The Alpha's Captive (12 page)

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Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: The Alpha's Captive
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He watched as a dazed Aiden complied with his request and bent down on all fours. Aiden’s legs shook and Devon pressed his free hand down on Aiden’s shoulder. Aiden rested his head on his arms, and the new position had his sweet ass open and on display for Devon’s viewing.

Devon tugged at his zipper and freed his straining cock. He rubbed Aiden’s cum on his length and used the remains to shove two fingers into Aiden’s hole. Aiden arched his back and yelped at the abruptness, but his muscles gave way without too much coaxing. His body remembered Devon. But even with that he still needed to take care with his mate.

“I’m sorry, baby, but I need to be inside you,” Devon apologized as he pulled his fingers free and lined up his cock. He pushed forward, not stopping until his balls rested against Aiden’s firm ass.

“Shut up and start moving.” Aiden leaned forward, letting Devon’s cock slip out then pushed back, impaling himself on Devon’s length.

He could hardly believe the commanding words coming out of Aiden’s mouth. It drove him wild with lust. Devon grabbed onto Aiden’s hips, digging his fingers into his sides and began rocking his hips forward. Aiden tried to spread his legs further, but his pants were trapped at the knees. Devon let his claws descend and split the material down the center.

The sun shined bright above, and the smell of fall and soil added to their animalistic coupling. Aiden met Devon thrust for thrust, begging for more. Devon let go of Aiden’s hips and reached for his shoulders. He pulled Aiden up until his back rested against Devon’s chest. He inhaled deeply right at the base of Aiden’s neck, loving the fresh, clean scent. He’d never tire of this man.

“So close,” Aiden mumbled.

The desperate sound in Aiden’s voice spurred Devon on. He plowed into his mate with abandon, giving him just what he asked for. Devon reached for Aiden’s prick and moved his hand lightning fast, pushing Aiden closer to the finish line.

“Yes, yes, yes, oh god yes!” Aiden’s body went stiff as he screamed to the heavens. Hot cream exploded from the tip of Aiden’s cock and landed on the ground in front of him.

Watching his mate come so completely undone made Devon hunger for a taste of his mate. Devon wrapped both arms snug around Aiden’s chest as he rammed into him harder and harder. His orgasm was within reach, but he needed something else to help it along.

Aiden tilted his head to the side as if reading Devon’s mind. Devon licked along the pale flesh as his teeth grew. Skimming his sharp canines over the soft skin, he struck. His teeth pierced Aiden’s neck and sank deep, drinking in Aiden’s life blood.

The taste was so divine Devon’s movement became frantic as he pumped his seed deep into his mate’s body. Aiden whimpered as another orgasm was wrenched from his body. Aiden’s muscles contracted in fast little spurts, teasing Devon’s cock in the most amazing way. He could have sworn he saw fireworks explode behind his eyelids.

Gently laying Aiden on the ground, Devon held on tight. His eyes fell to the mark on Aiden’s neck. He went and did the one thing he wasn’t supposed to, and that was to claim Aiden for all to see. The gruesome bite mark would heal and fade, but a scar would forever remain. Any other werewolf would see it and know Aiden belonged to another.

No matter how loud Viktor’s voice echoed inside his head about all the reasons why this would never work, Devon didn’t care. For one perfect moment he had everything he ever wanted and he wouldn’t feel guilty about that or cheat Aiden out of this moment either.

“I love you, too. I hope you know that,” Devon whispered softly.

Aiden shifted and turned to face him. The action caused Devon’s cock to slip free, and they both groaned at the loss. “Then why did you say you could let me go?” Aiden cast his eyes downward.

Devon saw a small tear leak out the corner of Aiden’s left eye. “You mean everything to me, Aiden.” He cupped the side of Aiden’s face with his hand, urging the man to look up. “But that doesn’t change the fact that your father is a hunter who hunts and kills my kind. He’d never give us a moment’s peace if I kept you. They’d track us until they found you. I won’t subject you to a life of running, and I can’t put the pack at risk either. I’m trying to find a way around it.” Devon’s throat started to go dry from the emotion clogging his windpipe. “You’re my mate, and I don’t want to live without you.”

