The All Encompassing: Shifter MC Novel (Pureblood Predator MC Book 1) (22 page)

BOOK: The All Encompassing: Shifter MC Novel (Pureblood Predator MC Book 1)
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Usually I try not to see my offering until his first strike hits.

But today…the unusual scent of the offering forces me to lift my eyes.

Standing beside the cage door is a lovely blonde-haired woman wearing a pair of tight jeans and a white cotton t-shirt. She has delicate cheekbones and a lean build and tight, pert breasts and what I want to do with her—

I murder the wretched thought. This woman is an offering and nothing more.

She is already my Lord’s.

“Hello, sweetie,” the woman says, closing the gate behind her. “Fancy a night on the town?”

Her voice is very friendly. It is a ruse. She aims to throw me off guard.

She is a liar.

I lower my gaze and mumble a quick prayer.

“Oh, you’re a shy one, hmm? I know a thing or two about shy men. I know they’re often fierce under that shy, soft-spoken exterior. How about you, handsome? Are you fierce?”

A ripple of laughter rolls through the room.

“You want to stand up, love?” the woman asks. “You want to see the woman who ends your admittedly impressive reign?”

I don’t. Not again. Not until she strikes me and I learn of her.

It doesn’t matter that this offering is a woman—blood is blood to the Night Lord.

But still, her scent is…wrong.

Not quite human. Not quite animal. And not exactly like mine, either.

“Iron Incisor,” the woman says, scoffing. “The name my handlers gave me. They say it has a suitably fearsome ring. I loathe it. My name is Tamara. Only Tamara. That’s the name you can scream as I gut you.”

She comes in faster than any of the thousands I’ve offered, and she has me by the throat and flying backward into the metal cage before I have time to set my talismans aside. My head smashes against a metal post. Colored light dances in my vision, and for an instant I forget everything—who I am, what this place is, what I do here. But my memory returns as I crumple to the floor, and so does the sound in the room: a roaring cheer.

The audience is on its feet. Clapping and cheering.

Tamara is a crowd favorite.

“You lost your foot in a fight?” she asks, pacing the cage from corner to corner, whipping her long hair over her shoulders while I blink and spit blood.

“They took it,” I growl, trying to keep my fangs hidden. But another attack like that and—

Tamara freezes. Stares at me. “Who took your foot? The handlers?”

“Yes. My Keeper.”

“Your Keeper? What a fucking prick.”

“It was necessary.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes,” I say, standing to face her and releasing my claws an inch.

Tamara’s eyes widen. “Would you look at that?” she says, watching my hands. “You’re one of
. It figures. I scented your kind in the room. Thought it was someone in the audience. But where’s your collar?”

“What am I?”

I didn’t mean to ask that.

But something tells me…the woman called Tamara knows.

Tamara smiles. “It’s a shame, learning the truth so late. Meeting you even a few months ago…well I think you may have continued your reign of blood. But now? The Age of Discord has arrived. The First Fallen rises. His strength feeds the Stricken. You have bad timing, handsome. Terrible timing.”

Tamara’s front incisors drop. They’re two inches long, curved inward, and gleaming white. Her nails grow into three-inch long white blades.

The audience gasps.

“That’s right, everyone,” Tamara says, facing the audience. “You’ve placed your bets. I hope you backed the right horse…or should I say…lioness?”

A few in the audience chuckle. They must think she’s wearing some kind of costume. Fake fangs.

But I know better.

“What am I?” I ask again.

“Such a shame. Handsome but dim. That’s usually the case. You’re a Pureblood, love. An ancient predator. You know that much, don’t you?”

“I offer blood.”

“Yes, yes. You not only offer it. You
it. And from the sour reek coming off you I can tell its been a long time since you’ve had a real feed of my kind’s black blood. Your Keeper has you on a strict diet of Skins, steroids and stimulants? Poor thing. I’ve heard all about you. So much I decided I wanted to meet you myself.”


“One of the few still living. For the next ten seconds or so.”

