The Apollo Academy (26 page)

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Authors: Kimberly P. Chase

Tags: #New Adult, #Sci-Fi & Fantasy

BOOK: The Apollo Academy
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“Just tell me.” The lead weight of the doctor’s words settled on his shoulders. He knew this would change his life forever.

Dr. Stevenson stopped fidgeting, more comfortable in his usual persona, used to having to explain his medical investigations. “Well, after many failures, I was able to isolate and separate one of the added genes to your DNA. Once the gene was isolated, I was able to examine it more closely.” He cleared his throat. “I, ah, basically found a series of numbers embedded on the gene.”

Zane already knew where this was going, the good old product number routine.


He didn’t need to hear anymore, but the doctor was rambling on, releasing all of his pent-up information in one giant load, dumping it all onto Zane.

Dr. Stevenson’s usual confident demeanor shattered. “Titon Technologies. TT. I mean, of course I knew they’d made significant strides in the medical sector, but I never would have thought—” He gestured toward Zane. “They’re not the type of company to abandon their experiments.”

Zane flinched at the word experiment, but Dr. Stevenson was too busy talking to notice.
. He needed to get his emotions in check.

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t just contact someone over there and say ‘Oh, by the way, are you missing a genetically-altered boy?’” Dr. Stevenson laughed. “Oh, and let’s not mention the fact that Collin Titon has his hands in everything the Apollo Academy does.”

Zane stopped listening to the doctor. He obviously needed someone to vent his concerns to, but his own thoughts were all he heard.

Of course, he’d heard the rumors that Titon Technologies experimented on unborn embryos, but he’d never really believed it. Okay, maybe he believed it in the very far recesses of his mind, but only because he had too many bad experiences in life to believe that things like this didn’t happen. For the past several months he’d tried to pretend that he lived in a better world. But now he was being forced back into his usual shitty dark reality.

His heart felt like someone was squeezing it, crushing it into a bloody pulp until eventually nothing would be left.
Fuck my life, why did she have to be his daughter?
He didn’t want to relate the Aurora he knew to the one raised by the man capable of experimenting on children.

Why Titon Technologies?
Zane probably should have felt relieved that Titon Technologies had done this to him and not Frontier Solutions. At least they invented the best products.

Zane squeezed the bridge of his nose, trying to come up with a good enough reason to bury his emotions.

Dr. Stevenson’s voice right next to his ear brought Zane back to the present. Dr. Stevenson stood across from Zane. “We can’t risk anyone finding out—” Dr. Stevenson glanced down, stopping mid-sentence.

Zane looked down to see what had caught the doctor’s attention. In his rush to leave, he’d left his research displayed on the desk. He swiped away the images and glanced up to see Dr. Stevenson watching him.

“Why were you looking into Frontier Solutions?”

Zane cleared his throat. “Oh, I was just researching some things . . . ” Zane studied Dr. Stevenson, contemplating whether or not to tell him the truth. The last time he held his tongue, Aurora was attacked.

He knew he could trust Dr. Stevenson.

“I think they may be trying to harm Aurora.” He shook his head. “The only proof I have is a techspider stamped with an FS symbol.”

Dr. Stevenson swallowed.

“What is it?” Zane grabbed Dr. Stevenson’s hand. “You know something. You have to tell me. Aurora’s life depends on it.”

Dr. Stevenson sighed. “I don’t think he’s behind whatever it is you’re talking about, but Sky is Henry Dagan’s son. Of course, his last name has been changed to try to keep him hidden, but he does have a connection to Frontier Solutions.”

Zane grabbed onto the sides of his desk chair. It couldn’t be. Sky? “How do you know?”

“Ms. Lovell and Sky may think they have everything hidden, but I am his doctor. Blood work and all.”

Sky’s odd behavior over the past few weeks rushed through his head.

“I gotta go.” Zane stood up, running for the door.

