Read The Arrangement Online

Authors: Felice Stevens

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #M/M

The Arrangement (9 page)

BOOK: The Arrangement
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Reed’s fingers dug into his muscles, but the pain only added to Carter’s pleasure. “Come on,” he muttered, working Reed’s cock with swift strokes, adding just enough pressure by pressing his thumb over the sensitive, flared tip. Carter gripped Reed’s dick, feeling the heavy veins and soft skin sliding over the rigid length as he continued to pump him. The zipper gave a bit more, and he dug his hand farther down Reed’s pants to fondle his balls, giving them a squeeze; Reed moaned loud enough for Carter to hear. A single strobe light hit Reed’s face, and he looked debauched, his eyes wild and mouth open and panting.

Carter reached up with his free hand to cup the nape of Reed’s neck and drag him down so their lips could meet, and Carter took his mouth in a brutal kiss of possession. His other hand kept busy in Reed’s pants, and he slid his thumb over the leaking head of his engorged cock, giving it a wicked twist. “Give it to me, Reed. Hold me and let go.”

“Oh God, oh fuck.” Reed collapsed against Carter’s shoulder, his teeth nipping at Carter’s neck. He jerked against him twice, and Carter’s hand filled with fluid while Reed’s gasping breath gusted past his ear. As promised, Carter held on to Reed as his climax ripped through him, his body shuddering and twitching in the aftermath as his dick continued to unload in Carter’s hand. Carter kissed the top of Reed’s head, the damp curls tickling his nose, but Carter held tight. The promise he’d made was to hold on to Reed, but when had it happened that he no longer wanted to let go?

The music stopped, and Carter realized they were somewhat more exposed than before, now that the lights weren’t as dim. He withdrew his sticky hand and gave Reed, who looked ravaged yet more gorgeous than Carter had seen him before, a rueful smile.

“Guess I’d better go find the bathroom.” He gave Reed’s crotch a pat. “You need to zip up as well.” He licked his fingers, the salty-strong taste of Reed coating his tongue. “Umm, delicious. Thanks for dessert.”

Blinking and with a tired smile, Reed obeyed and followed him into the men’s room where Carter washed up. Reed took him by the arm and spun him around so they faced each other and kissed him full on the mouth.

“Thanks. You made that one of the best experiences of my life.”

There was a light in Reed’s eyes Carter hadn’t seen before, and once again he wondered at Reed’s inexperience. His own childhood had been far from normal, but even as a teenager Carter hadn’t had much of a problem finding guys who wanted to have sex.

Something about Reed spoke of innocence and vulnerability, even though Carter knew he was no virgin. But those thoughts began to tread dangerously into personal territory and by his own rules remained off limits. He refused to cross the line into learning a hook-up’s past love life and history. Even now, he knew more about Reed than any other man he’d ever slept with. More than with anyone ever before, he’d let down his guard with Reed, but it was now time to head back to reality.

“I’m happy to help.” He captured Reed’s face between his hands and enjoyed the sweet taste of his mouth. Carter could’ve spent the rest of his evening drowning in the pleasurable taste of Reed’s soft lips, but someone walked past them, causing him to stop and recall they were in a public bathroom. With a not-too-guilty shrug, he took Reed’s hand and led him back out to the dance floor.

“Do you want to go back to the hotel now?” They stood together, and Carter toyed with Reed’s fingers, surprisingly content. Reed bounced on his toes to the music. “I’m game for whatever you want.”

Reed took their entwined hands behind Carter’s back, sliding both their arms around Carter’s waist and hugging him close. His need for touch was an endearing quality.

“I guess it wasn’t so bad, then, going out for the evening?” He grinned and nudged Carter. “Although staying in the suite has its definite advantages; I’m not going to lie.”

“Now that you mention it,” said Carter, “I—”

“Carter? Is that you?”

A man, roughly thirty years old, long dirty-blond hair lying in damp strands along his forehead, stood in front of them. His powerful legs spread in a wide stance, his muscular arms, bare in his thin black tank top, gleamed with a fine patina of sweat.

