The Bad Boys of Eden (51 page)

Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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Moments later, Malcolm and Jenna broke the surface and Malcolm immediately ripped the mask from his face. “Kylie,” he sputtered. “I need—”

“You need to get to the boat,” Jenna cut him off calmly. “I’m going to see if I can help. We’ll be up in a few moments. Have a blanket ready for her. She’ll be scared.” That was all she said before she disappeared under the water again.

Malcolm did as he was told and hurried to the boat. He stripped off his gear and found a blanket from below deck. He watched the turquoise water, willed his eyes to see farther below the surface than he could. The water was clear, but he still couldn’t see them. And then suddenly, there they were.

Never before had he felt such relief, and intense longing and need to hold her, as he had in that moment. Somehow he waited until she made her way to the boat and up on deck. But before she could even get her gear off, Malcolm had her in his arms and he swore in that moment, that no matter what, he’d never let her go.



It didn’t matter how many times Kylie told him she was okay, Malcolm had not let her out of his sight since she’d come up from the dive. Jenna and Caine had brought them straight back to her beach bungalow even though the plan had been to have dinner together. Malcolm was in full damage control and treated the situation as a near-death experience, which, if she allowed herself to stop and think about it, it was. But she didn’t need to be treated like a china doll. She wasn’t going to break. He’d settled her into an oversized lounge chair on her flagstone patio and had been catering to her ever since.

“Malcolm.” She stopped him as he tried to tuck a blanket around her feet. “Stop. Seriously.”

He looked up at her. His beautiful blue eyes blazed with a heat she’d never seen from him. “But you—”

“I’m fine.” Kylie giggled a little to dispel some of the tension. “I promise you. I’m totally fine.”

Before she knew what happened, Malcolm moved so he was overtop her. His hands rested on either side of her head, his face only inches from hers. His eyes flashed dangerously. “Don’t laugh it off, Kylie. I almost lost you today.”

A shiver ran through her, but it wasn’t from the breeze that came off the water. “Malcolm, I—”

“I know I told you I’d wait until you were ready. But today, when I saw you trapped in the wreck, like that...I can’t even tell you how scared I was. And Kylie, I don’t scare easily.”

“I know you don’t.” Her voice came out as a whisper. His intensity was all at once a little frightening and completely sexy.

“Well, you scared me today.” His eyes pinned hers and she couldn’t look away. “And when you ran out of oxygen, I was helpless to save you.” She saw the pain and regret cross his face and instinctively, Kylie reached out to stroke his cheek.

“You did save me,” she said. “If it wasn’t for you coming to find me, I—”

“Don’t say it.” He silenced her by touching his lips to hers. His lips were firm, demanding and completely different than the sweet, tentative kiss from the other night.

Part of her brain told her it was too soon, she hadn’t decided how she felt yet. But she knew that was bullshit. She knew exactly how she felt, how she’d always felt. Her hand wrapped around his head, pulled him closer as their kiss deepened. Her entire body responded, and she could feel the heat of him coming off his long, hard body that still hovered only inches from hers.

“Kylie, I—”

“Don’t stop.”

His fingers trailed down her cheek. She groaned and tipped her neck to the side as his touch traveled south. When he reached the edge of the blanket, he whipped it out from between them with a quick pull. His hand found her waist and inched the edge of her t-shirt up. “I don’t intend to.” His words were heavy, loaded in desire as his fingers crept up her bare skin and found her breast. “In fact.” He nipped her bottom lip before he sucked it into his mouth to ease the spark of pain. “I don’t ever intend to let you go again.” He devoured her mouth into a kiss even more passionate than the one before it.

Kylie’s body arched up in response as his fingers found her nipple and tweaked it; her body responded with a flood of heat to her core.

“I don’t need to be taken care of.” Kylie managed to get the words out as Malcolm turned his attention to her neck and kissed the length of it, before he used both hands to pull her t-shirt off and over her head to expose her bare chest.

