The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z (36 page)

BOOK: The Alphabet Game the Complete Alpha Series a to X, Y, Z
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I’m triaged and told to go to the antenatal unit for a scan. Scan card in hand, I’m told there will be a long wait, so I go in search of Gabe. I find a helpful receptionist who points me to his room once I’ve explained who I am.

I watch him from the doorway of the room. His eyes meet mine.

It’s like the nurse who sees me, smiles and begins to walk away isn’t there. Time stands still and there’s just me and him in the room in full colour high definition, whilst everything else is black and white. This is the man I need to be with for the rest of my life. I love him so much I could burst. The thought that either one of us could not have made it tears me up inside and a tear runs down my face. I’m not leaving this man’s side again, no matter what life throws at us.

‘It’s over.’ I smile.

‘I know. The police just left.’

I walk over to him and brush my lips against his. He deepens our kiss, holding the back of my neck.

‘I hope you’re ready to learn some more lessons when I’m healed.’ He growls. ‘Now how’s our baby?’

‘Well I’m wondering if you can come with me to find out?’


Laying back on the examination seat, cold gel is applied to my stomach. Then the sonographer presses a hand held device to the outside of my stomach. It reminds me a little of the violet wand, but I’m too anxious to smile. The screen moves showing blurred images.

‘There’s your baby, look.’ The doctor points on screen. ‘Lovely strong heartbeat. You’re around nine weeks along.’

Gabe holds my hand and looks at me with the most triumphant smile. ‘That’s our baby. My super sperm made that.’

‘I know,’ I giggle and then start to cry as relief floods through me. The sonographer begins to record measurements, busying herself whilst Gabe comforts me.

‘Hey, hey, its alright.’

‘I know,’ I wipe my eyes, ‘I’m just so relieved.’

The sonographer looks towards us, ‘I’ll leave you a moment while I print you some pictures. Here’s some tissue for you to wipe your stomach.’

‘Thank you,’ says Gabe. He wipes the gel off and then leans over to kiss me, ‘Ow.’

‘I didn’t ask you to kiss me.’

‘No but I couldn’t resist it. The quicker this rib heals, the better. I want to finish this Alphabet off.’

‘Then can we leave all the games behind?’

‘Unless they’re fun ones. Now please tell me you are going to leave your stuff at mine and move in permanently. I want my woman and my baby around.’

‘Well I think I’ll say yes, seeing as my flat is now the scene of your father’s suicide.’

Gabe closes his eyes.

I hold his hand. ‘He was a monster Gabe.’

‘I know. I’m just sorry at how his life turned out and how so many other people have suffered.’

I nod at him, understanding.

The sonographer returns with our pictures and the smile soon returns to Gabe’s face.

‘Right let’s see if we can get out of here and go home,’ he says.


Gabe’s house brings back memories of being told about Issy’s death. I don’t feel I can settle here either.

‘We’ll move.’ Gabe reassures me. ‘Get a place together and start afresh.’

‘That sounds good. Why don’t we think about New York, to be near your mother and Samuel? I’m sure Isabel’s husband will be glad of more support.’

‘You’d do that? What about Ronnie?’

‘I’ll miss the hell out of the girl, but she can come out to stay. We need to think of ourselves and there are too many hostile memories here for me. Anyway, I have a feeling Ronnie’s going to be busy.’

A few days later Gabe tells me he’s decided to sell the law firm. ‘It has a great client list, which should appeal to investors, regardless of my father’s tarnished reputation. I’m going to put some of the proceeds into a fund for children who have suffered abuse.’

‘That’s such a good idea.’

‘Mitch is handling the clubs. He says he’s planning on selling them on too. I told him you were concentrating on the baby now.’

‘Yes, he and my mother are going to travel.’

‘How is your mother?’

‘I don’t know. She told me she was flying out to be with Mitch, now she knew I was okay.’

He pats my arm. ‘At least you know she was with you when it mattered.’

‘I know. I’ll never get along with Mitch, but I guess I’m just going to have to accept that now. I know why they sent me away, I have to make my peace with it.’

‘I spoke to mum today. The funeral is next Thursday.’

‘We’d better book some plane tickets and see if your mother will accommodate us. Will you be okay to fly with a broken rib?’

‘I damn well hope so. I suppose I best check it out with the doctor, pass me the phone will you?’


The flight to New York is painful for Gabe in terms of his broken rib, but we are determined to go. The doctor just advised pain medication prior to travel. Issy’s funeral is emotional. It’s so hard to look at the tearful young boy who’ll never see his mother again. He’s clutched between Issy’s husband and Maddie. Maddie seems to have aged ten years in the short time since I last saw her. My mother stands alongside Mitch, who is straight and poker faced. Then I see him cough and as he brings his hand up to his face he surreptitiously wipes away a tear.

Arnie’s presence hangs around the shadows of the service. He tainted us all and this family are broken because of him.

Looking around the attendees I see a pair of steely blue eyes and I jump, panicking that for a moment he’s here, he’s not dead. When I look again I see a blonde haired man with shaggy hair owns those eyes. Christopher. The younger brother is here.

After the service we go to Maddie’s house. Christopher introduces himself.

‘Well, I’m sorry we have to meet at such a sombre occasion, but it’s nice to finally see the woman who has my brother acting like a love drunk fool.’

‘A pleasure to meet you too Christopher.’ I shake his hand.

‘You must be an amazing woman to get my bro to settle down.’

‘I’m an amazing woman and an amazing shag.’ I tell him.

He grins, ‘Okay, I get why my brother’s taken. Do you have a sister?’

‘Nope. Only child.’


I smile and move away.

Gabe comes and takes hold of my arm. ‘My mum just went off into the other room, alone. Could we tell her our news?’

‘Of course.’

