Read The Barter System Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

The Barter System (54 page)

BOOK: The Barter System
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“You are the sweetest, most
precious woman I’ve ever met in my life, Riya,” Max told her sincerely. 
Wrapping towels around their waists, they led her into the bedroom and sat her
in the chair by the bed.     


“You are both so
gorgeous…only certain men can rock the towel around the waist thing.  Dear
sweet baby Jesus.”  And they laughed.  When they knelt in front of her she quirked
one brow. 


“Oh, yeah, everyone barely
wearing clothes and you both kneeling in front of me.  I think I like where
this is going.”


Micah’s face was serious
when he said, “We certainly hope so, Riya.”


Each of them took one of her
hands, Max said first, “Riya, you’re never going anywhere without us.  You’ll
never raise children on your own or have to hide unhappiness from them because
you’re alone.”


Micah continued, “We’ll
never ‘tire of you’ or think you aren’t more than enough for the two of us. 
Quite frankly, I’m convinced had you decided you wanted
of your
subjects forever, they would have figured out a way amongst themselves to work
that out.”  She rolled her eyes and gave a small shake of her head.


“That said, we’re damned and
determined to be all you ever need for the rest of your life.  To meet your
every need emotionally, physically, financially, and sexually.  Working
together, we have high hopes just maybe we’ll be enough,” Max said with a
little grin.


“Marry us and stay with us
forever, Riya.  Let us love you with everything we have…with everything we
are.”  They watched as realization dawned on her face.


“But you don’t have to do
that.  I’ll love you anyway.  You should know that.  I don’t need you to do
that.  I don’t need a piece of paper to feel like I belong to you.”


“Oh, Riya,” Max said.  “We
need the piece of paper.  We’re not asking you because we feel obligated. 
We’ve known from the very beginning we had to do everything within our power to
be able to keep you.  To show you we were worthy of your love.”


“But…you didn’t have to do
that.  My God, I was already out of my mind for both of you at the charity
ball.  I just tried to be a little more mature than I was feeling at the time,”
Riya said honestly.  “It isn’t always easy to distinguish love from lust with
the two of you in the room.  Then I realized at the club that first night that
love was pushing the lust and I knew I had to stay with you. 


“All the pieces of myself
I’d left behind with my subjects, the big empty space, wasn’t hurting anymore
because you are a wonderful combination of all the single things I felt for
each of them.  Like I had to meet each of them first to appreciate both of you
fully.  I know that sounds stupid, maybe even inappropriate given the topic. 
Yes, I’m almost certain I’ve managed to put my foot in my mouth.”


They burst out laughing and
kissed her face and neck and shoulders until she was laughing with them. 
“Marry us and let us love you, Riya, let us keep you.”


She was nodding and smiling
and kissing them over and over, whispering, “Yes.  Yes. Yes.”


They took her to bed and
made love to her until the three of them collapsed from exhaustion.  Between
them, Riya held their hands and took turns kissing each of their knuckles. 
Micah reached behind him to the bedside table and pulled out a blue Tiffany’s
box.  Her eyes went wide and she smiled.  “Is that for me?”


“Hmm…Micah, not as
anti-chick stuff as she would have us believe.”  And they laughed together as
she held her hand flat for the box.  Opening it, she was so startled, she
almost dropped it.  “Okay, good first reaction.”


The ring was three fine
ropes of platinum with a positively enormous princess-cut diamond in the
center.  There were smaller square diamonds on each side of the center stone,
all in threes.  “My god, that is stunning.  Um, you do remember me saying I
never get you presents…this is a lot of make-up presents.”


“I take kisses in trade. 
Smiles are also viable currency.”


“If you make Brazilian food
again, I will consider it payment in full.”


“But I’m not above a nice
blowjob, love, I’ll be honest.”


“Mmm, or that leather outfit
we took her to the club in…I need to get that duplicated in every fabric,
color, and design.  She can just wear that.”


Riya was laughing and crying
as she took the ring from the box.  Being a romantic at heart, she checked for
the inscription and found it:
M.R.M  There is no remedy for love but to love
  She whispered, “Oh, you engraved it with Thoreau.  Now I’m really
going to cry.”


Max was surprised, “You
recognize Thoreau?”


Riya touched his face,
“Darling, I’m a writer, I love all books.  I can’t believe you know poetry.”


“Riya love, we’re British,
of course we have to know poetry.”  And they laughed again.  They took it from
her, slipping it on her finger together until both men were holding one hand. 
“And doesn’t that look just stunning on your finger.”


Micah kissed her deeply then
Max did and they announced they had to take her out.  “We have more presents.  Stay
right here.”  She caught them, pulling them down to her.


“Later.  I’ve missed you so
much and I haven’t said thank you.”  She climbed over Max, setting his cock at
the entrance of her pussy, pulling Micah until he positioned himself behind
her.  That quickly, all thoughts of leaving the bed, much less the house,



The next night, she dressed
in a spaghetti strap, barely mid-thigh, silver dress that moved and shimmered
over her when she walked, strappy four inch silver heels, and jewelry…a tiny
silver thong was her only nod to decency.  She had silver ribbons in two braids
along her face, pulled back and hanging among the long waves.  Both men were
dressed in all black, jeans and t-shirts and boots, with platinum watches on
their wrists. 


