The Assistant (45 page)

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Authors: Elle Brace

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult

BOOK: The Assistant
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“This is the part where you’re supposed to say you don’t know how your best friend would last without me, and then I agree with you and bring up the solution to that,” Adrian continued for Amy, who gave him a confused look.


I mirrored her expression as he tried to reach out to take hold of his suit jacket. “Allen mate, for once in your life stop being a useless prat and give me my jacket.” Adrian ordered sarcastically, giving Allen an annoyed glare.


Allen laughed before throwing the jacket at Adrian’s face. “Fetch, injured doggy.”


Adrian scowled. “Idiot.” He shoved his hand into the inside pocket of his jacket and began rummaging for something as he spoke up. “Emily, come here for a second. I need your help.”


Frowning curiously, I made my way over towards his battered figure, taking my previous seat beside him. “What’s wrong?”


“This near-death experience made me realise something-”


“You were nowhere near death,” Mason scoffed from the opposite end of the room. “Stop being a pussy.”


Adrian glared at his father before turning back to me and continuing. “Okay, I lied. I was going to do this whether I was in a car accident or not. I’ve just come to the complete realisation on how I feel about us.”


My eyes went wide and I instantly stiffened in my position. “Are… Are you breaking up with me?” I whispered, not trusting my voice in front of everyone.


“What the hell, son?” Mason exclaimed, taking a step closer towards the bed. “Are you crazy?”


“Don’t you dare break my best friend’s heart, you prick! If that w
your death bed; I’ll make sure it is now!” Amy scowled, also taking a step closer towards Adrian.


Adrian sighed, looking over at all of them. “I really didn’t want to do it in front of all of you,” he grumbled irritably, shooting them a stone cold glare and shutting them up completely.


“Adrian… If this is about Rita-”


“Let me speak!” he snapped, before letting out an impatient sigh. “Fuck it. Emily, Marry me. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life with anyone else but you. I was
to make a romantic speech but they all killed my mood; so that’s as romantic as it’s going to get.”


Adrian pulled out a small, navy coloured velvet box from beside him and popped it open, revealing a platinum engagement ring with a square diamond the size of my fingernail.


“What did I miss – oh my god.” Katherine came to an abrupt halt at the doorway as her eyes landed on the navy box Adrian was holding, her eyes widening as she looked over the piece of jewelry again. I turned back to observe the expensive looking engagement ring myself.


“Adrian…” I trailed off, tears springing to my eyes. I bit my bottom lip in an attempt to stop it from wobbling and nodded as a smile tugged itself at my lips. “Yes, I’ll marry you,” I whispered, my smile turning to a full outward grin.


Adrian fist-pumped with a pained expression before slipping the huge ring onto my finger and slouching back onto the bed looking worn out. “
If I knew you’d accept this quickly, I would’ve had a car accident sooner,” Adrian grumbled, before sending a slight smirk in my direction.


I choked on my tears before slapping his arm softly. “Stop being an idiot.”


“Can this idiot at least get a post proposal and car accident kiss?” Adrian grinned with a cheeky glint in his eyes.


My smile didn’t leave my lips as I leaned in and placed my lips over his, pulling away and blushing once a collective groan erupted from the room.


“MY BEST FRIEND IS FINALLY ENGAGED!” Amy squealed suddenly, running over to where I was now standing and pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. “I’ve got the reception planned out and the flower arrangements! Oh, and I think I know the perfect little boutique where you can find nice bridesmaid dresses! We’ll go there another day – it doesn’t have to be now. I think I can even call up-”


“Amy!” I laughed, cutting her off. “Calm down, you have like an entire year to plan this out; I mean, never mind the fact that I didn’t actually assign you to be my maid of honour.”


“You have no other friends, obviously it’s going to be me.” Amy scoffed.


“Hold on a minute, Shortcake, what do you mean
a year
?” Adrian exclaimed angrily. “I can’t wait that long!”


“Don’t make me call it off already,” I told Adrian, giving him a warning look.


“I’ll just get into another car accident,” he replied with a smirk.




He grinned and waggled his eyebrows in my direction before lifting up his uninjured wrist to usher me over. “I want another kiss. I’m hurting.” He pouted, before it turned into another smirk.


I rolled my eyes and shook my head with a small smile before walking back over to him and placing a brief kiss on his lips.


Allen laughed once I pulled away. “He’s not getting some for a while. It’s okay, Em, I can fulfil his position while he’s out of order.” He winked.


“That’s my fiancé you’re talking to,” Adrian growled, sending a death glare in Allen’s direction.


“And my best friend!” Amy scowled.


“Dude, and my little sister,” Blake commented with a grimace.


“And now my official daughter in law with big boobs.” Mason grinned, imitating Adrian’s earlier move and waggling his eyebrows at me.


“Mason!” Katherine scolded, shaking her head at him before smiling at me.


I laughed at everyone’s remarks before letting out a small contented sigh, glad to have gone for the job of Adrian’s assistant.










One Year Later…


“Emily, stand still!” Amy snapped, looking up at me with a menacing scowl etched into her features.


