The Balkanization of America (17 page)

BOOK: The Balkanization of America
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“Do whatever you want, I’m going to have the DHS arrest all of you for treason. The DHS will kick all of you out of this and every other federally owned property. The President turns to leave the facility telling his personal security detail, “Take me someplace secure, get the Secretary of DHS to meet me wherever you’re going to take me.”


“Mr. President, there is the bunker under the Greenbrier Hotel, it was closed a few years ago, I think there is still a couple of FEMA staff keeping an eye on the facility, we can have you there within three hours.”


“Let’s go. Once under way, get me the AG on a secure phone.”


The Speaker enters the conference room being used by the House of Representatives, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the President has refused to attend our session and take part in the discussion on the articles of impeachment, in fact, he has given us additional articles to add to the list. He has threatened to sign an executive order disbanding the Congress and putting the constitution on hold for the duration of what he called the current national emergency.”


Congress explodes; screams of “IMPEACH, IMPEACH” echo off the walls of the conference room.




President Puten of the Russian Federation and Premier Xing of the People’s Republic of China both agree to announce they’re dumping their US dollars, China has already sold five trillion dollars worth of dollars. Both agree to announce they are going to accept any currency for payment of their exports. They’ll accept any currency except US dollars. They announce they’ll offer a 12% discount for payment in precious metals. The next morning an hour before the New York Stock Market opens. The two leaders make a joint announcement, within a minute the US dollar starts falling. When the stock market opens, the US dollar has fallen 40%, all trading on the US dollar is suspended by the Chicago board of trade and the New York Stock Exchange. The US Federal Reserve announces at 10:00 AM EST that the Fed will buy dollars in an attempt to prop up the dollar’s value. Within fifteen minutes the Fed has purchased $3 trillion worth of dollars when the Fed Chairwoman ceases all purchases, even the Fed has a credit limit. At 10: 30 AM OPEC announces, they will no longer accept US dollars for the purchase of oil. Within a minute, the value of the US dollar completely collapses. The price of an ounce of gold jumps to $6,000. Entire economies are thrown into turmoil. Within two hours, hundreds of trillions of US dollars are worthless. In America, the banking system is still in chaos when the dollar collapses. Barter becomes a quick method for people to exchange goods and services. Two days after the fall of the dollar over a hundred million people around the world have lost their jobs, the world slides over the edge into a major depression. Surprise catches US companies, they find most of their international orders canceled. Their international dollar bank accounts, trillions of dollar's worth are now worthless. Most suspend business and send their employees home until they can figure out what’s going on.


The Speaker of the House of Representatives calls President Obsma’s cell phone asking him to issue a declaration of economic war with Russia and China. Obsma responds, “Now you want me to be President? Drop your plans for impeaching me, and I’ll issue the document.”


“Mr. President your first duty as President is to defend the country, we are under economic attack. The value of our dollar has collapsed, millions of workers have been laid off, our national economy is nose diving into a depression that is going to make the 1929 crash look like a mild recession.”


“I think this is a good thing. It’ll enable us to rebuild a new green high technology economy. We can use this opportunity to remodel our entire economy. We can break the hold fossil fuel has over us. This is good news; this is what we need to finish our task of transforming America.


“President Obsma, we don’t have the time to remake the economy, tens of thousands of our people are losing their jobs every hour inflation has started to rise faster then we can chart. Sir, if we don’t act very rapidly, we’ll lose 40% of our GNP in the next few weeks, after that there’s no bottom in sight. Sir, Russia and China have declared war on us just as if they had fired nuclear missiles at us.”


“Mr. Speaker, drop your articles of impeachment and we can come to an agreement on what we should do next.”


Chapter 17

Major Richard, the new aide to General Brownstone, reports, “General, the situation is rapidly falling apart. President Obsma arrived at Mount Weather; however, he didn’t stay, he threatened the Speaker with an executive order to disband the constitution and Congress for the duration of the existing national emergency.”


