The Adonis of Weho (18 page)

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Authors: G.A. Hauser

BOOK: The Adonis of Weho
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“A condom. I don’t know why I let you screw me bareback. It was wrong.”

Shaking his head at the item covering his cock, and then seeing it coated with glistening gel, Adonis couldn’t understand why this was necessary. “Reese?”

“Shut up. If we get married we’ll talk about it.”

“It? If?”

Reese straight-armed him to lay back. He straddled his legs and Adonis kept quiet as his cock sank into his tight heat. Reese rode him up and down, bracing his hand on Adonis’ stomach.

“So nice. Don’t you want this from me every day?” Adonis asked. “I want it from you.”

“God yeah.” Reese closed his eyes and grabbed his cock as he moved up and down on Adonis’ length.

“Don’t call the gods. Echo is keeping Hera busy, and I hear my father is bedding mortal women to his heart’s content. Enjoy me now while their back is turned.”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

Adonis growled seductively and reached up, pulling Reese down to make contact to his lips. Once they connected, Adonis thrust up fast and hard. He felt Reese flinch, then relax and open his mouth to Adonis’ dominance.


Smith’s tongue fucking his mouth, and his big hard dick in his ass, Reese was on the edge. He gripped his own cock and jacked it, feeling Smith’s pulsate inside him. He squeezed his bottom tightly around him and Adonis parted from the kiss to howl in pleasure.

Just seeing this stud climax pushed Reese over the edge. He straightened his back and came all over Smith’s chest. Smith grunted and pushed upwards so tightly he levitated Reese off the bed. Reese held on, like he was riding a bronco, and waited for Smith to settle back on the mattress. Both were panting and dripping sweat.

Reese rolled off of Smith, and fell onto his back on the bed.

“Take that horrible thing off my penis.”

Motivating himself to move, Reese reached for the tissue box and used them to remove the condom. The sound of a mobile ringtone made its way to their cozy spot.

“That’s yours.”

“That’s mine,” Smith said but didn’t move.

“The phone. That’s not my ringtone.”

Smith looked at his watch. “Heath and Doug are meeting me at my house.”



“Oh.” Reese climbed off the bed and returned holding out the phone to Smith. “He probably left a message.” Reese pushed a button and handed it off to Smith.

Smith moaned as if being alert was an effort and took it. He put it to his ear and listened.

Reese held onto Smith’s thigh as he heard his voicemail. Then Smith repeated Heath’s words, “Dude, where are you?”

It made Reese laugh.

“How do I call him?” Smith showed Reese the phone. “What are his ten numbers?”

“Give it to me.” Reese took it and hit the dial option on the message, handing it back.

As Smith spoke to Heath, Reese wondered why this time they were okay. No house shaking, no lightning bolts…just peace and sex. He touched his jaw. When he felt new growth he sat up and yelled “Yes! Yes!” pumping his fist into the air.

“What?” Smith stared at him.

“I’m a guy!”

He got a strange expression from Smith and heard him say into the phone, “Reese is only just now realizing he’s a man.”

Smiling, feeling relieved, Reese lay beside Smith, facing him, and caressed the bronze skin of Smith’s body, smoothing his hand from his chest to his dark pubic hair.

Marry you? Is that sane?

Maybe not, but the thought made him smile.

Smith asked him, “Can we meet Doug and Heath for a meal?

Or are we naked in bed for the night?”

“I’m good with either.” Reese poked his tongue against Smith’s hard nipple teasingly.

“Here, talk to him. I don’t know what he is saying. Is he speaking our language?” Smith handed him the phone. Reese took it. “Yeah?”

“Reese, dude! It’s Heath. We’re at Smith’s crib. He told us to meet him here, and he’s at yours?”

“Yeah. Sorry.”

“Dude, we’re hank-marvin-starvin. Smith said he’d do dinner here.”

“He got sidetracked.” Reese took a long wet lick of Smith’s chest and grinned at him.

“Dude. That’s so cruel. Had our sights set on a pepperoni pizza.”

“Come here. I can order one for us.”

“Gnarly! Text me the coordinates, dude.”

“You got it.” Reese hung up and sent Heath a text with his address. When he felt Smith toying with his cock, he peeked down to watch. “They’re coming here for pizza.”

