The Beast of Renald (The Northern Knights) (16 page)

BOOK: The Beast of Renald (The Northern Knights)
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‘Come, bed it is. Too much wine. I shall seek Mildred. And worry not, Caroline. You and the boy are safe.’

Caroline was shocked as he when she responded with conviction. ‘I know this.’

They stared at one another. Then her gaze dropped to his mouth. Later she would tell herself the wine made her act so impulsively.

When she stood on her toes and pulled his head down to cover his mouth with hers, she let him lead and have his fill of kisses. Her head spun for a different reason now. The wine had warmed her blood at first, now the heat this man caused in her replaced it.

She needed comfort and needed to forget what she’d left out.

It took her a moment to realize he’d stopped kissing her. Caroline opened her eyes. The storm was back in his eyes and he stepped away from her.

‘Sleep is what you need.’

The moment of closeness was broken. He walked to the door and her heart sunk, her desire wrapping around her, unquenched.

This time it was he who had fled.




‘Do you hold any ill-intent for my wife?’ Darc’s icy gaze drilled into Cedric’s.

‘Nay, my lord,’ the younger man answered. ‘‘Tis a simple misunderstanding. My affections go no further than that of a brother’s would toward his sister. After all she was family to me by marriage to my cousin. Lady Caroline and the child’s welfare are my only concern, I assure you.’

The man was lying through his teeth like a serpent in the grass. Darc saw right through him. He had come to this side of the castle after leaving Caroline’s side. He stepped aside now to allow a servant in to set down a platter. Though he tried to appear pleasant, Cedric’s shifty gaze betrayed him. 

Darc knew Cedric was not behind the murders in the village, despite what Caroline believed.  He’d weighed all the risks in having the man here since the day William had brought him here. With him all but imprisoned and under heavy guard, Caroline and Kelbie would be out of any immediate danger if that was what Cedric truly intended.

In questioning him further, Cedric all but pleaded for him to believe him and that he meant no harm. He simple wished to be a loyal vassal and was grateful his life had been spared. Darc had not fallen for the tears the weak man eked out. He was no fool. He had glimpsed part of Cedric’s true character in front of the king.

Aye, Cedric was his headache now to do with as he saw fit. If he had indeed taken part in the murder of his wife’s cousin, then he would make a rightful decision. The man was no less than a serf now. He would choose a day to judge him, but first he had to deal with the village deaths. Darc gave a nod to the jailer to relock the heavy door to the manor.

Walking away and down the chilly and narrow corridor, he let his mind return to the kiss his wife had given him. He loosed a curse when his body warmed at the memory.


The next day Caroline met more of Renald Castle’s interesting servants, from the kind Cook to the laundress. She was starting to remember most of her husband’s people and their names. Her education and playtime completed with Kelbie she sat back and watched him enjoy his time with Laur.

She’d had a brief talk with the woman when they had broken their fast and was surprised with Laur’s responses.

Laur had said, ‘The child grows restless being confined mostly indoors with what has come about and all. And with you learning your way here, well, I just thought I could help out. The little fella keeps these old bones on her toes. Just a mind to keep him from getting in the way is all, my lady. Nothing more.’  Then she stunned Caroline further when she had complimented with a crooked smile on her wrinkled face.

‘You and your son have brought some life back inside these dark walls. Many of us have been waiting to love a new mistress. Especially one such as you.’

‘What do you mean by that, Laur?’ Caroline had eyed the woman, probing.

‘A good heart, my lady is all. A good heart.’

The glint of a truth and something more had sparkled in Laur's eyes and put the last bit of reservations she held for the woman to rest. And the look on Kelbie’s face helped.

Mildred had been right about the servant. She had softened and smiled more, and seemed to come alive in Kelbie’s presence. Laur behaved like a grandmotherly figure to him. ‘Twas a good and healthy relationship developing. Caroline knew he needed more than just her to interact with in his life. And he had proven that by the way he’d taken to Laur so easily. Caroline felt a little better and even more so when she watched the two dance around the room. Kelbie enjoyed it and his laughter was so sweet to hear.

