The Art of Discipline: Running Toward Trouble (The Mockingbird Chronicles) (28 page)

BOOK: The Art of Discipline: Running Toward Trouble (The Mockingbird Chronicles)
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Dani felt almost silly standing in the middle of the room, her backside exposed as her hands rested on her knees. If it wasn’t for the dull throbbing already in her backside, she might have even found the situation funny. It wasn’t funny though. In fact, she was nervous. Her palms were sweaty and threatened to slide off her knees.

Emma walked around Dani and then stopped in back of her. “Okay, Danielle,” Emma said, standing to Dani’s side and centering the paddle across her backside. She let it rest there for a moment, gaining Dani’s undivided attention.

“If we are going to be traditional about this, I’m going to go all the way. I’m going to give you five strokes,” Emma announced. “The first one will only be half-strength. Since you’ve never done this before, I want to give you an idea of what to expect. After that, the next four will be serious. If you take your hands off your knees or otherwise break position, the stroke will not count. Likewise, if you curse, it will not count. Any questions?”

“No,” Dani grimaced as Emma rubbed the paddle back and forth across her backside. “I’m ready.”

“Good,” Emma returned, pulling back the paddle and letting it fall at half-force.

Dani yipped, her eyes going wide, but she managed not to move. Just the one ‘practice’ stroke reignited the fire. By the time Emma was done, Dani was sure she’d never sit again.

“Remember,” Emma bought Dani back to the moment with her voice, “don’t break position, and no cursing.”

Dani swallowed, but nodded, gritting her teeth and waiting for the next stroke. It came quickly and solidly. Dani let out a full yelp this time, taking deep breaths and trying to blink back the tears. The third stoke came a few seconds later, and Dani couldn’t help the dance, hopping slightly between one foot and the other. It was only sheer willpower that kept her hands on her knees.

Emma rested her hand on the small of Dani’s back, giving her a moment to recover before she encouraged, “I know it hurts, Dani; halfway there.”

Dani sniffled and nodded, not being able to get any words out.

Emma then pulled back for the fourth stroke. When it hit, Dani couldn’t help it. Her palms were sweaty from nerves, but it was the pain that caused them to travel to her backside. Putting them protectively over her throbbing cheeks, she turned toward Emma and shook her head. “No, no, no, no more!” she sputtered, still trying to rub the sting away.

Emma gave her a moment to compose herself, before she encouraged Dani to move her hands by pulling them away with her own. “You need to get back into position, Danielle. Now that stroke doesn’t count.”

“No way, I’m done,” Dani argued, her hands going right back to her rear. “I swear, Emma, I won’t ever do anything stupid ever again.”

Emma, paddle still in one hand, managed to cross her arms. She studied Dani for a moment, and then shook her head. “Back in position, Danielle,” she repeated. “I’m going to give you ten seconds.”

Dani’s jaw dropped as she stared in disbelief at her partner. She couldn’t exactly see her own backside, but she was sure smoke had to be coming off it by now. “Emma,” she tried.

“Seven seconds,” Emma responded. “Six, five…”

“It’s not fair,” Dani grumbled, but managed to turn around and resume her position.

Emma exhaled slowly before lining up the paddle again. Pulling back, Emma then repeated the last stroke, wincing herself as Dani yelped and then started to cry. Wanting to get it over now, she let Dani have the last and final stroke, and didn’t hesitate before she dropped the paddle and pulled Dani into her arms.

“Don’t ever make me do that again,” Emma scolded her as she pulled Dani close and let her cry into her shoulder.

It took a long time for Dani to calm down, but eventually she found herself curled up next to Emma on the bed. Somewhere during the sniffling, her pants had been righted. She still didn’t have panties on, but for once she didn’t care.

Dani sniffed as Emma held her. Shifting, she buried her face in Emma’s chest. “How did you get the damn sorority paddle here without anyone knowing what it was?”

Rubbing Dani’s back, Emma smirked, “It was in the large duffel bag. The boys didn’t ask questions.”

“But you said it was an advanced toy; maybe my backside wasn’t ready for it yet,” Dani protested. “Why did you even bring it?”

Emma chuckled. “I told you, it’s special. I’ve had it for a long time, and I didn’t want to risk losing it.

“Losing it?”