“I’m sorry? I’m not shaking on
,” I mumbled, looking back up at my frantic reflection before biting my lip. “Are you sure I should be getting married, Ames? I mean, we’ve only been engaged for a year-”


“And you’ve put up with each other for two years. Of course you should be getting married! I need to be a maid of honour, you and Adrian love each other very much, Mason has been droning on about how he wants to get tipsy and strip on your wedding night and your parents have been waiting for this day since you were a child! You
that this is the right choice; you’re just having pre-wedding nerves. Calm down.” She coached in a calm voice, getting out of her crouched position and pulling me into a warm, comforting hug.


“Yeah. Plus, you’re getting married to me; that’s the right choice on everybody’s list.” A new, deeper voice chuckled, making both Amy and I shriek. “You look beautiful, Shortcake. Even better than what I pictured in my head.” Adrian smirked playfully with a glint of admiration in his eyes.


“Adrian! Its bad luck to see your bride before the wedding actually starts!” I stressed, my eyes growing wide.


Adrian’s smirk dropped to a scowl. “How the hell was I supposed to know that? I’ve never been married before!” he retorted. “And who cares anyway. You shouldn’t believe in bad luck because you’re marrying me.” He stated it as if it was an obvious fact to know, and I rolled my eyes and grinned at his arrogance.


“I don’t know how you managed to fit your ego in this room but you need to leave, the ceremony starts in 10 minutes! You’re meant to be out there waiting for her to walk down the aisle!” Amy stressed, leaving my side and walking over to Adrian to push him out of the room.


“Yeah, yeah. I’ve watched enough Rom-Com’s with this one to know the procedure. I’ll look at her like she’s the only woman in the room and blah, blah, blah. That’s pretty stupid, since your whole family is practically 94% female-”


“OUT!” Amy snapped, attempting to push his large frame out the door.


“Wait! I want a kiss before I go!” Adrian begged.


Both Amy and I gave him an incredulous look. “You’re going to kiss me in like 15 minutes!” I exclaimed.


“Yeah but that’s going to be me kissing my wife. I need to kiss you now as my fiancé.” Adrian plucked Amy’s hands away from his back like they were pieces of lint before walking over to where I was standing with a smirk. “Pucker up,” he ordered while waggling his eyebrows.


Amy huffed from behind us and muttered something inaudible as I shook my head and tried to hide my grin from him. “Remind me why I agreed on marrying you again?” I asked.


“Because of this,” he stated, before wrapping the entire length of his right arm around my waist and pulling me into a deep kiss that left me breathless once he finally decided to pull away. “My wife better kiss like you just did,” he mumbled once he pulled away.


“That’s highly likely considering the fact that we’re the same person,” I mused.


“Your kiss might change once you have that ring on your finger.”


“I highly doubt it, Adrian.” I laughed.


“Have I mentioned how beautiful you look? I don’t think I can look at you enough,” Adrian murmured looking down at my dress.


“Okay lovebirds, enough! Adrian, you better get your ass back to the altar or so help me God-”


“Relax, woman! She’s so touchy. Is she going through menopause?” Adrian grumbled, bringing his gaze back to meet mine.


“That’s it,” Amy snapped, growing red in the face from anger. “You’ve crossed the line there! Out!”


Adrian chuckled and pecked my nose before narrowly avoiding Amy’s fist and running out of the room in hysterics.


“I’ve changed my mind. Don’t get married to him.” Amy scowled.


I laughed and stepped off the small stool before turning to face Amy fully. “You’re due for your period.”


“What if I am?” she asked, narrowing her eyes slightly.


I laughed. “Nothing! I’m just making an observation.”


“Well, so am I; you look so beautiful.” Amy breathed, taking in the final product once I stood facing her front on. “My best friend is getting married,” she whispered, tears coming to her eyes. “Ugh! Fuck you, Emily! Now my makeup is going to smudge!” She wailed, before pulling me into a bone crushing hug.


“Sorry?” I laughed, pulling away with a confused look.


Amy was about to reply before a soft knock sounded at the door. “If it’s that asshole coming in again-”


“It’s not Adrian. He wouldn’t knock. Who is it?” I called out, focusing on the glass door curiously.


A moment later it clicked open, and my mother, clad in a peach coloured blazer and skirt, walked in while wiping her eyes. She began to grin as her gaze fell on me, before she burst into tears again. Seeing my own mother cry made my chest swell up with emotion, and I felt my own eyes begin to water at the sight.


“No way! Don’t you dare cry on your wedding day!” Amy snapped, forcing my gaze away from my mom and making me focus on her angry expression. “Stop it!” Stop!” she ordered snippily, before turning to my mom. “You’re coming with me.” She dragged my hysterical mother out the door, slamming it shut behind her and leaving me alone in the small, silent room.


I sighed and looked at my reflection once more just as the door clicked open again. I looked through the reflection to find Katherine entering the room, coming to a halt once her eyes landed on my all-in-white figure.


“You look breathtaking,” she complimented, her eyes widening slightly on her usually composed face.


I turned away from the mirror and smiled in her direction. “Thank you… Is… Is my mom okay?”


