The Balkanization of America (23 page)

BOOK: The Balkanization of America
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“What happens if existing currency aren’t exchanged within the 60 days?”


“They don’t even make good toilet paper, so I’m not sure what the holders of the old money will do with them. We as a country will no longer accept or support them. There are going to be many on the illegal side of the economy not very happy with this decision. I’d expect some of the drug cartels will violently object to the change.”


“Steve, I’m counting on them objecting, once they threaten me or my staff, I can use the military to take them out.”


“Sir, if they don’t exchange their existing held currency which we think exceeds $1 trillion the value of our currency will go up as there will be less of it in the market.”


“Steve we’ve worked out a plan with John at Defense, we want them to exchange their dollars, we’re going to prepare a little surprise for them when they make the exchange.”


“Sir, if you really want them to exchange their old dollars for new, I’ll make some arrangements.”


“Steve, please do so. Our dollar will be worth one dollar in silver. Any new currency holder will be able to go into a federal bank and exchange new dollars for precious metal, correct?”


“Yes sir, that is our plan. We plan to have the new currency in the banks the day we make the announcement to reduce the panic. Sir, I think when our citizens realize their currency is backed with precious metal which they can convert to at any time; it will bring creditability to our currency.”


“Steve, I want to move very quickly on this, I want to catch Russia and China by surprise.”


“Sir, if I may, how is the press handling the administration changeover?”


“Are you asking about the many political cartoons about me, did you like the one showing me wearing a Nazi uniform?”


“Frankly Sir, that one was over the top. What’s wrong with the press?”


“They aren’t just left leaning; they’re to the left of Obsma. They wanted to see America made into a socialist country. What they refused to realize was once Obsma got his way, they were going to be the first ones to be put against the wall. When I was young, we always said the lawyers were going to be the first ones shot, in reality the first ones are always the free press. I bet you if Obsma can get his LSA off the ground he won’t have a free press. By the way, you’re going to be the first to meet our new Press Secretary.”


As the President finishes his sentence, there’s a knock on the Oval Office door. An aide enters saying, “Mr. President, Mr. Secretary the Press Secretary is here.”


Laughing, President Brownstone says, “Show my newest best friend in.”


The Oval Office door swings open, in walks Rash Linebacker, smiling from ear to ear, Rash says, “Mr. President, Mr. Secretary, you realize the press is going to have a heart attack when you announce my appointment.”

The President laughs responding, “Rash, welcome, I know what a sacrifice you’re making; you walked away from your network and millions for a salary of only $172,000 a year.”


“Mr. President, I’m not earning $172,000; I’m working for $1.00 a year and the fun I’m going to have with the press. If you don’t mind, I’d like my $1.00 in cash, I’ve heard about our little financial crises..”


All three men break out laughing. Ted Cruize the Vice President hears the laughing, he knocks on the Oval Office door, President Brownstone says, “Ted come in, and join us.”


“Steve, it’s good to see you again, Rash, welcome aboard this crazy ship, I have to warn you, our fearless leader here is trying to break the record for overturning what President Obsma did in his six years in office. The press is going crazy, Rash, starting tonight, that’s your problem.”


Laughing, Rash says, “Have I got a surprise for the press, I gave Glen, Mark and Shawn's press passes, I’m having them seated in the front row.”


Everyone breaks out laughing again. Rash continues, “Mr. President, you do realize making me Press Secretary is a huge mistake. I’m going to enjoy it, but the mainstream press and the low information voters are going to go crazy.” Before anyone can respond an aide knocks, “Mr. President I have a report from Admiral Zander, the Mexican army crossed the border in southern California, they are attacking our troops and our people in San Diego.”


All eyes turn to see what the President will say, “Please tell the Admiral his new orders are to push the Mexican’s back across the border.”


The aide says, “Mr. President, the Mexican army commander says they were invited in by President Obsma to protect the people of Los Angeles.


“I don’t care what that idiot said, tell the Admiral, never mind; I’ll call him.”


“Admiral Zander, please hold for the President.”


“Admiral, how are you enjoying your new job?”


“Mr. President, can I ask you the same? I assume you’re calling about the Mexican incursion?”


“Yes, Admiral, I’d like you to push them back across the border.”


“Sir, what level of force can I use?”


“No nukes. You can use anything else. Admiral, I want them off our soil soonest.”


“Yes, sir.”




The Mexican army is having a great time, they're advancing up Highway 8 raping every girl and woman they come across, and they’re looting every ranch and house. They’ve already killed 46 people, and they’re still ten miles south of San Diego. They’ve set fire to every structure in their path. They are driving north enjoying the warm fall morning when two F/A 18s fly over them at just 75 feet while dropping canisters from under their wings. The canisters open, spreading softball sized anti-personal weapons along the line of Mexican troops. The small bombs explode sending shrapnel tearing into the troops. As the Mexicans are pulling themselves together, the F/A 18s make another run, this time they fire their 20mm cannons into the troops. The few surviving troops find their decapitated Colonel lying on the freeway. They decide to turn around and go home.




