The Agreement (43 page)

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Authors: S. E. Lund

BOOK: The Agreement
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I'd open the door and breathe in deeply, his
cologne, the scent of leather and old wood coming to symbolize Drake to me,
arousing me before I'd even make it through the door. He'd have a shot of
Anisovaya waiting for me in Yelena Kuznetsova's crystal glasses and we'd drink
a toast to each other before falling into our respective roles. He'd take the
glass from my hand and place them both on the sideboard. Then, he'd come to me,
wrapping me in his arms, his chin on the top of my head for a moment and that
was a sign I had to shift into submissive mode.

It became easier and easier, the word
less awkward on my lips.

The week that my period was due again, I tried
to bow out of seeing him. The last time I had my period, we were separated out
of necessity when I broke it off because Dawn found the contract. This time,
there was no excuse. He was standing at the doorway on Sunday morning before I
left, examining a wall calendar.

"I'm free Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday this week," he said. "I hope you can make all four nights."

I shook my head and stood beside him, examining
the calendar. "I'm due on Tuesday," I said, touching the date.
"It will last until Friday. I can't make Saturday night because this
person doesn't work that night. I guess we have to take a week's break."

He shook his head. "I don't like that,
Kate," he said, frowning. "Just because you have your period doesn't
mean you can't come to me."

"I don't
so," I said,
holding my hands up, stepping away from him and his frowning expression.
"I have bad cramps and on the day before and first day, I'm what my father
calls a hellcat."

"No, I still want you here. You said you
had every Tuesday and Thursday for sure and one day on the weekend that you'd
be free so I want you here then if I can't have you on Saturday. Monday as
well. I have many techniques guaranteed to tame beasts, hellcats


," he said and pulled
me against him, but my body was rigid. "You forget, I was married for five
years to a woman who had periods. I'm also a doctor, unless you also forgot
that fact. I even did a OB/GYN rotation and delivered babies, did C-Sections,
cut out uteruses. Why, I even had my whole hand and part of my arm inside a
woman delivering a breech twin…"

I made a face and right away, thought about that
clause in his contract about vaginal fisting.

"There's no reason to be together if we
can't do things," I said, trying to wrestle free from him, but he held me
tight, nibbling my neck playfully.

"What do you mean, we can't do things? We
do things. Besides, a good orgasm will help your PMS and

"I could
," I said, making
a face. "I'm way too uncomfortable. I can't imagine it."

"You can and you
," he
said. "
, Katherine. It's what I want. I don’t want to be
away from you for so long."

"But it's
Haven't you
heard about masturbation?"

"Why should I masturbate when I can have
you? You are
a good Catholic girl despite being a socialist…"
He reached down to my waist and tickled me.

a socialist!" I said,
laughing despite myself, squirming in his arms. "I'm not a good Catholic
girl. If I was, I’d still be a virgin and wouldn't let you tie me up and fuck

"And I'm so glad you're a bad Catholic
girl, Kate. If you weren't, I'd die of blue balls."

He chased me around the apartment, and I almost
fell on one of his small carpets that slipped beneath my feet when he almost
cornered me. He caught me from behind and held me firmly.

"Now, no more arguments about it. I want
you here on Tuesday and Thursday. I won't fuck you if you really don't want me
to, if it really upsets you that much, but I
make you come and you
will make
come. No more arguments."

Finally, I gave in.


I didn't know what to expect when I arrived at
the apartment on 8
Avenue that Tuesday
night, but it certainly wasn't what I found waiting just inside Drake's door.
He was there, dressed in football equipment, elbow and knee pads, shoulder
pads, a helmet on and a cup over top of his jeans. In one hand was a bottle of

"Oh, my
," I said, covering
my mouth with a hand, laughing at him. He grinned from ear to ear under the
helmet's faceguard grill. He even had a mouthpiece in.

"I thought I'd be prepared for a
hellcat," he said, mumbling around the mouthpiece. Then he spit it out.
"You don't look too hard to handle."

"You are so
," I said,
laughing as I removed my coat and boots.

He came to me and embraced me, the equipment
hard and bumpy against my body.  He was laughing so hard, trying to kiss
me, but unable because of the helmet. Finally, he just held me, his body still
shaking with mirth.

"You’re not going to keep that on, are

"I don't
," he said, still
chuckling. "Kinda feels a bit kinky. You could get some pompoms. Shake
your booty a bit…" He grinned, his blue eyes twinkling in that way.
"Maybe I'll keep them on just until I see how

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to
the wine. I was less tense due to the laughter, but still, I felt a certain
amount of trepidation about the evening's events.

"A nice Pinot Noir," he said, a bit
more in control. "Red wine is good for menstrual cramps. Helps stop the
prostaglandins that cause your cramping." He leaned down and whispered,
but he couldn’t get close because of the face guard. "I'm going to get you
good and drunk and then fuck you."

I stepped backwards, trying to escape his arms.
"You said you wouldn't, Drake. I'm holding you to that."

He let me go and started to peel equipment off
so that he was left in his white button down shirt opened at the neck, untucked
over a pair of faded jeans.

