The Arrangement: The Seduction (Kindle Worlds Novella) (8 page)

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Authors: Carly Phillips

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: The Arrangement: The Seduction (Kindle Worlds Novella)
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His hips pump into me, and he starts to speak, except it’s not dirty words this time, it’s whispered endearments that wrap around me tighter than his body. Words that have power. Words like



Zach and I are in his kitchen, laughing over co-made French toast. We each have our own special ingredient. His is almond extract, and mine is a dash of orange liqueur. We compromised and used both.

I’m wearing nothing but an old tee shirt of his. No panties, no bra, and it feels decadent, hanging out with the man I love—

Whoa. My brain screeches to a halt and doesn’t kick back into gear again. Love? I glance at the man who’s waiting for me, sitting in nothing but a pair of sweats that hang low on his hips, the skin on his chest golden in the sunlight streaming in from the window. My mouth waters, but my feelings for him are so much more than surface deep. I inhale deeply and accept the truth.

I’m in love with Zach Anders.

I won’t ruin this moment by telling him about my feelings. Not now. It’s too soon; they’re too new. I want to sit with them a bit. Process them. Savor them. Love them a little inside me before bringing them into daylight to share — and hope he feels the same way. But I’m really going to have to tell him about the sex video going viral. It’s not fair to have him find out about it another way.

“Everything okay?” he asks.

“Great.” I force a smile. He’ll understand, I assure myself. He will.

I place both our plates on the table. The maple smell is calling to me like crazy. I’m dying to taste what we made. Together. I rub my damp hands and pull out a chair across from him.

“Sit here.” He gestures to his lap.

Of course, my gaze falls to that low sprinkling of hair running into his sweats, and my body is suddenly as hungry as my stomach.


He grins. “Well, I can’t feed you from across the table.” He’s got an intense look on his face that tells me he means business.

So I saunter over, putting a deliberate swagger in my hips as I walk. His thighs are hard beneath mine, and under me, his erection grows . He sucks in a shallow breath as I settle in. I love this heady sense of power I have over him and hope, with all my heart, he feels for me the way I do for him.

“I’m hungry,” I say, wondering if I mean for food or for Zach.

His eyes darken with need. “Open.”

He picks up a sticky piece, and I let him place the mouth-watering French toast in my mouth.

His gaze is hot on mine. Syrup drips down my chin, but I’m focused on him, and I deliberately close my mouth around his finger. It’s a salty-sweet mix. As he slowly pulls out, I suck the syrupy mixture off his finger, swirling my tongue around the long digit and grazing his skin with my teeth.

He groans, and beneath me, he grows even harder. “Chloe—”

I’m not sure if it’s a warning or a plea. Before I can figure it out, the doorbell rings, startling me out of the haze of desire that had enveloped me.

He mutters a curse. “Ignore it,” he says.

It’s his house, so if he doesn’t care there’s someone out there, neither do I. I’m sure I can get right back into the moment, and from the feel of him, he hasn’t left it. I wriggle my hips, and his sexy chuckle warms me from the inside out.

The doorbell rings again. And once more.

“Whoever’s out there doesn’t sound like they’ll go away.” I’m disappointed, knowing he’ll have to get it.

As if to prove my point, the bell rings over and over again.

“Shit.” Zach picks me up and helps me to my feet. “Stay right here. I’ll be right back.”

Considering how I’m dressed, I agree to wait.

A few minutes later, I hear a familiar voice bellowing from the other room. “Where the fuck is she, Anders?”

It’s Sean. What in the world is he doing here? I run into the foyer and come to a halt when I find the two men in a standoff. Two well-built, angry, posturing men.

“Am I fucking wrong?” Sean asks.

“What goes on between me and Chloe is none of your business. Now get the hell out of my house.”

Though I want to ask questions, I’m drawn into their conversation.

“Not until you tell Chloe,” Sean says.