Tamara leaps at me, her jaws opened wide to reveal a mouthful of glittering razor-sharp teeth. I duck left, thrown off balance by my crippled leg, far too slow, barely managing to avoid her teeth. Her claws rake across my shoulder and down my chest, leaving four deep gouges through my tattooed rosettes.

As she lands Tamara kicks sideways, catching me in the belly and flinging me to the ground.

Tamara walks backward to the opposite end of the cage, turns and examines me…her handiwork.

I know what she’s doing.

Drawing it out. Toying with me. Giving the audience their money’s worth.

Tamara lifts her nose in the air and breathes deep. A frown flickers across her face. “You smell odd for a Pureblood,” she says, a note of worry creeping into her voice. “Your scent is…powerful.”

I snarl at her. My fangs and claws drop and my jowl widens and I’ve never been so close to him, the Night Stalker, my Night Lord, and the scent of this woman’s black blood reaches my nose and I understand the Spotted Stalker must have this offering at any cost.

Tamara’s eyes widen still further. “You’re a cat too, sweetie? Meow.”

The gouges in my chest are closing. The burning pain of their healing makes me waver, and I decide to fake being more injured than I truly am. It’s a coward’s trick. But I want this feed more than I’ve ever wanted anything.

A woman in the audience stammers: “…he’s…how can he…oh my god…”

Tamara takes the bait and runs at me, shrieking, her beautiful eyes black as night.

“O Night Lord raise this undeserving…” I pray.

Tamara smashes into me, driving me backward, her fangs snapping at my throat, and as we tumble to the floor I rake my claws into her soft belly, opening her stomach wide.

The bitter reek of Tamara’s black blood fills the room, floods into my nostrils, drives me wild with ravenous hunger. My jaws snap and lengthen as Tamara and I wrestle on the floor, each trying to gain the other’s neck, and this offering is the one I’ve yearned for without knowing it, this animal-woman’s black blood reminding me of the dense jungle I once roamed through, silent death, the spotted stalker, leaping from branches onto my prey’s back, digging my fangs deep into the struggling, shrieking animal’s neck and holding on while the animal bucked and shuddered beneath me, desperate to throw me off, struggling for life, that frail, fickle thing, that fleeting illusion.

Tamara howls in pain as my claws rake into her ribs, then latches her teeth onto my shoulder, tries to worm her way up my neck to pierce my jugular.

But there are other veins in the body eager to loose blood.

I stab my claws into Tamara’s thigh while she crushes my collarbone in her powerful jaws. I scrape and claw into her leg, seeking her femoral artery, my vision a throbbing haze of pain and hunger and hatred.

This offering will be remembered.

Whether it’s me or Tamara the handlers drag from the cage, the Night Wind will be appeased.

There’s a quick hissing sound like air escaping a tire and I know I’ve wounded her mortally.

Black blood pumps out from the offering’s severed femoral artery, spilling across the cage, soaking us both.

Tamara, knowing she’s dead but eager to take me with her, drives her sharp claws into my chest, snapping my sternum.

She’s trying to feed on my heart.

The realization that her claws are half an inch from my beating heart sends a surge of death-strength through me.

I toss her off and use the cage to lift myself to my feet.

The audience roars.

Tamara’s lying in her side. Blood spilling between her fingers as she clutches her wounded leg.

I walk to the center of a spreading puddle of black blood. Lean down. Dip my index finger in it, bring my finger to my lips and taste this woman.

A flurry of images race through my mind. A fat tapir snuffling through dappled sunlight beneath me. The taste of my prey’s blood warm in my mouth. Battling an anaconda beside a slow-moving, mud-brown river and feeding on his white flesh. A den high on a mist-ringed mountainside, hidden between the roots of an ancient ceiba tree. An army of my kin roaming across a barren plain, the sky split open by flashes of red and orange lightning.

“I know what I am,” I say to Tamara. “And I know what you and your kind are. My prey.”

Tamara sits up, smiles. “Maybe. But you don’t know how to kill me yet, do you?”

“I’ll figure it out.”

Tamara leaps to her feet. The wound in her leg has healed enough to stop the bleeding.