“You understood him?”

Reese put the phone on his nightstand. “Yeah. You’ll get the hang of it.”

Smith curled his legs and arms around Reese and brought him into an embrace. “Yes. I’ll get the hang of all of it.” He smiled.


After a warm post-sex cuddle, Adonis stood beside Reese in his bathroom as they washed up and made sure they were presentable for company. Using Reese’s hairbrush, Adonis tamed his wild mane and noticed Reese continuing to check on his chin stubble. It would be amusing if it weren’t so terrifying. A buzzing sound made Reese perk up.

Adonis asked, “Is that the phone?”

“No. It’s the lobby door buzzer.” Reese left the bathroom. Adonis tucked in his shirt and tried to figure out what Reese just said. He shrugged and followed him. Reese held his finger on a small button on a wall panel near the phone and then walked to the front door to open it.

Pan came toppling in, as if he were sitting, leaning against it.

“Harper?” Reese laughed. “You were out there this whole time?”

“Yeah.” He made a direct line towards Adonis and stared at him.

“Hello, young Pan.” Adonis caressed his blond locks.

“Don’t encourage him.” Reese looked out into the hall.

“I love you, Smith.”

“That’s adorable.”

Heath’s “Dude!” was heard soon after. He and Doug entered the unit carrying bags with them. “Nice digs!” He looked around and smiled at Adonis. “Got beer.”

Doug held up a bottle. “Got tequila.”

“I’ll order the pizza.” Reese walked to the kitchen. Adonis smiled sweetly at his two friends and then noticed Pan continued to gaze into his eyes as if he were enchanted.

“Who’s the fan-ster, Smith?” Heath handed out beers.

“This is…” Adonis tapped his lip as he tried to recall.


“Yes, Smith? Will you marry me?”

Doug cracked up with laughter and said, “Man, he’s got it bad.”

Adonis held Harper by his shoulders to spin him around to face the other two. “At least say hello.”

“Hi.” He waved shyly.

“That’s Doug and that’s Heath,” Adonis said, pointing from over Harper’s shoulder.

Harper was handed a beer.

Reese returned from his phone call and said, “Pizza’s on its way. Hey, wait…no beer. He’s not even eighteen.”

“Dude.” Heath shook his head. “Give the kid a break. No five-o here.”

Adonis tilted his head at the strange lingo. “Why is it I can’t understand what you say?” A beer was pushed into his hand.

“While we wait, wanna watch a movie?” Reese crossed the living room to his entertainment center.

Doug and Heath made themselves comfortable on the large sectional sofa, cuddling up, the bottle of tequila set on the coffee table, the beers to their lips.

“Need shot glasses, dude.” Heath toed off his shoes.

“Right.” Reese left the room again.

Adonis noticed Harper still mesmerized. He touched the tip of his nose affectionately.

“Sit on me.”

you? Or sit
you?” Adonis moved to the large overstuffed sofa.

“On me. On my face.” Harper grabbed his own crotch and made an expression of ecstasy.

Heath and Doug found little Pan very amusing and couldn’t stop laughing.

Reese returned with four small glasses. “Behave or I’ll send you to Cybil.”

Adonis made himself comfortable on the couch and Harper sat at his feet, between his knees, still staring at him, the beer at his mouth.

“Too funny.” Heath opened the bottle and poured off shots.

“Got limes or salt?”

“Got salt. No limes.” Reese knelt in front of his television set.

“Got porn?” Doug snickered and then tipped his bottle up to drink.

“Got loads of porn. Is that what you want to see?”

Adonis blinked at the intense ogle he was getting from Harper. “Do you behave like this with all older men?”

Reese turned to look over his shoulder. “Yes,” he answered for Harper.

“I had a thing for older dudes too when I was his age. Seventeen, man?” Doug asked.

“Yeah. Eighteen soon.” He smoothed his hand up Adonis’


“Still worried about numbers?” Adonis placed his beer on the table and relaxed against the spongy cushions of the large sofa. It was so soft he felt as if he were being enveloped by it.

“No worries, man.” Doug held up a shot glass for Adonis. He shook his head no, but Harper took it.