General Brownstone replies, “An emergency he caused, I didn’t think he’d hang around for his own trial, I don’t think the Speaker can hold his caucus together. I’m betting many want to impeach everyone in the current administration and start over. I think we’re going to have to put a little steel in the Speakers back to remind him to keep to the plan. Please alert the rapid reaction force to be ready to leave in 15, we’re going to pay a visit to Mount Weather. A visit Congress will never forget. If the Speaker doesn't bring the vote up, we’ll convince him to act. I want the transfer of power to be done in accordance with the law and the constitution. I don’t want the military accused of an armed takeover. If the military has to act, we will, however, the people won’t ever trust us again.”


“General, you know that’s what the press is going to scream as soon as you show up with the rapid reaction force don’t you?”


“Yes, which is why I’m sending you ahead of us, I want you to leave now. Tell the Speaker to execute the plan, he knows what to do. The country is coming apart; we can’t wait for them to do business as usual. That time is over. By the way, take this card, it has Major Grover’s private number on it. If things start getting out of hand, call him. I’m planning on keeping the reaction force outside of the facility if all goes as planned; there’s going to be one very surprised President. Before you go, please get me Steve Forbas on the line.”


“Steve, I’m not sure if you remember me.”


“General, you’re a hard man to forget, I thought you retired or some nonsense like that.”


“Steve, of course, I’m retired. In my retirement, I thought about running for office.”


“General, that would be a very good thing. The country needs someone who can make a decision and apply a little logic and common sense to the current mess.”


“Steve, I need you to agree to keep the rest of this discussion very confidential.”


“General, or you’ll have me shot? You’re one of the few people who can say that and I’d believe them. Of course, I’ll keep our discussions secret, what can I do for you?”


“Steve, Congress is meeting in Mount Weather, they’ll be holding a vote on the articles of impeachment against President Obsma and his entire administration. The Senate Leader is going to have me confirmed as the Secretary of State, putting me in line to become the next President.”


“I thought something like this was afoot. I knew you were smart enough not to be appointed Secretary of Defense since that would look like the military took over.”


“Steve, the countries in real economic mess, as soon as I’m sworn in I’d like you to become my Secretary of the Treasury.”


“General, or should I call you Mr. President?”


“Not yet.”


“Your first name is Rod isn’t it?”

“Yes, and you can use it.”


“Rod, if something drastic isn’t done very soon there won’t be an America. Russia and China executed a perfect slam dunk against our economy. The dollar is worthless.  It hasn’t fully sunk into to the General population yet when it does you’d better have all of your troops ready to take to the streets to put down the unrest.”


“Steve, what would you do if you were the Secretary of the Treasury?”


“First thing I’d do is freeze the Fed lending to the Federal Reserve. We can print our own money we don’t know where the Fed is loaning our dollars or what deals they’ve made. Next I’d announce we’re going back onto the gold standard, this will provide our dollar with a value. Third I’d announce we’re going to be energy independent in 18 months or less, and we plan to sell petroleum to anyone who wants it under OPECs set price. Any who sign long-term agreements with us now will get VIP treatment and special pricing. I’d suggest we open all federal lands to drilling. I’d also suggest an exchange of new dollars for old. I’d cancel the Full Employment Act; I’d cancel the minimum wage act. I’d propose welfare will only be paid for those who are disabled or can prove, prove mind you, they are looking for a job. There’s enough work to be done, much of it manual labor, if the unemployed don’t like these jobs they can go without a job, but also go without welfare. I’d return Social Security payments from employees and employers to a lock box so people knew their money was going to be there for them. I’d propose a national flat tax, and I’d kill most foreign aid, most of the farm act. I’d suggest to the President he announces a massive new technology program, Kennedy’s goal to reach the moon in ten years pushed the technological envelope across many fields; it launched the computer age which led to portable everything. I’d suggest a program the public can get behind. I’d suggest the President issue new savings bonds and engage Hollywood to sell them. Rod, is that enough for the top of my head?”


