The Beginning of Us

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Authors: Alexis Noelle

BOOK: The Beginning of Us
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Table of Contents

Shattered Innocence by Alexis Noelle
Mirage by Ashley Suzanne
Tied Up in Heartstrings by Felicia Lynn
In a Heartbeat by Hilary Storm
Heat by J. M. Walker
Twinsequences by Jennifer Foor
Where I Need to Be by Kimberly Knight
Let Love In by Melissa Collins
Vision of Love by S. Moose
Undescribable by Shantel Tessier
Touch Me by t.h. Snyder












Shattered Innocence

(Shattered #1)


Alexis Noelle



Copyright © 2014 Ashley Piscitelli


All rights Reserved. No parts of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter without written permission from the author, except for inclusion of brief quotations in a review.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, establishments, organizations, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously to give a sense of authenticity. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


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Chapter One

As I sit there pretending to be interested in what the man across from me is saying I can’t help but hate my fucking life. Granted, it’s my own damn fault I’m here and in this situation but it doesn’t make me hate it any less. I’m not one of those dumb ass girls who blame all of their troubles on their parents or anyone else. Did my parents completely suck at life? Yes. Did I have a shitty ass childhood? Yes. However, I have a mind of my own and this is where it has led me.

I sweetly smile at the douche as he goes on some more about his fancy fucking shit that I could care less about. Honestly, I don’t understand why this is part of the fucking job description. Granted, I work for one of the more high-class escort services but let’s call it like it is, I’m a damn prostitute. I don’t need to be wined and dined; I’m kind of a sure thing.

The waitress brings the check and places it on the table, thank God. I just need to get upstairs handle my business and get out of here. I hate having to pretend I’m interested in these guys but usually that’s how you get regulars and build a client list. Instead of just paying his bill, the dipshit across from me feels it necessary to take out all of the money in his wallet, slowly counting and fanning it out at the same time. Men like him are completely pathetic. When you need to flaunt material things it means something is lacking either in your head or in your pants.

We take the walk to the elevators and he has his arm firmly planted around my waist. I see him making sure that he makes eye contact with everyone possible; little do they know he’s fucking paying me for it. As we step into the elevator he positions me in front of him, and pulls me back until our bodies are smashed together. I’m guessing his aim is for me to be impressed about his obvious erection. I can tell just by feeling it now that there isn’t shit that’s impressive about it.

His hands slowly travel up and caress my breasts. I make the obligatory oohs in my breathy voice that drives every ass hat like him insane. As we walk to his room I check the time on my phone. It’s 9:30 at night; hopefully I can get out of here within an hour and be home by eleven. I am assuming that this guy will be easy and it won’t take very much for me to get him there. He looks like he hasn’t be laid since the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus.

Unlike many other girls, I don’t charge by time. I charge them by the amount of orgasms they want to have. I still have a time limit though because some assholes will hold that shit in forever. It works out better for me this way because if I get someone who looks as pathetic and inexperienced as him, I can usually get out of here pretty damn quick.

When we get into the hotel room he slams me up against the door and attacks my neck with his mouth. I stifle a giggle at how ridiculous this is. Guys like this always amaze me, the ones that think they are hot shit and that they really turn you on.

“Take off your dress.”

He backs away from me, his eyes slowly scanning my body waiting to see what’s under my clothes. I think this part is worse than the sex. This is the only time in the whole process that I actually get a hint of vulnerability. He sits down on the bed waiting for me.

I slowly reach behind my dress and unzip it. I have found that dresses that zip go over much better then ones I need to lift over my head. There is something with men and watching you unzip, then slowly lower your dress down that drives them insane. My dress pools around my feet leaving me in a red lace bra and matching thong, at his request.

He gasps as he takes in my body then begins to quickly undress himself. He has no grace at all during this process fumbling so much that he can barely get the first two buttons of his dress shirt undone. “Why don’t you…” He clears his throat in an attempt to make his strained voice sound more authoritative. “Undress me.” I bite the inside of my lip to keep from laughing. He is trying so hard to be in control when he has absolutely none at all.

