The Authorized Ender Companion (9 page)

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The Computer Voice would record Mazer’s responses to messages from IF-COM, and send them via ansible. The computer also tracked Mazer’s emotional responses and reported them to the Fleet. It also reported that Mazer had reprogrammed the ship to give himself complete navigational control.

Conceição (SD)

Conceição was a human colonist on the planet Lusitania. She was the librarian of the planetary archives, and was married to the planet’s xenolo-gist, Pipo. She was the mother of Libo, and a devout Catholic. She was devastated by the murder of her husband by the planet’s native life-forms, the pequeninos.

Years later, at a very old age and still the archivist of Lusitania, Conceição learned of her son Libo’s adulterous relationship with Novinha von Hesse.

Condor, The

The Condor
was the name of the spaceship that Bean took to Battle School.

Copper Bugs ([GB])

Copper Bugs were large insectoids, bred by the Formics to mine for precious metals on one of their worlds. When that world was colonized by humans after Ender’s victory against the Formics, the Copper Bugs were thought to exist because of the discovery of Gold Bugs by xenobiologist Sel Menach and his assistant, Po Tolo.

Their exoskeleton was seemingly made of the precious metal they mined, making the bugs themselves precious natural resources.

Córdoba (
Hundred Worlds)

Crazy Tom (EG, ES, WG, SH, SG)

Crazy Tom was a contemporary of Ender’s in Battle School, and was one of the few veterans assigned to Ender’s Dragon Army. He was the toon leader of C toon in Dragon Army. He had also developed a reputation for throwing tantrums if his superiors did things that bothered him.

He and his toon helped lead Dragon Army to victory over Rabbit Army in their first battle. They also helped protect Ender from Bonzo Madrid and Salamander Army, when Ender’s life was threatened. In the army’s eighth battle, Tom was frozen and used as a shield by Bean to defeat Salamander Army.

Crazy Tom was promoted to Tactical School and a week later was given command of one of Ender’s unseen squadrons during the exams (that were truthfully real battles) at Command School.

After returning home, Tom, along with the rest of Ender’s final army, was kidnapped by former Battle School student and serial killer Achilles Flandres. He was taken to Russia and forced to participate in war games with his fellow prisoners. He was soon separated from his colleagues and taken to a secret location elsewhere in Russia. There he continued to participate in the war games, which were used as training for Achilles’s ever-growing army.

None of the captives was allowed to have physical interaction with the others. They could write and communicate via e-mail, but nothing else was permitted. Achilles allowed him, and the rest of the prisoners except Petra, to be rescued.

Over the next couple of years, Crazy Tom became a military teacher in Sandhurst, teaching strategy to future soldiers. He was approached by both Hyrum Graff and Peter Wiggin, and invited to leave Earth and its political instability and travel to space where he could begin a new life at a human colony.

As Peter built the Hegemony into the Free People of Earth, Graff again offered Ender’s colleagues the opportunity to leave Earth and govern a planet. It was his fear that Ender’s army would be used in the worldwide conflict, manipulated by whatever political power rose to prominence, and he wanted to prevent that. Every member who received the offer, which did not include Han Tzu, Petra Arkanian, or Alai, said no. The others were already too involved in matters on Earth to leave.

Christao/Cristã, Dona Detesai o Pecado o Fazelo Direito (SD)

Dona Christao was a member of the Catholic Church’s order called Children of the Mind of Christ on the planet Lusitania. She taught at the local
school and helped place children in their careers. She was on friendly terms with Pipo, and used that relationship to determine if a prized female student named Novinha could take the xenobiologist certification test earlier than the usual age.

Dona Christao was also married to Dom Cristão, and together they led the Catholic order the Children of the Mind of Christ. She, with her husband, helped Ender Wiggin learn about the people of Lusitania so he could better Speak about their deaths.

She was one who attended the meeting with the governor to discuss the Starways Congress’s absorption of the planetary computer files. She also attended Ender’s Speaking ceremony, learning of Novinha von Hesse’s adulterous relationship with Libo Figueira.

As with the other important meetings, she was present when it was decided that, to protect Miro Ribeira from prosecution, and to protect other planets from the Descolada virus, Lusitania would rebel against the Starways Congress.