Carter cocked his head, trying to place the man. “Yes? I’m sorry. Do we know each other?”

A lazy grin carved deep dimples in the man’s handsome face. “Wow. And here I always imagined that night was so memorable. It’s Trent? We, ah, hooked up about six or seven months ago.” He reached over and traced the V-line of Carter’s open-neck shirt. “I was watching you both before on the dance floor, and you two were so fucking hot together.” Trent tipped his head at Reed and turned on a smile intended to seduce the pants right off him. “I’m up for a threesome if you are.”

Carter stepped back, closer to Reed, and out of reach of Trent’s touch. The only hands he wanted on him were Reed’s, and somehow hearing this Trent guy talk about watching him and Reed together tainted a pleasurable experience. Besides, he had no desire to upset Reed with an obscure, random hook-up from before they’d met.

“I don’t remember you, and right now Reed and I are together, and I have no need for anyone else. So thanks, but no thanks.” Without waiting for a response, Carter took Reed’s hand and pulled him out of the club and toward the coat check.

“Sorry about that. I don’t remember him at all.”

Reed said nothing as they put on their coats. When they walked out into the freezing cold, Reed, his face miserable, shoved his hands inside his jacket and tipped his head back toward the club.

“If you want to be with him, it’s okay; I understand. I’m fine with stepping aside, but I’m not into threesomes.”

“We had a hook-up. One I have no intention or desire to repeat, got it?” Carter grasped Reed by his shoulder. “I’m with you, and that’s where I want to be.”

“I guess, but I don’t want you to feel obligated. I can pick up my stuff at the hotel and be out of your way. He seems more your type.”

“My type?” He breathed white puffs of cold air between them. “Right now my type is sexy, shy bartenders.”

Reed smiled slightly and shrugged.

“C’mere. Obviously I didn’t prove it to you well enough in the club.” It wasn’t until he held on to Reed that he noticed he was shaking.

“Are you all right?” He slid his arm around Reed’s shoulders and gazed into his face. Reed’s teeth chattered, his eyes staring round and dark. If Carter didn’t know better, he’d swear Reed was scared to death.

“Hey, what’s the matter?” He rubbed Reed’s cheek with his, hoping to soothe him.

“I don’t feel so well.”

And, Carter decided after staring hard at Reed, he didn’t look well either. They were only a few short blocks from the hotel, yet Carter didn’t hesitate a moment before hailing a cab, pushing Reed inside, then climbing in after him. It didn’t take more than seven minutes to traverse the five blocks, which for a Friday night was miraculous, but the traffic-light gods were on their side.

Carter paid the fare, and after wrapping a protective arm around Reed, took him upstairs and into the suite, murmuring comforting words in his ear.

“Don’t worry. It was hot in there, and you probably didn’t have enough to eat before you came to meet me.”

He led him into the bedroom, and after stripping him, tucked him into bed and turned down the lights. The whites of Reed’s eyes glinted in the half darkness, and Carter remained standing by the side of the bed, looking down at him. By rights he should be annoyed; they were together to have sex and nothing more. If he were smart, he’d tell Reed goodbye in the morning—forget about him and find someone else. Someone like Trent. But his mind rebelled and Carter dismissed that idea. He didn’t want Trent. He didn’t want anyone else but Reed.

“I’m sorry.” Reed lifted himself up on his elbows, the sheets falling to his waist. “I, uh, don’t know what came over me. I know you’re disappointed.”

Swallowing heavily at the sight of Reed’s naked chest, Carter shrugged. “Don’t be. One night won’t make a difference.”

“Thanks. I’m sure I’ll make it up to you in the morning.”

“It’s fine,” said Carter, as nonchalantly as possible. “I’m going to check some emails and be right back.” Before Reed had a chance to respond, Carter turned his back and walked away.

This arrangement that had started out as purely sex was rapidly veering off course, and he had to find a way to bring it back to center. The emotional dancing in the club, his surprising jealousy at the thought of anyone else but him touching Reed, and how even now he wanted to protect and take care of Reed, all evidence pointing to them getting too close, too fast. The signs were there for him to pull away.