I blink at that. “Tell me what?” I step forward, making my presence known.

Sean turns toward me.

Zach doesn’t meet my gaze, and in that moment, I know something’s seriously wrong, making me want to curl into myself before even I know why. Worse, I’m suddenly feeling exposed, and it’s not because I’m only wearing Zach’s tee shirt.

Something Sean doesn’t miss, if the scowl on his face as he looks me over is any indication. “Chloe, go get dressed.”

I shake my head. “I can handle things from here. You obviously didn’t listen when I told you to stay out of my business and not to go digging into Zach’s life.”

“It’s a damn good thing I didn’t listen. He’s using you to get back at me.”

I can’t help it. I let out a laugh. “That’s ridiculous. I told you his name, and you didn’t have a clue who he was.”

“That’s because Anders isn’t his full name, is it?” he snaps at Zach. “It’s Anderson. And…” Sean trails off, clearly hesitant to continue.

My mind is reeling with everything that’s been said. Zach’s using me? Anders isn’t his full name? I grasp on to the last part. “I’m sure there’s a simple explanation for him shortening his name.” Isn’t there?

Zach glares at Sean. “Not so simple now, is it, you son of a bitch. Now you go ahead and tell her the rest.”

My mouth grows dry. I glance between the two men I never thought would hurt me. Sean, because I’ve known him my entire life and he’s always given it to me straight and considers me like a sister. And Zach because he’s protected me, looked out for me, and treated me like I mattered.

Folding my arms across my chest, I step up to them. “Someone better start talking. Now.”

“Ask him about his sister,” Sean says, his eyes dull and unfocused.

I blink, surprised. “I know about Grace.” I’m relieved now because this isn’t something Zach has kept hidden. “She’s in South Oaks. So what?” I look between them.

“So he put her there,” Zach said with disgust, jerking a finger toward Sean. “He’s the bastard I told you about. The one who preyed on Grace’s fears and used her so badly she broke.” He runs a hand through his hair, and I see the agitation in his movements, the pain in his gaze.

But he still won’t look at me. And I’m too busy trying to process what he just told me. Sean’s the man who likes to find a girl’s weak spot, play into it, and fuck her until she’s screaming in panic and fear? That’s what gets him off?

“But … but … that’s sick.” I glance at the man I’ve known my whole life.

He can’t meet my gaze anymore either.

I want to gag but manage to suppress the reflex. “What does this have to do with me?” I rub my arms, goose bumps and chills covering my skin.

Sean groans. “He’s using you to get revenge on me. He can’t get to Avery, so he figured he’d go after the next best thing. The world knows I don’t give a shit about anyone, but somehow he found out about you.”

“No.” I whisper the word. “Zach?”

He nods slowly, unwillingly. “I followed Ferro. Watched. Waited. And finally I saw him walk you out to your car. He hugged you, and I knew I’d finally found a weak spot.”

Sean curses and goes for Zach, but my scream stops him. Zach has his hand curled into a fist, ready to hit back if needed.

“I want to hear everything. Don’t take that away from me.” I blink back tears, telling myself that I will be strong. I will not break. Not in front of
. I can’t let the depth of his betrayal hit me. Not yet.

“So you watched me at The Tavern? All along, I was just your pawn?”

Zach’s eyes fill with remorse. “Only in the beginning.”

“Bull.” Sean’s voice slices through the air. “You’re not the only one with the ability to find necessary information. I met your security friend, and we had a

I winced at the word. So did Zach. “Is he still alive?” he asks Sean.

“He liked his pretty face, so he talked. Now it’s your turn.”

Zach narrows his gaze and walks up to Sean, getting into his face. “You say you care about her? Let it go at this. She’ll never talk to me again. It’s good enough.”

Something passes between the two men, an understanding. About me. I won’t allow it. “No. Whatever it is, you tell me.” I step closer and shove at Zach’s chest. “You owe me that much.”