Maddie sits on her sofa looking out of the window, trying to hold herself upright.

‘I’m sorry,’ she straightens, ‘It’s all just too much to take in.’

‘We have something to tell you.’ I say gently.

She looks at me, ‘I can’t take any more bad news Stella,’ she warns.

‘We’re having a baby,’ I tell her, handing her the picture that shows our little coffee bean as we’ve termed it.

‘Oh my God, that’s beautiful, I’m so happy for you.’ A tear slides from the corner of her eye.

‘We’re also moving to New York,’ Gabe adds, ‘to be a support to you and to Samuel.’

‘No’ she shakes her head, ‘you must take care of each other and the baby,’ she says.

‘We can do that just as well here mother,’ says Gabe, ‘this is where we want to be.’

She looks at me questioningly.

‘We want to be here.’

She manages a small smile. ‘Well at least out of this dark rainy day, there’s a rainbow.’









Chapter 9


The weeks pass. Gabe’s injuries heal and my belly begins to swell. The Estate Agent is bringing some potential buyers around later so I’m going to escape to the coffee shop to see Ronnie, but in the meantime I’m going to take advantage of a recovered Gabriel on this early, dark morning.

He wakes up seeing that I have lit candles around the bed.

‘What’s going on? It’s not my birthday.’

‘I just thought I’d make it special, seeing as it’s the first time we’ll have made love in weeks. I’ve made it romantic.’

He sits himself up in bed.

‘Stella, are those candles the ones from under the sink?’

‘Yeah, why? Was I not supposed to use them?’

He laughs, ‘You might think you’re romancing me with these candles, but that isn’t what they’re getting used for.’

‘Oooh,’ I wriggle closer to him, ‘What’ve you got in mind then you filthy boy?’

‘W is for wax. I bought those specially, they’re made of soy wax. Stay there.’

Gabe gets up and gets a small bowl of water and then asks me to lay on the bed, pulling the duvet off so there is just the bottom sheet covering the mattress. He tells me to lie on my front.

‘Gabe. You’re not going to? -’

‘No. Its not for there. Shh and enjoy. I read up on what to do. Think of it like a massage.’

‘Oh, okay then.’ I relax knowing he isn’t going to pour hot wax on to my clit and melt it off.

I feel the wax pour into the crease in the centre of my lower back and then Gabe begin to massage it in, covering me in the pleasantly warm wax. As it cools I can feel it harden on my skin. He takes his time rubbing it into the whole of my back and down my buttocks. He then asks me to turn over.

He does the same again, pour, massage. The feel of the wax pouring onto my cool skin is amazing, like one of those heating face masks, that warms when you rub it in, then cools. Gabe massages my breasts, taking care to avoid my nipples, which are too sensitive at the moment for this kind of play. Eventually I am covered in cooled wax. It feel strange on my skin, like a peeling face mask.

‘Now what?’ I ask.

‘Now this.’

As Gabe peels off bits of the wax, my skin is cooled underneath and responds to his touch. He kisses, touches and licks each part of me as he peels the wax away. The skin underneath has been left feeling very sensitive and each caress is a pleasure. I moan with want.

‘Soon,’ Gabe whispers in my ear.

It takes so long. Peel, kiss, peel, touch. My nerve endings are alight, my body requires release.

Finally Gabe lies above me and enters me.

‘Ooooohhh, yes.’

He kisses my neck and moves slowly in and out of me, but I can’t take any more slow moves now.

‘Please Gabe, I need it.’

He smiles but starts thrusting faster. I come, my pussy contracting hard around his shaft.

‘Oh.’ I gasp and hold my stomach.

‘What?’ Gabe looks concerned.

‘I felt a flutter. I felt the baby move.’

He pulls out of me and kisses my stomach. ‘Hmmm, interrupting our sex life already? You naughty little monkey.’


I walk into the coffee shop, determined that the events of the past couple of months won’t spoil it for me. Rather than the apartments and coffee shop being ruined by the kidnapping and death, it made the coffee shop notorious, something that is only just beginning to calm down. I think people expected to see bullet holes when they visited. Of course the odd person still turns up to fangirl Ronnie, who remains Col’s assistant, when she’s not busy doing her gardening course.

‘Hey Ronnie, how’s it going?’ I ask.

She gets up onto the counter sitting there and swinging her legs over. Col looks at her and shakes his head at me.

She kisses my cheek and pats my stomach. ‘Hey bean, hope you’re being good for your mummy.’

‘Bean is being very well behaved. I feel really well.’

‘Great. Well, I have news,’ she announces.

‘Oh yes?’

‘I’ve been nominated for one of the Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Awards. There’s a huge ceremony in London in a couple of months time. Will you still be here?’

‘Of course, I wouldn’t miss that for the world. Well done babe, thoroughly deserved.’

‘Babe? You’re spending far too much time with that Gabe, his wordage is rubbing off on you. Yes, I’ve been told I will be receiving an award for bravery, so its posh frock and new shoes time.’

‘Yeah, like that isn’t a regular Saturday fixture.’

‘Cheeky.’ She turns to Col, ‘Do you have a suit or shall I buy you one?’

‘I have one,’ Col says stiffly.

‘What’s happening between you and him?’ I ask.

‘Oh take no notice of that grump, his face didn’t look like that when I was between his legs last night.’

‘Ronnie, could you go and get some Columbian please?’ Col asks.

‘That’s what he said last night,’ she quips. I thought it was the name he’d given his dick.’

Col comes over to me.

‘How’s it going?’

He crosses his arms, automatically covering his injuries with his hands.‘I’ll be left with scars, but at least they’re only on my body, not my mind. How about you?’

‘Thinking of the future.’ I pat my stomach. ‘Which leads me to Ronnie. I worry about leaving her behind. How are things between you two?’

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