He stretched out on the sofa in the living room and opened his computer to check his email. Sure enough, there was a video that Helen had uploaded of Jacks and her, making pizza for dinner, and Carter smiled and settled down to watch his little brother, happy to be able to put aside, at least for a while, his burgeoning feelings for the man waiting for him in his bed.

Chapter Seven

ovember faded to
December, and Reed anticipated winter break and the holidays although he had nothing planned except for his weekend visit with Carter. At the beginning of the month Ariel had invited his father and him to Massachusetts for the holidays, but Reed had already promised Vernon he’d work, plus he didn’t want to miss his time with Carter. He and his father had always kept the holidays low-key since his mother had picked that time to bail out on them.

Where other kids had family dinners and decorating to look forward to, the first few years after his mother left, Reed held out hope she might return and say it was all a mistake. Or at least send a card. Every day he’d come home from school and look through the mail for a card or a letter from her, at least acknowledging his existence or that she remembered she had a child.

It took several years until he finally stopped looking and convinced himself he no longer cared. His father had tried to make Thanksgiving a happy holiday—they’d watch the balloons get blown up and go to the parade unless it was raining, but with only the two of them across the table from one another at the meal, there was always a reminder of what was missing. And Reed always held out hope at Christmas that maybe his mother would come home, or at least send a card, but inevitably he’d be disappointed and feel guilty, knowing he should be excited with the tree and presents.

At thirteen, when he realized he was gay, he wondered if she already knew and used that, in addition to his other problems, as another excuse to leave. He went so far as to try and date girls and even kissed a few, but hated it. They did nothing for him, not like seeing the boys swimming in the pool in their swimsuits or the football players in their tight uniforms.

And though he’d dreamed of settling down with a special man and falling in love, Reed suspected he wasn’t the type of person someone would fall in love with. Not when everyone he’d ever been with had found it so easy to walk away from him and not look back. College guys had been after easy and uncomplicated sex, and though Reed had often hoped it might turn into more, deep in his heart he knew love wasn’t going to be found in the bathroom stall of his college dorm or in the darkness of an anonymous fraternity guy’s bedroom. Mason’s cruelty had been the last straw, and then Carter had caught him in a vulnerable moment when all Reed yearned for was to be wanted by someone.

There was something forbidden and exciting about meeting Carter in a hotel, like a rendezvous in one of those old-fashioned spy movies, and he strode through the hotel lobby with long, eager steps, anxious to see Carter after another long and lonely month. As usual, Reed only had to knock once before Carter opened the door and pulled him inside. He barely had time to drop his weekend bag before he found himself pinned up against the wall, Carter’s tongue ravishing his mouth. One thing he never doubted was how much Carter wanted him.

“You’re late.” Carter sucked on his lower lip and hunger surged through Reed, making him weak at the knees. Carter continued to kiss him until his bones melted and his head spun, dizzy with desire.

“I’m half an hour early.” He toed off his sneakers while Carter popped open his jeans and unzipped his fly.

“Stop disagreeing with me and get naked. I’ve been dreaming of your ass for a month now.” Carter yanked his jeans halfway down his thighs and sank to his knees. “Take off your pants, turn around, and spread your legs.”

A thrill shot through Reed at Carter’s demanding voice; his hands shook slightly as he pulled off his jeans and boxers and stood naked from the waist down. “Have you joined the police force? Is this a strip search?”

“Turn around, Reed.”

Carter’s darkly passionate tone sent a shiver of anticipation through him and he complied, standing silent, facing the wall. He jumped at the first brush of Carter’s fingers against the crease of his ass, and instinctively he widened his stance and dropped his head, breathing faster.

“Perfect,” muttered Carter under his breath, and then Reed felt hot breath and the scratch of a rough, stubbled jaw against the smoothness of thighs. Every nerve ending screamed as Carter’s hands cupped his ass and spread him wide, exposing him fully.

BOOK: The Arrangement
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