The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics (38 page)

BOOK: The Amazing Story of Quantum Mechanics
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If these problems are ever solved, then along with transmitting electrical power, these innovations may help transportation undergo a revolution as well. As discussed in Chapter 13, in addition to carrying electrical current with no resistance, superconductors are perfect diamagnets, completely repelling any externally applied magnetic field. The material sets up screening currents that cancel out the external field trying to penetrate the superconductor, and as there is no resistance to current flow, these screening currents can persist indefinitely. If high-temperature superconductors can be fabricated that are able to support high enough currents to block out large enough magnetic fields, then high-speed magnetically levitating trains are possible, where the major cost involves the relatively cheap and safe liquid nitrogen coolant.
Bednorz and Müller won the Nobel Prize in Physics just one year after they published their discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in ceramics. However, more than twenty years later, the trains still do not levitate riding on rails composed of novel copper oxide compounds. Unlike giant magnetoresistance and the solid-state transistor, both of which went from the research lab to practical applications in well under a decade, there are no preexisting consumer products for which raising the transition temperature of a superconductor would make a significant difference. Nevertheless, research on these materials continues, and someday we may have high-temperature superconductors overhead in our transmission lines and underfoot on our rail lines.
Another untapped source of energy that quantum mechanics- based devices may be able to exploit in the near future involves waste. I speak here not of garbage but of waste heat, generated as a by-product of any combustion process.
Why is heat wasted under the hood of your car? Heat and work are both forms of energy. Work, in physics terms, involves a force applied over a given distance, as when the forces exerted by the collisions of rapidly moving gas molecules lift a piston in a car engine. Heat in physics refers to the transfer of energy between systems having different average energy per atom. Bring a solid where the atoms are vigorously vibrating in contact with another where the atoms are slowly shaking, and collisions and interactions between the constituent atoms result in the more energetic atoms slowing down while the sluggish atoms speed up. We say that the first solid initially had a higher temperature while the second had a lower temperature, and that through collisions they exchange heat until they eventually come to some common temperature. We can do work on a system and convert all of it to heat, but the Second Law of Thermodynamics informs us that we can never, with 100 percent efficiency, transform a given amount of heat into work.
Why not? Because of the random nature of collisions. Consider the molecules in an automobile piston, right before the ignition spark and compression stroke cause the gasoline and oxygen molecules to undergo combustion. They are zipping in all directions, colliding with each other and the walls and bottom and top of the cylinder. The pressure is uniform on all surfaces in the cylinder. Following combustion, the gas-oxygen mixture undergoes an explosive chemical reaction, yielding other chemicals and releasing heat; that is, the reaction products have greater kinetic energy than the reactants had before the explosion. This greater kinetic energy leads to a greater force being exerted on the head of the piston as the gas molecules collide with it. This larger force raises the piston and, through a clever system of shafts and cams, converts this lifting to a rotational force applied to the tires. But the higher gas pressure following the chemical explosion pushes on all surfaces of the cylinder, though only the force on the piston head results in useful work. The other collisions wind up warming the walls and piston of the cylinder, and from the point of view of getting transportation from the gasoline, this heat is “wasted.”
When heat is converted to work, the Second Law of Thermodynamics quantifies how much heat will be left over. In an automobile, in the best-case scenario, one can expect to convert only one-third of the available chemical energy into energy that moves the car, and very few auto engines are even that efficient. There’s a lot of energy under the hood that is not being effectively utilized. Similarly, cooling towers for power plants eject vast quantities of heat into the atmosphere. It is estimated that more than a trillion Watts of energy are wasted every year in the form of heat not completely converted to work. This situation may change in the future, thanks to solid-state devices called “thermoelectrics.” These structures convert temperature differences into voltages and are the waste-heat version of solar cells (also known as “photovoltaic” devices) that convert light into voltages.
Thermoelectrics make use of the same physics that enables solid-state thermometers to record a temperature without glass containers of mercury. Consider two different metals brought into contact. We have argued that metals can be viewed as lecture halls where only half of the possible seats are occupied, so that there are many available empty seats that can be occupied if the electrons absorb energy from either light, or applied voltages, or heat. Different metals will have different numbers of electrons in the partially filled lower band. Think about two partially filled auditoriums, each with different numbers of people sitting in the seats, separated by a removable wall, as in some hotel ballrooms. One auditorium has two hundred people, while the other has only one hundred. Now the wall separating them is removed, creating one large auditorium. As everyone wants to sit closer to the front, fifty people from the first room move into vacant seats in the other, until each side has one hundred and fifty people sitting in it. But both metals were electrically neutral before the wall was removed. Adding fifty electrons to the small room creates a net negative charge, while subtracting fifty electrons from the first room yields a net positive charge. A voltage thus develops at the juncture between the two metals, just by bringing them into electrical contact. If there are significant differences in the arrangements on the rows of seats in each side, then as the temperature is raised the number of electrons on each side may vary, leading to a changing voltage with temperature. In this way, by knowing what voltage measured across the junction corresponds to what temperature, this simple device, called a “thermocouple,” can measure the ambient temperature.
Thermoelectrics perform a similar feat using a nominally homogenous material, typically a semiconductor. If one end of the solid is hotter than the other, then the warmer side will have more electrons promoted from the full lower band up into the mostly empty conducting band than will be found at the cooler end. For some materials the holes that are generated in the nearly filled lower-energy orchestra will move much slower than the electrons in the higher-energy balcony, so we can focus only on the electrons. The electrons promoted at the hot side will diffuse over to the cooler end, where they will pile up, creating a voltage that repels any additional electrons from moving across the semiconductor. This voltage can then be used to run any device, acting as a battery does. To make an effective thermoelectric device, one wants a material that is a good conductor of electricity (so that the electrons can easily move across the solid) but a poor conductor of heat (so that the temperature difference can be maintained across the length of the solid). Research in developing materials well suited to thermoelectric applications is under way at many laboratories. Commercially viable devices could find application in, for example, hybrid automobiles, taking the waste heat from the engine and converting it into a voltage to charge the battery. In the world of the future, thanks to solid-state devices made possible through our understanding of quantum mechanics, the cars may not fly, but they may get much better mileage.
