Read The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire Online

Authors: Marian Tee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire (21 page)

BOOK: The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire
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Damen cut the kiss so he could look into his wife’s eyes and she could look into his as he said, “Even if you had, it wouldn’t have made a difference.”

Mairi started to cry again.

“I would still beg and fight for you to be mine.”

She pressed her lips to his even as she sobbed, “Thank you.” Their lips brushed against each other, their tongues dancing. When she pulled away to look down at him, she couldn’t stop herself from crying again. “Thank you for loving me.” She lifted her eyes to him, wanting Damen to see every emotion swirling inside her. “And thank you so much for the book.”

“I’d write a new one every year if that’s the way to keep you with me.” Damen was only half-joking.

A teasing smile flashed on her lips. “Before that can happen, I think I’ll need to go through this one first. There may be untruths in it. Or inaccuracies.”

Damen deadpanned, “There is something missing in it.”

“There is?” Mairi blurted out in surprise. She had skimmed the book, and everything had seemed perfect.
“Like what?”

Instead of answering, Damen gently pried himself away from her, and she watched in confusion as Damen twisted to his side so he could reach for something inside the bedside drawer. When he turned back around to her, Mairi’s jaw dropped.

Damen was holding a vibrator.

“Ummm…” She had totally no idea where he was going here.

“The book lacks sex,” Damen explained ever so innocently. “And you must agree that sex is one of the best ways to catch a Greek billionaire,


“So what do you say we try an experiment tonight,
? Let’s see if taking you in two ways simultaneously will make a Greek billionaire an ‘easier’ catch.”

Oh. My. God.

And then there was no time to talk, to think, or even breathe. Damen was kissing her, claiming her lips and her breasts with his hands and mouth.

Damen took his sweet time arousing his wife, wanting Mairi gushing wet so that his penetration wouldn’t hurt her. He used her own wetness to lubricate her other hole and when she was bucking desperately against him, Damen knew it was time.

Flipping Mairi to her side, he switched the vibrator on before sliding it carefully inside Mairi’s pussy.

Mairi moaned, and she kept moaning as the thick pulsing vibrator found a steady deep rhythm inside her. When Damen reached around her to play with her clit, her moans turned to uncontrollable whimpers and she squeezed her eyes shut in tense and excited anticipation as she felt Damen’s cock nudge against the curve of her buttocks.

Damen carefully lifted Mairi on all fours, making sure that the vibrator was still in place. “Ready?” Damen asked as he stroked her clit with feathery soft movements, making sure she was aroused but not too close to having an orgasm.

” Mairi gasped out and no sooner than she did, she felt Damen’s fingers spreading the cheeks of her butt open.

Pressure, familiar in its sweet raw intensity, built inside her as Damen slowly pushed his cock inside her, inch by inch.

Another gasp was torn out of her as Damen managed to lodge his cock fully inside her, deep enough for her to feel like the two cocks were rubbing against each other.

And then Damen started to move, his cock thrusting in every time the vibrator pulled out.

It was like being fucked by
Damens, and when the thought occurred to Mairi, she completely lost her mind after. She lost all sense of time, the concept of reality slipping beyond her reach. All she knew was to feel, her fingers curling against the bedsheets as her body took the alternating thrusts in her pussy and butt.

“Harder,” Mairi begged, inhibitions completely forgotten as she strove to reach for the climax that felt so near but unreachable at the same time.

Knowing that he, too, was near to ejaculating, Damen held one rounded hip tightly while he began thrusting harder and deeper into Mairi, his balls making loud slapping sounds against Mairi’s ass with every thrust.

Pleasure started to shoot out of his cock, and Damen moved swiftly even as his hips continued to hammer down on Mairi’s hips. His fingers rediscovered her clit, and he strummed them hard, knowing it was enough to take Mairi over the edge with him.

“Daaaaamen!” She screamed his name as she climaxed, and she screamed it again and again as Damen pounded into her harder and harder, his cock and touch claiming her pussy and ass in that uniquely hard sweet way only Damen Leventis was capable of.

When she emerged from her passion-induced stupor, Mairi found herself spooning with her husband in bed. The vibrator was gone, but Damen’s semi-erect cock was still partially buried inside her.

Feeling her stir, Damen nuzzled her neck. “How do you feel?”


“It wasn’t too much?”

Mairi shook her head, feeling inexplicably shy even though she knew how ridiculous it was. Damen’s arm went around her waist and she threaded her fingers through his, their hands resting against her tummy.

“The baby?” Damen asked.

“All good.”

Damen kissed her nape. “I love you, Mairi.”

“I love you.” Mairi felt him smile against her skin, and it made her smile, too.

“Do you think we should talk about this in the book?”

Her eyes flew open in horror at his teasing suggestion. “No!”

“Because you’re ashamed of my proclivities? Or perhaps you’re worried it will make people think less of you?” Damen allowed a bit of roughness into his voice, wanting Mairi to think he felt hurt by her rejection.