Caroline waited until their games started to take her chance and slip away to the lower level. She told the guard watching her she was going to the garderobe. The man hesitated not even a second before turning away with a distasteful expression.

Caroline walked toward the privy.

When she’d woken this morn her aching head had been filled with fragments of bad dreams and what she and Darc had discussed last night. Cedric and the murders. Urgency had pushed her from the bed and as Mildred helped her dress, she’d convinced the woman to reveal where Cedric was being held. She’d barely heard much of what Mildred had talked about after that. She had one determined thought that burned in her mind.

She would see Cedric today.

Caroline peered around the wall. The guard had his head turned away from her. She turned down a nearby hall then carefully stole her way toward the ramparts that led to the other side of the castle. One soldier eyed her warily and she pretended interest in the activity of the inner bailey below. The moment he turned his head, she ducked down and walked along the allure, making her way to the staircase at the end.

Once she was sure no one followed her she quickly made her way down the straight, block-style staircase.

At the lower level, she was shocked to see that one of the guards near the front gates was none other than that Gan who had pawed his fat greasy hands on her in Halvard’s tower.

His dark eyes burned into hers now as he watched her slip out of the forebuilding toward the building which held Cedric. Let Gan tell her husband.

She had to see Cedric.  

Caroline almost turned around from the stench that met her at the entrance to the corridor which led to the manor-like prison built into her husband’s castle. The guards took just the littlest of sweet talk to get past, but the jailor, aged and wiser was reluctant and made it clear he followed the lord’s orders first. It took some forceful cajoling to get her way past him. But eventually she did.

At first sight she was shocked, then angry.

Darc had given Cedric all the comforts warranted a lord above his station. There had to be a reason, mayhap it was part of his interrogation method in getting Cedric to spill what he knew and wanted.

Even with the reeking odor, Cedric lay with his back to her on the small bench instead of the thick cot topped full of linens and furs. Caroline could not breathe. Anger welled up inside her, sweat broke on her brow and her hands were clammy.

She’d made a grave error. Her bravery slipped.

Images of Helen’s bleeding and dead body flashed before her. What had she been thinking in coming here? Trembling with sudden fear, she turned away from his door.

She would trust in her husband. Darc said he’d take care of all.

Lord God she should have not let her emotions control her actions. Her worry for Kelbie and their safety could bring this murdering bastard’s attention to their feet because of her need to see for herself that he was truly locked away securely. All that she’d wanted to say to him fled.

She should be focusing on trying to steer clear of him. Not confront him. Helen was gone and she couldn’t bring her back. Revenge she sought, aye, that she did. But what she could do now was keep Helen’s son safe and away from this man. His father. With that decided Caroline let out a hard breath and turned away and froze.

Cedric was coming down the corridor looking right at her. A smirk of satisfaction upon his face.

She was caught and too stunned to move at first. Panic grabbed a hold of her heart.  She had sent the jailor away.

She could run, rush past him but the distance was too close for her to exit. His laughter filled the long corridor and with nowhere to run, to her horror, he quickly cornered her into one of the crevices of the stone wall. She wanted to push him away but did not wish to touch him.

 ‘Aw, sweet Caroline.’

She was going to be ill. ‘How long were you standing there, Cedric?’

‘What does it matter?’ he tugged at one of her curls by her ear. Impulse made her smack his hand aside. He laughed again and she could see that he was enjoying his torment. Then his face grew taut as he moved so his full body blocked her escape.

‘Who is that in your room if you are out here?’ Caroline hoped he didn’t hear the tremble in her tone. She could scarcely breathe. How had he gotten out? The hairs on the back of her neck stirred.

‘None of your concern.’

Had a guard checked on him they would have believed ‘twas him they saw on the bench just as she’d so easily believed.  Her eyes had deceived her just as this man had oh so cleverly done here to be in front of her instead of behind her. Someone had let him out. Someone was working with him. One of her husband’s guards? How many?  

