The Bad Boy (22 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: The Bad Boy
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call if you need anything. I’ll be going over to Matt’s but if you
need anything, I’m going to be here for you.” She smiled brightly
at me and I couldn’t thank God enough for giving me the greatest
best friend.

will Hails. I’ll talk to you later.”

She waved
as I closed the door. As she pulled away, I was glad that she
hadn’t walked away from me and was still sticking by my side even
though I was a complete mess and only making things harder for her.
That’s why she was my best friend and I would do anything for

around, I faced my biggest problem yet. I never thought I would be
here again, going to talk to Jared about… us. Whatever us

When I
reached the front door, my hands were shaking so bad and my knees
felt weak. I was too nervous to even knock but I fought through my
fear and tapped my fist against the door twice.


Waiting a
little bit longer, I decided to try once more but when I went to
hit on the door again, it swung open.

Well my sexy thang, did you come back for more Timmy

My eyes
moved down to where Timmy stood leaning against the doorway with
his arms crossed and his ankles. He was smirking at me and when our
eyes connected he winked at me. Did all the McKingsley boys have
that smirk?

Timmy was
dressed in a baseball hat, slanted up a little so you could see his
spiked hair under the lid. His shorts almost covered all his legs
because they were too big and his shirt was almost as long as his

Aren’t you swimming in that outfit?” I tried holding back a
smile because he looked ridiculous but in a cute way.

Baby, I wish I could be swimming in you with my d—“

His mouth
was covered before he could finish and his words were mumbled. His
eyes turned into a glare as he kept talking, probably screaming at
Willis for covering his mouth.

Sorry Emilie. We bought him a muzzle but we lost it.” Willis’
eyes twinkled with amusement and I laughed.

I’ll buy a new one. Free of charge.” I played along and Timmy
crossed his arms over chest with a ‘humph’. 

grinned at me. “That would be awesome! Thanks.” Timmy ripped
Willis’ hand off his mouth and yelled, “I’m right here!” Storming
off, he grumbled things along the way.

Is he always like this…?” I asked looking behind Willis at
Timmy who eventually disappeared and I returned my attention to
Willis who was smirking. That damn smirk…

Yeah…” We both laughed and then Willis asked, “So why you
here? Come to fix my brother’s sulking problem?”

wasn’t lying when he said Jared was sulking I take it.

smile dropped a little. “You don’t have to tell me. You can come
in.” He moved to the side and waved a hand for me to come in. I
nodded my head in thanks and walked in. Feeling awkward I cleared
my throat as Willis closed the door behind me.

He came
next to me and nodded his head towards the stairs. “You can go up
to his room if you want. He really doesn’t leave it anymore.” My
heart filled with guilt. I was such a bitch, that’s all I could

Do you think that’s a good idea? I mean…” I looked away
feeling myself blush. I was embarrassed because I didn’t want to go
up to his room and stand outside of it while he was locked in it,
not letting me in.

shrugged, giving me a half smile. “Why else would you come all the
way here? To ask Timmy out on a date? I heard the kiss you shared
was pretty magical.” He put a hand to his forehead and let out a
mesmerized sigh.

No!” I quickly waved my hands in front of me. “God that little
kid is going to be the end of me. I know it.”

burst out laughing and nodded his head. “He is a lot but it would
be weird if he was any different.” He looked me right in the eye
and nodded his head towards the stairs. “Now stop stalling and go
tell my brother you love him.”

My mouth
fell open. “I – don’t… no, um… what?” I rambled my face

smirked at my embarrassment. “Emilie, just go tell my brother
before his bedroom becomes his new home and he never leaves

I nodded
and before I could be embarrassed anymore, I darted up the stairs.
When I reached the hallway on the second floor, I slowed down
feeling my fear pick up again. I had to do this but that didn’t
push the nervousness away inside of me.

I stopped right
in front of his door and raised my hand up. Stopping, last minute I
knew this wasn’t a good idea. He wasn’t going to talk to me after
what I did to him. The text he sent me before, I think proved

Then Hailey
popped into my head and I knocked on the door before I could stop
myself. As I waited for an answer, my heart literally stopped and
my body went cold. I had never felt this much anxiousness before
and I never wanted to feel it again.

I never got an
answer so I knocked again but there still was no answer. Taking a
bold step, I turned the handle and pushed the door open a little.
Poking my head in, I noticed that Jared was nowhere to be found.
Opening the door all the way, I stepped in and closed it behind me

I had no idea
what I was doing but I obviously wasn’t thinking clearly because
what sane person would enter the room of the guy they told to leave
them alone? No one. I examined what state his room was in and the
only messy object I could point out was his bed which looked like
was just used.

I walked further
into his room and sat down on his bed. His smell immediately
wrapped around me and I inhaled it being the creeper I am. Thoughts
came back to when we took a nap together in his bed and when we
were hitting each other with the pillows.

A smile lifted my
lips at the thoughts and I felt like an idiot because I didn’t
notice until now that I was actually happy with Jared at those
moments. Anyone would be, if they were doing the same as we

are you doing here?”

I jumped up and
swirled around, putting a hand to my heart that almost jumped out
of my chest. My eyes landed on Jared who was looking at me waiting
for an answer. “I- uh…” I couldn’t speak.