“Zane, you should take whatever is going on with Aurora to Ms. Lovell,” Dr. Stevenson yelled out as Zane flung the door wide open. He ran down the hallway, but he could still hear the desperation in Dr. Stevenson’s next words. “But you can’t tell anyone about your situation. They’ll kick you out!”

Zane kept running. He wouldn’t worry about his own messed up life right now. Even if Aurora’s father was behind
his situation
, he wanted her safe.



he lights glittered and sparkled above Aurora’s head the same way she imagined the stars would from inside the shuttle when there was nothing to impede their bright glow. The Apollo Academy had done a fantastic job recreating a magical world on the main floor of the Academy. And she would know. Her dad had tried to drag her to events just like this growing up, but at least this one held a special meaning for her. She’d successfully completed her first semester of training, and tonight she had a date she couldn’t wait to see.

Everyone from teachers to cadets to elite society members gathered under the vaulted lobby entrance, excited to celebrate. It was the first night in a long time that Aurora would not have to worry about her studies or about waking up early the next morning for training. But best of all, she would be spending the night with her friends. With Zane.

Aurora knew Zane didn’t consider tonight a date, but she still stupidly hoped he’d change his mind. Zane had transformed over the past few weeks, constantly by her side. They’d developed a friendship, even if it was a delicate one with steamy glances every once in awhile.

Maybe tonight would be the night he changed his mind.

The emerald-green gown she chose to wear brought out the color of her eyes and showed off her curves. A single peacock feather adorned her hair as it fell in long red and gold waves down her back, free of its usual pleat. Kaylana sat next to her in a vibrant red dress that showed off her long, lean legs. They had probably spent a little too much time searching the Grid for the perfect dresses, but right now it seemed worth every second.

Though she was disappointed that Akemi escorted them both to the dance, she was trying to hide it. Akemi had explained that Dr. Stevenson needed to speak with Zane about something important.

A crystal champagne flute was placed in front of her, and she quickly sipped the bubbly liquid, trying to settle her nerves. She hoped her dress would do what she intended it to do, sweep Zane off his feet. When Aurora returned the champagne glass to the table, she realized it was empty.

She made the mistake of looking at Kaylana, who was dreamily gazing at Akemi. Wanting them to have the date they deserved, she decided to find her father who would surely be around somewhere.

Before she left, Akemi’s whisper to Kaylana reached Aurora. “You look beautiful.”

Kaylana smiled. “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said with a wink, causing Akemi to blush.

Aurora wished that when she blushed it would only turn a light pink like it did on Akemi’s darker skin. She cleared her throat. “I’m going to get another round of drinks and find my dad.”

Kaylana grabbed her purse as if she were going to follow. Aurora waved her down. “Stay here. Have fun.”

Akemi nodded at Aurora. “We’ll come find you if you’re not back in ten minutes. And don’t worry about Zane. He’ll be here soon.”

“Yeah, sure,” Aurora nonchalantly replied, not wanting either of them to know of her growing disappointment. She was truly happy for Kaylana and wanted her to have a good time, but she couldn’t help the knot in her stomach. She searched for her dad and found him surrounded by a group of men in some sort of deep discussion. Even tonight he was working.

She waved when she walked past him, but he didn’t see her, so she continued to the bar. When she got closer, she almost turned around. Hailen sat there alone.

Not wanting to show trepidation, Aurora boldly stepped up to the bar and ordered four glasses of champagne.

Unfortunately, her solo arrival didn’t go unnoticed. “Where’s your date, Aurora?” Hailen’s calculated voice grated on her, causing her to stand as tall as her petite frame and heels would let her.

“Oh, Zane. I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.” She had no choice but to confidently smile and act like she wasn’t concerned with where her date was.

Hailen lost a little of her spark. Apparently Zane, even with his bad-boy looks, was a hard catch. And Aurora would know, but it was funny watching Hailen struggle with the fact that Aurora succeeded in a date with him when she hadn’t. If only Hailen knew the real reasons he’d said yes. Actually, maybe she should be thanking Hailen. It was because of her that Zane said yes in the first place.

“So, where is he?” Hailen craned her neck, looking around.

