The Assistant (24 page)

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Authors: Elle Brace

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult

BOOK: The Assistant
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“Hello Liam, Michelle.” She nodded and waved at both my parents before turning over to Blake. I watched as her cheeks tinged a slight pink colour, but she covered it up by narrowing her eyes at Blake’s hair. “Is that… no… it couldn’t be, is Flakey Blakey back? I’m starting to see more white stuff appearing in that lovely jet black hair of yours, friend.” Amy smirked, making Blake glare back in response.


“It’s nice to see you too, Amy. Is that… Wait a minute; did you forget to take the wax off your upper lip again?” He asked with a smirk right back. Amy was absolutely mortified once Blake had walked in on her waxing her upper lip at my house in senior year. He hasn’t let it go since.


“Shut up.” She scowled, growing red in the face.


We all laughed at her lame retort before I turned to all four guests. “Let’s eat then, shall we?” I grinned, just as my stomach grumbled slightly. They all nodded their heads in agreement and we began to walk into the kitchen before another knock at my door sounded. I frowned and bit my lip curiously. I wasn’t expecting any more company.


“Amy, did you tell Molly and the other girls to come over?” I asked.


Amy shook her head, looking just as curious as I was. “I’m coming with you! I want to know who it is. It’s bound to be someone interesting because you have no friends!” Amy squealed in excitement, and I slapped her arm at her comment. “Ouch!”


“’Serves you right for calling my sister unpopular. You should be thankful she’s hanging out with someone like you wax face.” Blake teased Amy, looking down his nose at her short figure.


“Shut up, Flake,” she snapped back, glaring.


“Is it really necessary for all of you to follow me to answer my front door?” I asked with an exasperated sigh, looking at my family and best friend pointedly.


“Yes,” they all answered.


I rolled my eyes as I pulled the door open – and almost slammed it shut. Adrian’s foot stopped me.


“Hello, Shortcake.” He smirked once his eyes met mine before stepping into my apartment. “I hope I’m not too late?” His expression changed to once of innocence as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side while pressing his lips to my cheek.


“I- What are you doing here?” I asked slowly, keeping a phony smile plastered on my face while wanting to glare up at Adrian’s smirking one. I looked over to Amy who had suddenly paled and was staring up at Adrian with her jaw hung open.
She’s no help,
I thought to myself bitterly.


“I couldn’t miss your family, Shortcake,” Adrian said it as if the answer were obvious, and I just blinked up at him blankly.


“Who… Who is this?” my mom asked cautiously, giving Adrian a nervous smile. I knew that smile all too well. I groaned internally; my mom was checking out my boss.


“Adrian Kingston, Ma’am. Emily’s boss and boyfriend. It’s very nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot of great things about all of you.”


I choked on my own saliva – and so did Amy - as soon as the words left Adrian’s mouth.


“Boyfriend?” Blake asked, narrowing his eyes at Adrian suspiciously, mirroring my thoughts.


Adrian gave a swift nod before answering. “You must be Blake. The fun, older brother. Emily talks a lot about you and how you’re always calling her smelly.” Adrian chuckled before I felt his arm tighten around my waist. He stepped forward, completely ignoring Blake’s possessive glare, and turned over to my father. “Mr. Johnson. It’s an honour to finally meet you. I’ve heard what you have done for our country, and you’ve also brought the most beautiful woman to this planet – I can’t even begin with how much respect I have for you, Sir. I’ve also heard you’re quite a Mario Kart fan. I hope to verse you one day.” My head spun at his statement so fast that I thought I had whiplash.


How the hell does he know all of these things about my family?!


“Mom, Dad, Blake… Why don’t you all get yourselves seated at the dinner table?” I suggested through grit teeth. My phony smile was wobbling dangerously. “I need to have a few words with Adrian.”


“Of course, sweetie!” my mom gushed. “You take all the time you need with Adrian Kingston!” She looked up at him with a flustered expression. I gave her a look of disbelief and turned to my father for help. He began dragging her and a pissed-off looking Blake into the kitchen, leaving a still-in-shock Amy and an all-too-arrogant Adrian behind in the living room.


“Are you crazy?!” I whisper-shouted once I knew they were out of earshot.


“I believe I’ve already responded to that question before,” Adrian said good-naturedly, “but I’ll tell you my answer again just to refresh your memory. When it comes to you, yes, completely and utterly bonkers.”


My eyes widened with disbelief as I looked up at his amused expression. “Did you not get a s
thing I said in the office on Monday?! Now what will I tell them once they find out you lied? And how the hell did you find out about all that stuff about my dad?!” I demanded.


“I looked him up.” He shrugged, before continuing. “Plus, I had to meet the parents soon enough, didn’t I? I mean, you’ve already met mine. It’s only fair-”


“It’s only fair that you leave and let me clean up after
mess with
family!” I hissed, glaring up at him.


“Mess? I don’t think I’ve made a mess. Your mother and father seem very fond of me already. Blake still needs a little more time, but he’ll get there as well, eventually. The only person I wasn’t aware of is the creepy girl that’s been staring at me with her mouth open in shock the entire time we’ve been speaking. Who is she?” He asked, casting an uneasy look in Amy’s direction.


I looked over at her and realised she was still in the same slack-jawed dropped, making me giggle.