Another way to extract electrical power from random vibrations involves nanogenerators. These consist of special wires only several nanometers in diameter, composed of zinc oxide or other materials that are termed “piezoelectric.” For these compounds a mechanical stress causes a slight shift in the crystal structure, which then generates a small voltage. Progress has been made in fabricating arrays of nanoscale wires of these piezoelectric materials. Any motion or vibration will cause the tiny filaments to flex and bend, thereby creating an electric voltage that can be used to provide power for another nanoscale machine or device.
Finally, we ask, can quantum mechanics do anything to develop small, lightweight batteries to power a personal jet pack? The answer may lie in the developing field of “nanotechnology.” “Nano” comes from the Greek word for “dwarf,” and a nanometer is one billionth of a meter—equivalent to approximately to the length of three atoms placed end to end. First let’s see how normal batteries operate, and then I’ll discuss why nanoengineering may lead to more powerful energy-storage devices.
In an automobile engine the electrical energy from the spark plug induces the chemical combustion of gasoline and oxygen. Batteries employ a reverse process, where chemical reactions are used to generate voltages.
In an electrolysis reaction, an electrical current passes through reactants (often in liquid form) and provides the energy to initiate a chemical reaction. For example, one way to generate hydrogen gas (that does not involve the burning of fossil fuels) is to break apart water molecules. To do this we insert two electrodes in a beaker of water and attach them to an external electrical power supply, passing a current through the fluid. One electrode will try to pull electrons out of the water (pure water is a very good electrical insulator), while the other will try to shove them in. The input of electrical energy overcomes the binding energy holding the water molecule together, and positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) are attracted to the electrode trying to give up electrons, while the negatively charged hydroxides (OH- units) move toward the electrode trying to accept electrons. The net result is that H
O molecules break into gaseous hydrogen and oxygen molecules.
In a battery, making use of essentially a reverse electrolysis process, different metals are employed for the electrodes (such as nickel and cadmium); they are chosen specifically because they undergo chemical reactions with certain liquids, leaving the reactant either positively or negatively charged. Where the metal electrode touches the chemical fluid (though batteries can also use a porous solid or a gel between the electrodes), electrical charges are either taken from the metal or added to it, depending on the chemical reaction that proceeds.
A barrier is placed between the two electrodes, preventing the fluid from moving from one electrode to the other, so that negative charges (that is, electrons) pile up on one electrode and an absence of electrons (equivalent to an excess of positive charges) accumulates at the other.
The only way the excess electrons on one electrode, which are repelled from each other and would like to leave the electrode, can move to the positively charged electrode is if a wire is connected across the two terminals of the battery. The stored electrical charges can then flow through a circuit and provide the energy to operate a device. In an alkaline battery, once the chemical reactants in the fluid are exhausted, the device loses its ability to charge up the electrodes. Certain metal-fluid chemical reactions can proceed in one way when current is drawn from the battery, and in the reverse direction with the input of an electrical current (as in the water electrolysis example earlier), restoring the battery to its original state. Such batteries are said to be “rechargeable,” and it is these structures that have exhibited the greatest increases in energy-storage capacity of late.
There have been great improvements in the energy content and storage capacity of rechargeable batteries, driven by the need for external power supplies in consumer electronics. In a battery the electrodes should be able to readily give up or accept electrons. Examination of the periodic table of the elements shows that lithium, similar in electronic structure to sodium and hydrogen, has one electron in an unpaired energy level (shown in Figure 31c) that it easily surrenders, leaving it positively charged. Batteries that make use of these lithium ions, with a lithium-cobalt-oxide electrode,
and with the other electrode typically composed of carbon, produce nearly twice the open-circuit voltage of alkaline batteries. These batteries are lighter than those that use heavy metals as the electrodes, and a lithium-ion battery weighing eight ounces can generate more than 100,000 Joules of energy, compared to 50,000 Joules from a comparable-weight nickel-metal-hydride battery or 33,000 Joules from a half-pound lead-acid battery. These lightweight, high-energy-capacity, rechargeable batteries are consequently ideal for cell phones, iPods, and laptop computers.
As all the electrochemical action in a battery takes place when the electrolyte chemical comes onto physical contact with the electrode surface, the greater the surface area of the electrode, the more available sites for chemical reactions to proceed. One way to increase the surface area is to make the electrodes larger, but this conflicts with the desire for smaller and lighter electronic devices. Another way to increase the capacity of these batteries is to structure the electrodes differently. Nanotextured electrodes are essentially wrinkly on the atomic scale, dramatically increasing the surface area available for electrochemical reactions without a corresponding rise in electrode mass. Recent research on electrodes composed of silicon nanoscale wires finds that they are able to store ten times more lithium ions without appreciable swelling than carbon electrodes can. While not quite in the league of Iron Man’s arc reactor, the ability to fabricate and manipulate materials on these nanometer-length scales is yielding batteries with properties worthy of the science fiction pulps.
This nanostructuring is also helping out with the laundry. Nanoscale filaments woven into textiles yield fabrics that are wrinkle resistant and repel staining. In addition to giving us whiter whites, nanotechnology is helping keep us healthy. A five-nanometer crystal contains only thirty-three hundred atoms, and such nanoparticles are excellent platforms for highly refined pharmaceutical delivery systems, able to provide, for example, chemotherapy drugs directly to cancerous cells while bypassing healthy cells.

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