“You don’t have to live like this,” Tamara says, eyeing the steel gate and the hallway beyond. “They could never stop us. Run with me.”

“The One I Am Slave To demands sacrifice.”

“You will have sacrifice!” Tamara lifts her finger to the cage, runs her claw across the wire mesh, parting it easily. A woman in the audience screams. “They can’t hold you, Rodas. They never could. You let yourself be their prisoner. You put yourself in this fucking cage.”

“This is my temple,” I say quietly. “You are my offering.”

But my faith falters.

“You’re a Risen,” Tamara hisses. “He told me and I didn’t believe him. I thought you were another weakling Pureblood. I came here to feed on you, Rodas. But the cartel bastard was right! You’re the next…this changes everything!”

Tamara races to the far side of the cage. I wait for her in the center. A new power courses through me, and for the first time I feel my love and devotion to the Keeper begin to weaken.

“You are my offering,” I repeat, staring at the black pool of Tamara’s blood.

“Your offering? Are you fucking insane? You’re their
. You murder for them. They profit from your slaughter. They’ll profit from your death. They cut off your foot, for fuck’s sake, so they could make more money—”

“O Night Lord have you mistaken me for another? I who am a commoner, a laborer. In excrement and in filth my life is lived…”

“What’s that? A prayer to your dead god? The people you murder are
to him? Is that it? Fuck, Rodas, they really have your head twisted—”

“Fight!” someone in the audience screams. “Kill the stupid bitch!”

I pause. That person who yelled. That disrespect.

I want him to die.

“How do you know my name?” I say to Tamara, feeling suddenly uneasy. The Keeper pulls the electric cattle prod from the wall and approaches the cage, his thin lips twisting into a vicious frown.

This is an important day. A momentous day. I’ve displeased him.

“I was sent,” Tamara says simply. “That’s all I can say right now. Run with me, Rodas! Join us. You’re not only Pureblood. I scent it in your blood…and no normal Pureblood has your power now that the First Fallen has returned.”

“You will be offered,” I say, “so I may one day rise with the Night Lord in the restless wind—”

“The Night Wind
arrived, you silly fucking fool!” Tamara shrieks. “You
the Night Wind. The Spotted Stalker. Lord of Near and Nigh. Tezcatlipoca. All these names for one being. You!”

I clamp my hands over my ears to silence her blasphemous words.

Tamara lifts me by the shoulders, says, “Run with me—”

A jolt of electricity sends me twitching to the floor.

“You fucking
,” Tamara screams at my Keeper. “You touch him again and I’ll tear—”

Through my fading vision I see the Keeper turn the cattle prod on Tamara. Her entire body lifts from the ground as searing electricity rips through her, and then she falls to the floor, her beautiful black eyes rolled back in her head, white foam leaking from her lips.

“My Lord of Near and Nigh demands an offering,” I whisper, rising to face the one who was once my Keeper. “The blood of you and yours will please him.”

The Keeper drops the cattle prod and turns to run.



forget the fucking cop girl for now. I got more pressing shit to deal with, and it ain’t on me if the stupid bitch gets herself killed in the next few hours.

That leaves Mia and retribution for the shoot-up.

The only way a snake as long as a fucking semi-truck is going to get across the interstate is through one of the three drainage canals that run east-west underneath, so I send a few of the lower-ranking Skin MC to hang out at each one. I tell them the truth with a little embellishment: that I’ve lost a pet python that’s worth twenty G’s and I want the fucking thing back…and to call me when they see it and not try to trap it themselves.

Then I schedule a meet in the area with the rest of my boys, around thirty human MC members. I also phone up the bosses of three of the Pureblood Predator MC’s sometime-partners sometime-enemies, the Chinese Ah Hong Syndicate or ‘The Sin’ and the Collazo Cartel, both who are the real deal, and a band of street-level local gangsters known at the LC, the Lockdown Crew. There’s more, of course, there’s Eastern Euros and Mobsters and other MC crews, but these three are the ones who matter to the Predator’s business interests.

BOOK: The All Encompassing: Shifter MC Novel (Pureblood Predator MC Book 1)
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