are currently working to beat
each other
to the secret of powers that will give them world control, there is a good possibility that they could even now join forces and make a
psychic bid for world control — and at this moment they appear to stand an almost even chance of succeeding if they joined forces.’

And what would the future look like if such groups actually exist and if they do combine and take over? An elitist world state very much along the lines laid down by the Nazis. At the top would be a theocracy trained in psychic control techniques implemented by computerized electronic devices that would render opposition psychologically impossible. Entry to this privileged class would be permitted only to those whose dedication to the world state was absolute and unquestioning. In short, you don’t get in by merit or ability but by being an all around one hundred percent shit. Under this ruling, elite of power addicts would consist of an anonymous service collective of functionaries, managers, and bureaucrats. And below them the slave workers.

There would be no place for dissent or independent research. The troublesome artist would be eliminated or absorbed. The elite lives happily ever after, at the top of a control state that makes 1984 seem cozy and nostalgic.

In the Interests of National Security

Frank Olsen, a civilian biochemist working on a top-secret project for the CIA, apparently committed suicide on Nov. 28th, 1953, by throwing himself through a tenth-floor window in the Statler-Hilton Hotel in New York City. Perhaps someone should have a look at the window in question. Throwing oneself through a window set in metal frames is quite a feat.

Colonel Ruwet, Olsen’s boss in something called the Special Operations Division, was involved with a CIA contract so secret that members working on various aspects of it did not even discuss their work with each other. And what was this so secret project? Ruwet refuses to say. We know now that one thing they were working on was LSD or the more potent BZ in gaseous form. They wanted something that would incapacitate an enemy without doing any lasting harm. It’s more humane that way you see. This laudable project could have been easily handled by any college chemistry major. LSD is effective in very small doses and it is simply a question of finding a suitable suspension medium. Such a gas was developed and subsequently used in Vietnam, with what results we have not been told. Why then such elaborate precautions to conceal the project from the Russian military, who were admittedly ahead of us in drug research at the time? Why should Ruwet cover up something that is now common knowledge? We cannot but conclude that other projects in ‘behavior modification’ lurk behind the LSD smokescreen.

The ultimate form of behavior modification is Electric Brain Stimulation. EBS was developed by Dr Delgado and is described in his book
Physical Control of the Mind.
Electrodes implanted in the brain are activated by radio control. In this way Delgado has stopped a charging bull in its tracks. He has forced human subjects to pick up articles against their will... ‘Your electricity is stronger than my will, Doctor,’ one subject admitted as he tried to keep his hands from carrying out the electronic order. Delgado has also induced in human subjects fear, rage, sexual excitement, and euphoria, all at push-button control A thing like that could solve a lot of problems. The only limitation is the necessity of implanting electrodes in the brain of the subject. Can this limitation be overcome to achieve the same results without electrodes? EBS simply delivers a small electric current to certain brain areas. The brain itself emits small electric currents and there is no doubt that obsessive thoughts result from the auto-stimulation of certain brain areas. Could directed auto-stimulation be induced by the administration of a drug? Could a virus directed to certain brain areas serve as a terminal for electrical impulses delivered by radio control? If this was or is one of the secret projects Colonel Ruwet was engaged in, the need for secrecy is understandable, since such convenient modifications would be directed primarily against dissident elements within the United States.

Biological warfare has come a long way since 1953. Just how far it has come and how far it can go is leaking out from civilian projects. Here is a clipping from the Paris
Herald Tribune:
‘Beginning of the End — The Synthetic Gene Revolution ... In a laboratory at 125 University Avenue, Madison, Wisconsin, a chemist from India, Dr Har Khorana, has made a gene. It is the first completely synthetic copy of one of the chemical molecules that direct life processes. “It is the beginning of the end.” This was the immediate reaction to this news from the science attache at one of Washington’s major embassies. If you can make genes, he explained, you can eventually make new viruses for which there are no cures. “Any little country with good biochemists could make such biological weapons. It would take only a small laboratory. If it can be done, someone will do it.’” And presumably any big country could do it quicker and better. Just as well to keep a thing like that under wraps, isn’t it now?

And here’s another from the London
18 April 1971: ‘New Cancer Virus Made By Accident... A completely new virus probably capable of causing cancer in humans has been made by accident in an American research laboratory. Its appearance is likely to reinforce fears already expressed by cautious scientists that some medical research could inadvertently produce new forms of human disease instead of curing existing ones. Sir Macfarlane Bumet, in a provocative article, bluntly warned: “Any escape into circulation that was not immediately dealt with could grow into the almost unimaginable catastrophe of a Virgin soil’ epidemic... involving all the populated regions of the world.’”

And here’s another: ‘Genocide Made Easy... Ethnic weapons that could wipe out one race and leave another unharmed could soon be developed. A leading Swedish geneticist, Carl Larson, says icily, “Ethnic weapons would employ differences in human genetic configuration to make genocide a particularly attractive form of war.’” And Larson published his findings in the U.S. Army Military Review. It is the super-selective weapon that all military thinkers dream of. “’More genetic research is needed,” he admitted, “but we should be thinking about this now if only to prevent such a weapon from being developed. We must not let it creep upon us unawares.’”

Civilian researchers publish their findings. Top secret projects can then develop these findings in negative directions designated under ‘military use,’ but they do not publish
findings. They are withholding valuable knowledge not only from the public but from other workers in specialized fields. If we lived in the Middle Ages, the fact that the world is round would be a top secret enabling us to attack the enemy from the rear.

This is a game planet. All games are hostile and basically there is only one game, and that game is war. Research into altered states of consciousness — which might result in a viewpoint from which the game itself could be called into question — is inexorably drawn into the game. One of the rules of this game is that there cannot be final victory since that would mean the end of the war game. Every player must believe in final victory and endeavor to attain final victory with all his resources. In consequence all existing technologies are directed towards producing total weapons that could end the game by killing all players. Is there any way out of this impasse of national security at the expense of global insecurity? Certainly a prerequisite for any solution would be for all countries to put all their top secrets right on the table.

The only thing that could unite this planet is an all-out program for the exploration of space. As Brion Gysin says, we are here to go. If all nations saw the earth as a space station and landing field, the concept of war would be irrelevant. Is there any possibility of this happening? Not so long as those who make their living from the war game continue to control the resources of the planet and to direct all discoveries to military ends. So far the military and the CIA have managed to hide the full scope of secret operations by admitting what is already known. .. Army Admits Experiments with LSD Gas — big deal The gas was used in Vietnam and the story came out in the Paris Herald Tribune six years ago. Army Tested Drug More Potent Than LSD — fifteen years ago I talked to a Dutch chemist who told me a drug had been developed so much more potent than LSD that they could not take the responsibility of administering it to human subjects, even with their full knowledge and consent, owing to the possibility of residual neural damage. In any case the drug had only been released to the military, who, it seems, did not hesitate to take the responsibility of administering the drug to human subjects without their knowledge

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