I strut over to him and watch as his breathing picks up. When I undo the buttons on his shirt I realize how fast his chest is moving up and down. This one will definitely be easy. As I slide his shirt off of his chest, I lower myself to the floor in front of him. Mr. Hot and Ready paid for two orgasms, one from oral and one from sex. Most girls would think my way of setting appointments was ridiculous, but for me it gives me a goal and once it’s done I can leave.

I release his belt, slide his zipper down and then pull off his pants in one quick motion. Are you kidding me? He’s wearing fucking tighty whities. I mentally shake my head. I take off the offending underwear and slowly begin to work my hand over what he thinks is impressive. The minute my fingers touch him he throws his head back. I lower my head to him taking him in my mouth and enjoy knowing that this will be over fast.

He was warned of my rules before our meeting. I will not kiss the clients on the mouth, nor will I swallow. Both of those acts are too intimate, and just disgusting with half of the men that I deal with. Within two minutes I have him releasing himself all over my hand.

“Fuck, that was good.” I look up at him. “Now for number two.” He smiles a yellow-toothed smile and I cringe. This shit needs to be fast so I can get the hell out of here. He reaches behind me and unclasps my bra, then slides backward on the bed. I slide my underwear down then grab a condom out of my clutch. He is still rock hard which will only make my job so much easier. I slide it over him and climb on top of him. As I ride him he roughly grasps at my breasts and treats them almost as if he were turning a doorknob. No wonder he has to pay for it, he is horrible at this shit. He really needs to take advantage of my other service, but I have learned my lesson about offering that shit to clients.

Aside from just being as escort I also teach men how to have sex, and how to do it right. That is what this sad piece of a man really needs. I can feel his body start to tense. Thank God. When he releases himself his face contorts and it takes everything in me not to laugh. I have thought this more than once tonight so that means he really is as horrible as I have mentally accused him of being. I climb off of him and begin to get dressed.

“You’re leaving already?”

As I zip my dress back up I turn around to look at him. “Yep.”

I walk out and close the door, no doubt leaving him dumbfounded. This is just another normal weekend night for me though. Jessica Evans….. college student by day, high-class escort by night.


Chapter Two

“Jess!” I turn around to see Lo jogging over to me. We have been friends forever and she is the only person I trust enough to talk about what I do in my spare time. “Where the hell are you going to in such a rush?”

“I had to pull an all-nighter for my paper last night, so I’m making a Starbucks run before class. You know it’s always so crowded in there, you’d think they were giving the shit away for free.”

She laughs and starts to walk with me. “How was it last night?”

I scrunch my face in disgust. “Horrible, Lo.” Lo’s real name is Lauren but ever since we were younger that has been my nickname for her. It was my thing, and I can’t tell you how pissed I get if someone else calls her it. “I always arrive with some hope the dude will be hot or know what he is doing but that hardly ever happens.” Unfortunately, this is what I need to do to pay for school. I had to get out of my hellhole of a house and neither of my parents would ever give me any of their precious money.

“Ugh, I don’t know how you do it.”

“Me neither, girl.” As we were about to walk into Starbucks I winced when I saw how long the damn line was. My phone started to ring and I pulled it out. “Crap. Can you go in and save me a spot in the madness?”

“Yeah, see you in a minute.”

Why the hell was Tasha calling me? She was my boss, and the only time I ever hear from her is when she is giving me the time and date with my next guy and that’s usually just a text. “Hello?”

“Jessie, I need you to come into my office tonight at eight.”

“Why, what’s up? You know I usually don’t do week – ”

“Eight o’clock tonight, Jessie. Don’t be late.”

The phone clicked and as I took it away from my ear I scowled at it. What the hell crawled up her ass? I had this sinking feeling in my stomach that something was wrong. I walked into the coffee shop and stood next to Lauren

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know. Listen, I need to be somewhere at eight, can we get together after?”

“I thought you didn’t do that shit on weeknights?”

“I don’t.” The look on my face must have told her not to push the issue. I order my normal shit and pay out of the ass for my small piece of heaven. I just don’t get how they are physically allowed to charge that much for fucking caffeine.

My classes are a damn blur all day because the only thing I can think about is what the hell is going on tonight. As I’m walking back to my apartment I get a text from Tasha

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