Read The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life Online

Authors: Richard J. Herrnstein,Charles A. Murray

Tags: #History, #Science, #General, #Psychology, #Sociology, #Genetics & Genomics, #Life Sciences, #Social Science, #Educational Psychology, #Intelligence Levels - United States, #Nature and Nurture, #United States, #Education, #Political Science, #Intelligence Levels - Social Aspects - United States, #Intellect, #Intelligence Levels

The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life (148 page)

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impact of cognitive stratification on, 519-520

raising IQ of:
IQ: raising

of single mothers:
Single mothers

Cigarette smoking, 214


Civility, 253-266, 574

defined, 254

IQ and, 567

Middle-Class Values Index and, 263-266, 339-340

political participation as outcropping of:
Political participation

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 394, 482, 485-487, 490, 491, 679-681

Civil Rights Act of 1991, 482, 504, 687

Civil Service Commission, 684

Coaching for test, 400-402, 657-659

Cognitive ability, use of term, 22;
See also
Intelligence; IQ

Cognitive classes and social problems, 117-266

definition of cognitive classes, 120-122

National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY) and, 118-120, 124

presentation of statistical results, 122-126, 617-647

specific problems:
Civility; Crime; Family matters, Labor force dropouts; Physical disability; Poverty; School dropouts; Unemployment; Welfare dependency

Cognitive elite, 25-115, 575

assortative mating and, 110-113

characterization of, 509-511

coalitions with affluent, 514-518

custodial state scenario and, 523-526

educational stratification:
Educational stratification

heritability of IQ and, 105-110, 554

isolation within, 512-513

job productivity:
Job productivity

meritocracy and, 511-512

occupational stratification:
Occupational stratification

physical separation of, 101-105

rules generated by, 541-546

white underclass and, 521

Cognitive stratification, 25-27;
See also
Cognitive classes and social behavior; Cognitive elite

impact of, 509-526

benefits, 511-512

on children, 519-520

coalitions of cognitive elite and the affluent, 514-518

emerging white underclass, 520-521

isolation within cognitive elite, 512-513

spatial concentration, low cognitive ability, and underclass behavior, 522

Coleman, James S., 394-396

Coleman report, 275, 394-396

College admission requirements, 41, 431, 439

College Board Achievement Tests, 662-664

College enrollment

affirmative action and:
Affirmative action: in higher education

in elite colleges, 37-39, 112

feminist movement and, 112

growth of, 30-32

probability of, 32-35

College grades

cognitive test scores as predictors of, 471-472

as predictor of job productivity, 81

College graduates

divorce probability and, 175-176

educational stratification and, 30-32, 35-36, 45-50

ethnic differences and, 319-320

fertility of, 349-350, 353-354

illegitimacy and, 184

income stratification and, 94, 95

low-birth-weight infants and, 217

marriage probability and, 172

occupational stratification and, 59, 60, 64-65

parenting and

cognitive outcomes, 232

developmental problems, 229

home environment for child development, 225

poverty throughout childhood, 220

poverty and, 135-136, 220

socioeconomic status and, 151-153

unemployment and, 164-166

voting behavior and, 259

welfare dependency and, 196, 198-199, 201

Colleges, elite, 37-43, 47-50, 112, 451-457

Collins, Marva, 399

Compensatory education, 398-399

Competitive fairness, 512-513

Consortium for Longitudinal Studies, 405-406

Consortium on Financing Higher Education (COFHE), 451

Cook, Philip, 42-43

Correlation coefficient, 2-3, 67-69, 585-588

Credentialing, 64-65, 69, 325-327, 445, 474, 503, 542

Crime, 235-251, 567

broken homes vs. IQ and, 249-250, 572

educational attainment and, 250-251

history of study of link between IQ and, 241-242

importance of link between IQ and, 241-242

incarceration, 247-250, 365, 367

increase in, 236-237

low-IQ prevalence and, 375-376, 567, 568, 572

psychological theories of, 237-241, 245

self-report data, 245-250

socioeconomic status, vs. IQ and, 248-250, 567

sociological theories of, 237-241

types of criminal involvement by IQ, 246-248

Crystallized intelligence, 15

Cultural bias:
Test bias

Cultural content of test items, 281-282

Cultural explanations of ethnic differences in IQ, 304-307

Custodial state, 523-526

Darwin, Charles, 1, 343

Demographic transition, 343-345

Demography of intelligence:

Dependent variable, 122, 570

Development, child:
Child development

Digit span test, 283, 306

Disability, 161-163, 365, 367

Disciplining of children, 205-206

“Disparate impact” in antidiscrimination law, 482, 681-686


by cognitive class, 173-174

educational attainment and, 175-176

intergenerational transmission of, 176-177

low-cognitive-ability prevalence and, 379-380, 567

single mothers and poverty among children, 137-141

socioeconomic status vs. IQ and, 174-175

Labor force dropouts; School dropouts

Dysgenesis, 341-368

in America in the early 1990s, 348-357

defined, 342

demographic transition and, 343-345

fertility and:
Fertility, differential

immigration and:

importance of, 364-368

regression to the mean and, 357

state of knowledge about, 343-348

Earles, James, 76

“Educated person” 442-445

Education, 417-445

affirmative action in:
Affirmative action: in higher education

policy agenda for, 435-445

raising IQ with, 393-402, 407, 408, 414, 568, 573

trends in

average high school students, 419-425

college-bound students, 425-427

dumbing down, 429-434

gifted students, 427-428, 434-435

Educational attainment

affirmative action and, 502-503

assortive mating by, 110-112

child maltreatment and, 211

crime and, 250-251

divorce probability and, 175-176

employment problems and

labor force dropouts, 157, 160-161

unemployment, 164-165

ethnic differences in, 319-320, 324-325, 353-354

fertility and, 349-350, 353-354

illegitimacy and, 184

income stratfication and, 94-98

IQ and, 568, 571

marriage rates and, 171-172

occupational stratification and, 52, 57-60, 64

parenting and

developmental problems, 229

home environment for child development, 225

low-birth-weight infants, 217

poverty throughout childhood, 220

poverty and, 135-137, 220

as predictor of job productivity, 81, 89

school dropouts:
School dropouts

socioeconomic status and, 151-153, 560, 569

voting behavior and, 259-261

welfare dependency and, 193, 196-197, 198-199

Educational standards, 429-433, 437, 439-440

Educational stratification

college degree and, 30-32, 35-36, 45-50

effects of, 49-50

elite colleges and, 37-49

extent of, 45-50

growth of college population and, 30-32

high school diploma and, 32-35

Egalitarianism, 9, 107, 500, 527, 532-534, 554

Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, 398, 434

Elliott, Delbert, 250

Ellwood, David, 555

Employment, 155-166

affirmative action and:
Affirmative action: in the workplace

labor force dropouts:
Labor force dropouts

low-IQ prevalence and, 372-375, 575

physical disability, 161-163, 365, 367


Employment tests, 481-484, 502, 679-687

Environmental factors in intelligence, 8-9, 106, 108, 298-299, 303-304, 309-315, 342-343, 410, 554, 574, 668;
See also
IQ: raising

Epstein, Richard, 555

Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC), 679-682, 684, 685

Ethnic differences

in aptitude test scores, affirmative action and, 451-458, 565-566

in educational attainment, 319-320 324-325, 353-354

in fertility, 352-357

immigration and, 359-360

in income, 322-327

on indicators of social problems, 327-340

cognitive outcomes for children, 337-338

crime, 338-339

developmental outcomes for children, 336-337

home environment for children, 334, 336

illegitimacy, 330-331

labor force dropouts, 327-328

low-birth-weight infants, 332-333, 334

marriage rates, 329, 330

poverty, 326-327, 333-334

unemployment, 327-329

welfare dependency, 331-332

in IQ, 269-315

affirmative action and:
Affirmative action Asian American and white, 272-276, 299-301

black and white:
Black and white differences: in IQ

cultural explanations of, 304-307

genetics and, 295-311

Jews and gentiles, 275

Latinos and non-Latino whites, 275

in Middle-Class Values Index, 339-340

in occupational status, 320-322

in reproductive strategies, 666-667

Eugenic Hypothesis, 346

Eysenck, Hans, 561

Factor analysis, 3-4, 18-19, 558-560

Family structure, 167-190;
See also
Divorce; Illegitimacy; Marriage

crime and, 249-250

single mothers:
Single mothers

traditional, deterioration of, 190

trends in, 173

Feminism, 112-113

Fertility, differential, 342-357

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