“He’s on his way,” she muttered.
, why did she have to be so honest?

Hailen looked down at her techiwatch, going in for the kill. “He’s a little late, isn’t he?”

Aurora wouldn’t know how late he was exactly. She’d decided not to wear her watch because it didn’t go well with her dress. She needed to play it cool; she rolled her eyes and took a big gulp of champagne. “He’ll be here soon.” She tried to sound confident, but Hailen probably sensed her worry anyway.

“Where’s your date?” Aurora tried to sound bitchy like Hailen, but she wasn’t sure she pulled it off.

“My date is running late too.” Hailen shrugged her shoulders, trying to seem unconcerned, but Aurora recognized her disappointment.

“I’m sorry.” Aurora meant it. “Who is he, anyway?” Maybe for once Hailen would talk to her like a normal person. Aurora hoped she wouldn’t say Rowan Dagan, even if it meant not knowing where the techspiders were coming from. She didn’t want another cadet to be responsible.

Hailen’s eyes snapped to Aurora’s as she gulped down her drink. “He’ll show up sooner or later. He always does when he wants something.” Hailen picked up her purse and sauntered off.

“Okay,” Aurora muttered to herself. That certainly didn’t get her anywhere, but it was obvious Aurora was safe for the night. Rowan Dagan wasn’t anywhere around, and Aurora actually felt a little sorry for Hailen. She picked up the four champagne flutes in front of her.

Balancing the drinks consumed the rest of her thoughts as she tried to make it back to the table without spilling anything. Kaylana and Akemi had their seats pushed very close together and were whispering to each other when Aurora sat back down. The first course for dinner, an endive with goat cheese and walnut appetizer, sat untouched in front of her chair and the chair where Zane was supposed to be sitting.

Aurora huffed and sat down. She handed Kaylana and Akemi their champagne flutes and placed Zane’s glass beside his untouched plate. The appetizer in front of her looked delicious, so she picked it up to take a bite, trying to ignore the fact that she wasn’t the least bit hungry anymore.

It became uncomfortably awkward for her as more time passed without Zane showing up. Aurora felt like she was surrounded by happy couples on dates.

Kaylana and Akemi tried to include her in their conversation, but she was too busy waiting for Zane to be social.

“He’ll show up soon. I’m sure of it.” Akemi’s faith in Zane was indestructible. Aurora couldn’t in good conscience let Akemi and Kaylana continue to sit next to her, afraid to move for leaving her alone. Aurora motioned at Akemi and Kaylana. “You should go dance.” Kaylana shot up out of her seat, and before Aurora realized what she was doing, held her by the arm, dragging her on to the dance floor.

Aurora tried to dig her heels in, but Kaylana only pulled harder. “I didn’t mean me!” Aurora began to panic. Kaylana didn’t possibly think that Aurora would dance alone. Thankfully, the song wasn’t a slow one. Given no other choice, Aurora began to dance awkwardly beside Kaylana and Akemi. She needed to figure out a way to get out of this.

She slowly began distancing herself from the two of them.

Her brief moment of success didn’t last long when someone bumped into her, almost causing her to fall over in her five-inch-stiletto heels. When she steadied herself, she spun around trying to see who had pushed her.

Veronica Harley, in the flesh, stood behind her with a camera in hand.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to bump you.” She focused the camera on Aurora. “Do you mind if I get a picture? Or are you and your— Wait.” She looked behind Aurora. “
is your date?”

Aurora swallowed. “Oh, he’s around here somewhere.”

Veronica Harley’s eyes lit in delight. “So tell me, who’s the lucky guy?”

“Oh, who cares about me? Better yet, where’s your date?” Aurora smiled sweetly at Veronica.

“Nice try. I’m here on business.” Veronica rolled her eyes.

The lights chose that moment to dim, and a slow song came on. Everyone around them partnered up with their dates.

The light on Veronica’s camera flashed, and Aurora cringed as every head turned her way.