He was rubbing a
towel through his wet hair and the steam from the bathroom poured
out from behind him making him look like an angel. He was wearing
boxers and his chest was still wet from his shower. He looked so
hot… so beautiful. My lips went dry and I licked them as my eyes
trailed over him like a hungry animal eyeing its prey.

uh…” He threw his towel into a basket with other dirty clothes.
“Great answer.” He walked over to his closet and started looking
through his clothes.

Clearing my
throat and adverting my eyes from him I said. “I actually came here
to talk to you.”

He pulled on
jeans and sent a quick glance at me before going through his shirts
and pulling one out. “Really now?” Pulling his arms through the
sleeves, he slipped it over his head and then ran a hand through
his hair.

would really like to—“ He cut me off.

that’s nice. I would like you to leave.” He sent me a cold smile
before pushing past me and walking over to his night stand. Picking
up his phone he slipped it into his back pocket and sat down on his
bed, exactly where I had just been sitting.

Jared, I have—“

He slipped on one
shoe and spoke over me. “To go. That’s cool. Don’t let the door hit
you on the way out.” He finished putting on his second shoe and
then he looked up at me with knitted eyebrows. “Actually, make sure
it hits you on the way out.”

My blood was
boiling now because he wasn’t letting me get a word in! I stormed
over to him and pushed his shoulder. “I’m trying to fucking talk to

He stood up from
the bed, towering over me. His eyes were cold and hard as he
scowled down at me. I was trying to hold my stance but was
faulting. “I don’t give what you are trying to do. Now

Not until you listen to me.”

Emilie, I’m not in the mood for this. Now move.” His jaw
ticked and his teeth clenched. He was getting mad.

really need to talk and—“

Before I could
react he grabbed my shoulders and spun us around. Pushing me down,
I flopped down on the bed and he leaned over me, his hands on
either side of my head and one of his legs in between mine. His
face was only an inch from mine and some of the water from his hair
dripped onto my forehead.

don’t need to do anything.” His tone was so cold towards me. “There
is nothing with us, like you like to point out every day. We were
just partners for a stupid project that is over with and that’s all
that we will ever be.” His eyes were fierce and boring into

A lump clogged my
throat up as his words seeped into me and flowed through my body
and mind. “You don’t mean that.” I whispered raising my hand and
placing it on his bicep.

He froze at the
movement but kept his grey gaze on me. “I mean it more than
anything in this world.”

He went to pull
away but I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and tangled my
hands in his hair making him face me. “I made a mistake and want to
fix it. Jared I—“

don’t want to hear Emilie.” He pulled his hands off of me and stood
up, my body felt cold with the loss of body heat Jared was emitting
onto me. He started towards his door and I jumped off the

You’re lying!” I screamed feeling choked up.

He faced me again
his body so tense and his face so void of emotion. What happened to
the happy Jared? The one that always made jokes? That’s right, I
fucked with him and made him go away. “Why would I be lying?” He
moved closer. “Why would I lie to you? I mean it’s not like you
mean something to me. Why would I waste my time lying to

I was crying by
now. “You’re lying again. I do mean something to you.” I managed to
get out.

He took another
step closer. “I’m telling the truth.” His lips thinned out. “What?
You think I have feelings for you Emilie? Is that?”

Sobs were racking
my body now. How could he be so heartless to me? I knew he was
lying, he couldn’t have meant all that.

A sarcastic laugh
left his mouth. “Why would I Jared McKingsley, the bad ass player
as you like to put it have feelings for you?” He moved closer until
he was right in front of me. His bent his knees so he was level
with me. “Why would I have feelings for a cold heartless bitch, who
likes to fuck with peoples feelings?”

That was my
un-doing and I shook my head. All I wanted to say was you don’t
mean that. You don’t mean that. But nothing came out of my mouth
because I couldn’t form words from all the crying I was

Jared pulled back
and moved away. “I’m not your little play toy Emilie. So do
yourself a favor and follow your own words. I’ll leave you alone
but first you need to leave me alone. I mean it.”

Jared—“ I coughed out fat tears rolling down my cheeks as I
went to grab at him. He flinched away and sent me one last look
before leaving his room.

You know those
dreams where you try to catch something but it somehow always gets
away? That’s how I was feeling right now. Bolting out of his room,
I ran down the stairs and through the front door. Jared was at the
end of his driveway about to get in a car.

Jared!” I called through my tears running after him. He
stopped holding onto the door of the car and looking in my
direction. I ran right into him and gripped his arms with all my
strength. “Please! Don’t do this. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry about
everything. If we could just talk—“

He pulled me off
of him and put a distance between us. “Bye Emilie.” With that, he
got in the car and closed the door. My face reflected in the window
and the heartbroken look showed clearly on it. The car pulled away
leaving me standing there like garbage.

Fuck!” I screamed gripping my hair so tightly that I thought I
was going to pull it out. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Tears ran rapidly
down my face as I fell to my knees on the road and

I was pathetic.
In fact, I was garbage. I deserved everything Jared just said to me
because I did mess with him, I toyed with him not even realizing
it. I was confused, that I couldn’t even see Jared was the reason
that I was still a little sane after what Conner did to

I was scared.
Hailey was right and now I finally got what I deserved for being
the bitch that couldn’t just see what was right in front of

Emilie Grey, am the most confusing bitch around.” I said to myself
knowing it was the truth.

I got off the
road and tried to fix my appearance as best as I could without
actually looking at myself. When I thought I looked good enough, I
started walking home, hoping it wouldn’t take too long. I think I
knew the way home by now and if not I had my cell to call Hailey to
pick me.

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