The Beast of Renald (The Northern Knights) (29 page)

BOOK: The Beast of Renald (The Northern Knights)
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Her gasp almost made him smile, but he kept a stony expression and waited. He heard her angry steps approach the tub, and then her agitated voice came close to his left ear. Her warm breath sent a ripple of smoldering desire through him and all she had said was, ‘Aye.’

This was going to be a long night if he didn't say or do the right thing.  He just was not sure what still had a burr under her skin.

When her fingers touched his shoulder, he stretched and leaned forward with her not so gentle push.

He cracked open one eye and found his face barely an inch from the water’s surface.

It took all of Caroline’s strength not to push his head under the water and she curled her fingers into the washcloth and drew it down between his shoulder blades and let the water run down his back.

She was mad at him still, but being close to him, her hands on his skin…she would be telling an untruth if she said it bothered her not. She took in an unsteady breath.

She scrubbed his back hard. He made not one complaint. Frustrated she drew the cloth around to the front of his chest. She pushed him back. His eyes were still closed and he looked like he had fallen asleep.

Caroline dropped her gaze to his chest, her eyes following her hand and the cloth.  The water and soap glistening on the dark hairs of his chest made her catch her breath.

Her hands shaking now, she moved lower, the water barely covered his large body in the tub and she washed his navel and could not stop her moan when the head of his shaft jutted up through the water to brush against her palm. Caroline looked at him. His eyes were open, his body tense and his breathing had increased.

‘I can wash myself there.’

Raw desire laced his tone. Caroline read the hunger, the flaming desire she was feeling in her own body in his eyes. She had caught herself in her own game.

She swallowed, licking her lips. ‘Nay.’

She wanted to wash that part of him. His animal groan of pleasure filled the chamber and Caroline felt powerful. Working the towel along his length, she soaped him, worked it up and down and all around his hot pulsing shaft. His hot flesh jumping in her hand. She did not know her mouth hung open as she reached further below the shaft and held his tight sacs in her hand. His growl made her hesitate.

‘Caroline, I think that is enough.’

She ignored his warning and smiled wickedly seeing in his eyes what she felt. She gently caressed him some more. He did not smile back this time but grabbed the back of her head, his hands tightening in her hair. ‘Caroline....’ his voice was so deep and sent shivers through her. ‘I warned you.’

She squealed as he raised that magnificent body from the tub, water splashing the floor as it ran off him.

His thumb now caressed her throat. Caroline, her own voice trembling and husky as she held the dripping cloth, said. ‘You need to rinse-‘

With his other free hand he bent for the pail of fresh water next to the tub and poured it over his head and the balance over his stiff manhood.

‘Twas the most sensual act Caroline had ever seen and her knees buckled beneath her. His arm held her up. She sucked in a ragged breath and dropped the rag into the water.

‘Satisfied?’ he stepped from the tub and pulled her hard against his wet body. Her clothes were immediately soaked through, but she did not care. She was on fire and wanted what he wanted, badly. Within moments he had her gown off and over her head, then he ripped her thin chemise from her, neck to waist.

Her breasts sprung free with a bounce and he lifted her up.  

Caroline placed her hands on his broad shoulders and balanced herself as he suckled her long nipples. He caressed, teased and blew on them.

‘Darc!’ She could bear no more and her head spinning, her body shaking, she gave into the exquisite sensations. She could not hold back her cry as the first wave of her release shook her. She was still shaking in ecstasy when he slid her body ever so slowly down his. Her nipples swelled with electric pulses of pleasure against the hairs on his chest.

‘Twas like lightening when their bare skin touched and she melted breathing his name on a breathless sensual and sated sigh.

His hardness pressed against her ribs and belly.

Her arms encircled his thick neck to hold on. She was so weak and unable to stand.  Darc leaned down to whisper what he wanted to do to her.

‘You are exquisite.’ He said watching the aftershocks of her climax display across her face. ‘I adore your sensitive breasts, your nipples…such delectable tender buds.’

Never had he witnessed a woman reaching her peak from the suckling and fondling of their breasts. His chest filled with emotion and a surge of hot need swelled his manhood even more.

