The Ancient Alien Question (42 page)

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Authors: Philip Coppens

BOOK: The Ancient Alien Question
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David’s research has shown that, after Teotihuacán and the pyramids at the Giza Plateau, we are once again confronted with a civilization that has built its sacred sites in correspondence with the layout of Orion’s Belt. Orion’s Belt is indeed sacred to the Hopi and seen as the “Center of the World,” but it was also very important to the Mayans, who actually saw it as the point where the Creation of the Fourth World occurred—which is no doubt why Teotihuacán’s central pyramid complex was built according to its layout.

The three pyramids at Giza, just outside the Egyptian capital of Cairo, are seen as the ancient world’s most enduring legacy. Their size and majesty can only be appreciated in person. They were laid out in the form of Orion’s Belt, conforming to the layout of the Hopi Mesas in Arizona, as well as the pyramid complex in Teotihuacán, Mexico.

Whether we are at the Hopi Mesas, the pyramid complexes at Teotihuacán, or the Great Pyramid, we are confronted with priests who made contact with Maasaw, Quetzalcoatl, or The Nine, and spoke to the gods, as these deities helped with a divine plan. Wherever we turn, we are confronted with legends of “star ancestors” or “star messengers”—otherworldly, extraterrestrial entities with which our ancestors communicated and that helped us on our path of civilization. In every culture, these entities were identified with the stars. And if someone wasn’t convinced by the extraordinary discoveries made by people like Jeremy Narby, namely that this is real, and not just some hallucination, let us underline that in whatever culture we look, the same specific constellations were used in an identical manner, showing that these intelligences communicated in a consistent manner to our ancestors, across time and space.

The Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán has many things in common with the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Together with the Pyramid of the Moon and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, it forms the layout of Orion’s Belt, to which the pyramids at Giza have also been built. How did cultures separated by time and space nevertheless build according to the same template?

Whatever you call this intelligence, they are the Ancient Aliens. They are not evidence of a
contact with an ancient alien, which is the quest most proponents are in search of, but they are definitive evidence that our ancestors were in contact—repeatedly—with a nonhuman, alien, extraterrestrial intelligence.
It explains why extraterrestrial contact and what we call “religion” often go hand in hand: Originally, religion was not just about
; it was a
, in which rituals were employed to establish contact with the gods. The ancient Egyptians say they were continuously in contact with the gods; if so, then it is entirely possible that the gods gave Khufu the blueprints and all the knowledge required to build his pyramid, based on knowledge they had previously given to Imhotep. Indeed, the Great Pyramid was very much on par with the device humankind is instructed to build in the book and movie
: a device through which we could talk to the Ancient Aliens.
Whatever name we give them—“Gods,” “Watchers,” or “Angels”—they are nonhuman, alien intelligences. Wherever we turn, we find them as the intelligences for which the most extraordinary monuments were built—monuments in which and through which we made contact with them. So,
is the answer to the Ancient Alien Question. We Were Not Alone. We never were. It seems “they” are still here.