“Last time we went away, my apartment caught on fire.”

“Technically, that was the time before last.” Dani frowned again. “It’s just too bad that out of all the things to survive that fire, that damn box had to be one of them,” Dani continued to whine.

Emma laughed. “The paddle wasn’t in the damn box; too big, remember?” she teased. “And besides, when you do something like risk your life for an ice cream sundae, you get an automatic pass to the advanced toys.”

Dani frowned and stuck her lip out into a pout. Emma tapped her nose. “I love you, Danielle, now time to get some sleep.”

“But it’s not even 9:00,” Dani protested.

“No, it’s not, but get used to it. You will be going to bed by 8:30 every night for the rest of your grounding,” Emma stated gently.

“So not fair,” Dani mumbled as she began to relax in Emma’s soothing embrace. “I could make an extra half hour or so worth your while,” she tried to bargain.

“Maybe you can
tomorrow night,” Emma grinned as she continued to rub Dani’s back. “Tonight you’re going to sleep.”

Dani sighed, but didn’t argue any further. The only position she’d be able to be in tonight was on her tummy anyway. There was only so much fun they could have with that. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was tired. Emma’s hand on her back felt good, and the throbbing in her backside had settled into a warm ache. Exhausted, and no longer wanting to fight, Dani gave in and closed her eyes.


* * *


It was only a few hours later when Dani bolted upright. She was still on her tummy, which made the position awkward, but when she tried to turn, she winced and thought better of it. The moment had startled Emma, already reaching for the light when Dani realized that it had happened again. “Emma?” Dani whispered.

“Right here, sweetie,” Emma replied, pulling Dani close to her. “Nightmare?”

Dani nodded, her eyes tearing up automatically, “Yes, I was so scared.”

“It’s been a while,” Emma frowned. “Can you remember any of it?”

“Just a man in black and a loud noise.” Dani stopped for a moment. “I had on red socks and the moon was really bright.”

“It’s just a dream, honey. Try to relax,” Emma encouraged, helping Dani to settle back down on her tummy as she once again started to rub her partner’s back. “Just go back to sleep. I’m right here. You’re safe now.”

Dani let Emma’s words and touch soothe her. Her heart rate returning to normal, she closed her eyes again and let herself settle back to sleep.


* * *


Dani yawned once more. She was sitting, though not comfortably, at Toni’s kitchen table. Picking up the cloth in front of her, she grabbed another knife and sighed. She’d been polishing the silver set for over an hour and there seemed to be no end in sight. Toni had told her that after the silverware was done, she’d move on to the rest of the set.

Hearing footsteps, Dani looked up to find Giuliana smirking at her. “What do you want?”

Giuliana glanced at her mother quickly before holding up her book bag. “Help me with my math?”

“Sure, just let me make sure it’s okay,” Dani replied, not surprised by the badly contained laughter coming from the teen. “
Toni?” she called, waiting for her godmother to look up from her chopping. “Is it okay if I help Giuliana with her math homework and finish the silver later?”

Toni nodded. “Of course,
, you go ahead and work on that math. I know Giuliana appreciates it.”

Giuliana moved to head from the kitchen when Dani stopped her. “Uh, we need to work here.”

“Why?” The girl’s brown eyes suddenly registered the answer as Dani blushed and looked toward Toni. “Oh, my gosh, you are under total house arrest,” she crowed. Dropping her book bag on the floor, she took out the offending math book and supplies before sitting next to Dani at the table. “What the hell did you do?” she whispered.

“Never you mind what she did, Giuliana,” Toni’s voice was sharp. “Just remember that you’re never too old for your parents to correct behavior when needed.”

Blushing again, Dani put her head in her hands and groaned before turning her attention to Giuliana’s homework.

Giuliana was still trying to figure out the last math problem when Dani felt a gentle squeeze on her shoulder. Looking up, she smiled as Emma leaned down to give her a kiss. “Get all the silver done?”

Dani frowned and shook her head. “No, math took precedence,” she explained, pointing.

Nodding, Emma looked over Giuliana’s shoulder and stopped her. “Try it this way.” Picking up the pencil, she made a few calculations before pulling a chair up on the other side of the teen.

Smiling, Giuliana worked out the problem and pushed the paper forward. “Done, did I get it right?”