“She’s just happy for you. Are you ready?” she asked.


It was funny how one three-worded question could have such an impact on your internal functions. My breathing had suddenly become heavier and my heartbeat was now in the middle of my eardrums – beating violently against my head and making me even more nervous than I was previously.


I tried to swallow the nervous feeling away before nodding my head. “I… yeah, I’m ready,” I managed to squeak.


“It’s okay Emily, there’s no need to be nervous. This is your big day. Enjoy it.” Katherine gave me a comforting smile before sticking her hand out for me to take. “My son hasn’t stopped yapping about how beautiful you look to everyone in the church. Has he already seen you?”


I felt my cheeks warm up at the fact that Adrian was telling over 400 people something that was known to be bad luck before nodding. “He has.”


“Well, I can’t say it wasn’t expected from him.” She smiled briefly, just as my father came into view. “I’ve come to drop off the bride. The other mother had a bit of a breakdown,” Katherine joked.


“I knew she would. But do you blame her? My princess looks spectacular.” My father’s attention had shifted so that he was looking at me now; and the same look my mom wore before she burst into tears settled onto his aging features. “I’m so happy I’m alive to see this moment.” He pulled me into a warm hug. “I love you, princess.”


“I love you too, dad.” I smiled slightly, before turning back to Katherine and nodding.


“I’ll let them know,” she replied, before disappearing.


“Are you ready kiddo?” My father grinned, looking down at me.


“Dad, I’m 25. No longer a ‘kiddo,’” I grumbled.


“Oh. Well excuse me, Miss Maturity now?” he grumbled. “This wedding business is getting to your head.”


I frowned and opened my mouth to reply just as another, louder voice spoke up.


“All rise for the bride.”


It was then that the collective whispers that I had not noticed in the background fell to a complete silence, just as a loud burst of the organ echoed throughout the large room.


My father linked his arm in with mine; his face radiating with emotion as he nodded down at me. I smiled and kissed his cheek before nodding in return.


We began our long descent down the aisle. My gaze briefly flickered over to the guests that were by my side and I smiled at those with familiar faces while focusing on my footing underneath the puffy dress.


Suddenly, I felt the dress become half the weight it was before and heard Amy’s puffing come from behind me as she lifted up the train of my dress in an attempt to make it easier for me to walk. My eyes then went back to the little boy in front of me, and I held back a laugh as Sienna’s son Michael walked with as much caution as he could muster up while focusing on the rings in front of him.


Then I looked up at Adrian. I understood what movies were now trying to portray during wedding scenes; but they didn’t do it well enough. I think Adrian was also eating up his earlier words as he looked at me from his standing position at the altar; the both of us fighting back grins. It didn’t even feel like my father was beside me, walking me down the aisle anymore. Any additional decorations and even the loud harmonic tune of the organ faded away as I arrived in front of my soon-to-be husband and he smiled down at me with an all too familiar glazed look in his eye.


My father kissing my cheek and pulling me into another brief hug was what pulled me out of my trance, and I quickly wrapped my own arms around his thick torso before we both pulled away. Amy had taken my bouquet out of my hands and was now standing with Anna, Claire and Molly just as I took my position across from Adrian and looked over at a grinning Blake, a smirking Allen and two more of Adrian’s friends, Daniel and Mathew.


The minister began. “We are gathered here today on this happy and joyous occasion to join this man, and this woman, in holy matrimony.”


“Tonight won’t be holy, I can assure you that, Shortcake.” Adrian whispered with a smirk.


My eyes widened and I felt my entire face heat up in shock and mortification before I looked over at the minster, hoping he didn’t hear Adrian’s hushed promise.


Thankfully, the old man continued without hesitation. “Marriage is a solemn institution to be held in honour by all, it is the cornerstone of the family and of the community. It requires of those who undertake it a complete and unreserved giving of one's self. It is not to be entered into lightly, as marriage is a sincere and mutual commitment to love one another. This commitment symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives and still enhances the individuality of each of you.”


“When do we get to kiss?” Adrian asked the minister, initiating a collective gasp, followed by a few chuckles in the large room.


The minister – who looked like he was about to slap Adrian for disrespecting the tradition – answered snippily. “You’ll be able to kiss your bride soon enough.”


“I want to kiss her
Let’s skip all the ‘I do’s’ for now; we wouldn’t be here if we didn’t want to love, comfort, honour and keep each other in sickness and in health, remaining faithful to each other for as long as you both shall live if we weren’t certain of our love.” Adrian told the minister flippantly, before giving him an expectant look.


“You were able to recite all of that, but you weren’t able to wait for a simple ‘I do’?”


“No,” Adrian snapped, losing his patience.


The minister shook his head and sighed, muttering something that sounded inappropriate for church, before closing the book shut. “With these rings, you shall wed.”


Adrian grabbed my hand and slid the ring onto my marriage finger, grinning excitedly in the process, before handing over the plain gold band to me. I sighed at his impatience and tried not to laugh at his child-in-a-candy-shop expression before slipping his wedding band on and looking over at the minister.

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