The Apocalypse (31 page)

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Authors: Jack Parker

BOOK: The Apocalypse
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Hannah's head jerked as annoying music blared into her ear. Wait, had she just referred to
as music? Ugh! She tried to drown it out with her own television, but it was impossible—Jake's music was going straight into her ear, while Tyra's voice was coming from across the room.

are you listening to?" she finally snapped.

She could practically hear the grin as Jake answered, "My new favorite song. Turn your TV off; it's annoying."

show is annoying?" Hannah repeated. "At least I can understand the words that Nigel Barker's saying. You wanna tell me what words
listening to?" She scoffed. "I doubt half the lyrics even have real words
them, what with all that 'shawty' crap. That hip-hop garbage is

"Aw, and I was even going to sing my favorite song to you. Not anymore though. You had to go and insult my taste in music."

"Well, I'm not going to apologize, and I'm not going to turn my TV down. And if you insist on blaring that junk into my ear, I'll just hang up and watch my show in peace," Hannah threatened automatically, not even thinking of how adorable it could be to hear Jake sing. "And I mean it. Shut that off."

"I'm sorry about last night," Jake replied, making Hannah pause. He'd startled her with his sudden mention of what she hadn't thought about for a whole…almost two minutes. Her shoulders sagged a little with the humiliation back on her mind. "I didn't mean to make you run off. We're still cool, right?"

Hannah was silent. Jake sounded rather at ease, which induced the belief that he would just forget that the whole thing happened. He sounded like he'd put it out of his mind at least. So maybe Hannah hadn't gotten a prince charming out of her surge of spontaneity, but at least she hadn't lost a friend. If Jake could deal with a near disaster by brushing it off, she could too.


As long as she didn't have to look at him without his shirt on, yes.

She hoped, anyway.

"Of course," she answered softly. "I don't know what I was doing. I just—"

"Then let's not talk about it, okay?" Jake cut her off. "Have you eaten dinner yet? No, never mind, that doesn't matter. Get ready. I'm craving a burger from Fricker's, and everybody else is out tonight. Meet me outside in fifteen minutes."

The line disconnected, and Hannah lowered her phone, staring at the blank screen oddly. She was definitely living in a psych ward. After almost potentially ruining her friendship with Jake because of the most random of random kisses, Hannah had an invitation—no,
—to attend dinner with Jake. It was sheer madness.

Nervously, Hannah crept off of her bed and moved to her closet. She dug around behind a box and generated a package of Chips Ahoy chewy chocolate chip cookies; popping a whole cookie into her mouth for comfort, Hannah proceeded to look through her clothes, trying to find the right outfit for dinner with Jake. After thirty seconds, Hannah realized it was going to be insanely hard.

If she dressed up, Jake might think that Hannah thought it was some kind of date; then things would be awkward. If she dressed down, Jake might think that Hannah had lost interest in anything involving him; if he
asked her out for some kind of date, things would be more awkward. If she dressed in anything remotely slutty, Jake might think she was going to try to seduce him; that would
be even more awkward.

At a total loss of ideas, Hannah nonchalantly grabbed
purple sweater from her closet and holy jeans from her dresser. Casual felt like a smart choice.

Quickly, Hannah fixed her hair, brushed her teeth, and checked her makeup for any smudges. Satisfied—but still very nervous—she grabbed her purse and headed downstairs, wondering how she could eat and
puke everything back up.

After locking up her house, Hannah saw that Jake had driven his truck into her driveway, which was something new since he normally made her walk across the street. That made her grateful that she hadn't just worn her athletic pants. But upon getting into Jake's truck and seeing his faded jeans and Ohio State University hoodie, Hannah reassured herself that going out with him was not a date, and no matter how sad that made her, she was going to save face and try to be as relaxed as possible.

"Hungry?" Jake asked, backing out of the driveway. "I'm starving."

"I guess." Hannah watched him push a CD into his CD player and groaned. "I'm not listening to your 'new favorite song,' you know. If you turn it on, I promise I will turn it off and toss your CD out. So don't tempt me."

Jake rolled his eyes at her threat. "Easy, killer. I'm being good."

Still suspicious, Hannah eyed Jake cautiously and warned, "You'd better be." He apparently ignored her, and Hannah listened to the music. Yes, it actually deserved to be called that. A slow smile appeared on her face as the lyrics to 'Follow You Down' played through Jake's truck's speakers. "You like the Gin Blossoms?" she asked, truly impressed. "I love this song!"

"Eh." Jake shrugged easily. "It's tolerable."

"You don't talk about yourself much," Hannah observed suddenly. She wasn't sure herself where that unrelated thought had come from, but she went with it, since it got attention off of her. "I mean, you
act awfully proud of yourself sometimes, but I never hear you seriously say anything about yourself. So say something."

"That's not true," Jake argued, although he was smiling slightly. "I told you what my favorite song is." Hannah wrinkled her nose at him, and he lifted
corner of his mouth sexily. "Okay. What do you want to know?"

"Your deepest, darkest secret."

Jake cocked an eyebrow and glanced at Hannah disbelievingly. In return, she smiled sweetly, hoping that he understood she was trying to lighten the mood and prevent tension—not pressure him. "Nah. Try again."