"I said I wouldn’t if you really didn't
me to, but," he said, pulling me into his arms, putting on a fake German
accent, "
Ve have vays to make you vant me to

"You are a dirty conniving
I said and sidled away from him when he tried to prevent my escape. "I
have a headache and can't drink wine."

"Just had a shower so not dirty. My father
was definitely married to my mother when I was conceived, so not a bastard. I
conniving. I am
. I plan. I analyze a problem,
breaking it down into its component parts, then I solve each problem so I can
have the outcome that I want."

I escaped and ran away but he chased me, lunging
at me, smiling as he grabbed me.

to fuck you. As to your headache,
an orgasm will help you with that."

" I said, trying to
avoid his grasp.

," he said, his tone
chiding. "I said I want to
you. You're resistant because of
outdated sense of bodily modesty that is entirely inappropriate in a D/s relationship.
I must break down your resistance. How better to do so than to get you good and

"Why are you doing this?" I said,
trying to keep him away, slapping his hands away only half-playfully. "Why
are you pushing me?"

"That's what I
, Kate. You know
this. You signed the agreement. There wasn't any clause that said you wouldn’t
fuck me when you had your period."

"I didn’t think there
be." I just stood there, my eyes closed, my hands fisted. I was close to
tears, despite his playful tone.

," he said and put his
arms around me, enveloping me in his warm embrace. "Just

"You can't even go one week without

"There's no reason to," he said, his
voice soft, his lips at my ear. "I don't
to go a week without
fucking you. You wait. It will be so good for you. You'll have a nice orgasm
and you'll feel so much better. I

"I won't be able to enjoy it."

"Let's have a bet," he said and pulled
back, touching my bottom lip with his thumb. "You don't enjoy it, and I
have to fuck you twice in your favorite position next time. You enjoy it and I
get to fuck you twice any position I want."

"That sounds like a win-win for you,"
I said. "No bets."

He laughed and pulled me into the living room
and made me sit on the couch while he poured us each a glass of wine.

"That's because you know you'll lose. How
you feeling? I mean your cramps?"

"I took some Tylenol. It doesn't do

"You need something different –
Ibuprophen's best." Then he motioned to my glass. "Drink that all down.
You need the alcohol to dull your cramps."

I took a big gulp, wishing we'd keep talking
about nothing instead of him preparing me for sex that I didn't want to have.

"So you prefer old music," I said,
hoping to distract him.

"Yes, there's more than enough great music
from the sixties and early seventies. My dad was a collector and has thousands
of albums."

"What's your absolute favorite piece of all

"Drink it
down." He
motioned to the glass again. "I want you silly drunk and giggling."

"You must have a favorite," I said,
wanting to keep him talking.

He shook his head. "Drink up. No more
delaying, Kate."

I exhaled in frustration, and drank down the
rest of the glass of wine, a warmth building in my limbs and stomach from the

"I'm a really cheap drunk," I said,
smiling a bit. "I get drunk very quickly. No tolerance to alcohol."

"Good." He poured more wine into my
empty glass. "Drink that down as well."

I took a gulp. "You aren't drinking."

"This is just for show." He held the
glass up. "I have to stay sober so I can have my way with you." He
wagged his eyebrows.

"I don’t want to do
," I
said, pouting. "Why are you making me?"

"When we're in scene, it's not about what
you want,
. It's about what
want. I want
I've been hard all day waiting for you." He took my hand and placed it on
his erection. I closed my eyes. Just the feel of him in my hand made me
respond, a thrill going through me.

"How can you stand to have sex with a woman
when she's bleeding?"

"I'm a surgeon, Kate. A little blood
doesn't scare me."

"It's gross."

"Oh, Ms.
," he said,
smiling, pressing me down so that my wine almost spilled. "You don't know
what gross is.
could never be gross. You are an entirely delicious
morsel of womanflesh and I can't wait to partake of your delights."

"You’re going to make me spill," I
said, trying to be mad at him.

"Drink up." He took the glass and
moved my hand closer to my mouth. "Drink it all."

I did, squinting a bit, unused to guzzling wine.
"You are so

," he said and grinned,
nuzzling my neck. "You love it."

I did.
of the time. Not this time.
My sense of propriety prevented it. I was mortified at the thought he wanted to
fuck me now.

"It'll be so messy," I said, closing
my eyes as he moved my sweater off my shoulder and bit the muscle. "I'll
be horrified."

"Kate," he said and took my chin in
his hand. "Have you
fucked during your period?"

I shook my head, my face heating.

"No? Don't tell me how you'll feel.
tell you. You'll be orgasmic and won't notice the blood. In fact, think of the
blood, what little there will be of it, as extra lube. I'm
. You're
deliciously small and
. I can use all the help I can get."

I sighed, the alcohol starting to make my mouth
feel a bit rubbery. "It really doesn't bother you?"

He grabbed my hand and held it against his
erection once more. "Does this feel as if it bothers me? Believe me, Kate.
doesn't bother me."

"Is this a kink of yours?"

"No, it’s not a
. It's just not
a deterrent."

He poured even more wine into my glass. I took
another big gulp, wanting to get drunk so I wouldn't notice.

it," I said, leaning
back. "

"Don't you
me, Ms. Bennet,
or I'll have to smack your round little ass."

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