The Beast Within (15 page)

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Authors: Terra Laurent

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: The Beast Within
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“Gifts are never appreciated.” Cerberus’ voice was as coarse as the flesh on his body.

“But why me?”

“Why not?” All six eyes scanned Aaron’s body. The mouths snorted as if they found nothing of worth. “Tomorrow, then. Maybe you can die with the other pieces of meat.”

The crystalline air shattered. The illusion of the humanoid figure vanished. Cerberus was once again a canine monstrosity. He gave Aaron one last disparaging look and turned. The demon loped several feet. A burst of flame erupted from the ground to engulf him. A wave of oddly familiar spiciness hit Aaron’s nose. A moment later the stench of rotten eggs overlaid it. The fire exploded toward the sky and burnt out, fading first to the ground, then into nothingness.

Aaron got to his feet and moved to examine the asphalt. A pitch mound of brimstone rested where the demon had made his exit.

Shoes gritted against gravel at his back. Aaron turned to find Matthew.

“So, that was Cerberus?”

Aaron wanted to explain why he hadn’t called for reinforcements, or why he hadn’t fought the demon, but he honestly didn’t know why, other than he had wanted to see Cerberus for himself, maybe just to see if the creature that had made him into a monster felt anything, anything at all for him. That sort of rationale was not one easily explained if he wanted to reassure the weres of his improved sanity. He remained silent.

Why not?
The words echoed in his mind, a torment in two syllables. A verbal shrug. An acceptance of coffee with a co-worker. The declaration of a bored, apathetic monster.
Why not.

“That was him, yeah,” he said.

A large wolf, hair the gentle red and golden hues of the desert at sunset, came speeding across the parking lot.

“It’s okay, Carlos. That light was Cerberus departing.” Matthew looked at Aaron, then back at his lupine partner. “For now, at least.”

Aaron watched the brimstone as if Cerberus would pop back out and give him a better explanation. From Matthew’s expression the beta had seen most of the interaction. Aaron lifted a questioning eyebrow. Matthew shook his head almost imperceptibly. He would let Aaron have his secret. Matthew flashed him a small smile, then looked down at the alpha.

“Your shift came sooner than you thought.”

“Possibly something more to do with Cerberus’ presence?” Matthew posed.

The wolf gave a shake of his head, indicating his ignorance of the situation.

“Well, one thing came out of this exercise,” Aaron said. “We have confirmation of tomorrow’s attack.”

Chapter Seventeen


Aaron walked back to the apartment complex. The dark thing howled inside him, furious at being denied emergence in the face of its creator. His legs trembled with post-adrenaline decline, or possibly terror and rage. He didn’t know. For he was howling too, raging inside himself along with the demon he housed. His mind tossed out an angry imagined conversation with the hellhound.

Why not?

Seemed like a good thing to do at the time.

Why not?

You had no other plans for your life than to house a piece of my demonic soul.

Why the fuck not.

He kept his gait steady, knowing Matthew and the re-humanized Carlos watched him from the street. They smelled his emotions, no doubt, but their toll on him was what they assessed. True enough he was no longer under Trinity control and could not be barred from the following night’s war, but he couldn’t afford their confidence in him to slip even a little. Doubtful soldiers made dead soldiers. And it was very likely there would be deaths enough without him adding to the tally. He raised his hand without looking back and moved around the corner. A few moments later two car doors slammed and the master and second of Trinity clan drove off into the night, ready to get back to their hotel where their pack undoubtedly waited for them.

The pack. Somehow Aaron hadn’t thought about them when considering the consequences of this war. Some of the shifters who had cared for him when he was at his weakest would die tomorrow. The ones who had held his hand, pinned him down or downright kicked the shit out of him during his flashbacks, they would be there fighting with him. And he would watch them die. He pulled open the door and leaned into the jamb. A fine tremble shook his body.

Orchestrate a bunch of shifters to kill each other in the name of lupine rusticism?

Why not?

His feet felt leaden as he trudged up the staircase. A scent caught his nose at the landing. A wave of emotions swept over him. Too basic and intermingled to label, they flowed through Aaron, shook him to his core. The wall supported him as the sensations crashed through his body. The door opened. Tony stood there, his elegant face a mix of concern and relief. They locked gazes and the feelings roiling inside Aaron cemented into one solid, driving force.