“What does that mean?” Aiden’s eyes were red around the rim, and the whites of his eyes had turned pink.

“It means we were destined to be together. We’re the other half of each other’s soul.” Devon answered as best he could. Aiden wasn’t stupid and would be able to figure it out without having a picture painted for him.

“That’s why I want you so badly. I’m not a lovesick idiot who fell in love with the first guy to sleep with me.” Aiden almost sounded relieved, and Devon guessed that was better than anger or denial. “You’re all mine.”

Devon chuckled. “Yes, and you’re mine. We just have one small problem.”

“My dad,” Aiden answered for him.

“Yes, and I don’t see any way around it. Your father and the other hunters have seen Erik in his human form, and I’m guessing after tonight they’ll see ours. If the trade goes off as planned and the hunters don’t end up killing us, we’re going to have to move. As much as I don’t want to, I don’t see any other way around it. Our human identities will be exposed, and the hunters will be relentless in finding us.” Devon entwined their fingers. “I don’t want you to have to live that kind of life, Aiden.”

“That’s not your decision to make, Devon.”

“Aiden, are you ready to give up everything you’ve ever known to move to god knows where with me?” Devon’s words came out with a tad bit more force than he intended. But he wanted Aiden to know the risk and why Devon had to set him free.

“If it meant I got to stay with you, then yes.” Aiden sat up and kissed Devon full on the mouth. It lingered on and on. Aiden had cast a spell over him, heart and soul. Every minute they spent together made it harder and harder to say good-bye.

“I don’t know how or how long it’ll take, but I’ll find a way for us to be together. I’ll never love anyone else the way I love you, and I’m not about to let my father take that away from me.”

That gave Devon an idea. Maybe if enough time had passed they could reunite and be together. After Aiden graduated from college, he could move anywhere he wanted without suspicion from his father.

Devon quickly told Aiden his idea. That they would go ahead and make the exchange Erik for Aiden as planned this night. Devon said they could stay in touch through emails and their cell phones. He promised to get Aiden a cell phone his father couldn’t trace back to him. They would make this work. Opportunities would arise for them to sneak off together, but they’d have to wait until the smoke cleared and Aiden’s father wasn’t hunting for Devon and his pack anymore.

They got up and straightened their clothes. Aiden’s pants had been torn apart, so he got creative and tied the pant legs around his hips. He laughed at the makeshift skirt his mate constructed.

Walking hand in hand they made their way back to the house. He caught a glimpse of Aiden running his fingers against the bite mark Devon had left.

“Sorry about that.” Devon said. The bite looked a little swollen, but it had stopped bleeding.

“So we’re like married?” Aiden grinned up at him. “I’m really yours.”


When they came through the clearing, Devon could see Viktor and Josef sitting on the porch. Josef just smiled at him and Aiden, but Viktor didn’t seem as thrilled. He scowled at the two of them like he wanted to spit in their faces.

“Hey, Devon.” Dominic came out of the house.

“Dominic.” He greeted the wolf. “Did you find anything for me?”

“Sorry, man, I didn’t. Stefano’s information didn’t lead to anything that might point to where they are holding Erik. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. It was a long shot, right.” Devon didn’t really count on Dominic finding anything, but it didn’t stop him from hoping.

“You fucking idiot. Do you know what you’ve done?” Viktor’s eyes landed on the bite mark on Aiden’s neck and he slammed his hand down on the porch rail.

Behind Viktor, Josef rolled his eyes. That was pretty much Devon’s feeling on the issue. Viktor didn’t understand what Devon was feeling or understand the magnitude of what he was being forced to give up. Getting Erik back was the most important thing but it didn’t mean he had to lose Aiden in the process either.

“Oh get over it.” Aiden’s outburst surprised them all. “What we’ve done doesn’t concern you.” Aiden held up a finger when Viktor opened his mouth to speak. “We’re still going through with the trade, and Erik will be coming home. But what happens between me and Devon is none of your fucking business.”

