Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (42 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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“Holy shit, Riya.  Don’t
move away, I’m hard as a rock,” he told her quietly as he met her eyes.  He
pulled her tight for the Meringa and their legs flew as they stayed in perfect
sync.  More applause when they finished and he led her back to their table
quite firmly in front of him.


When they sat down, Max
leaned in for a kiss.  “You looked gorgeous out there, darling.”  Everyone
chimed in with awe about how well she moved on the floor.  “Micah has
complained for fifteen years about not being able to find decent dance
partners.  I believe you’ve made him a very happy man.”


Micah was nudging her other
shoulder.  She turned and he smiled at her, leaning close to whisper in her
ear, “It’s our unspoken rule that more than one man does not show physical
affection to their woman in public.  Stupidly, too much appreciation of our
women makes them look bad to the masses.  That said, when we are no longer in
public, I will thank you very thoroughly for being the best partner I’ve had
the pleasure of dancing with in a lot of years.  I will also be taking you to a
great Latin club while you’re here.  Do we understand one another, Riya?”


Angling her head to whisper
directly in his ear, she replied, “I do, Micah.  And may I also say you are a
phenomenal dancer.  I’ve heard that implies great talent in…other areas.  I’m
interested in exactly how well both of you…dance.  Oh, and by the way…” 


She rubbed her cheek against
his and planted a kiss beneath his ear, “I don’t give a shit what people
think.  I’m a grown ass woman.  They can shove their moral bullshit.” 


Pulling him toward her with
a finger beneath his chin, she met his amber gaze and settled her lips over his
for a short but passionate kiss.


She leaned back and took a
dainty sip of her water while he growled low in his chest.  Winking at Blythe
and Melody across the table, their eyes were wide as they simply blinked.  They
told her they wanted to be just like her…to the groans of their husbands. 


Riya went still for a moment
then cracked a huge smile, “They are not playing
Electric Slide
, I love
the event planner for your charity.  Ladies, please, pretty please dance with
me?  My best friend Tawny isn’t here and I need this.” 


They were up and around the
table, all three heading for the dance floor.  Blythe was wearing a sheath
dress that inhibited her lower body movements, so she made up for it with a
breast shimmy that had men around the room dropping their jaws.  Melody’s movements
were like watching ballet, precise and graceful. 


Riya danced it like she did
with Tawny, raunchy with lots of hip movement.  When
The Hustle
came on,
she was in pure heaven.  She laughed and danced with the women until they were


Conversation at the table
had faded as they observed the floor and suddenly picked up with a passion,
“That woman is a keeper, gentlemen.  Our wives love her and they want her in
their circle.  Please don’t make us have to explain how you could possibly let
her get away,” Robert frankly told them as he watched Melody on the floor with


“Hell, Blythe is
volunteering girl-on-girl if it will keep her here.”  At the laughing looks of
the other men, Galen added seriously, “You think I’m kidding.  She adores her. 
Feels like she’s known her forever, the words ‘kindred spirit’ were
used…multiple times.  Do anything and everything to bring her in.”


“Your thoughts reflect our
own,” Max said, “Look at how she laughs.  My god, I was half in love with her
before today, now…”


“Max, doesn’t she have one
more subject?  How in hell are you going to handle that?”  David asked


Both men shook their heads. 
“We won’t think differently of her.  The problem will be not putting a hit out
on the other guy.  There were already near misses with her other subjects, from
what we got out of her today.  Almost had our knees taken out from under us
before we ever had a chance to meet her,” Micah confessed painfully.


They watched the women dance
and thought about letting her go.  Neither wanted to but if they wanted her to
come back to them, they had no choice. 


When the three women came
back to the table laughing, Riya stopped to kiss Micah before she sat down and
kissed Max.  She noticed their looks and she rolled her eyes, “Oh, I don’t


She asked each of the men
about themselves and how they’d come to be involved in ménage, what drew them
to the lifestyle.  Blythe and Melody’s feedback could have filled an entire
book.  When she asked them if they’d like to be part of her next project, they
agreed with screams of excitement. 


“Oh, I have a lovely idea. 
You can help me go through the initial surveys and use the fantasies for a book
of short stories.”  She looked pointedly at Robert, “My publisher has been
asking for a short story compilation.”


Behind her back, Micah and
Max shared a discreet fist bump. 


It was almost one in the
morning when Riya looked at both men and asked, “Would each of you dance with
me once more before we leave?”  They took their jackets off and she knew she
was going to love this. 


Micah spun her out to the
Mambo and they made it funky, playing for the crowd, dancing side by side, and
spinning fast.  Just as the music finished, he spun her hard and fast and when
she stopped she was in Max’s arms, the band immediately launching into the
cha-cha, obvious in their praise of the dancers. 


Max rocketed her around the
floor, letting her move away and yanking her back, bringing her ass against his
pelvis and grinding her.  Their bodies locked, he spun her, his hands sliding
from her stomach to her back over and over.  Her hand on his chest as he
followed her across the floor, then spun and dipped her, bringing her up and
freezing her to him the instant the music stopped.  She was breathless.


She was also incredibly
horny.  “Max, my my.  Keeping secrets?”  Riya watched the vee of his open
shirt, a bead of sweat slipping down the hollow of his throat.  She reached out
to catch it with the tip of her finger, placing it in her mouth.  His entire
body went rigid as he set her slowly on her feet. 