With a nod, he comes closer. He takes my face in his hands.

He smells so good, looks so familiar and … sad. More than anything, I want this all to be a bad dream. I want to go back to the kitchen, to sitting on his lap and eating our French toast.

He speaks and shatters the possibility. “However things between us started, they turned very real for me very fast,” Zach says. “If you want to hate me, that’s your right, but do us both a favor and leave now. Let him take you home.” He releases me and pushes me toward Sean.

It’s not nearly enough information. He can’t get rid of me so easily.

“How?” I ask, not satisfied being talked about as if I’m not in the room or being told what to do by two men used to manipulating people for their own benefit. “How did you plan on hurting Sean through me?”

I want to know, and I’m not leaving here until I do. Nausea spikes inside me, similar to when I found out about my ex-boyfriend’s betrayal, but I fight it back.

Zach’s shoulders slump, and I realize it’s bad. And his silence tells me the words aren’t going to come from him. “Sean?” I ask.

“He was going to videotape you,” the man I’ve known nearly forever tells me.

An old conversation with Zach comes back to me.
I have my PI license, and I’m good at digging up information.

“Oh my God.” So much becomes clear in an instant. “You knew about the sex tape. All along, you knew and planned to use it against me. You were going to do exactly what Sean did to your sister. Use my biggest weakness against me, break me, and make sure Sean knew it was all his fault.”

“No.” Zach’s voice shakes. “Yes … but no. I mean, that was the plan before I knew you. I fell in love with you, Chloe. I couldn’t—”

“If that’s true, then why did you have the cameras installed in your bedroom anyway? Long after you met her?”

“What?” I barely understand what I’m hearing.

Zach picks up the nearest item, a ceramic bowl, and hurls it against the wall.

I jump as the piece shatters, much like I’m doing inside.

“It was
,” Zach tells Sean. “Every time I changed my mind, you surfaced. You called her. You showed up at the bar, reminding me of the course I had set for myself.
For my sister
. I owe it to her to make sure you have to live with what you did to her every fucking day.” His face is red, his anger and pain both blinding and blistering.

“I do!” Sean explodes, his rage something I’ve never seen before, and I slink back, away from both furious men.

I’m merely the pawn between them.

“I live with a lot of things I’ve done that make me sick to my stomach, but her?” Sean points to me. “She’s innocent, and she doesn’t deserve the likes of me … or you.”

“Get her out of here,” Zach says, his words gutting me despite his betrayal. “Take her far away from me.”

I’m mute. Stunned. Aching.

Sean nods. “I will, but first tell me one thing. Is there a video?” he asks point-blank.

“No.” I realize I’ve spoken out loud. “No, no, no.” Memories of my naked body on screen flash through my brain. “Not again.”


“Hand it over now.” Sean holds out a hand.

Zach pales, which means there is one. “Oh my God.”

“Swear to fuck, I never planned to use it. It was set to tape when we walked into the bedroom, but I forgot. I wasn’t thinking—”

A low-pitched moan sounds throughout the room, and I realize it’s coming from me. Zach, the man I love, betrayed me. On purpose. Knowing what I’d already been through.

“Chloe—” Zach reaches for me, but I dart back and out of his way.

“Hand it over,” Sean says. “I don’t give a shit if you have to give me the whole damned recorder, you hand it the fuck over now.” He vibrates with anger.

To my surprise, Zach turns and heads up the stairs.

Sean grasps my hand and pulls me against him, as if to protect me. But he can’t. It’s too late and nothing can. Pain and betrayal wrack my body. It starts in my heart and spreads outward in a never-ending spiral of agony.

“I have to get out of here.”

Sean hands me a set of keys. “Wait for me in the car.”

I grasp them like a lifeline. “I loved him,” I say to Sean.

“Dammit, Chloe, I—” Zach returned. He’s heard my admission.

“Get dressed and go.” Sean’s adamant. He doesn’t have to tell me again.

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