The Angel's Covenant (The Covenant series)

BOOK: The Angel's Covenant (The Covenant series)
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Lynn Landes



Angel’s Covenant


Book 1



Lynn Landes



Published by:

Lynn Landes


Edited by:

Shane Landes


Cover art by:

Fiona Jayde Media



Copyright © 2013 by Lynn Landes

[email protected]


All rights reserved.





This book is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination
or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.






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Many have tried to name him but few have ever
lived long enough to do so. The Greek called him “Angelos”, the Jewish called him “Bnei”, Babylonians called him “Mot” and the Arabic called him “Azrael”. He is rage, greed, hatred, envy, lust, and pride all rolled into one beautiful package. He is shadow, and he is hunting. His hunger is boundless. A harsh smile forms on his angelic lips as he thinks about what is to come. They will cry, plead, beg and scream before he is satiated this night.

His purpose is to feed on the paltry souls that roam this pathetic existence they call Earth. Once he was able to quench his desires with any soul close to death, but no longer. Spreading his midnight blue wings he soars through the sky searching for his target. Countless decades passed without the ability to taste. Soon he hears the sound of children laughing.

The village is like many others he has visited. A river is near for fishing, and farming and swimming. He smiles as he notices the wall of lodge poles surrounding the village. No doubt to protect the treasures within. He moves through it silent like the wind on a summer day.  Scattered around are twenty five small plaster dwellings with thatched roofs. Colorful baskets sit outside the door to some of the homes and smoke rises out of the small opening at the top of each thatched roof. Children run playing with sticks and helping with chores. The women go about their daily activities; not noticing the shadow that is stalking them. He is looking for the men of the village.

Terror feeds his essence and fear excites him. Oh how he longs to feel it burst on his tongue and burn its way down his throat.  He lets the craving build as he watches unseen. In a clearing near the woods a small boy is playing with his bow trying to hit a target. His brown hair glistens in the sun as he struggles to draw his arrow back. He jumps when he sees the strange man shimmer to solid form in the shadows. His wide brown eyes fill with wonder when the man steps forward and spreads his large black wings.

As the sun sets the village is filled with activity. The men are returning to the village, the smell of fish cooking fills the air. Kozai smiles as he watches the children of the village run past. Elina his own twelve year old daughter is walking back from the elders lodge. “Hi Papi!” she says as he wraps an arm around her shoulder.

Walking home he ask her “How was training today, my angel?” As he looked down into her beautiful ice blue eyes he marvels at her beauty. Her long black hair, fair skin and eye color were a striking difference next to his, tan skin, brown eyes and
black hair.

Sighing she replies, “I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like I do nothing right. Today I was able to project farther than ever. It was amazing Papi!” She continues excitedly, “I could see the people in the cities. It was amazing to see the sea of silver lights. I know I am supposed to look for the dimming or flickering lights, but today I was drawn to something else,” she said. “Two lights in particular they were golden Papi, not silver. So I followed the thread to them and for a moment they could see me! The boy looked right at me and spoke to me I was so shocked, I severed the thread.”  Pacing outside their hut “The elders were angry. They said I am never to reveal myself, but I didn’t mean too.”

Coming to a stop at home, Kozai looks at his daughter in wonder, “Elina you are special. Never has a watcher been born with the abilities you have, and so young. Be patient with yourself and trust in the teachings of our people. I am so proud of you, and humbled to be your father.”  Kissing her forehead he says
, “let’s find your beautiful Mama, I’m starved.”

Stepping into the hut, the smell of sizzling fish permeates the air. Elina watches as her mother turns around and walks toward Kozai. Love fills her blue eyes, and she says “Hi husband.”
Placing one hand on each side of her face, he leans in and quietly says “Hello, Wife” and there lips touch softly. A gurgling sound draws their attention. Laughing they look at the infant wrapped in her arms and AnnaLi says, “he does not like to be ignored, do you my little warrior.” Kozai places his large hand on the tiny black hair of his newborn son and whispers, “or maybe he does not like what I was thinking about doing to his mother.”

Blushing AnnaLi turns and says to Elina, “Can you go get Senaka for me? I am surprised he isn’t home yet, it will be dark soon and he is usually the first one at the table. He said he would be playing with his friends near the wall.”

“Let me take him” lifting up the baby Kozai walks away saying “How is my little Hemana doing today?” Blowing on his chubby belly he laughs enjoying the innocence of his youngest child.

“Sure Mom,” Elina sighs as she walks outside “He’s always late,” she mutters as she walks around the back of their home.  “Senaka!” she calls, getting no answer. Seeing her friend Verena, she waves and asks “Have you seen Senaka?”

Verena smiles and says “No but I can go ask Mom If I can help you look for him?” she runs off and quickly comes back, “Sorry Mom says I have to help with the baby. He’s fussy today.” Being the daughter of the village medicine man had its perks, but Verena’s father was often busy. As the oldest child Verena usually had to step in and help.