Lifting her gaze to his, alarm filled her. He knew she had figured it out. She knew all too well the extent of his vicious brutality. She
tried to pull forward her hatred for him, the anger but it stayed out of her reach. Her fear was too great. Even so, she took a deep breath and mustered up
a brave front.

‘Where is your guard, my lady?’ Cedric sneered down at her.

She could not say at the end of the hall, for he had come in that way. So she said naught. His body reeked and the smell was making her sick.

He chuckled. ‘No matter, I am sure he will be looking for you soon enough. But let us hope not too soon so that I may enjoy our little time together.’

Caroline exploded when his filthy fingers touched her collarbone. ‘Do not touch me! You have no right. Do you want to make things worse for yourself?’ She struggled to free her hand he snatched in his to hold her in place. His body pressed into hers as he shoved her back against the wall.

‘Worse than this? Is this the right way to treat your family? Do tell, sweet Caroline.’

‘You are not my family, Cedric.’ Caroline informed him through gritted teeth.

‘Aye, I am. Have you so quickly forgotten all my cousin gave to you?’

‘Your cousin never gave. Like you, he took. But, not this time.’

His grip tightened around her hands and he gave her a sharp jerk. Her shoulders struck the wall hard.

‘Traitor you are already. The Norman gives you his cock and now you are his loyal whore. All of the castle can hear your wanton screams from his chamber.
Even down here

His words and smug grin had the revulsion and fury pounding through her veins and she struggled anew with earnest to free herself.

‘I am not his whore but his wife, Cedric and the Lady here. Something you need to remember.  The whole castle heard my screams under your cousin’s roof as well. Why should you act as if you give a care now? ‘Twould be a lie if I said I did not wish you were anywhere else but here. ‘Tis my husband’s decision to do with you what he will as we both heard clearly enough during the king’s visit. Those cries you heard prove also I have some influence over my Norman husband’s decisions.’  She despised him as much as she feared him, but still she returned his angry glare with her own unwavering one. ‘Helen’s death will not be in vain.’

He gave a small snort and with an arrogant toss of his head, mumbled something she did not quite hear before he yanked her forward and crushed his mouth to hers, and forced her lips apart. Caroline gagged over his sour breath and his intrusive tongue. She twisted and tore her mouth free from his brutal assault.

‘I hope you rot in hell! Let go of me.’ she seethed and kicked him. He let out a howl and she got one hand free.

‘Not until I have had you. I have nothing to hide from your beastly Norman. I have been the model prisoner. Aye, he may use your body, but a barbarian like him, no better than an animal will ever trust the English. You. When he sets me free and he will, you need come with me, Caroline.’ His calm and deadly tone muttered against her ear.

Caroline swallowed. ‘Release me.’ She demanded breathlessly.

He drew back, his sharp eyes on hers with an arched brow. ‘I will if you but say you will give me what I seek.’

Her heart skipped a painful beat and pushed her into action. She shoved her hands against his chest and using the wall for support pushed him with all her might.

He was not as off-guard as she’d thought. Anger flashed in his eyes and he stared down at her for a long moment, his face rigid, eyes cold, sending a shard of ice racing up her spine.  Then after a moment, he smiled and slowly took a step back.

Though he no longer touched her, he still blocked her path to freedom. His hands were balled into fists.

He could not be crazy enough to beat her to a pulp right under her husband’s roof, Caroline thought. But looking into his wild eyes, she saw the truth.

She lowered her voice and tried a different tactic. She spoke with as much sweetness as possible. ‘Cedric. Cedric. Acting like this will never make me believe that I can trust you or make me leave with you’

His eyes narrowed as he eyed her, his expression skeptical. ‘You are not a good actress, Caroline. You know what
I want

He reached for her again and she swallowed. She needed to say something, anything to get him to let her go. ‘I will give you what you want.’

‘Swear it.’

She couldn’t say the words for she knew she would choke on them and nodded instead. He said naught for so long she thought he would grab her again but he didn’t. An evil grin spread across his lips and her fear came back.

His low chuckle unnerved her as he backed away into the shadows. Just then, she heard voices out in the yard.

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