The Audacious Crimes of Colonel Blood (56 page)

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Walsh, Colonel James, 30

Walsingham, Sir Francis, 49, 52, 55

Walter, Lucy, 112

Ward, John, 191

Warren, Colonel Abel, 19, 24, 28, 32, 48

Warren, Colonel Edward, 21, 36, 38–9, 44, 46

Warren, Elizabeth, 46–7

Warren, William, 19

Washwhite, John, 107

Watson, James, 3

West (grazier), 95

Westminster Abbey, xxv, 115–17, 166, 196–7

Westminster Hall, xxv, 117

Wexford, massacre at, xviii, 2

Weyer, Samuel, 88

Whalley Abbey, xxiv Wheeler, Sir Charles, 82

Whelplay, George, 253

Whichcot, Colonel Christopher, 236

Whichcote, Sir Jeremy, 280

Whitaker, Mr (lawyer to Buckingham), 185

White, James, 3

White, Justice, 86–7

White's coffee house, 170

White House tavern, The Strand, London, 173, 178

Wildman, Major John, 173

Wilkinson, Richard, 113, 170–1

William III, King (Prince of Orange), 92–3, 196, 203, 285

Williams, Richard, 205

Williamson, Sir Joseph, 33, 59, 66, 68–9, 73–4, 135

and Blood's imprisonment, 130–2, 136, 138–9, 141–2

and Blood's pardon, 147, 150

and Blood's work for government, 153, 155–60, 167, 170, 174

and Catholic conspiracies, 176, 178–80

death, 198

dismissed from office, 181, 198

and Dublin Castle conspiracy, 24–5, 35–6, 40, 45

and intelligence gathering, 49, 56

and postal service, 50–2, 102–3

and religious toleration, 162, 164–5

Wilson, William, 95, 264

Windsor Castle, 87

Wise, Captain, 61

Witherings, Thomas, 50

Wolsey, Cardinal Thomas, 236

Woodhouse, Thomas, 107

Worcester, Battle of, 108

Wren, Sir Christopher, 260

Wyndham, Colonel, 290

York Castle, 57, 74, 83–7

Zeeland, 66, 166

Zouch, Sir John, 230

Other books by Robert Hutchinson

Last Days of Henry VIII
Elizabeth's Spymaster
Thomas Cromwell
House of Treason
Young Henry
The Spanish Armada


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Copyright © 2015 by Robert Hutchinson

First Pegasus Books hardcover edition June 2016

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ISBN: 978-1-68177-144-1

ISBN: 978-1-68177-186-1 (e-book)

Distributed by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.

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