“Oh, I know.” He dropped his mouth to one nipple, suckling it to a hard peak, before he turned his attention to the other. “But it doesn’t mean I’m not going to do my very best to take care of you right here, right now.”

Kylie couldn’t disagree with the type of care taking he was talking about, especially when her entire body yearned for more kisses, more touches. Never before had her body responded so readily to a lover’s touch. Not even with Marcus.

The thought of her ex took her off guard, and her eyes flew open, needing to connect with Malcolm. When Malcolm looked into her eyes, there was no mistaking which twin she was with. Marcus had never looked at her that way. There had never been so much passion in his kiss, or his touch. It was different with Malcolm, in every way. And in all the ways that mattered.

With both hands, she pulled his head up and kissed him, pushed all other thoughts from her head. They broke the kiss only long enough for Malcolm to kick off his shorts, fetch a condom from his pocket and sheath himself. She wriggled out of her own jean shorts before she propped herself up on her elbows to watch him. Kylie admired his hard body openly. She’d seen him shirtless, sure. But taking in his complete nakedness was something else entirely. Her eyes trailed down his chest, to where his ab muscles dipped into an incredibly sexy V. Her eyes caught and focused in on his very obvious excitement. “You’re beautiful.”

He laughed. His lips turned up in a dangerous smile. “I spent a lot of time in the gym working off my frustrations for you.”

“Is that right?” She batted her eyelashes. “Then I guess you can thank me for that incredible body you have.”

Malcolm took a step toward her, like a predator closing in on his prey. “Oh, I intend to thank you alright.”

In one more step, he straddled her again. Kylie’s entire body strained upwards, desperate to meet his, and then taking her quickly, he was inside her. She gasped at the invasion, but as her body adapted to his length inside her, all her nerve endings fired and her hands wrapped around his back in an effort to pull him even closer. The need to have him deep inside her took Kylie off guard.

“I. Need. You.” Kylie barely managed to get the words out as he drove into her harder and faster than the time before.

Her orgasm came on hard and strong; her toes curled and her nails dug into his back as she shattered around him.

* * *

For Malcolm, there was nothing hotter than watching Kylie climax beneath him. He forced himself to stop moving, still inside her while she returned from her ecstasy. He wasn’t done with her yet. Not by a long shot. He’d waited far too long for this moment, and he was going to make damn sure that when he was finished with her, he’d be the only one she’d think of when she looked at the face that was too much like his brother’s. They might be identical twins, but Malcolm would love her like she’d never been loved before and he meant that in every possible way.

Forcing himself to go slow this time, he moved inside her again. She was sensitive after her orgasm, and every slow thrust he made caused her to wiggle underneath him in a way that threatened to be the undoing of him if he wasn’t careful. “You’re going to kill me.”

Her grin was wicked, and not giving her a chance to object, he grabbed her firmly around the waist and in one quick motion, rolled them both over so Kylie straddled him. She was insanely beautiful and he didn’t think he’d ever get enough of staring at her naked body. He’d waited so long for the chance to have her like this. To be inside her, to have it be him she wanted. And there was no doubt in his mind that it was definitely him and not his twin brother who she wanted at that moment.

Now to make it for forever.

He knew as much as he wanted to take care of her, claim her as his own and possess her entirely, Kylie also liked to have some semblance of control and as far as their relationship went, or future relationship, or whatever that was going to be, Kylie would want to be the one in the driver’s seat.

But he’d help her along. Malcolm wrapped his large hands around her narrow hips, used his thumbs to stroke the sensitive skin of her belly while he started to move her up and down on top of him.

The sensations that shot through his entire body were exquisite and the moment Kylie took his hands in her own, pulled them over his head, so she was laying down over him, and moved atop him like she’d been born to do just that, he knew he was completely lost.