Mairi twisted her head around to face him, appalled at Damen’s words. “No, no, it’s not like that.” She paused, then added in awkward honesty, “If I have to be truthful, I loved being…I loved being taken like that.”

Damen was entranced by the blush that stole over his wife’s face.

“It was like…” Her voice lowered to a secretive whisper. “It was like being taken by two Damens.”

Damen had to kiss her after that, fingers sinking in her hair. God, how he loved this woman. She had the most insane thoughts, and all of it just made him love her more and more. “How about three Damens next?” he muttered teasingly against her lips.

Mairi’s lips parted in a gasp, and he used it to his advantage, tongue slipping in.

“How about my cock in your mouth, a butt plug in—”

Oh my fuuuuuuuuuck—

The words were powerfully arousing, enough for Mairi to whimper as her muscles clenched around his cock.

Damen groaned. “I’ve made up my mind. We’re definitely going to add this part in the book, too. So we need to do some more experimenting.”

Mairi gasped. “Damen—”

But he was already reaching for the drawer again, the one where Mairi knew Damen kept all his little toys.

Oh my fuuuuuuuuuck—-

The End

Book 6 will be FREE.

With this last book, you get to enjoy the fireworks from the all-out confrontation between Mairi and Alina, laugh and reminisce as Mairi reunites with her beloved aunts, and make sure you don’t miss the part where Esther Leventis’ snooty ass gets whooped!

Basically, think of it as one
happy-ever-after or an epilogue that’s the length of a novella. Oh, and there will be more about Ioniko and Stavros, too! You didn’t really think I’d leave them single for long, did you?

P.S. Book 6 will also include an excerpt of Drake and Paige’s story.

Dear Reader,

Thank you for taking this journey with me, and I’m beyond humbled that you stuck around long enough to reach the end. Again, I cannot say sorry enough for disappointing everyone with the constant delays. I admit it completely and freely – this whole business of writing books is still new to me, and I hope to be better and more consistent with it as time goes by.

We may only have one bonus book left for Mairi and Damen, but that doesn’t mean it’s the last we’ll see of them. They’ve got lots of still-single friends, and I’m itching to get them to walk down the aisle, too.

Again, thank you! I hope you enjoyed reading this book – I can say in all honesty that this book is my greatest labor of love so far, and it’s my sincerest wish that I was able to make you guys smile and fall in love with it.

If you have time, it would mean so much to me if you could leave a review of the book. You can also let me know what you think via my
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Thank you again, and in case you’re interested with my one-item playlist for this book, it’s Adam Levine’s
Lost Stars,
one of the songs from the exquisitely lovely soundtrack of
Begin Again.

Until our next journey!


Marian Tee

P.S. Burn and Click (Books 2 and 3 of Helios & MJ’s story) are up next! Watch out for it!

About the Author

Marian Tee is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of steamy romantic comedies. She is Filipino-Chinese and lives in the Philippines. She is a frustrated
, is addicted to horror movies, misses hip-hop dancing, and loves all things Japanese. Her best works include The Greek Billionaire Romance serials, of which the first installment,
The Art of Catching a Greek Billionaire
, is available to download for free. Also currently on sale are her boxed sets To Love A Shifter (6-Book Paranormal Romance Bundle) and Eternally Seduced (7-Book New Adult Romance Bundle).

Other Books by Marian Tee


Captivated: 3-in-1 Friends Romance
- Find yourself captivated with these three billionaire romances featuring both happy-ever-after and happy-for-now endings and where young, hot, and rich alpha males find themselves in the rare and unfamiliar position of being friends with women they're obsessed with.

His Fair Lady
– Prince Julian knows the blind fortune teller Cass is everything he wants in a woman, but she can never be his bride.

The Greek Billionaire and I
– Curvy schoolteacher Velvet says ‘yes’ to a marriage of convenience but is too proud to let her Greek billionaire husband know she’s doing it for love and not for money.

Greek Billionaire Romance Serials -
A young schoolteacher innocently dreams of falling for a Greek billionaire, but the one she meets only wants her as a mistress.

The Art of Catching a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Trusting a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Loving a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Forgiving a Greek Billionaire

The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire

Heart Racer: BIKER Romance Series

Leandro & Bobby’s Story (2 parts) –
A young billionaire biker chooses a snarky do-gooder to be his pretend girlfriend.

Heart Racer

Driven by Love

Helios & MJ’s Story (3 parts) -
Even though he's commitment-phobic, the aloof president of a billion-dollar bike racing club finds himself jealous of the "secret crush" of a tomboyish camera-wielding first-year student.


Burn (Out Soon)

Click (Out Soon)

The Art of Claiming an Alpha –
Human-slash-pack-princess Calys is a toughie, but she still needs the help of the powerful, dominant, and gorgeous werewolf Alejandro Moretti to be an ‘alpha’. Unfortunately, he wants her body in exchange for her help.

BOOK: The Art of Wedding a Greek Billionaire
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