“That’s okay, I know how that is. He’s just lost track of time.” She waves and walks around toward the area behind the hut, where he usually plays and finds his bow on the ground.

Confused she picks up the bow and stumbles to her knees with a vision. Senaka is smiling and playing with his bow, when a shadow passes over head. He looks up at the sky and sees a large black raven flying overhead. The raven dives toward him and buries its claws into his chest! The pain is unbearable, unable to stop herself she screams, and screams.

Kozai bursts from the hut and runs toward the screaming. What he sees stops him in his tracks. Elina is on her knees holding a child’s bow, and her eyes are glowing from within an unearthly blue! An unseen wind blows her black hair around her face, while she clutches the bow to her chest as if in pain. Quickly running to her, he catches her just as she falls forward. AnnaLi comes running with the baby in her arms terrified by what is happening to her daughter. Villagers gather around drawn by the noise.

Carrying her to the nearest elders hut, they wait anxiously as he tends to her. Finding no trace of injuries, the ancient man tells them Elina had a vision. She is not the first to have the gift of sight. “What did the child see?” another elder named Wisigi asks.

Looking into her wrinkled face, staring into her compassionate brown eyes Elina says, “Senaka was playing, when a big black bird flew overhead.” Startled Wisigi moves closer.

The miring voices of the elders go silent as Elina speaks again. Clutching her hands to her chest she cries
, “When I touched the bow I saw him! It dropped out of the sky and hit him in his chest. It was clawing its way to Senaka’s heart!” With horror filled eyes she says, “So much blood, why, why,” rocking herself and crying.  AnnaLi gathers her daughter in her arms and comforts her, “It will be okay, angel.” Meeting her husband’s eyes over Elinas head he sees the tears gathering. “I will find him,” Kozai promises his wife. Stepping out of the hut, he tells those waiting “Gather the warriors.”

“Wait” Stepping forward Wisigi calls out. “You must listen!” He cuts her off shouting “I have no time for that, my son is lost! You heard what she saw!
” He shouts. Turning to the gathered warriors he tells them, “We will break up into three groups, the first group checks the river. Second group, check the path up the mountain, and the rest of you follow me we are going into the woods.” It is dusk now; they use torches lit from the fire in the center of town to light the way.

With her long white hair hanging around her shoulders, Wisigi turns to the villagers and tells them to go to the center of town and stoke the communal fire. Looking at the elders she tells them
, “Gather the rest and pray. We need to seek guidance now.”






The truth is he could kill them all with only a thought, but where is the fun in that. Smiling Raphaim says, “Let it begin.” Jumping into the air he takes the shape of a small black raven and perches on top of a nearby boulder. Peaceful in his dead slumber, the child lies at the raven’s feet. This is the sight that greets the warriors as they walk cautiously into the clearing.

“Senaka!” Kozai screams as he runs toward his son.  All the warriors follow at a run.  The beady black eyes of the raven follow the father’s footsteps, and just before he reaches the child; the bird takes flight. With shaking hands he checks his son for breaks, cuts or scratches. Finding no obvious injuries he lays his head on the boy’s cold,
still chest and starts to moan, “No, No, No, Senaka.” He shakes him but still gets no response. Another man moves forward saying “Let me help!” as he begins giving life’s breath to the child.

The Raven spreads his inky black wings and he soars into the air. Turning in midflight he begins his descent. “AAAHHH-AAWE”, the raven calls. The sound draws the attention of the men. They all stare up at the black shape of the bird as it dives toward them. The small bird begins to grow and change shape becoming so large the clearing is cast in shadow. Only the shape of the enormous bird fills the sky. The raven’s wings burst into flame. From the glowing tips of his blazing wings he shoots smaller flaming ravens toward the group of warriors.

Kozai picks up his son, and whispers, “Demon!” In a panic the men draw their weapons and prepare to fight. They stand no chance as the flames burst through them. The first to fall is hit in the center of his chest. Still standing with a shocked look on his, face he looks down at the cavernous hole and falls forward to the ground. Three of the men around him begin running to the shelter of the trees. Their heads explode in flames as the birds hit them from behind. Screaming in rage two of the warriors run straight into the carnage; swinging their weapons they are lifted off their feet by larger black birds. Claws buried into their scalps they are held tight, while a swarm of smaller birds attack ripping them to pieces.

Standing near the boulder in shock Kozai holds his son to his chest, as the demon lands in front of him. Ebony black wings spread out behind his human form. He is tall and muscular with long inky black hair. His muscular chest is bare and in his hands he holds a small human heart.

“Looking for this?” he says smiling into Kozai’s brown eyes. Then something happens Raphaim did not expect. Without a sound he watches the man and child fall to the ground. Kozai’s spirit rushes away, leaving the body behind.

