The Bad Boy's Redemption

Read The Bad Boy's Redemption Online

Authors: Lili Valente,Jessie Evans

Tags: #bad boy, #friends to lovers, #alpha male, #military romance, #firefighter, #steamy romance

BOOK: The Bad Boy's Redemption
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Bedding the Bad Boy

Part Three


By Jessie Evans and

Lili Valente

All Rights Reserved


The Bad Boy’s Redemption
© 2016 Jessie D. Evans and Lili Valente


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About the Book


The naughtier the bad boy, the harder he falls…


Sometime between taking Olivia against the wall (multiple times) and saving her from her sister’s escaped pet lizard, something very unexpected happened to bad boy, former marine, and all around badass firefighter Colton Brody.


He fell in love.


He fell so hard he’s got permanent bruising around the heart and possible eternal contusions.


Basically: He’s got it bad.


He doesn’t want two more weeks with Olivia. He wants it all. But what if the girl he’s held at a distance isn’t ready to trust him with forever?


When did love get so hard?


So very, very…hard?


The Bad Boy’s Redemption is the third and final installment in the Bedding the Bad Boy series. It should be read after parts one and two.



Olivia’s lips parted and her voice was breathy with desire when she asked, “How fast do you think we can get to my bedroom?”

“Insanely fast.” Colton took Olivia’s hand and pulled her off the curb and across the street, practically jogging the last few feet to her porch and up the stairs to her house.

By the time he reached the door, his heart was slamming in his chest and his cock was straining to get free of his jeans and he knew they were never going to make it all the way to the bedroom. The entryway and those stairs railings he’d had his eye on since the first time he stepped inside her house were going to have to do.

The second he kicked the door closed behind them, he pulled her into his arms, kissing her with all the hunger she’d built inside of him with every smile and laugh and sideways glance. He tore at her clothing, hands flying as he unzipped zippers and popped buttons and tugged her sweater over her head. When he had her in nothing but her jeans and her bra, he took a moment to chuck his own coat before grabbing her by the waist and spinning her around.

“Hold on to the stair railings,” he breathed into her hair as he worked her jeans down over her hips.

“The balusters, you mean?” Her breath hitched as he jerked her jeans down her legs to her ankles.

“I don’t care what they’re called,” he said, urging her to step free of her pants. “I just want you to hold onto them and don’t let go until I tell you to.”

She reached up, her fingers closing around the balusters as he stood, working open the close of his jeans and shoving jeans and boxers down far enough to free his cock. He wrapped one arm around her waist, pulling her against him, groaning as she arched back against his aching length.

He smoothed his free hand up her ribcage, pushing her bra up and over her breasts, exposing them to his touch.

“I’ve wanted to fuck you from behind since yesterday,” he murmured into her hair as he found one of her already tight nipples and began to tease it between his fingers and thumb, drawing a moan from low in her throat. “I’ve imagined you like this, with your hands over your head, holding on for dear life while I take you.”

Her breath shuddered out. “The entire time we were bowling all I could think about was being back here with you with your hands all over me.”

“Everywhere, baby,” he promised as he nudged her legs wider with his shoe and the hand at her waist dipped down the front of her panties. “I’m going to own every inch of you tonight.”

His fingers found where she was slick and swollen and he pushed sharply in and up, drawing a cry from the back of her throat.

“Fuck, Olivia,” he groaned. “I can’t wait. I’m going to take you, and I’m not going to be gentle. Tell me if it hurts, but if it doesn’t I don’t want to hear you say a word until you come screaming my name, do you understand me?”

She nodded, breath coming faster as he pulled his hands away from her breast and her dripping pussy. “Yes, Colt, I—”

Her words ended in one of those sexy little cries of hers as he ripped her panties in half. Before the silky fabric had slid down her legs, he positioned himself and drove into her in one rough stroke. He didn’t wait for her to relax into his thrust; he didn’t stop to check in with her after he was buried inside of her tight heat. He simply gripped her full hips in his hands, his fingers digging sharply into her soft curves, and rode her hard.

He fucked her until her bottom flesh rippled every time he drove home. He took her as hard and as fast as he’d promised, determined to make this as hot, primal, and emotion-free as possible.

