The Art of Deception (Choc Lit) (13 page)

BOOK: The Art of Deception (Choc Lit)
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Of course I’ll come with you,’ she said, tapping 112 into the phone. ‘But I doubt we’ll catch them. They’ll be long gone by now.’

Not necessarily,’ Max said. ‘We left the house later than planned – they won’t have dared to make a move until they were absolutely certain we were out of the way and no one would come back for something they’d forgotten. It’ll take some time to get the paintings down and stack them in the car without damaging them. Remember there are two houses to do.’

I hope you’re right,’ she told Max. ‘
,’ she said into the phone.

Stephen leapt to his feet.
‘I’m coming, too. No way are you going on your own, Uncle Max. Here, Clare, you take the money.’

I guess I can do the heroic thing, too.’ Nick got up. ‘Count me in.’

Thanks, boys. I appreciate it. I’ll see you outside, Jenny.’ Max hurried out, closely followed by Stephen and Nick.

She r
apidly explained the situation to the police, gave them the location and told them that they were going back to the house. Then she hung up and bent down to pick up her bag.

As she did so,
George pulled his napkin from his shirt and started to stand up.

She saw what he was doing and
moved swiftly to his side. ‘I know what you’re thinking, My Rayburn, but no.’ She laid her hand on his arm. ‘I’d be really grateful if you stayed here with Clare. I don’t want her left on her own, and I definitely don’t want her coming with us.’

But I’m a nurse,’ Clare insisted. ‘You might need me.’

tried to laugh. ‘I’m sure it won’t come to that.’ Catching Clare’s eye, she inclined her head towards George. Clare sat back, nodding that she’d understood.

It would help us a lot if you stayed with Clare, Mr Rayburn,’ she repeated.

Well, if you insist, Jennifer,’ he said, and sat back down again. ‘But if I were a younger man …’ He shook his head regretfully.

Thank you.’ She started to move towards the door.

You’ll see that Carlo comes back for us as soon as it’s sorted, won’t you?’ Clare called after her. ‘We’ll be worried sick until we know that everything’s all right.’

Don’t you worry. We’ll be back for you as soon as we can. Whatever Max said, they’re probably miles away by now. I doubt we’ll ever see them or the paintings again.’


Chapter Twelve

swung the minibus off the main road and on to the narrow lane leading to Max’s house. He dimmed the headlights and slowed his speed to reduce the sound of the engine.

From her seat
behind Max and Carlo, Jenny kept her eyes fixed on the windscreen, her heart beating fast as she waited to see the wrought-iron gates that marked the top of the drive. But with the minibus going so slowly, the house seemed to be taking forever to come into view, and she eventually turned to gaze through the side window at the expanse of darkness below.

As her eyes
gradually became accustomed to the gloom, she saw that the black mass at the foot of the slope was broken up by pinpoints of light from the numerous houses spread out across the plain towards Bevagna, which lay at the heart of the valley, encircled by its subtly spotlit wall.

glanced down the side of the hill, frantically hoping to see help on the way.

line of shining stars was winding sinuously in their direction.

She press
ed closer to the window, her breath misting the glass; and yes, the starry lights were definitely coming towards them. She sat back in her seat, weak with relief. ‘I think I can see the police,’ she said, her voice shaking. ‘But they’re still quite far away. We’d better stop now or we’ll get to the house before they do.’

Max gestured to Carlo to
pull into the side, shut down the engine and turn off the lights. The minibus rolled a little way forward and came to a standstill just before the road curved sharply to the left.

leaned across in front of Jenny and stared down at the moving lights. ‘You’re right, Jenny. It must be the police. Thank heavens for that.’

turned to look at Stephen, Nick and Jenny, his face grim. ‘Listen carefully. I don’t want any heroics tonight. I’m more than grateful that you want to help, but no one – and that includes me – must take any chances. Pictures are only objects, and objects are nowhere near as important as people. If there’s anything we can do safely, we’ll do it. But if there isn’t, we’ll sit tight and let the whole lot get taken; if it hasn’t been already, that is. I hope that’s quite clear.’

But there’s no need for you to do anything, is there?’ Jenny asked, her heart beating fast. ‘You might get hurt. The police can do what has to be done, can’t they? They’ll be here any moment now.’