Cristão, Dom Amai a Tudomundo Para Que Dues vos Ame (SD)

Dom Cristão was the one of the chief religious leaders on the planet Lusitania. He was the Abbot of the Catholic monastery, which housed an order of the Church known as Children of the Mind of Christ. He was married to Dona Cristão.

He brought comfort to Libo and his family when Libo’s father, Pipo, was killed by the native Lusitanian creatures, known as the piggies.

The Bishop, who was a semirival, asked Dom Cristão for his help in ridding Lusitania of the scourge of a Speaker for the Dead, Ender Wiggin. However, Dom Cristão saw value in what Speakers did, and instead helped Ender prepare to Speak.

When the Starways Congress began absorbing Lusitania’s files, Dom Cristão noticed and began printing out on paper their most important files. With the governor’s aid, he then transferred the bulk of the files into Ender’s open computer storage, trusting Ender to return the files later.

He attended the Speaking for the Dead that Ender performed on behalf of Marcão Ribeira, and was surprised to learn of the adulterous relationship between Novinha von Hesse and Libo Figueira.

He was also present at the meeting where it was discovered that the planet’s charter had been revoked, and the leaders of Lusitania elected to defy Starways Congress’s orders and rebel. They did so to protect Miro Ribeira and Ouanda Figueira. Dom Cristão and the other leaders hoped the
rebellion would open the door to taking their religion to the pequeninos—the native species of Lusitania.

Cups (SD)

Cups was a pequenino, the native species of the planet Lusitania, also called “piggies.” He saw Miro Ribeira climb the protective, electrified fence that surrounded the piggies’ land, and wanted to plant him as a tree—the highest honor in their race.

Custer (SH)

Custer was a military man who communicated with Demosthenes regarding the apparent Russian imprisonment of Ender’s former colleagues.

Cyrillia (
Hundred Worlds)

Dag (ES)

Dag was a soldier in Ender Wiggin’s Dragon Army in Battle School.

Dap (EG, ES)

An adult on Battle School, Dap was the supervisor for new recruits when they arrived at Battle School. He referred to himself as the new students’ “Mom,” and instructed them in where they were and were not allowed to go in the school.

When Ender hacked into the school computer system to send messages to his fellow students under others’ names, Dap turned a blind eye. Student Bernard complained about the messages being sent in his name, to which Dap replied that Bernard must be sending them, though he knew it was Ender. Dap did not expose Ender to the other students. He chastised Bernard for yelling at him, a superior.

Ender, Shen, Bernard, and Alai teamed up and froze the rest of their launch group during their first practice at Battle School. It was Dap who unfroze the group, and chastised them for not being as ready as Ender and company had been in the same amount of time.

He was very paternal about the launch groups, and filed a report expressing concern for Ender’s welfare. The report garnered the attention of the International Fleet, who sent General Pace to investigate.

Dap had a rivalry with Captain Dimak, another officer who oversaw a different launch group. Dimak had chosen Bean as the top student, and both he
and Dap felt their students were best. They argued often, looking to better their own protégé’s circumstances.

das Lagrimas, Commodore Vlad (EE)

Commodore Vlad das Lagrimas was the executive officer on the first spaceship transporting colonists to former Formic worlds. He served under Admiral Quincy Morgan.

Daymaker, Father (XN)

Father Daymaker was a pequenino, the native animallike sentient species of the planet Lusitania. He was a son of Human, the pequenino who was made into a fathertree at Ender Wiggin’s hands, and trained to be a Catholic priest among his species by Quim Ribeira.

He was plainspoken when he talked with Quim, revealing that the Formic Hive Queen was building the pequeninos a ship to take them off Lusitania, where they would spread the Descolada to other planets.

Deadline (EG)

Deadline is a thin twine used during construction in space. Bean used it as a tool in the Battle Room to connect himself to the wall and rappel around the room in combat.

Deaf (XN)

Deaf was a pequenino, or piggie, the native sentient life on the planet Lusitania. Despite his name, Deaf was not hard of hearing. He was a close friend of Quara Ribeira von Hesse, Ender’s stepdaughter and an up-and-coming piggie scientist.