Shocked; Raphaim pauses for a moment. Is it possible after, all this time he has found one of the hidden tribes? Excellent, he thinks and sends his demon brothers to the village. He throws his head back laughing, and yells “Yes!” Picking up his prize he takes flight heading for the center of town.




Kozai’s spirit finds Micah the medicine man, and materializes before him saying “Quickly, Death is coming!! Protect the light!”

Wisigi steps through the door of the hut and sees AnnaLi sitting on the edge of the bed. “I can sit with her for a while. The vision drained her.” Picking up the baby, AnnaLi looks at her daughter for a moment saying “I want to help keep the fires in the center of the village going. I will wait there for Kozai to return with Senaka. When she wakes you will send for me?”

“Of course,” she says patting AnnaLi’s hand. “Go on girl,” walking to the door.

Turning away from the door, Wisigi mixes a special tea over the fire watching Elina with worried eyes. Filling a cup she moves to the cot and shakes Elina. With a start Elina sits up looking around with fear in her eyes and asks
, “Have they found him yet?” Shaking her head no Wisigi moves forward saying “We must talk quickly. Sit up and drink this tea.” Shoving a steaming mug into her hand, “It will help you regain your strength.” She stands and begins to pace.

Elina swings her leg over the side of the cot and with shaking hands sips the bitter drink. With a trembling voice, “What is happening, Wisigi? Did I do something wrong?”

“No girl, listen to me. You are a gift to our people, and the people of the world we watch over. You know we are Shadow People, watchers of Humanity. It is our job to protect and guide the souls until they go home.”

“Protect them from what?” Elina asks. Wisigi smiles, “Good question, once long ago our maker cast to earth a fallen Angel. It was to be his punishment to walk among the people, but never belong. In his rage he has walked this Earth killing and destroying light where ever he finds it. Two of our twelve tribes were destroyed. He killed all the men, and boy children. He did terrible things to the women and children left. He mated with many of the women, and the children born to them were abominations. There are many names for what they are, some call them Demons. The strongest of his thirteen sons is called Raphaim.” 

itting beside Elina she takes her hands and looking into her blue eyes she continues, “Ten of the tribes scattered and went into hiding. Our people found a way to hide from him, here in this protected place, until now. He comes for us.”

Jumping up, Elina yells “Why!” Softly Wisigi says
, “He comes for you, Elina.” Shocked into silence, Elina drops to her knees in front of the old woman, “I don’t understand.” Looking into the innocent eyes of the girl in front of her, Wisigi’s eyes fill with tears. She touches her cheek and says, “Because you are the Keeper of the Light.”

With a tremor the ground begins to shake, and a deafening roar fills the air
, “Elina! You must go now!” Looking around in fear she tells her “Picture in your mind a blue flame. It is the eternal flame called the Ketuwah. Our maker placed it in a secret location, only you can find it! It stands on a sacred mound and is hidden deep. Once found, you will find more of our kind. Warn them, tell them what is coming!”  With horror filled eyes Elina says, “I can’t leave my family!” Outside screaming and loud explosions rock the village. “They need me!”

“All of humanity needs your more! Trust me child!
” Wisigi says desperately. Shadows begin to creep from the corners of the room, claws reaching for Wisigi and Elina. “Run!” she screams pushing Elina away as a shadowed claw grabs her arm, another grabs her leg, a third shoves a clawed hand through her chest. “RUN!!!” her gurgling voice screams as they rip her in two.

Spinning around Elina hears the splatter of blood covering the floor and walls as she bursts from the hut. Running through the villagers she searches for her family. Elina heads toward the center of town. With tears streaming down her cheeks she sees her mother standing near the fire holding the baby. “Mom” she whispers like a silent prayer.




From high above Raphaim releases his gift to the town below. Falling silent like a feather to the ground, it explodes into the communal fire below. Fiery embers and ash shoot into the sky and rain down on the villagers. Everyone near jumps back, not realizing what they are seeing. With the sound of a wounded animal, AnnaLi begins to scream. She runs to the flames, holding her baby in one arm she reaches into the fire and grabs Kozai’s outstretched arm, desperately trying to pull him from the flames. Another village woman grabs the baby, and backs away to give her room.

Staring in horror at her Papi and Senaka, Elina turns away. Verena runs up and puts her arm around her friend as they watch others rush to help her. Only after they pull the bodies from the fire do they realize what they are seeing. In his arms Kozai clutches Senaka tight to his chest. AnnaLi is on her knees patting out the flames oblivious to the burns that now cover her hands and arms. “Help them!” she screams over and over as she tries to put out the fire.

Villagers surround them and the Elders come running forward. Micah, the village medicine man hurries forward and tries to pull AnnaLi back.  A quiet descends over the people. In their horror they do not see the shadows taking shape around them, cutting off any chance of escape.




