The Age of Gold (73 page)

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Authors: H.W. Brands

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Illustration Credits

Sutter’s Fort
: Library of Congress

The mill at Coloma
: California State Library

North America circa 1852
: map by Laura Hartman Maestro

Ready for anything
: California State Library

Entering the mountains
: Library of Congress

The Challenge
: Peabody Essex Museum

Jean-Nicolas Perlot
: Bancroft Library

A long tom
: California State Library

Chinese miners
: California State Library

California in the 1850’s
: map by Laura Hartman Maestro

Home in the gold country
: California State Library

A major river operation
: Library of Congress

Water cannons
: Bancroft Library

Comparing notes
: California State Library

Abandoned ships
: San Francisco Maritime Historical Park

Sam Brannan
: Bancroft Library

San Francisco after the great fire of 1851
: Library of Congress

John Frémont
: Library of Congress

Jessie Frémont
: Southwest Museum

William Sherman
: Library of Congress

Leland Stanford
: Bancroft Library

George Hearst
: Bancroft Library

Mariano Vallejo
: Bancroft Library

John Sutter
: California State Library

James Marshall
: California State Library

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