Dean of the Cathedral (SD)

The Dean of the Cathedral was a high-up religious leader on the planet Lusitania. He contacted the abbot of the planet’s other monastery, the Children of the Mind of Christ, ordering him to meet with the bishop to discuss the arrival of a Speaker for the Dead on the planet.

Debarkation Chamber (IC)

A debarkation chamber is a portion of a spaceship where a traveler lives. Similar to quarters or barracks.

Deedee, Nurse (EG)

Nurse Deedee assisted a doctor in removing Ender’s monitor from the back of his neck. She said she was too weak to hold the struggling Ender as he squirmed during the removal procedure.

Dekanos, Colonel (SH)

Colonel Dekanos was a soldier in the Greek Army. He was in command of a group of soldiers who rescued the Delphiki family when their lives were in jeopardy during a vacation they took together after the Formic War. He told Bean that ten of his fellow members of Ender’s team in Command School had been kidnapped.

Delamar, Dr. Vivian (ES)

Dr. Vivian Delamar was a surgeon. She fixed the damaged leg of Achilles Flandres, and was killed by him for it. Achilles used a hypodermic to simulate a heart attack. She’d been a close friend of Sister Carlotta, who attended Vivian’s funeral in Cairo.

Delphiki, Andrew (“normal” child) (SG, EE)

Andrew Delphiki, the “normal” child, was one of the embryos created by Bean Delphiki and Petra Arkanian who was implanted into an unknown surrogate. He was born without Bean’s genetic mutation, and given the same name as one of his brothers who had the mutation to prevent suspicion when the mutated brother was taken into space to await a cure with his father. This Andrew was raised on Earth by his mother, Petra.

As an adult, Andrew married a woman named Lani and had several children with her. He was frequently visited by his mother, Petra.

Delphiki, Andrew “Ender” Arkanian (SG)

Andrew Arkanian Delphiki, or “Ender” as he was known, was the first child born to Petra Arkanian and Bean Delphiki. He was born two months premature, a result of his accelerated mental and physical development courtesy of the genetic manipulation he’d received at the hands of Dr. Volescu, who had performed the in vitro fertilization that had created him.

He was loved by his parents, and they worried for his future. Would he grow giant like his father, who also carried the genetic switch? Would he die young?

He accompanied his father into space where they traveled at relativistic speed to forestall death, waiting for scientists on Earth to develop a cure for their mutation.

Delphiki, Arkanian (
See also
Flandres, Achilles II) (EE)

Arkanian Delphiki was the name chosen by Achilles Flandres II once he learned that he was actually the son of Bean Delphiki and Petra Arkanian.

Delphiki, Cincinnatus (mutant child) ([EE], SG)

Cincinnatus Delphiki, mutant, was the third of the embryos Bean Delphiki and Petra Arkanian created that suffered from the genetic mutation of his father. He traveled into space with his father and two siblings, awaiting a cure for their mutation.

Delphiki, Bella (“normal” child) (SG)

Bella Delphiki, the “normal” child, was one of the embryos created by Bean Delphiki and Petra Arkanian who was implanted into an unknown surrogate. She was born without Bean’s genetic mutation, and given the same name as one of her sisters who had the mutation to prevent suspicion when the mutated sister was taken into space to await a cure with her father. This Bella was raised on Earth by her mother, Petra.

Delphiki, Bella Loyrinha “Carlotta” ([EE], SG)

Bella Delphiki was the second child born to Petra and Bean, though she was actually birthed by a woman in Portugal. Bella had begun as an embryo made of Bean and Petra’s DNA, but stolen by Achilles Flandres. She was implanted into the surrogate in Portugal and birthed there. Petra retrieved the girl, who carried the genetic mutation called Anton’s Key that had made her father brilliant but grow to be gigantic, and kept her to be raised with Bean. She had been named Bella by her surrogate parents.

She was taken into space with her brother “Ender,” her father, and another sibling. One of her sisters, who did not have the mutation, stayed behind on Earth and was also named Bella to avoid suspicion when this Bella disappeared. To differentiate between the two, Bean called her Carlotta, for the nun who had cared for him as a child.

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