In the 12th century, likely during the reign of king Stephen
of England (1135–1154), during one summer’s harvest, two children (a brother and sister) appeared in the village of Woolpit, in East Anglia (England). They walked out of an earthwork near the village. They had green skin, wore unusual clothing, and spoke a language no one could comprehend. After days of refusing all types of food, the only food they would eat was green beans. The boy soon died, but the girl began to lose her green skin color, while she also began to diversify her food. When she was proficient enough in English, she explained that she came from another world—a land where the sun never shone and the light was like twilight.
The incident was reported by two contemporary writers, Ralph of Coggeshall (died circa 1226) and William of Newburgh (circa 1136–1198). William’s account was written in 1189, and Ralph’s account, written in the 1220s, incorporated information from Richard de Calne of Wykes, who reportedly gave the children refuge in his manor 6 miles north of Woolpit. He was also responsible for the education of the sister, who eventually married a man from King’s Lynn, about 40 miles from Woolpit, where Ralph said she was living shortly before he wrote his account. Based on his research into Richard de Calne’s family history, British astronomer Duncan Lunan has concluded that the girl was named Agnes and that she married a royal official named Richard Barre.
In 1621, Robert Burton, in
The Anatomy of Melancholy
, suggested that the green children may have fallen “from Heaven.” In short, they might be extraterrestrials. Others confronted with the story of the Green Children agree that there is clearly some type of mystery going on, but argue that rather than an extraterrestrial component, they came instead from the faery realm. They refer to Gerald of Wales, who told a similar story of a boy who encountered two pigmies who led him through an underground passage into a beautiful land with fields and rivers, but which was not lit by the full light of the sun. However, cataloguers of folk stories have said that the story of the Woolpit children is the only example of its type—it is, in short, unique.
Dozens of people have tried to explain this story away, opting for a purely symbolic interpretation, for we all know that such a story cannot be true, right? However, it is precisely because it
happen that it was reported in the chronicles; the contemporary historians considered it to be so extraordinary!
Just before he died, in 212
, Emperor Chi Huang Ti ordered that all the books and literature relating to ancient China be destroyed. Similarly, according to Carl Sagan, there was once a book titled
The True History of Mankind Over the Last 100,000 Years
in the famed library of Alexandria, but the document was burned in a series of deliberate acts of arson meant to eradicate the “pagan” knowledge contained in those buildings in the third century
. When the Spanish Conquistadors conquered the Aztecs in the 16th century, they burnt all the Aztecs’ books. Then, in the middle of the 19th century when the first European settler, a French priest named Eugene Eyraud, arrived on Easter Island, he made it his mission to burn as many of the native rongo rongo tablets as he could. Is it any wonder that “science” can’t find any evidence for ancient aliens, or lost knowledge?
That the evidence for the Ancient Alien Question has to be found in the most gigantic monuments—which were simply too big and solid to be destroyed—and ancient legends is precisely because of the consistent trend throughout humankind’s most recent history, on all continents, to eradicate large amounts, if not the majority, of our history—of “what came before.” Though we no longer believe the world originated in 4004
, what science and archaeology have done is to place the origins of civilization at that moment in time, and argue that anything before then cannot be validated by science, and hence by default is
not to be true. However, truth simply
, whether you believe it or not.
Is there any object or written document that
that ancient aliens visited planet Earth? No. But, as I have shown throughout this book, ancient buildings reveal that they were constructed with massive stones that could not have been moved without some form of advanced technology or knowledge—not necessarily through more gigantic cranes than are currently in use in modern building projects, but more likely via a form of knowledge and understanding of the laws of the universe. As a body of literature, the ancient myths and legends clearly state that gods were once present on Earth and gave the gift of civilization and various other knowledge to humankind. This is evidence.
Were these ancient aliens physically present on planet Earth? Maybe. Legends such as that of Oannes clearly speak of a nonhuman, physical intelligence that came out of the sea and educated humankind in the ways of civilization. But there are other legends that make it clear that the gods were not necessarily physically here, and may not even
physical as such; they could best be described as a nonhuman, otherworldly intelligence that we can contact through a number of means, many of which today would be classified under the label of paranormal, parapsychological, or—a term I prefer—metaphysical. Alas, the metaphysical realm has also been fenced off and deemed to be off-limits for scientific exploration, so finding more evidence in support of the Ancient Alien Question from that field can only come from personal accounts, such as what happened with The Nine in the investigations carried out by Andrija Puharich. And though it is not yet the consensus, what science has discovered—to its own horror, it seems—is that life itself is extraterrestrial in nature.
British astronomer Duncan Lunan has pondered the question of contact and communication with other intelligences for many decades. It is his conviction that, based on the number of stars and planets in the universe, an extraterrestrial civilization should have contacted us at least once, and—statistically speaking—a maximum of four times. This means that out of all the evidence that suggests we have been contacted, based upon what science currently knows, or rather, thinks, about life in the universe, statistically speaking, contact is a very rare thing. It means that out of the 230 questions posed by Erich von Däniken, out of all the evidence we have gone through in this book, only one to four of them should eventually be answered in the positive. In
Man and the Stars
, Duncan Lunan put forward 22 items of best evidence, which includes the story of Oannes, the ancient maps, the Chinese Roswell, the pyramids, Baalbek, the Watchers, Viracocha, Ezekiel, and many more. Some are clear evidence of contact with a nonhuman intelligence, whereas others are at least clear evidence of technology and knowledge possessed by our ancestors that exceeds our traditional historical understanding of these cultures.
What this book has hopefully demonstrated is that the manner in which science has tried to look toward these enigmas is not the correct, or at least not the only, approach. When we look at reality the way it is, rather than within the reduced framework in which science prefers to operate, it becomes clear that there is only one answer.
Were We Alone? No.
There are hundreds if not thousands of examples that show this throughout humankind’s history. The gift of civilization was said to have been granted to us by the gods, but there is other evidence that shows we have never been alone. Modern UFO research is but the latest incarnation of a long tradition that argues for the presence of a nonhuman intelligence. Alas, in the materialistic mindset that continues to dominate our era, the notion has always been that this should be a physical extraterrestrial presence here on Earth. This is not necessarily so, and the work of Jeremy Narby and the accounts of hundreds of shamans in the Amazonian jungle make it apparent that people can access a realm where they can interface with this nonhuman intelligence, and that these “gods” give them highly technological information—the most famous of which is the chemical process of making ayahuasca, the potion that enables communication with the gods.

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