As they left the dance
floor, many people stopped to ask if she was a professional dancer.  “Oh my no,
but thanks.  I’m a psychiatrist.” 


One woman imparted
enviously, “I don’t know which of those fine men you’re planning to take home,
but I will happily take the leftovers.  Holy shit.” 


Riya looked her right in the
eye and said, “Could you honestly pick just one?  I must be greedy.  I’m taking
them both.”  Her sly smile dropped the woman’s jaw.  When they returned to the
table Riya hugged and kissed both women and made them promise to give her all
their contact details.  “I want to see you dance without the straitjacket of
that stunning, but restrictive, dress, Blythe.  Melody, we’re going to dirty
you up a bit on the floor.  Don’t worry, you’ll like it.”


Each of the men kissed her
hand and told her she was so much more impressive than they’d imagined her. 


By the time they got to the
coat check for her wrap and purse, she was laughing and trying to walk while
Micah spun her down the short hallway and stepping out into the sights and
sounds of Manhattan at night.







Rodney opened the door of
the limo for them and Micah climbed in first, pulling Riya into his lap as Max
joined them and the door closed.  They instructed Rodney to take a tour of the
island then put up the security glass. 


Their jackets came off and
landed on the far seat.  While Max found music, Micah held Riya in his lap and
kissed her until she couldn’t breathe.  Enigma was playing and the limo was so
smooth, she couldn’t believe they were moving. 


When Max came back to the
seat, Micah set her between them.  They took turns tilting her head from one
side where Micah was kissing her, to the other where Max captured her lips. 
They were worshipping her mouth with their lips, teeth, and tongues. 


Then Max held her mouth as
Micah kissed down her neck and throat, his hand resting on her stomach, making
small stroking movements right at her belly button.  Max’s hand moved to her
thigh where he kneaded the muscles there. 


Riya was on sensory overload. 
She had a hand curled in the hair at the back of Max’s neck, tugging
impatiently.  The other hand was stroking Micah’s shoulder.  Her stomach had
butterflies, her skin was hot, and she knew she was very wet. 


She had no idea what to do
but they didn’t seem to notice.  They were taking their time kissing and
touching her.  They were all fully clothed yet she was so stimulated, she felt
like she was about to come. 


Riya sat with her knees
together but both men were looking to change that.  Micah moved to crouch on
the floor in front of her.  Starting at her ankles, he slid his palms up her
stocking covered legs, taking the dress with him.  As he traveled, he massaged
her taut muscles. 


Max was kissing her and
running his hand over her shoulders and collarbone.  He traced a finger under
the bodice of the snug gown and she gasped into his mouth when he grazed her
nipple.  “You’re so sensitive, Riya…that makes me very happy,” he whispered and
his accent wrapped around her like a physical touch. 


Riya’s hand moved to the
buttons of his shirt.  When she had two undone, she slipped her palm inside to
lie against Max’s hot flesh.  Her hand was moving in Micah’s silky hair as he
kissed her knees and up her inner thigh. 


“Riya, lean forward so we
can get this beautiful dress off of you.”  With the slightest hesitation, she
arched her back off the seat while Micah came up between her legs, his chest
against hers.  He slid his hands along her sides and up her back.  He took his
time lowering the zipper, watching her face.  She pulled her lower lip between
her teeth.  Max had one hand on the back of her neck, working her muscles. 


Micah had the zipper all the
way down and he slipped his hands inside the material at her back.  His hands
were splayed, covering as much of her skin as he could.  He tugged her forward
and took her mouth as Max slipped it further down her hips.  When he had it low
enough, Micah’s hands lifted her entire body a couple of inches off the seat
and Max swept the dress out from under her. 


She was back on the seat,
leaned against the leather as both men crouched at her knees.  They gently
tugged the dress down her body and dropped it on their jackets. 


They took their time taking
in the picture she made.  Black strapless bra, black thong, garters, stockings,
and heels.  Her hair and makeup still almost perfect. 


Riya thought they looked at
her like a present they were taking their time unwrapping.  She licked her lips
nervously as they moved closer to her.  Each had a hand on her knee, stroking
it gently.  As their heads dropped to her shoulders, she laid a hand on each


It felt like a dream when
they worked together to remove her bra and a hot mouth descended to each of her
nipples.  Her body arched hard and her fingers tightened in their hair, holding
them to her.  Hands were sliding up her inner thighs, tracing the line of her
pelvis to her hip.  They were using their tongues and teeth on her tits and she
was ready to crawl right out of her body and into theirs. 


They were in no hurry, bent
on pleasuring her.  She slid her hands down their necks to their back and
across to their shoulders under the fabric of the shirts they wore.  She
dropped forward to their chests beneath their loosened shirts and scraped her
nails over their flat nipples causing both of them to suck harder than they
intended on hers.  Both of them were tracing her panty line…over the waistline,
down one leg, up the other, over the garters over the tops of the stockings. 
She grabbed one tight male nipple between the thumb and forefinger of each
hand, twisting it gently.  Max laid his forehead against her breast and
whispered, “I don’t know how long I can wait and I believe she is telling us to
hurry the hell up.”


Micah lifted his head and
chuckled.  He moved down and detached each of the garters on his side, Max
doing the same.  The heels were slipped off and they rolled her stockings off
her legs one at a time.  They removed the garter belt and each took one side of
her panties, tugging gently.  When they saw her entirely bare pussy, both
groaned and dropped their heads on her thigh, pulling the panties the rest of
the way from her body. 

BOOK: The Barter System
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