Distances are deceptive, especially at night, and I’m not sure how long the police’ll be. I’d like to see what’s going on at the house, so I’ll go on foot from here.’ Stephen made a movement. ‘By myself, Stephen. I want to see whether or not they’re still there. If they are, there’s less chance of me being seen if I’m alone.’

Oh, Max. You’ll be really careful, won’t you? Promise me.’ Her face white with fear, Jenny reached out her arm to him.

e took her hand. ‘I’ll be very careful, I promise,’ he said, his eyes on her face. ‘I’m not your hero type. Don’t you worry; I’ll be back in no time.’

He gave
her a reassuring smile, squeezed her hand, then dropped it, slid open the door and jumped down from the minibus. ‘No one else goes anywhere,’ he called up to them. He ran softly to the bend in the track and disappeared around it.

They stared
after him. No one spoke. Fear hung heavily in the air.

what felt like an eternity, he came running out of the darkness. There was a collective sigh of relief the moment they saw him.

They’re still there,’ he told them in a low voice as he climbed back in. ‘The gates are wide open, and the chain and padlock are hanging from one of the gates. There seem to be three of them – the Andersons and a man I didn’t recognise.’

I bet that’s the man Clare saw them with,’ Stephen said. ‘What are they doing?’

They were putting one of the paintings into the back of a van. From the size of the picture, I think it’s the oil from the sitting room, which suggests that they’re almost finished. The lights are on in both buildings, so they must have emptied both houses. I imagine that they did the other house first – the van’s parked on the grass at the end of the drive now, very close to the
. You stay put – I’m going to have another look.’

Don’t go, Max. Wait for the police. They must be almost here by now.’ Biting her nail, Jenny peered out of the window down the slope. ‘I can’t see the lights any more so they must be on the hill behind us, and probably close to us. Wait for them, won’t you?’

Don’t worry, Jenny. I’ll be very quick. I just want to get some idea how close they are to leaving,’ he said, and he jumped down and sped into the dark.

later, he was climbing up the steps into the minibus again. ‘I was right. They’ll be ready to go soon. It looks as if Howard’s about to shut the van doors.’

Nick slid to the edge of his seat.
‘Then I say we all go in and stop them. Apart from Jenny, of course.’

Wait.’ Max ordered. ‘That’s not an option: they might have a gun.’

laughed dismissively. ‘Not Paula and Howard.’

Yes, Paula and Howard. This has been very carefully planned. No way are they innocent honeymooners, acting on the spur of the moment. It takes nerve to do what they’re doing, not to mention skill and some knowledge of the art world. They’ll need buyers for the pictures, for example. I’m certain this won’t be their first theft and they’ll know that Italian police are armed, which means that there’s a real risk of them having a gun. No one’s charging in, but I’ve got an idea that could buy us some time. If it works, that is. We’ll need to move sharpish, though.’

twisted round and stared through the rear window. ‘I’m sure I can hear police cars. We can leave it to them.’

I’m not going to risk them getting away before the police arrive, especially as I think I can safely stop them. Or at least slow down their exit.’ Max tapped Carlo on the shoulder and gestured for him to follow him. Stephen started to rise from his seat. ‘No, Stephen,’ he said quickly. ‘You and Nick stay here.’

put her hand to her throat. ‘Please, be careful, Max. Remember what you said about playing it safe. If they see you and they’ve got a gun …’ Panic welled up inside her.

Don’t worry, I won’t do anything silly.’ He gave her a quick smile, and he and Carlo got down from the minibus and ran towards the bend in the road.

moved into the front seat. ‘I’m going to ignore what Max said. They might need help.’

made a move to follow him, took one look at Jenny’s terrified face and sat back down again. He squeezed her arm reassuringly. ‘They’ll be fine, Jenny. They’re not stupid, not even Nick. And you’re right about the police being close – I can hear them now. Nick and Uncle Max will be back in a minute, you’ll see.’

He fell silent.
Side by side, they stared into the darkness beyond the windscreen, waiting.

Almost as soon as he’d gone,
Nick was back outside the minibus, standing at the foot of the steps.

Max and Carlo have closed the gates,’ he called up to them gleefully. ‘Max wrapped the chain around the gates and put the padlock on. The goons in the van were too busy reversing up the slope to notice what was happening. Great stuff. I’m going to—’

He stopped short
at the sound of feet running towards them, and clambered quickly into the van.