“I thought you had gone—”

Aaron lunged forward, grabbed Tony’s neck and pulled him close, cutting off his words. Aaron pulled him in, crushed his mouth with his lips. Tony’s eyes went wide with surprise, then drifted closed as he fell deeper into the kiss. Tony opened his mouth to him, and Aaron kissed him deeper. The dark thing raged and Aaron didn’t try to push it away, but funneled its energy into Tony. He pushed Tony through the door, using his hips to guide Tony to the wall. They slammed into it together, bumping chins and crushing lips. Tony smiled and kissed him harder, delved his tongue deep inside his mouth. Aaron pulled at Tony’s T-shirt. Tony lifted his arms, breaking the kiss only enough for his head to pass through the hole, then returned his mouth to Aaron’s. Tony worked the buttons on his shirt while Aaron unzipped Tony’s fly.

Aaron moved his mouth to Tony’s neck. He trailed his tongue along the steady pulse, worked his lips across to the hollow in Tony’s throat. Tony swallowed hard, head thrown back, hands bunched in the shirt he had shoved down around Aaron’s shoulders. Aaron ran his mouth along Tony’s chest, the soft down tickling his lips and nose. He flicked his tongue out to lap at first one nipple, then the other. He took one in his mouth and suckled it gently. Tony gripped his shoulders. He moved his hands, urging. Aaron followed their hint. He traced a wet line down Tony’s taut abs and around his belly button, and kissed a trail toward the waist of Tony’s pants.

Aaron dropped to his knees, his face even with the enticing bulge straining out from the undone zipper. He sloughed his shirt off his shoulders, then pulled Tony’s pants to his ankles, freeing a generously-sized erect cock. His own dick gave a violent spasm. Aaron turned his head, kissed along the length from the base and slowly worked his way to the burgeoning tip. When he reached the extra sensitive area at the base of the engorged head, Aaron teased it with his mouth. Tony dug hard fingers into his shoulders, into the network of scars. For once, Aaron didn’t care about them.

With one fist around the base, Aaron plunged down onto Tony’s cock with his mouth. He sucked at it hard, letting his teeth graze against it. Tony tightened his grip and groaned. Aaron pulled harder, savoring the sensation of Tony’s shaft sliding through his mouth. Tony gave a cry of pleasure. The dark thing lurched, a predator wanting prey. He released Tony’s dick suddenly, and surged up, catching Tony off guard. He turned Tony, slamming him face-first against the wall. He covered Tony’s back with his mouth, laying hot, desperate kisses against his skin. Aaron ached for his most sensitive places to be touched, but the dark thing wanted more. It wanted Tony begging for it.

He planted a foot against Tony’s bunched pants and underwear. His voice was a harsh growl when he said, “Step out of them.”

Tony did as commanded, freed his legs from the fabric at his ankles, then kicked off his shoes for good measure.

Aaron continued to devour Tony’s back. He ran his hand along the defined lines, feeling the dips and swells of each muscle under his palm. He reached Tony’s ass and cupped it violently. As he squeezed he worked his other hand to the front. He found the softly haired mound and stroked it. Tony’s hips spasmed. He took his hand off Tony’s ass and delved into the crack, forcing Tony to spread his legs. He ran his fingers along the hot opening and stroked farther to rub the tender perineum, then farther still to cup Tony’s balls. He gave them a gentle squeeze then backtracked. He rubbed the warm cleft a few more times, then put his fingers to his mouth. He licked the first three, savoring the musky scent and returned them to Tony’s ass. He pressed his index finger against the tight opening. It yielded easily. Tony thrust his hips back, pushing into his hand. Aaron shifted his hand from Tony’s pubis to his cock. He worked it gently, moving with featherlight motions up and down, concentrating on teasing the head when Tony took his finger in the deepest. He unfolded another finger and let Tony back into it. The opening strained a little wider as he inserted the third finger. He braced his thumb against the soft skin at the base of Tony’s spine and plunged deeply into his ass. Tony moaned as he worked the head into a hot, tight knob. A drop of viscous liquid seeped out onto his fingers. Aaron pressed his aching cock against Tony’s hip. It seemed the heat of it would burn through the fabric of his pants.

He pressed his fingers deep inside Tony’s ass, searching for the small knot of his prostate. A moment later he found it. Tony’s erection jerked in his hand and Tony cried out.

“Oh god!” Tony leaned back into Aaron, arching into his shoulder and laying his head on it. “I need you to fuck me.”