From his perch Raphaim watches the scene unfold below. Excitedly he leaps into the air spreading his beautiful black wings and descends to the earth below.

Landing in front of the villagers with a smile, he claps his hands together and says in his deep voice “Why so sad? Do you not like my gift? Is it not an honor to be buried like a king?”

Some of the villagers fall to their knees in reverence, mistaking the dark demon in front of them as a messenger from God. Others try to run only to stare in hor
ror at what is surrounding them, Shadow demons with glowing red eyes and rows of shark like teeth. Each one stands eight feet tall; they are hairless with skin the color of liquid silver. Each ape like muscular arm ends with curved talon like nails on its four fingers. They move as if unable to stay still swaying from left to right, like a dog pulling against its leash.

Micah steps forward saying loudly
, “YOU are Not Welcome here, demon!” Pointing he says, “Leave us in the name of our fa---“. Raphaim smiles as Micah clutches his throat struggling to breath.

“That’s been tried before.” He reaches out and places his now taloned hand in the center of Micah’s chest and starts to push his claws in. He is interrupted by a screaming from behind him as AnnaLi rushes at him swinging a blazing log she has torn from the fire. She hits one of his massive black wings and sets it on fire, just before Raphaim backhands her. Dropping the wounded medicine man to the ground, he picks AnnaLi up and tosses her toward one of the demons.

“Here, Brothers a toy for you.” Like rabid dogs being tossed a bone, three of the demons attack her. They swing their ape like arms, slicing at her, trying to each get a piece. The village erupts in chaos; people begin running, screaming trying to get away.  The sudden activity sets the demons off and they fall to all fours to take up the chase. Laughing Raphaim takes it all in. Stretching his stunning black wings, he gives a shake spreading the fire to his other wing, closing his eyes in orgasmic pleasure.  A silent whisper catches his attention and his eyes are drawn to a small figure staring at him.

Elina stands in shock, watching her people die around her. From far away she hears the sounds of her mother’s screams, and she starts to feel a burning inside her. The pressure in her chest grows, with tears streaming down her cheeks her only thought is to save her people and stop the massacre. Walking toward the dark angel she softly says, “I see you, demon.” Instantly he falls to his knees unable to move while silence falls over the village.  All the chaos in the village stops; suspended in time. No one moves, no one breathes, the shadow demons are frozen, even the blood and flesh dripping from their teeth pauses.

Only Elina moves, with each step she takes, she glows brighter. Her eyes begin to glow, she spreads out her arms, and bringing them together forms a ball of pure light. The pressure in her chest eases as she pours all her energy and thought into the light. Elina tosses the orb of light high into the sky above the village and it begins to spin. She releases time, and as the village scene unfolds in front of her she sends one more beam towards the ball. Raphaim watches from his knees, unable to believe what he is seeing. As the beam reaches the spinning globe, it shoots rays of light out, piercing the skull of each Shadow Demon, incinerating them.

Raphaim takes to the sky, trying to escape the girl as Elina turns and walks toward him he hears her say in a child’s voice: “I Rebuke you, demon in the name of our Father, GOD!” 
Screaming as he is covered in white flames he falls to the trees below.

Dropping to her knees Elina surveys the scene around her. To her right Verena holds her father, crying trying to stop the bleeding from his chest. While scattered around her lay the dead and wounded. Elina realizes that the color seems to be fading. She watches as some of the elders rush to her, but she no longer hears them, and she collapses into blessed darkness.




“Elina”, a sharp voice says to her from the dark “Are you Shadow or Light?” Turning her head she searches for the owner of the voice, and once again hears “Are you Shadow or are you Light?!” louder this time.

” she calls out. Again the voice asks “Are you Shadow or are you Light?!!” Struggling to move, she realizes she cannot move her arms or legs. “I don’t know,” she says, “I don’t know.” 

In the medicine mans hut, Elina wakes up, heart pounding.  In another cot in the corner, lays Micah the medicine man, with his daughter Verena sitting by his side.

“Easy now” Daya, one of the elders, says as she helps Elina sit up. “You need to regain your strength, drink this”, and hands Elina a cup of water. “Where’s my Mother?” Elina asks looking around the hut. Her hands begin to shake, and tears start to flow. Verena walks over and sits beside her, holding her hand.

“I’m sorry, your mother died Elina
,” Daya’s kind blue eyes show the truth. Elina’s hangs her head as her sobs overcome her. First her father and brother and now her mother; “This can’t be happening!” she says through her tears.

“We do not have much time. I need to
go get the other elders. Stay with her Verena,” Daya says rushing out of the hut. Verena sits close and cries with her friend, silent tears. They all had lost loved ones that day. Two of her own brothers died protecting her mother. From across the room Micah struggles to sit up. Rushing to his side, Verena helps him.

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