When her eyes cleared, she pushed her way off the dance floor. She could already picture the headlines.
Heiress All Alone
Ms. Popular Loses Date
. Hopefully, her dad was still talking to his potential clients and was nowhere around to witness her humiliation.

Aurora didn’t have to see the picture to know that her face was bright red because she felt her cheeks on fire. She wove around couple-filled tables, barely holding the mortified tears in check. She wouldn’t give anyone the satisfaction.

Zane wasn’t going to show up. And she couldn’t even blame him right now. The spotlight she so desperately tried to avoid followed her everywhere. It was no wonder Zane didn’t want to be with her. He’d only decided to go to the dance to keep an eye on Hailen and figure out who this Rowan guy was. And clearly he wasn’t a problem; he was nowhere around.

Aurora was almost to the front doors of the Academy when Kaylana caught up to her and grabbed her shoulder.

“Where are you going?”

Aurora looked at her in disbelief, her eyes wide. “I’ve just been publicly embarrassed in front of all my friends, teachers, and the media.” She gestured wildly in the air. “You
possibly think I’m going to stick around after that.”

Kaylana squeezed her shoulder. “Akemi said Zane wouldn’t stand you up without a good reason. Just wait a little longer. I’m sure he’ll show up.” Even Kaylana’s usually joyful face looked sober.

Aurora shook her head. “At this point the night is ruined.”

“What about our plan to stay together for your safety?”

Aurora laughed, but it wasn’t a happy sound. “I don’t care about that right now! And quite frankly, I’m tired of worrying about it. Rowan Dagan isn’t here, anyway. Hailen was all alone when I saw her.”

Kaylana turned back toward the party, finding Akemi waiting a few feet away. “Okay.” She looked resigned. “Just let me say goodbye to Akemi.”

Aurora grabbed her arm. “No, Kay. I just want to be alone for a little while.” She tried to give Kaylana the sincere smile she deserved. “Please finish your date. I’ll be fine.”

Kaylana shuffled her feet. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. We’ll talk later.” Aurora turned and pushed her way out into the humid Florida air where she’d finally be alone. She ran out the Apollo Academy’s front door, careful not to trip in her heels, and sat down. Tears streaked down her face. She didn’t have to worry about anyone witnessing her moment of self-pity because everyone else was back inside.

Even if Zane had an excellent reason for not showing up, she decided it was unhealthy placing her hopes on him. He didn’t want attention, and she knew exactly how that felt. And if she could spare him from it, she would.

Aurora heard footsteps coming down the stairs and quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. She didn’t know how long she had been sitting there, but it was time to go before she had to face anyone else. Luckily, the person continued down the steps, paying her huddled figure no attention. She stood and smoothed her dress out, hoping she didn’t look as horrible as she felt.

Head down, she began running up the steps in an attempt to make it to her room without seeing anyone.

Aurora was almost down the hallway and to the elevator when she was knocked off her feet. She sprawled across the floor, completely entangled with someone. Arms and feet were intertwined as they both struggled to right themselves. Strong hands finally managed to pull her back onto her feet, allowing her to meet the concerned blue eyes of the person she’d inadvertently tackled.

“Hey, are you all right?” Sky asked.

She pretended to dust off her dress, looking away from him. There was no way he wouldn’t know she had been crying. Besides, he probably heard about her being stood up.

“Yeah, thanks. Sorry. I guess I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

She tried to push past Sky, but he grabbed her shoulders and stopped her right in front of him. He placed his finger under her chin and gently pushed her face up. She had no choice but to meet his eyes.

“What happened?”

She took a few deep breaths, straightening her shoulders. “Nothing. I just want to get back to my room.”

He swiped a finger under her eye, catching a tear that managed to escape. “Don’t lie,” Sky growled.

He probably just wanted to embarrass her further; he seemed to enjoy publicly humiliating her. She pushed him back and stepped away. “Why do you care?”

Sky looked uncomfortable. “I don’t know, I guess. I don’t like to see you crying.” He seemed puzzled by his response, his clear eyes turning a darker blue.

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