“Right.” Reese held several flat boxes in his hand. “Got Tartarus Studios, Bel-oh-my, Stud Films…”

“Chuck em.” Heath held up his hand.

Adonis watched Reese toss one box at a time to Doug and Heath. “What are we doing?”

“Picking out a gay porn video.” Reese threw the tequila shooter down his throat, then quickly drank from the beer.

“Gay porn?” Adonis caught Harper’s hand with his own as it traveled to his crotch.

“This one.” Heath tossed a box back to Reese who opened it and placed a disk into a slot which vanished into a black metallic object. He pointed another small black object at the screen and it lit up with a colorful picture and sound.

Reese climbed over Harper to sit between Adonis and Heath, putting his arm around Adonis and tugging him close.

“Lights?” Doug pointed to the overhead fixture.

As if it took an effort, Reese stood, shut off all the lights in the apartment and returned to his seat.

In the dark, Adonis had no idea what to expect from the picture on the large rectangular screen. Harper sat facing it, sitting between Adonis’ knees, resting an elbow on each one. Doug poured more tequila into the empty glasses, handing them out.

Again Adonis shook his head ‘no’ only to see Harper take it and drink it.

In the silence of their cozy room, a motion picture began on the large flat screen. The color was dazzling to Adonis and very realistic, almost as if the men on the movie were right there in the room with them.

When a dozen men began to undress, standing before lockers in what Adonis recognized as a gymnasium, he was astonished. He pointed to the action. “This is all men?”

“Yup.” Heath shifted to cuddle Doug closer.

“Mm,” ‘Pan’ hummed and began massaging Adonis’ legs amorously.

Adonis peeked up at the ceiling, wondering just how long Echo could distract Hera, and if this little gathering of boys watching naked men would infuriate her.

Reese cupped Adonis’ balls.

He looked at Reese and found a warm smile. Before he made a comment about how nice it felt, he noticed Harper had spun around to watch.

Adonis peeked at Doug and Heath—they were kissing, hands on each other’s crotches. Looking back at the action on the screen, Adonis noticed one man was kneeling in front of another, an enormous erection in his mouth.

“Uh oh.” Adonis winced and expected the worst from Hera. This type of pleasure was severely frowned upon by the gods unless they were participating and Bacchus was pouring too much wine.

A buzzer sounded and Adonis nearly flew off the couch in fright.

“Pizza’s here.” Reese climbed over Harper, walking to the door.

“Need help, man?” Doug asked.


Both Doug and Reese left the unit.

Adonis held his chest at the start and looked down at Harper as he leaned on his lap and stared at him.

“You got a real fan-boy there, dude.” Heath refilled the shot glasses. “He’s got it bad for you.”

Adonis had some apprehension that this evening would end badly and his friends would be punished along with him. “Why do you stare, Pan?”

“Who are you? Really?” Harper propped himself up on Adonis’ thighs.

“What can you see, little one?”


“I know. Shush.” Adonis looked quickly at Heath but he had his phone out and was using his thumbs to tap buttons.

“Why did you tell Reese I said ‘rings’?”

“No one can see them except…” Adonis again looked over at Heath but he wasn’t interested in what he and Harper were saying. “…mortals with the blood of the gods.”

“You are spectacular. Can you fly?”

“Yes. But they are not spectacular. I despise them.” He pushed the blond hair back from Harper’s eyes.

“You’re Adonis.”

Adonis shifted in his seat and felt his skin break out in chills.

“Who are you?”

Before Adonis got his answer, Doug and Reese carried three large, flat white boxes into the unit, closing the door behind them. The scent of food permeated the air instantly. Heath used the small black handheld gadget to shut off the picture on the screen and stood.

The light came on overhead and Reese and Doug began placing utensils and plates on the table.

“I love you, Adonis. I will marry you if all else fails.”

Adonis smiled sweetly at this lovely young man, cupped his head from behind and gave him a kiss.


Both he and Harper turned to see Reese, appearing as jealous as any god in the heavens.

“Dude!” Heath laughed, shaking his head.

“Harper.” Reese put his hands on his hips. “I think it’s time for you to go.”

“He’s fine.” Adonis stood, walking closer to Reese. “
,” Adonis repeated more firmly, staring into Reese’s eyes. Chapter 14

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