But sometime between the moment he reached around to flick his fingers across her clit—needing to feel her come before he could even think about getting off—and the moment she arched back into him, her beautiful body trembling against his as she came so hard he could feel every ripple as she pulsed around him, he lost track of his original intention.

By the time he came, clutching her to him, burying his face in her hair and inhaling the sweet smell at the curve of her neck, all he could think about was how beautiful she was, how perfect she was, and how all he wanted to do for the rest of his life was be buried inside her, making her feel good, making her sob his name the way she was right now.

“Oh my God, Colt.” She sucked in a breath as she shook her head back and forth. “Oh my God.”

“Good?” He smoothed her hair to one side so he could kiss her shoulder.

She sniffed and shuddered in his arms, but didn’t reply for a long moment, a moment in which a car drove by outside, its headlights momentarily illuminating Olivia’s tear-streaked face.


She was crying and he could guess the reason why.



Heart clenching in his chest, Colton pulled out, his gut clenching as he realized he must have hurt her.

“I’m sorry, Liv,” he said, turning her gently around and pulling her into his arms. “I’m so sorry, baby, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“You didn’t,” she said, pressing closer to his chest. “Not at all.”

He smoothed her hair away from her face, but she didn’t look up at him and another wave of self-loathing coursed through him. “No, I took things too far. I should have made sure you were up for a little rough stuff before I went there. I’m an asshole.”

Finally, she looked up, the tears in her eyes breaking his heart even when she smiled through them. “You’re not an asshole, Colt, not even a little bit. You’re the complete opposite, actually.” She swallowed as she swiped the tears from her cheeks. “This has nothing to do with you. I mean, it
have to do with you, but—”

She broke off with a sigh as she tugged her bra back into place. “I don’t know. I’m just…confused.”

“Yeah, me too.” He winced as he tucked himself back inside his pants.

It had nothing to do with him?

What did that mean? Was she upset about some other guy?

Wishing she was with him instead of Colt?

“I’m sorry.” She crossed her arms across her stomach with a soft laugh. “I guess that’s about as clear as mud.”

He ran a hand through his hair, torn between pulling her back into his arms and reaching for his coat and excusing himself before he made this any worse. He’d just been trying to give her what she wanted—hot sex with no emotions involved—but he’d failed miserably. Where this woman was concerned his emotions were clearly beyond his control, and instead of giving her a good time, he’d made her cry.

And now he felt like shit. Absolute shit.

“Do you want to come upstairs?” Olivia asked, surprising him. “I’d rather not be alone right now if that’s okay. Maybe we could just hang out in bed and talk for a little while? Or something?”

“Sounds good.” Relief coursed through him. “But you’ll um…have to put on some pajamas, so I don’t get distracted.”

A smile trembled across her lips. “Done. As long as you agree not to rip them off of me. I’m more attached to my pajamas than I am my underwear.”

He nodded. “Agreed.”

She pressed up on tiptoe, dropping a light kiss to his lips that made his heart do strange things inside his chest. “Thank you.”

“For what?” he whispered, bringing one hand to cradle the back of her head. “Making you cry?”

“You didn’t make me cry. You could never make me cry.” And then she took his hand and started toward the stairs.

Colt followed, wondering when being led to bed by a naked woman had become such a complicated thing.

And when had he become so concerned about Olivia’s happiness that he would rather stay and let things get complicated than tell her goodbye.



Everything was a hopeless mess.

Everything was also exactly, one hundred percent wonderful.

The fact that two such absolutely contradictory things were both true had the pleasant side effect of making Olivia’s brain short circuit, keeping her from further stressing or crying or snotting on Colton’s rock hard chest.

Instead, she changed into her humping unicorn pajamas, turned on some music, and climbed into bed beside Colt, somehow managing to keep her hands from straying south of his waistline, even though he had stripped down to his boxers and tee shirt.

They lay snuggled in her bed until eleven o’clock, listening to her favorite Celtic Spirit Pandora channel and talking about all the parts of each other’s lives that they’d missed.

He told her about basic training and his first deployment and the months he spent on a relief mission in a drought-ravaged part of Africa that had changed the way he thought about how much was enough. She told him about her proudest nerd accomplishment—getting her MBA in five years instead of six—the thrill of moving out on her own for the first time, and the disappointment of realizing that she was being paid significantly less than the men at the firm hired to do her same exact job.

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