“Yes, the job is yours if you want it.”


“I’ll take it, maybe this time we can really make a difference. Who else do you in mind for the administration?”


“Admiral Zander for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs,  Senator John Sessions for Secretary of Defense, a CEO of a Major VC to head Labor, if he’ll take it, the Interior to Sarah, I’ll send you the list, feel free to pencil in or change any of the names on my list.”


“Rod, when do you see this taking place?”


“If it doesn’t happen within the next 72 hours, it’s not going to happen and we can kiss our country goodbye.”



“Rod, one question if I can, how are you going to stop Obsma?”

“Steve, that’s the easiest part. He’s so power hungry; he believes his own bullshit it’s easy to manipulate him. The Speaker is going to agree to work with him to solve the financial crisis, when he shows up at Mount Weather the Sergeant at Arms who is being supported by my people will place the President under arrest, his Secret Service isn’t going to do anything once in Mount Weather he’s under Congress’ roof, he’s not being threatened with harm, just impeachment. Once we have him in custody, the votes will flow, I estimate the first removal of a US President will take place within hours. I’ll be in the facility waiting to be called to the Senate for my confirmation hearing for Secretary of State, once I’m confirmed, and Obsma’s impeached with the rest of his crooks, I’ll be sworn in as the 45


“Rod, you do realize his base is going to revolt. They’re going to claim with the press’ support this is all a racist plot to overthrow their leader.”


“Steve, that’s why I’m trying to have everything lined up and everyone ready at Mount Weather to form a new government within minutes of my being sworn in. My first official act will be reinstating the Marine Corp, who will assist with keeping the peace.”


“Rod, I’ll make plans to be at Mount Weather in seven hours.”




In order to increase tax revenues, the IRS starts confiscating peoples’ and businesses’ assets if the IRS suspects their assets were gotten illegally. Many small business whose customers pay in cash are targeted. These small business owners usually make multiple trips to the bank every day to deposit their cash. Making sure no single deposit equals or exceeds $10,000 alerting the IRS to potential drug money or money laundering. On a gray Thursday, the IRS seizes the bank accounts of 46,230 small business. Without having any cash, the businesses can’t meet their payrolls on Friday. 187,000 people go without pay. 34,000 of the small business’ close due to the IRS seizes, lacking the resources to fight the IRS and remain in business they give up. The IRS had a court secretly issue warrants for the seizures from the small business owners for potential money laundering. The business owners never had a chance to argue against or defend themselves in court. The press takes the side of the IRS reporting that these businesses most likely were laundering money. After all why else would they be dealing in cash?




While President Obsma and Congress negotiate terms, the country is falling apart. Inflation jumps to 100%, food and fuel prices increase four times a day. Fuel is in short supply, every city experiences rolling brown and blackouts. President Obsma closed all of the coal-fired power plants in order to lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, Co2, which as everyone knows is one of the primary causes of man-made global warming. The President issued executive orders stopping fracking, and he brought hundreds of thousands of additional acres under federal control. Single handily he cut America’s energy production by 50% while home produced energy was out, importing oil was encouraged. When the dollar crashed, the price of oil surged to $800 a barrel. A gallon of gasoline reaches $50.00. Even at the increased cost there are spot shortages; most people can’t afford gasoline, those who live far from their jobs stop going, and those who can use mass transit do so, causing crowding that’s never been seen before. Demand for air traffic comes to a halt due to the high cost of fuel. Only the very wealthy can afford to fly. In many small rural towns, horseback riding is returning as an accepted method of transportation. Cities are out of cash to fund first responder fuel causing many fires burn out of control Crime rates double and triple, police can’t respond unless it’s a matter of life and death, even then most of the time the police arrive too late. Simple accidents turn critical when the injured can’t reach medical facilities. Gangs and criminals realize the police have stopped making their normal patrols. Store break-ins increase more than 400%.

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