Caroline agreed to everything he said, even though she did not know half of what he meant, but she would have given him anything in that moment. She was so delirious with desire.

His fingers found her soft swollen core and he stroked her into another heightened frenzy as he pressed her tightly against him.

The heat, the connection was too much and sweet for her. Her skin came alive, burning for him. Caroline moaned and leaned into him more. How they got near the bed, she did not know, but he yanked the coverlets down and threw them in a pile near the hearth. He laid her on top of them.

Caroline nodded in anticipation as he stood naked over her. Her eyes raked hungrily over his heavily muscled and powerful body and her body reacted physically by shaking with her desire. She met his gaze. His blue eyes glowed brightly in the firelight across his face.

‘Are you still angry with me, wife?’

Caroline reached for him, he came down to her. ‘A bit.’

‘But you will not deny me this?’

‘Nay.’ She choked as he trailed his fingers across her damp skin.

‘Will you not tell me why you are still mad?’ he nuzzled her neck.

She remained quiet. He repeated his question. She shook her head and he kissed her senseless.

‘Tell me, Caroline.’ He demanded of her with his deep husky tone.

And Caroline did.  ‘I want you to hear me.’

Darc knew what she was asking of him and heat blazed a path to his heart. He kissed her again. ‘I hear you, Caroline. Just never disobey me again.’

Her eyes misted and she nodded. Darc closed his eyes against the lie in her eyes and did not open them again until she touched him.

She caressed his scar and rubbed the soft stubble lining his jaw she so loved to feel against her fingers.

‘This is lovely. My handsome, Darc.’ He jerked against her. ‘Never remove this. Ohhh!’

She said no more as he entered her.

Darc spilled his seed before he was fully sheathed in her hot heat. And continued to pump in and out with his neck buried in her throat until he was ready again to take her with him to that pleasurable place.




The next morning Darc strutted around the castle with a feeling of happiness he’d not felt in an extremely long time until Caroline asked a boon from him. Why she wanted him to follow her down to the village, he did not question aloud but sighed and followed her nonetheless. He had much to do this day after having put off much this week by being at her side.

He shoved aside the passionate thoughts that they had shared last night and the way her body had exploded at the simplest touch from him. By the Gods, the woman had drained every ounce from him and he’d enjoyed every bit of it. Annoyed at his thoughts of late, he did little to slow his long and hurried strides.

She surprised him when she kept up to his pace saying nothing and practically running alongside him. And he felt bad for being so irritated over something he refused to face.

She had not asked much of him. Still, he grunted in vexation. He glanced down to see that plump bottom lip of hers pulled at one corner between her teeth. Even after last night, he wanted her again, her warm body, that mouth and…He missed a step at his thoughts.

Her wide eyes turned on him and Darc quickly looked away, ignoring her. God’s thunder! He spent too much time worrying about her feelings.

Villagers nodded, greeting him as they passed and geese and other loose fowl scrambled out of their way as they rounded one path through the small huts.

Caroline ran ahead of him to a large cottage sitting back from the others.

Darc hesitated in his step, almost coming to a stop. He knew this place and had not been back to it since that night his world had changed. A place he’d seen often enough in his nightmares. Another place he’d not visited when he’d returned on the few times he’d visited his estate here over the past five years. A ball of pain formed inside his chest.

At the door she turned to look back over her shoulder at him. Darc did not realize he had stopped until she spoke.

‘Well, are you just going to stand there? Will you not come in with me?’

Did she not know what this place meant to him? Nay, he cursed himself. How could she? He’d told her nothing of it. He’d not shared this part of his life with her. She had asked and he had refused. Anger replaced his confusion. Then why was she here?

‘Because I have something I wish to show you.’ Caroline answered him and Darc realized he’d spoken his question aloud.

‘Whatever it is, bring it out.’ He snapped.

Her wide eyes flashed with hurt before narrowing on him and he knew she was upset. Her stance of indignation made him unsure. He asked angrily, ‘Why did you bring me here?’

Caroline walked a few paces back to him.  some villagers were casting curious stares their way as they went about their business. But Darc knew all ears were paying attention to seeing him this deep in the center of their village. A section he always avoided.