He exploded inside her as he stared into her eyes and felt her body tighten around him as she, too, joined him in another shattering orgasm. It was the single most intense climax he’d ever experienced. As he gently lifted her from him and settled her next to him on the oversized lounge, he held her tight to him, afraid she’d slip away.



The next few days passed much like the first, only without the drama from the diving expedition. Malcolm made sure they stuck to activities safely on land. And he’d arranged for all of Kylie’s wishes to be taken care of. They hiked into the rain forest, to a small waterfall where they swam in the grotto and let the fresh, warm water cascade over their naked bodies. He made love to her in the water, under cover of the water falling gently into the grotto. Malcolm would never get enough of Kylie. The feel of her, the way her body responded to his so perfectly. It was as if they were made for each other and the tropical environment was just helping them discover each other. The day after their hike, they visited the Eden spa in the castle and were treated to an entire day of decadent wraps, massages, and facials. Malcolm didn’t even know so much pampering was possible and while it wasn’t his choice, he knew it made Kylie happy and that was all he ever wanted to do. If that meant he had to suffer through a mud wrap, a scrub, and someone poking at his fingernails with a file, he’d do it. It was a small price to pay.

On the fourth night, after a delicious dinner on the beach, Malcolm took her back to her bungalow where he’d all but moved in. After yet another night of making love, exploring each other’s bodies and experiencing more pleasure at the hands of this woman he didn’t think it was possible to love so deeply, Malcolm was restless. With too much weighing on his mind, he couldn’t relax enough to let sleep come, so he slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Kylie, who slept soundly, her hair fanned out over the pillow. He felt a surge of love and bent to kiss her gently on the forehead. He could only hope she felt the same way, because Kylie hadn’t spoken of love, or the future, or really anything beyond the week they were on Eden. Malcolm didn’t want to rush things, but as far as he was concerned, he’d already waited forever. But he’d take it slow, at least for the moment. Soon he’d tell her about his plans for the future and how he hoped they would include her. He’d tell her everything.

Careful not to wake her, he pulled on his shorts and grabbed his cellphone from the table before he crept out to the patio to check messages. He hated to bring business into their island retreat, especially when things were going so well. It was important for Kylie to know that she was the single most important thing in his life right now. But that’s why he needed to check his messages. For her.

He dialed into his voicemail and listened carefully. Two messages from his lawyer, Richard. He needed papers signed and had a few details to go over regarding his latest acquisition. An acquisition that he hoped would significantly change things.

Malcolm made a mental note to call Richard back in the morning. But it was the third message that stopped him.

Hey brother. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you. I got your message about buying the old hill. I think you’re crazy to invest in that money pit, but you know I’ll come shred.

There was a pause.

I wonder if Kylie’s still there?

There was a twinge of guilt before it was replaced by anger. Typical Marcus: thought he could put everything and everyone on hold and have it all waiting for him when he decided he was ready. Malcolm turned in Kylie’s direction. No. He’d had his chance with her. Hell, he’d had more than his chance. Marcus had screwed Kylie around for years and she didn’t even know it. Not only had his twin brother cheated on her, which was bad enough, but he’d had Malcolm cover for him. It was always women he’d met on the ski hill. At least Marcus was smart enough to have his affairs with tourists and no one local. And yes, Malcolm knew he’d been a jerk for not saying anything. He’d not only stood by and watched while Marcus treated the woman he loved terribly, but he was an accomplice.

It made him sick to think of it now. But he’d been young and despite the fact that his brother had been a complete jackass, Malcolm couldn’t help but have loyalty toward him. They were twins, after all. And more than that, selfishly, it meant Malcolm himself got to spend time with Kylie whenever Marcus bailed. There had only been two occasions when he’d pretended to be his brother. Once when Kylie really wanted to go see a play at the high school, and Marcus had met a wealthy divorcee on the hill. The second time was on their first anniversary. Marcus made him swear not to try anything with Kylie. Not even a kiss. He’d actually felt bad about missing that date. But not bad enough not to meet with the potential snowboarding sponsors and certainly he didn’t feel bad enough not to run out on Kylie only a few weeks later, with those very same sponsors who made his professional career a reality.