Thoughtful, Hannah tipped her head and watched her outside surroundings as the truck whirled past them. "What's your favorite thing to do?"

"I don't know." Jake's answer was too simple; it made Hannah frown. "I guess I like hanging with the guys. Playing ball. Just doing whatever."

"You're so vague," Hannah sighed. She fidgeted with a piece of her strawberry blonde hair, trying to think of something she wanted to know about Jake. There was plenty that she'd like to know about his romantic life, his goals, his future plans, his…everything. But it seemed so mushy to ask about any of that. "Is that crazy song about jeans really your favorite?"

That earned her a light laugh from Jake. "It's okay. Anything with T-Pain in it is at least okay." He looked at Hannah curiously then. "Speaking of music…have you played anything on the piano lately? I remember a time when that was
favorite thing to do."

Ah. There went the attention back on her. Instead of pointing out that Jake had just avoided talking about himself again, Hannah sighed lengthily. "No. I thought about it when my grandma was still here, but I never did it."

"Why not?"

Hannah squirmed in her seat. The part of her brain that successfully changed topics seemed to belong to the area that her amnesia had wiped clean; she felt compelled to answer him. "What if I can't do it?" she asked quietly. "Not being able to do one of my favorite pastimes would be super depressing."

"Mm." Jake apparently was mulling that over because he didn't talk for a few minutes. Hannah kept the silence going, preferring to watch the city as Jake drove through it. "It seems like it'd be worth a try," he said finally. "You never know until you check it out."

Fortunately, that mystery part of her brain seemed to recover from its amnesia just then, as an idea for a topic changer popped into Hannah's head. "Hey…tell me about that chick Mollie's New Year's party. Libby texted me about it earlier. Do I like that Mollie?"

"She's one of Mercedes's best friends," Jake answered simply.

That meant nothing to Hannah. All she knew about Mercedes was that Jake had danced with her at Formal, and it had made Hannah want to claw her eyes out. "Yeah?" she prompted. "What does that mean?"

Jake didn't answer right away, and Hannah wished he'd stop stalling and just answer her already. "Well, you got an invitation, right? How bad could you hate each other if she invited you to her house?"

"Oh." Hannah hadn't considered that. "Good point."

"Ethan actually asked me if you'd be going to that," Jake commented then. The mention of Ethan from Jake sort of made Hannah want to sulk; if Jake had liked her as more than a friend, he wouldn't mention Ethan, who was clearly crazy about Hannah, to her. "Give me an answer for him. You going?"

"Are you going?"

When Jake's head turned to give Hannah an indecipherable look, she felt her cheeks heat up. To hide it, she looked away, hoping that she wasn't blushing too badly. It had evidently come across that Hannah wasn't interested in the party unless Jake was going; considering his reaction to her kiss and how he was seemingly forgetting about it, Hannah doubted that her response had been the right one.

But then Jake just shrugged his famous shrug. "Yeah. Nothing better to do."

"Well, Libby and the other girls are going too, I think," Hannah said quickly. Mentioning her friends would surely imply that she was going for them and not Jake, right? She prayed so. "I should probably go."

Jake smiled. "Hannah Ayers…the follower."

She felt her eyes narrow without her approval. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Just that you're following, not leading." Jake drove his truck into the parking lot of Fricker's. "That just doesn't sound too much like you."

Hannah smirked. "You're talking about me instead of you… Now that sounds
like you." Teasingly, she nudged her hand against Jake's forearm. "What's so bad about you that you're afraid to say?"

"Absolutely nothing."

Tipping her head again, Hannah studied Jake while he parked. "All right then, think fast, Jake. What's the wildest thing you've ever done?"

He almost grinned. "Just off the top of my head? Maybe playing hide-and-go-seek in the dark." Hannah raised her eyebrows incredulously. "Naked, of course." She stared at him speechlessly and watched the grin become more pronounced on his face. "Go ahead and ask if you were there."

"Oh God. Was I there?"

Jake laughed and turned his truck's engine off. "No." Hannah's shoulders relaxed inexplicably as Jake's grin turned cocky. "But I know you wish you were."

Mouth dropping open, Hannah slapped at Jake's arm, laughing. "There you go acting so proud of yourself again," she huffed, rolling her eyes. "It couldn't have been that impressive."

"You'd be surprised."

Hannah's nose wrinkled. "Then I guess someone
good looking was there."

"Just me." Jake smiled and pretended to shrug modestly. "The finest specimen there is in existence."

"Uh-huh…" It relieved Hannah to know that she hadn't been there; it'd be extremely embarrassing if Jake knew what she looked like undressed, without her knowing the same about him. Hannah paused and turned curious. "If you were the only good-looking one there, you must have played with some nasty slut. So who was it?"

Jake's smile turned secretive. Shaking his head, he answered, "About fifteen others. But that's my deepest, darkest secret."

Groaning to cover her interest, Hannah opened Jake's truck door, hopped down, and left him. Jealousy was eating her alive, wondering if some tramp had been all over Jake. Why wasn't
invited to play? Never mind that it sounded like something she'd be too scared to do; she at least deserved an invitation!

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