The Bake-Off

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Authors: Beth Kendrick

BOOK: The Bake-Off
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Table of Contents
The Bake-Off
“A warm, winning story about the complications of sisterhood—and the unexpected rewards.”
—Sarah Pekkanen, author of
Skipping a Beat
“Two estranged sisters about as likely to bond as water and oil. A fun book with more twists and turns than a three-layer marble cake.”
—Susan Miller, 2000 Pillsbury Bake-Off finalist and winner of
Nabisco's 1999 “Build a Better S'Mores” contest
“Wonderful! Kendrick manages to cook up a tender, touching, and very funny story about the complicated relationship of two sisters torn apart by their own stubbornness and brought back together by love and pastry. With a fresh plot and richly layered characters,
The Bake-Off
is a winner.”
—Ellen Meister, author of
The Other Life
Second Time Around
“Kendrick deftly blends exceptionally clever writing, subtly nuanced characters, and a generous dash of romance into a flawlessly written story about the importance of female friendships and second chances.”
Chicago Tribune
“Smart and fun, this is my favorite book this year.”
—Jane Porter, author of
She's Gone Country
“A touching and humorous look at love, loss, and literature.”
“Extremely engaging . . . [Kendrick's] characters were easy to fall in love with.”
—Night Owl Reviews
“Kendrick is an undeniably practiced hand at depicting female bonds.”
Publishers Weekly
“A funny, charming story about the power of female friendship, and a must-read for all English majors, past and present.”
—Kim Gruenenfelder, author of
Misery Loves Cabernet
The Pre-nup
“In the exceptionally entertaining and wonderfully original
The Pre-nup
, Kendrick writes with a wicked sense of humor and great wisdom about the power of friendship, the importance of true love, and the very real satisfaction of romantic revenge done right.”
Chicago Tribune
“The three female leads all captivate.”
Romantic Times
“[A] highly entertaining story.”
—Fresh Fiction
“[Kendrick's] heroines are easy to like.”
“Clever, wise, and wonderful,
The Pre-nup
is Beth Kendrick at her best.”
—Jane Porter
“Witty, juicy, and lots of fun! Say ‘I do' to
The Pre-nup
—Susan Mallery,
New York Times
author of
The Best of Friends
“A smart, funny spin on happily-ever-after!”
—Beth Harbison,
New York Times
author of
Secrets of a Shoe Addict
“A fun and funny look at marriage, commitment, and figuring out what your next best step is . . . whether it be down the aisle or not.”
—Alison Pace, author of
City Dog
“Very funny.”
—Carole Matthews, author of
The Chocolate Lovers' Club
Fashionably Late
“Wickedly clever.”
“Kendrick gives chick lit clichés an adroit turn.”
Publishers Weekly
“Kendrick's keen sense of humor and pitch-perfect gift for dialogue are excellent accessories to this fun and frothy tale.”
Chicago Tribune
Second Time Around
The Pre-nup
Fashionably Late
Exes and Ohs
My Favorite Mistake
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First Printing, May 2011
Copyright © Beth Macias, 2011
All rights reserved
Kendrick, Beth.
The bake-off/Beth Kendrick.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-51472-6
1. Sisters—Fiction. 2. Baking—Fiction. 3. Family secrets—Fiction. 4. Domestic fiction. I. Title.
PS3611.E535B35 2011
813'.6—dc22 2010053454
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For Bridget and Joe, my brilliant and beautiful siblings
Secret Sisterhood Szarlotka
Licensed to III
, B-52s'
Cosmic Thing
For the crust
2 ½ cups all-purpose flour
½ cup ultrafine sugar (also known as “baker's sugar”)
¼ teaspoon salt
14 tablespoons unsalted butter, chilled
3 egg yolks
3 tablespoons sour cream
For the apple filling
6–7 (3 pounds) large apples—mostly Granny Smith, with one or
two Fuji thrown in for variety
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
½ cup granulated sugar
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
⅛ teaspoon allspice
Watch a few hours of the Food Network and/or
Top Chef
. Say to yourself, “How hard can this really be? It's just
Have a glass of wine and give yourself a pep talk. Then get to work on the crust.
First, cut the butter into small cubes and store in the refrigerator. The key to light, flaky piecrust is to keep the butter as cold as possible throughout the prep and rolling process. Whenever the dough starts to get warm and difficult to handle, pop it back in the fridge—or even the freezer—for a few minutes.

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