Heads bent together, the women conferred. “You sure did,” Emma confirmed. “But do you know why you got it right?”

Giuliana groaned. “You two are worse than Mrs. Makowsky, and she’s evil.”

Laughing, Emma put her arm around Giuliana’s shoulders and gave a squeeze. “We’ll get you through this,” she whispered. “Make your brothers eat their words.”

Grinning, Giuliana looked back at her paper and began to explain the problem to Emma and Dani.


* * *


Wincing, Dani yelped as her bottom came into contact with the mattress. She’d been properly spanked and sent to bed early for the past two nights. It was only Sunday morning, and she still had three days left of her nightly spanking ritual to look forward to.

Dani’s bottom had never been so sore and she’d never been so tired. Despite going to bed early every night, she was being plagued by nightmares. They were always the same; red socks, a full moon, and shadowed a man whom she could never quite see. She hadn’t had them this vivid until right after her uncle Sean died. She didn’t know why they had resurfaced, but realized it probably had something to do with the stress they’d been under from Emma’s father.

Rolling out of bed, she looked at the clock and was surprised to see it read 9:00 a.m. She never slept this late, but then Emma had sent her back to bed after catching her up at one, four, and again at five. The last time Emma had swatted her and threatened there would be more if Dani got up before the sun again. The sun had just begun to wake up when Dani must have finally fallen back asleep.

Standing, she headed to the shower and wondered what lovely chores Toni and Emma would find for her to do today. So far, she had polished the entire silver set, washed windows, scrubbed the kitchen floor, dusted everything in her
’s study, including all the books, and been made to work as Toni’s
sous chef
before dinner, and all that was just day one.

Finally dressed, Dani padded downstairs and smiled, seeing Emma reading the Sunday paper over her cup of coffee. She couldn’t help the smile widening as she noticed donuts and another beverage container were on the counter. “Morning, that for me?”

“Yes, hot chocolate and a chocolate-covered donut. Frankie made an early run before the family went to church.”

Grinning, Dani grabbed her breakfast and bent to kiss Emma before trying to sit at the table. Shifting, she managed to find a semi-comfortable spot and began to devour her donut. Finishing quickly, Dani stood and rubbed her bottom. “Do we have to go to Sunday dinner today?”

Emma looked over the top of her paper. “Yes, Danielle, you know the rules. If we’re here, we have to go family dinner on Sundays. You heard what Toni said: the only exception to the rule is death.”

Dani winced and rubbed her bottom again. “I know, but sitting on those chairs. Are you sure I can’t have a pillow, just this once?”

Emma’s eyebrow rose.

“Okay, okay, no pillow.” Heading to the couch, Dani stretched out on her stomach. “So what torture do you and Toni have laid out for me today?”

Putting the paper down, Emma said, ”We thought we’d give you the morning off, within reason, but we’ll both be going over early to help with the meal, and I think you’ll be helping Giuliana clear the table after dinner.”

Smiling, Dani pulled the pillow under her closer before she grabbed the remote to turn on the TV. Finding one of her favorite programs on, she sighed as Emma took the remote from her hand and turned it off. “You’re grounded, Danielle, no television.”

“Come on, Emma, I haven’t watched TV in days,” she grumbled.

“Because you’re grounded,” Emma repeated. “Now, find something else to do before I decide to help you find something to do.”

Moaning, Dani stood up and pulled on her running shoes. “Can I go visit Toni?”

“No, I told you they’re at church; besides, you know you can’t go anywhere without an adult.”

Kicking off her shoes, Dani sighed loudly. “This sucks,” she commented before throwing herself back onto the couch and making patterns with her fingers in the carpet. “Emma?”

“Yes, Dani?”

“I know what I can do to work off some extra energy.”

“What’s that?” Emma once again put down the paper and focused on her girlfriend.

“We could go upstairs,” Dani smirked.

“I guess we could, but I didn’t think you’d want your spanking before lunch today,” Emma teased.

“Emma!” Dani protested, gingerly sitting up. “I was thinking we could go upstairs for an activity that doesn’t involve spanking?”

“You are incorrigible, you know that?” Emma responded, standing up.


Heading up the stairs, Emma stopped. “You coming or not? After all, this was your idea.” She could only laugh as Dani raced to meet her on the stairs.

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