The rest of her presents
sparkled over her body.  Other than the insanely beautiful engagement ring,
there was a matching anklet, dangly earrings, and a square hammered silver
pendant that attached to a silver link choker.  The back of the pendant read,
the road less traveled really does make all the difference
.  That her men
had captured the intent of her all time favorite poem, brought her to


They left very early to grab
dinner, laughing all the way down in the elevator.  When they stepped into the
lobby, Riya nearly fell when she spotted Tawny getting out of a cab on the


Riya practically tackled
her, giving her men a lovely view of the slope of her bare ass.  The staff was
about to die with both of them in close proximity.  Tawny couldn’t believe her


Then she saw the ring and
about passed out.  “Oh Riya, baby, I am so happy for you…when do we plan?”  Max
asked Carlo to tell Rodney they’d be back in half an hour.


Laughing, they took Tawny
back upstairs.  Riya took Micah and Max aside to ask if they could take Tawny
with them. 


They smiled at her devious
behavior and told her that as a club member she could bring a guest at any
time.  “And Riya, females like you are in short supply.  I’m sure anyone you
brought there would be appreciated.”


She dressed Tawny in an
almost matching outfit in bronze, the dress was a halter instead of straps, and
the color played off her red hair to perfection.  They’d always shared clothes. 
Tawny was one inch shorter at five-five.  They talked the entire time Riya was
doing her hair and avoided the subject of Riya’s father. 


When they were ready to go,
they went downstairs.  Micah and Max told Tawny, “The club has never seen
anything like the two of you.  Tawny, I hope you’re open-minded because I think
you’re going to be quite popular.” 


She thanked them and winked
at Riya.  It seemed the entire staff for the building had found a reason to be
in the lobby when they walked out of the elevator. 


Tawny remarked, “This is a
very…friendly building, Riya.  I feel so good about myself right now.”  And she
gave a little wave as she left.


Dinner was filled with
talking, Tawny wanted to know everything about them and wasn’t afraid to ask. 
She turned to Riya, “Did you try the swing with them?  Make sure the scene made
sense as you wrote it?” 


Max about choked on lobster
ravioli and Micah actually blushed.


Riya smiled, “Tawny and I
are very open with everything, darlings.  You’ll get used to it.” 


When they entered the lobby
of the club, Natalia could very well have been creaming her panties behind the
little podium.  “Ah, the lovely Riya brings an equally lovely friend.”  Riya
introduced her and Natalia was practically purring.  “You are here visiting,
Tawny?”  At her nod, the other woman smiled.  “If you need a tour of anything
more intimate, please don’t hesitate to ask.”


“Natalia, should I ever
consider a…tour…of that nature, you can guarantee you’d be my first choice as
guide.”  Her voice was husky with unspoken promise and Riya couldn’t hide her


As they walked through the
double doors, Micah told her, “Dear lord, Tawny, it will be interesting to
watch you work.  Riya about killed everyone in the place.” 


With a little laugh, Tawny
assured them she was much worse behaved.  As soon as they were in the main
room, she heard The Pussycat Dolls playing and pulled Riya towards the dance floor
with a wave to the men.  Their look was questioning since it was a fairly slow
song.  Raising their eyebrows, she just chuckled. 


She hip bumped Riya, “You
haven’t told them about our dancing, naughty girl?  Oh, Micah, Max you are going
to like this side of Riya.  This is
song…I’ll take very good care of
her, I promise.  Enjoy the show.  I can’t promise to keep her decent.  Will you
get drinks?” 


Without waiting for a
response, they went into the center of the dance floor among the other
dancers.  Going back to back, they synchronized their movements, side to side
and up and down, flowing forward and back, hands reaching back to grab the
others thigh. 


Within a minute the floor
was clearing and people were gathering to watch them.  Grinding their asses
against one another, they bent forward and cascaded their hair back, rising
slowly.  Turning to face one another, they went into a salsa when the next song
started, Riya leading, then Tawny. 


Slow portions of the song
found them grinding into one another with precise movements, faster beats were
salsa.  There were points they were moving so fast their hair blended into one


Then they were spooned with
Tawny in front of Riya, hands all over each other before trading places.  They
danced several songs, even throwing in some tap, ballroom and ballet before
they turned to find Riya’s men on the edge of the dance floor. 


Max kissed Riya hotly then
nodded to Tawny as she knocked back her drink.  “Holy hell.  Tawny, you need to
let me know if you have no interest in
.  I’ll have to put out
the word because the lions are circling.” 


Tawny glanced up to see men
moving in pairs and her look went primal.  “Okay, I have a question, because
I’m not certain of the protocols here.  Can I, you know, pull someone out on
the dance floor if there isn’t a female with them?” 


At Max’s nod, Tawny returned
to dance, scoping out the possibilities.  She motioned Riya to come with her
and she quickly grabbed the man nearest her and dragged him along. 


Micah found himself dancing
between the two hottest women in the room.  Tawny had her back to him,
surveying the room.  When she noticed a huge blond scoping her out repeatedly
she left the dancing couple and went to make her first selection.


“You realize you’ve set a
panther loose?  Tawny is seriously hard core,” she said as Tawny went to play. 
He shrugged and spun her into a fast dance. 

BOOK: The Barter System
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