Panting, Max and Carlo
climbed into the minibus, slammed the doors shut and threw themselves into their seats. Carlo revved the engine, thrust the gearstick into reverse and guided the minibus swiftly backwards, steering it close into the side of the hill.

Behind them, t
he distant drone of approaching cars grew into a loud roar. Carlo braked hard.

turned to face the seats behind him. ‘I’m sure Nick’s told you what we’ve done – we saw you there, Nick. We’ve stopped them from driving out. The main thing now is to make sure that the police can get past us to the house. We don’t want to block their way.’

Do you think that Howard and Paula will ram the gates?’ Nick asked.

They might try, but they won’t succeed. The chain’s very strong. No, they’re more likely to try to shoot the lock open.’

Suppose they drive down the slope and escape that way.’ Stephen stared anxiously at Max.

A van like that couldn’t stay upright on such a steep slope. They’d know that and they’d never risk it. Besides, there are trees all the way down the slope. They wouldn’t have a chance.’

Suppose they come after us with a gun.’ Jenny’s voice shook.

They can’t get through the gates any more than the van can. What they might do is ditch the van and go down the slope on foot, but it wouldn’t be easy in the dark. And if they did that, they’d be going away from us.’

The back of the minibus was suddenly flooded with light.
A car screeched to a halt behind them, and another behind that. They turned to look through the rear window and saw two policeman step out of the first car parked behind them. One of them started to walk towards them; the other waited by the side of the car.

Engines sounded, and o
ne behind the other, three more cars edged past the policemen and the minibus, and continued towards the house.

I forgot, the gates are locked.’ Max jumped down from the minibus. ‘They’ll need the key for the padlock. Will you tell them where I’m going, Jenny?’ he called up.

Of course I will.’ She moved forward and climbed out after him. Her heart pounding with fear, she watched till he disappeared round the corner, then she turned to the policeman.


Standing in front of the wide-open wrought-iron gates, Jenny watched Carlo drive off in the minibus. When he was out of sight, she turned and started to walk down the drive and past the van, which had been abandoned by the thieves in the middle of the drive. She paused and glanced inside; there were several large crates, with a number of paintings slotted into each. The oil painting from above the fireplace lay on top of one of the crates, half covered by a rug.

wo men in protective clothing were dusting the inside of the van for fingerprints, while a policeman was standing by, watching them. She went over to the policeman and thanked him for their quick response to the call and for sending out so many men and cars. Their support had been amazing, she said.

He told her t
here’d recently been a spate of robberies in the area, especially art-related robberies, and they were very keen to catch the perpetrators. As soon as she’d phoned them and told them about a possible theft, they’d realised that they had a chance to catch the criminals red-handed and they’d thrown everything they had behind it.

They’d also set up
two road blocks, he added, one just before the divide in the Bevagna road and the other at the entrance to Montefalco. And just in case the thieves decided to make a run for it, there were handlers and dogs at the foot of the slope.

thanked him again, and continued making her way down to Max, who was standing at the bottom of the drive, staring towards the end of the garden, which was flooded with bright light thrown out by giant lamps. Stephen and Nick had gone across the grass and were standing as close to the top of the slope as the police would allow, two black figures, stark against the white light.

She told
Max what the policeman had said.

looked down at her, and took her hand. ‘It’s just a matter of waiting, then. They won’t be able to get far. It’ll all be over soon.’

‘Thank goodness
Clare spotted that they’d already packed,’ she said, ‘and that Paula slipped up about the suitcases. If it hadn’t been for that, they’d have got away with it.’

Just a
s she finished speaking, they saw two figures appear over the top of the slope, caught in the beam of one of the lamps. Stephen and Nick gave a shout of triumph and jumped up and down on the spot.

hand tightened around hers. ‘Here’s the first of them.’

It’s Howard,’ she said.

he slim policeman walking at his side was beaming with pride. Howard’s face was an angry scowl.

heard a nearby policemen say something to his colleague.

Apparently that policeman’s a champion runner,’ she relayed to Max. ‘We’re very lucky that he was on duty tonight. Anyone racing against him didn’t stand a chance.’

In silence, t
hey watched Howard being led past them, his eyes firmly fixed on the ground. Looking back at him, they saw he was in handcuffs. The slim officer propelled him towards the nearest car and indicated that he should get into the back seat.

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