“Amy, snap out of it! You’re finally going to meet the guy you fan-girl over. Adrian, this is my best friend Amy. Amy, you already know who Adrian is.” Amy instantly snapped out of her shocked state and looked up at Adrian with stars in her eyes, making me laugh. “You’re a loser, Ames,” I teased, making her turn to me with wide eyes.


“Is that real or am I dreaming? Because there is no way he could get hotter than he is in photos. No, no way…” She trailed off, staring at him again. I laughed before clicking my fingers in her field of vision, making her snap out of her hazy state once again. Her eyes widened at the realisation of her actions and she cleared her throat. “S- Sorry. Hello, Amy am I. I mean, I Amy. Uh- Hi,” she finished lamely, going tomato red again.


Adrian chuckled at her caveman talk and I tried to stifle my own laughter, afraid of the death glare I’d receive if I let out my amusement. “Ames, I need you to go and distract my family while I try and get rid of-” I didn’t even get to finish my sentence because Adrian was already strolling into the kitchen, where the food was set.


“Sorry for making you all wait.” Adrian smiled – actually smiled this time, no smirk – before taking a seat near my father. Amy instantly took the seat in between my mother and Blake, and I glared at her once I realised she was trying to make me sit next to Adrian.


“That’s fine, honey. We put you all a plate of food anyway. So let’s dig in!” My mom exclaimed in excitement, still keeping an eye on Adrian. I threw a glare in her direction, and her gaze instantly met the food on her plate once she saw my expression.


“So, Adrian, how is the infamous Kingston Company going?” my father asked once everyone began to eat. I shoved a large piece of steak into my mouth, trying to eat away the fact that I was pissed off that Adrian had a friendly charisma that won over my usually over-protective dad way too quickly for my comfort.


Adrian swallowed his salad before nodding briefly. “I’m not going to lie. The short period that I didn’t have Emily working for me was quite a large failure. I wasn’t able to concentrate without her by my side. But now that she’s back, I can happily say things are booming again, Sir.” Adrian smiled slightly, before placing his hand on top of my thigh.


I looked up to meet his amused expression and glared slightly, letting him know that I was still angry with him.


“Call me Liam, son.” My dad patted Adrian’s back briefly and gave him a smile. My eyes widened and I looked across the table to meet Blake’s eyes.
He got the pat on the back!
I mouthed in shock.


Blake stared at Adrian for a few moments, before his gaze fell back on mine and he nodded. If my father ever patted a boy’s back, it meant he approved of him. Adrian managed to get it in less than half an hour. That had to be a world record. Blake’s best friend, Michael, had to wait four months until he received his.


The rest of the dinner was eaten with comfortable small talk, and I was thankful that everyone was acting normal about the fact that I hadn’t told them I supposedly had a boyfriend. Once we finished eating, I placed all the plates into the dishwasher that was built into the kitchen before re-entering the living room where everyone else was seated except for my mom –who was no doubt, inspecting the apartment.


“I can take you down in Mario Kart any day man,” Blake laughed, throwing a pillow at Adrian.


“Is that a challenge?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at my older brother.


“Oh, bring it on bro.” Blake smirked, and I watched as he flexed his muscles in front of Adrian to look more intimidating. Amy rolled her eyes and muttered something under her breath which earned a glare from Blake, making me laugh.


“Shortcake, come and sit by me,” Adrian said, shuffling over so he could make more room in between him and my father.


“Uh… I think I should just sit on the chair. It looks pretty tight over there already-”


“Oh nonsense, Kiddo. There’s plenty of room for you. Don’t feel embarrassed to sit beside your boyfriend in front of your family.” My dad smiled, and I almost choked again at the word ‘boyfriend.’ The word was beginning to hit too close to home, and I was trying to push back the alleged feelings I had for Adrian.


Adrian waggled his eyebrows at my dad’s words before patting the sofa beside him, making me sigh in defeat and take my seat in between the two tall men. Adrian instantly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his body.


“At this rate,” he said, for my ears alone, “I could have sex with you on the table and they’d still approve of me. You’re welcome.”


I tried to push him away in disgust but it ended up looking playful in front of Blake and my father, making my cheeks flame up. Adrian chuckled and stole another kiss on my cheek before turning over to the movie on the screen.


“Emily, honey. Your tap in the bathroom leaks!” my mom said as soon as she re-entered the living room. “See, I knew you weren’t fit enough to handle this whole apartment on your own just yet. We should sell it right away and you can come back home and live with us.”


Adrian stiffened at the mention of me moving away from here, and I watched as he clenched his jaw in anger. “She’s not moving away from me,” he stated, frowning slightly.


My mom looked over at Adrian sympathetically. “I’m sorry, Adrian. It’s just, well, if she can’t take care of a leaking tap then who knows-”


“Mom!” I exclaimed, turning around to face her fully while still managing to stay in Adrian’s hold. “The tap isn’t even leaking that much. Plus, I’ve already called someone to look at it and he’s going to be coming in within the next week. I know how to control an apartment.” I frowned in anger while giving her a warning look.


“Honey… We’re just concerned for your safety,” my dad said from beside me, making my eyes trail over to his concerned expression. “What if – and God forbid this ever happen to you – but a break in occurs? You live alone. There is no one to protect you and you may not be strong enough to take care of yourself in that situation, Kiddo.”


“That won’t be a problem,” Adrian spoke up, making my neck almost snap from turning so quickly for the second time tonight. “Because she’s moving in with me. Tonight.”


He did
just drop that bombshell on my all-too-satisfied-looking family.

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