President Obsma tells his key staff, “I invited the Mexican army to enter California to provide a degree of armed protection for our people. Until we have our Citizen Defense Force rearmed and ready for action, the Mexicans will provide us protection.”


Nanny Polsi responds, “Can we get rid of them when we no longer need them?”


“We don’t have to worry about them, when we’re done using them, we’ll send them into Brownstone’s area, he’ll take care of them for us, and we’ll even be able to recover the money we’re going to pay them.”


“I like it.”


“So far we have the most of the West Coast, Maryland, New York City, Chicago, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New Jersey. I think the rest of New England will soon join us, plus Michigan and Ohio. We’ll be strong enough to keep that damned Brownstone off our backs.”


“Mr. President, when will you make the official announcement of the LSA?”


“As soon as we finish our new constitution, this time there won’t be a first or second amendment while we’re at it, let’s dump the fourth too. There’ll be no free speech if it discredits the government. This time, we’re going to arrange it so I can’t be impeached. We have the advantage of changing the rules so we can stay in office forever. I like the title President for life.”


“Just so long as I run the new Congress.”


“Nanny, who else would I ever want to pass the bills I ask for?”




The national evening news sound bites are:


“President appoints far right wing nut as Press Secretary.”


“President attacks peaceful Mexican tourists. Mexican government files a formal protest.”


“Who is this war monger in the White House?”


“President Obsma forms the ultimate new country. The LSA will be the perfect country. Hundreds of thousands request permission to move into the LSA.”



Chapter 22

The formation of the LSA tears communities apart. The majority of the public classifies themselves as center-right, only 20% associate with the left; yet these 20% are very vocal. The most devout practiced their progressiveness as a religion. They chanted the mantra; they followed the party’s principals as if they were handed down on stone tablets. Many felt they had to convert everyone they knew to the progressive beliefs. They believed that others either converted or should be put to death, most of the time they didn't care which. After all, they alone know what’s best for everyone, if everyone were a progressive there would be no crime, no hungry, no uneducated and no wars. Their answer to every question is based in the emotional heart of the party. Logic never entered their thought processes. In fact, logic was bad, it was to be overcome by smearing their opponents. Progressives functioned via emotions; centralists looked for logical reasons to back their arguments. When emotion enters a discussion logic goes out the window. Centralists relearned an old lesson; it's impossible to debate emotion with logic. Emotional people ignore logic. They always fall back on the simple statements of "we are doing this for the greater good, or we’re doing this to save our children. We need to do this to feed the hungry; we have to raise taxes on the wealthy to spend on the poor to bring about income equality." It never dawned on the left that bringing down the wealthy doesn’t rise the poor. It will increase the size of the middle class; it does so by reducing the wealth of the upper class. Pulling down the upper class never pulls up the lower class. Increased wages and progressive policies lead to increased costs. Progressives believe people aren't educated enough to make their own decisions.


Many in America quickly accept the fact the country is going to split, many on both sides accept it, but they’re not happy about it. The central/right knew they should get their freedoms back, over time costs, and inflation will decrease. They would no longer have to pay taxes to provide a middle-class lifestyle for people whose life goal is to suck off of the government tit. The left liked the idea they weren’t going to spend countless hours debating with the racist right wing. They weren't going to have spend billions on defense. They felt they had a chance to build a perfect society. While the majority of people accepted the split, when it comes to the individual level many are very upset with the spit. People feel the other side was wrong. While many accepted the fact of a breakup, most felt on a core level it was wrong, the other side should give in and accept a comprise to hold the country together.


Communities fought among themselves in coffee shops, barber shops, restaurants, and schools. Even the inside of churches aren’t immune from the arguments. Soon it wasn’t unusual to see people start wearing small pins showing the American flag or the new LSA flag which is the American flag with a circle of 12 multi-colored stars representing the 12 founding multicultural states in place of the 50 white stars on a blue background. Places of business put up small signs displaying either or both symbols. People browsing knew from the symbols on the business’ windows that side they supported. The businesses that tried to straddle the fence by displaying both flags soon learned that neither side trusted them. Those who sought security by sitting on the fence watched their revenues collapse. The message is very simple, pick a side of the debate, no one accepted or trusted those sitting on the fence.


Hundreds of thousands of skirmishes break out between the two sides. Families fight among themselves. Families break with the young usually on one side and their parents on the other. The first month after the impeachment of President Obsma sees the highest number of divorces since records were kept on the subject. Tens of thousands of businesses are burnt because they picked the “wrong” side to support. Brothers and sisters fight, business coworkers fight, some large companies, realize they have to separate workers by the side of the issue they support.


Acts of looting and violence increase hundreds of percent from pre-impeachment times. Flash mobs attack and loot right wing businesses. Many store owners are dragged into the streets and beaten or raped. Over ten thousand small stores and companies close because of the violence. Insurance companies tried to claim losses from flash mobs are classified as acts of war, hence not covered by the store owners insurance policies. Without insurance thousands of companies go bankrupt destroying many families.  Tens of thousands lose their jobs as the small companies and shops close. In Illinois alone the US Army has to be called out four times in six weeks to stop the clashes between the two groups, four small towns are burnt to the ground, entire streets, and subdivisions simply disappear. 

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