The dark thing howled its triumph. Aaron took his hand off Tony’s member and slid his fingers out of his ass. He kissed Tony’s neck, ran his face through the sweet, silky chestnut hair. With one brutal pop his teeth elongated, his eyes shifted. He growled deep in his throat.

Tony looked back at him, an expression of desire and awe suffusing his face. Aaron fed on the first, the dark thing rejoiced in the second.

“Bedroom,” was all he could manage.

Tony made for the stairs, his gorgeous ass working as he took the steps. Aaron watched him ascend, watched the flex and release of his muscles, the perfect motion that highlighted the perfect body. Another growl escaped him as he stripped off his own trousers, shoes and socks. Tony looked down at him from the landing. He skimmed past the myriad of scars disfiguring his body, and came to rest on Aaron’s erection. A wave of lust poured out of him. The scent filled Aaron’s nose and the dark thing surged into control. Tony tore his eyes away and disappeared behind the wall.

Shifter speed got Aaron to the top of the steps before Tony could shut the nightstand drawer. Aaron was on him in a flash, eliciting a small surprised gasp from Tony. The beast inside him swelled. It had its prey. Aaron allowed it to join him. Their needs and desires finally unified, they came together in an outpouring of carnal lust. He yanked the lube and condom from Tony’s hand. They didn’t really need the condom, but discussing the ins and outs of werewolf immune systems was not a feral creature’s priority. He unscrewed the cap. Tony half turned, but he pushed him around. On its way to brace against the wall Tony’s splayed hand hit a lamp. It clattered from the table to the floor. Aaron nudged it out of the way and advanced. He tore open the package, rolled the condom onto his dick, then spread onto it a generous amount of the silky gel. Tony turned his head, concentrating on Aaron’s hand and dick as he worked the lube up and down the thinly veiled shaft. Pleasure coursed through him, but his demonic passenger was growing impatient. He squeezed more onto his fingers.

He kicked Tony’s ankles like he was searching a perp. The lamp sent a wash of brilliant light into his face. Aaron grabbed his chin, pulled his face around for a deep kiss. Tony opened his mouth to his and he thrust his fingers into Tony’s anus. Tony moaned as Aaron worked his fingers along the warm insides. Tony’s knees buckled with pleasure and Aaron withdrew his hand, catching him by the hips. He held Tony in place with one hand, his demonic muscles easily supporting his partner in case his legs failed. Aaron traced his cock down between Tony’s cheeks, slid it between his thighs, caressed the underside of his sack a few times before he pulled back and plunged into Tony’s warmth.

Tony cried out. His fingers whitened against the bricks. Aaron and the dark thing growled. He knew his face was half lupine. Half demon. He didn’t care. For once he and the beast agreed on something—dominating this moaning, impassioned male, and pleasuring both of their bodies.

He pounded into Tony. His partner arched his back and pressed into each thrust, taking it all inside him. He reached around and grabbed Tony’s dick. It was hot and hard with need. With fingers still slick from the lubricant he stroked the shaft in rhythm, tightening his fist when he pushed, forcing Tony’s cock to squeeze through the narrow opening his fingers provided, then loosening as he pulled back. Tony’s arms splayed rigidly across the bricks as he absorbed the impact of Aaron’s wild pumping.

Aaron’s loins screamed with pleasure as he worked against Tony’s. With each thrust he brought the tip it to the edge of the alluringly stretched hole and thrust in again. He battered the beautiful cheeks with his hips, his balls slapped wildly against Tony’s. The repressed demon in him had awoken with full force and he wouldn’t be able to stop, even if Tony began voicing discomfort. He didn’t.

Tony returned his thrusts with equal enthusiasm, pressing his hips back into Aaron’s dick to intensify the impact. His shaft jumped under Aaron’s fingers. Aaron worked it harder, sliding his hand faster and faster along the spasming erection.

“Oh god I’m coming,” Tony cried in one breathless heave.

“Not yet.” Aaron stopped his fingers, but still held on. Tony writhed beneath his grip and pressed his forehead into the brick.

Aaron’s hips had a mind of their own. His insides screamed with feral glee. He resumed working Tony’s dick, urgently stroking with his fingers. Tony pressed back into him, open, ready, cock jolting with need.

“Now,” Aaron breathed against his back as his head filled with pressure.

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