But it was that night that had concreted his feelings for Kylie because despite his best efforts, he couldn’t help but kiss her. He’d managed to wait until the end of the night, and it had all but killed him. But as they spent their evening on the couch watching movies and talking in front of the roaring fire, while the blizzard snowed them in, he’d managed to hold himself back, until finally, before they fell asleep in each other’s arms, he’d given in to his desires. That was the night he learned about Kylie’s dream to visit a tropical resort. It was also the night he fell completely and totally in love with her.

He felt terrible about the role he’d played in the deceit. But he’d decided long ago not to tell her. She’d be furious. More than that, she’d be hurt and there was no way he was going to risk that. But now that time had passed, and after everything they’d shared together, Malcolm knew it was time to tell her and he would. When the timing was right.

His phone, forgotten in his hand as he kicked through the sand, rang and he moved quickly to answer it before it woke Kylie inside.


Speak of the devil. Or think of him, in this case.

“Hey brother.”

“You got my message? Where are you?”

“Yeah, I got it.” Malcolm looked around. The abundance of stars lit up the sky and the moon reflected on the water. “I’m in the office. Working hard as usual. What’s up?”

There was a pause and for a moment, Malcolm thought his brother might call him on his lie. Finally, he said, “You didn’t call me back. I wanted some more details on Bear Mountain. You really going to buy our old hill? The place where it all began?”

Malcolm could hear the arrogance in his brother’s voice. He had good reason to be arrogant, but still. He was just a regular powder head kid who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

“I am,” Malcolm said. “The papers are being drawn up as we speak.”

“I don’t know why you’re bothering, man. It’s a money pit and—”

“It’s something I need to do.” And something he didn’t want to discuss with his brother. “You don’t need to worry about it, Marcus. It’s not like I’m going to ask you to endorse the hill or anything.”

“But you know I will.”

Malcolm smiled at the laughter in his twin’s voice. Despite their differences, they were still brothers. Twin brothers, and that was a bond they’d always share. Marcus would be happy to endorse the mountain, which they both knew would help business.

“I appreciate it, Marcus. I do. It’s still in the planning stages, but I’ll make sure I get you the details when it’s official.” Malcolm stepped off the veranda and sunk his feet in the sand.

“You still didn’t tell me why you were doing it.” He should have known Marcus wouldn’t let it go so easily. “Don’t you have enough property? Why the hell would you need an old ski hill?” The hill was old, and Marcus was right, it was seen as a money pit, which is why it had closed down not long after the Stone brothers had left town. But the part Marcus wasn’t thinking about was that the fancy new Springs resort opening up in town had changed everything. What was once a sinking ship was now a potential lucrative opportunity.

Despite Malcolm knowing the question would come up, he wasn’t prepared for it. He could have told his brother all the financial reasons it was a good decision. Or made something up. Anything but the truth. But at that moment, all of his reasons eluded him. “I…I just—”

“It’s Kylie, isn’t it?”

Malcolm froze. “What? No. Why would you think that?”

Marcus’s laugh floated through the line, and Malcolm cringed. “Really, brother? I’m not stupid. Any fool could see that you have the hots for her. Always have. But to buy an entire goddamned ski hill. Wow. You must have it bad. Worse than I thought.”

“I don’t.” His excuses sounded lame even to his own ears. “It’s not like that.”

“Oh, I think it is.” He knew Marcus was just ribbing him, but it hit close to home. A little too close to home. “It’s always been like that. Maybe you’ll finally have the balls to do something about your crush.” Marcus laughed again. “Oh, I guess you did. You’re buying a whole ski hill for her. Are you planning to tell her everything, brother?”