He’d recognized a few faces of those that remembered on their way here. Now his eyes were only on Caroline and that dreadful stoop on which she had run back to.

‘Again I ask you, wife, why have you brought me here?’

‘I told you I wanted to show you something. Do you not trust me? ‘Tis best you come inside, husband. I do not wish to do this out here.’

Darc did not move. ‘Why not?’

Her hands went to her hips and her lips thinned with her anger. ‘Please, you said you would come with me no questions asked. Do you plan to break your promise already?’

At that Darc drew in a deep breath and walked closer. She came to his side and he lowered his head to hers. ‘Whatever trick or game you are up to I do not find it in the least amusing, Caroline. I have had enough. I will not go in there.’

She looked hurt but shook her head. ‘A man of broken promises. What I do now I do out of care and concern.’

They both stared at one another over her words. The deep sincerity in her tone should have stopped him, but it did not.

‘Enough! I am going back to the castle-‘

‘Nay. Wait.’ She reached out for his wrist.

He drew back and was immediately sorry at the pained expression on her face. Her fingers curled and she fisted her hand at her side as she stuck out her chin and bravely faced him. ‘Wait, I beg of you.’ Then as she turned she muttered under her breath, but Darc heard her vexed words. ‘So stubborn!’

She did not wait for his reaction and disappeared inside the hut.

Screams from that night long ago echoed off somewhere in Darc’s skull and another face worked its way into his memory.


He closed his eyes to all around him and stood still taking in deep breaths and exhaling. Caroline’s soft voice drew him back.

‘I have brought it to you.’

Darc opened his eyes and looked from her ashen face to the older woman next to her. Aged pain ballooned in his chest as a name filtered through his mind. Agnes.  The old midwife.

He had not looked her in the eye since that night. He had believed she’d taken part in his wife’s treachery. But she had not. Now, her dull eyes, pale and filled with fear and sorrow pulled at him, pleadingly. Looking at her was a painful reminder.

But it was the small boy she pulled from behind her skirts who captured his attention now and who wrenched the breath from him.

The feel of Caroline’s arm through his did not turn Darc’s gaze away. A burning sensation engulfed him from head to toe, a headache formed at the back of his skull and the world seemed to spin around him. He vaguely felt her fingers curl around his numbing ones, like his heart.

‘What do you see?’ she whispered so softly but Darc heard the anguish in her voice.

He finally expelled a painful breath.  The young boy looked back at him in wonder, in fear and in respect.

A headful of dark waves curved around his small square jaw and lay just above his little shoulders that one could see easily see would grow to be broad as his barrel shaped chest would be. Around the same age as Kelbie, but by far much taller. His stance rigid like a little soldier as he returned his gaze. Matching blue eyes met his own.

‘My lord. I did not know how…how to tell you. Lady Adelay left him here. She-She paid me to ki- to do away…But, I could not. Had I brought the boy to you- I- I thought you would not want him. You left so soon after…after all that had happened and never came back…So…I…’

‘So you thought to raise him? Raise him as your own?’  Darc looked at her then, murder in his eyes.

Caroline moved back to the woman. ‘She is sorry, my lord. But remember, she did not do what your wife wanted her to do and that is what is important. Is it not?’

‘How do I know he is-‘ Darc choked on his words, unable to form the words to finish his sentence. Especially with those wide magnetic blue eyes staring up at him in confusion.

‘Can you not see? Your own eyes have seen. Our own will no doubt look the same. Has there not been enough misgivings as it were to continue to add more? Why can you not believe it?’

He turned a cold glare upon her. ‘Because the bitch told me she murdered him and we buried his little body.’

Caroline gasped, her hand in reflex reached out to him but she drew it back to her side ere they touched him. She swallowed the lump of grief she felt for him and said. ‘I am not sure who you buried, but
proves she lied.’ Caroline saw him flinch at her words and she hurried on. She wanted to say more, but ‘twas not the time and place. ‘I told you this would have been best done inside. Nevertheless, I ask you now to open your eyes and see, husband. What was lost has been found.’

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