Devon’s mouth fell open as he watched his mate walk right up the porch and into the house. He liked this aggressive, take-charge side of Aiden.

When the door slammed shut, Devon looked up at his brother. Viktor looked like he’d been punched in the head and didn’t know where he was at. Nice to see his brother taken off his guard.

“Yeah, what he said,” Devon said as he ran up the steps to chase down his mate. Aiden’s little display of dominance had caused his cock to harden, and he needed his hot-tempered mate to assuage his need.

He called out Aiden’s name and heard the other man giggle as his feet slapped against the wood floor. Devon took the steps two at time. He couldn’t wait to have the man he loved flat on his back, again.

Chapter Thirteen


The call came in around nine o’clock. He, Devon, Josef, and Viktor were sitting in the main living room watching television. After his little outburst toward Viktor that afternoon, they had gotten along magically. It was as if Viktor respected him more. Aiden never knew him standing up for himself would garner such a response. He’d decided he’d have to try it more often.

His father called and told Devon to meet them by the lake in Henderson Park. It was about a hundred miles from Devon’s home. His father reassured Devon that Erik hadn’t been harmed other than from that first night when they shot him with a tranquilizer. He’d been in the care of another hunter by the name of Brandon and seemed to be adjusting fairly well.

When Aiden’s father requested to speak to him, Devon complied. Aiden told his father he was fine. He kept the conversation short and to the point. Aiden was still angry about having to leave Devon later that night, but he was also hurt that his father had kept something so huge from him all these years.

A little over an hour later, Devon parked the SUV they were in and they all got out. Come to find out, Erik and he were close to the same size and he was able to borrow some of the other man’s clothes and shoes which made traipsing around in the dark woods bearable.

As they hiked through the darkened woods, he held tightly to Devon’s hand. Aiden wasn’t a werewolf, and his eyesight didn’t fare as well as his boyfriend’s. He stumbled here and there, and if it weren’t for Devon’s helping hand or for Viktor steadying him from behind,
he would have fallen on his face a million times by now.

A small clearing lay ahead. Light from the stars reflected off the water’s surface and cast a faint glow in the clearing. Aiden looked around but didn’t see anyone. Viktor and Josef fanned off to the sides but stayed within shouting distance of him and Devon.

Devon and the others turned abruptly to the right, and Aiden followed suit. About five minutes later four men came trudging through the brush. One of the men was Aiden’s father, Phillip. He didn’t recognize the other three with the dark shadows shielding their faces.

“Aiden,” his father said as he ran toward him. He stopped when he was within a few feet. His eyes dropped to where Aiden and Devon were holding hands. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Aiden quickly let go of Devon’s hand. He had forgotten he’d been holding it. The last thing he needed was his father to suspect that he and Devon were together. He’d never let Aiden leave his sight if that were the case.

“Erik?” Viktor asked as he came to stand on the other side of Aiden.

“I’m here,” answered a small voice.

Aiden looked in the direction it came from and saw a very large man standing almost protectively in front of Erik. He found it odd that Erik didn’t run toward his brothers. If hunters were killers of wolves, why wouldn’t Erik be chomping at the bit to get away from these men? The young wolf just stood there.

“I brought him as promised, now let’s do this,” Aiden’s father said as he reached for him.

“Wait a minute.” Aiden took a step away from his father. “What’s the guarantee you and the rest of these hunters won’t come after them?” He nudged his chin toward the men in question.

“Son, I promise—”

“Phillip, don’t make a promise you can’t keep.” The man standing next to his father interrupted. “I’d hate for you to lie to your boy, but these monsters need to be put down.”

“Mason, stop it,” his father barked at the other man.

“You want a piece of me, old man?” Viktor sneered as he took a step forward.

Devon moved to block his brother from getting near Mason. “Brother, let’s not give these assholes any more reasons to come after us. Let’s prove we’re not the beasts they claim us to be.” Viktor looked at Devon and gave a quick nod of his head.

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