“About how you used to pretend to be me? About how you—”

“Enough.” He knew his brother was just teasing him, the way they always did with each other. But this was Kylie they were talking about. And when it came to her, he was serious. Very serious. “My investment has nothing to do with her.”

“Yeah right.”

“It doesn’t,” Malcolm roared. His voice echoed in the quiet night air. “I am not doing this or anything else for Kylie.” His blood pounded in his head, and he worked to control his breathing. “And I’ll tell her everything when I’m good and ready.” When he turned around and his eyes locked on Kylie’s face, an expression of hurt and bewilderment on it, Malcolm thought he might be sick.


“Whoa.” Marcus’s voice came through the phone. He’d forgotten his brother was still on the line. “Wait. What? Is she there? No way. Maybe you should—”

Malcolm punched the button to end the call.

Kylie shook her head and stopped him as he tried to walk toward her. “What aren’t you doing for me, Malcolm?” Her voice was weak, unlike her usual confident tone, and Malcolm knew he’d hurt her. She didn’t even know the half of it, and she was already hurt. He hated himself.

“Kylie.” He reached out, but she shook her head again and his arm dropped to his side.

“Tell me.”

* * *

Her feet were rooted in place. Her legs frozen as she watched myriad emotions play out on Malcolm’s face. Who had he been talking to? About her. She knew the answer. It was Marcus. It had to have been. “What were you talking about?” she asked again. “What aren’t you telling me?”

It wasn’t what he’d said as much as how he’d spoken the words. She’d watched him, fury lining his face as he spat out the words. He wasn’t doing anything for her and he was keeping a secret. And by the sounds of it, a big one. A big enough secret for him to get mad. Really mad.

She’d spent the last few days trusting in the island, herself, and mostly, in Malcolm. It hadn’t been easy to shut off her brain and just go with the experience of Eden and Malcolm, but she’d done it and the results had been amazing. After their close call diving, and the way Malcolm took care of her, protected her, and…well, the way he’d so obviously loved her, any reservation about experiencing everything the island had to offer, and everything he had to offer, had disappeared. She’d given herself over to Malcolm, completely. Body, mind, and hadn’t she given her soul as well? If not totally, she had started to.

But as she stood on the veranda in the night air, looked at him with guilt and anger written all over his face, something shifted. He wasn’t telling her something. And she needed to know what it was.

“Talk to me, Malcolm. What’s going on?”

His mouth twitched and for a minute, she thought he’d open up, but his mouth pressed into a firm line and he shook his head. “It’s nothing.”

“It’s not.” She pointed to the phone. “Who was that?” She’d promised him she wouldn’t mention his name, but if he was going to keep secrets from her… “Was it Marcus?”

The answer was written all over his face. But still he shook his head. “Kylie, I—”

“Don’t bother.” She spun around, the urge to get away from him overwhelming her.

“Okay. It was Marcus. But I don’t think I…”

She turned. “What? You don’t think you should what?”

She knew in her heart that she wasn’t going to like what he had to say and part of her told her to stop. To leave it alone. Finding out the truth wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Not always. And Kylie knew if she pushed, he’d tell her. That was the kind of man Malcolm was. She also knew whatever it was he was going to say was going to hurt. She couldn’t help herself. “If you care about me at all you’ll tell me the truth.”

* * *

Using his feelings for her was a low blow and they both knew it, but it worked. Malcolm took a deep breath. His need to be truthful and honest with her waged war with his need to protect her. Or was he trying to protect himself? The moment he told her everything, she’d be angry. More than angry. Malcolm knew Kylie well enough to know how hurt and betrayed she would be. Would she even speak to him again? Would she stay on the island? Judging by the look on her face, it was a risk he needed to take.

“Kylie.” He took a step toward her, and to his relief, she didn’t back away. “Before I tell you everything. And I will tell you everything,” he added quickly when her face turned down into a frown. “I need you to understand that everything I may have done, I did because I care so deeply for you.”

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