The Best Laid Plans (17 page)

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Authors: Amy Vastine

BOOK: The Best Laid Plans
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“We’ll double-team her tomorrow. Get her to tell us everything. Right now, you need to sleep.”

She was out like a light before he shut the door. Charlie settled in on the couch, which wasn’t long enough but would have to do. He pulled out his phone and thought about sending Emma a text. He had wondered all day what she would think of his family. Would they scare her away or would she fit right in? She’d probably win them all over the way she’d won him.

He hadn’t told Emma about his family coming to town because that would have led to talking about them and their craziness. He needed to feel a bit more secure about how things were going between them before he opened that can of worms.

Still, he couldn’t resist a small check-in. He sent her a text.

Thinking about nightingales.

His phone chimed with her reply.

Hopefully just one.

There was only one. After watching his sisters take individual family pictures and seeing Becca’s round belly, he knew he wanted that with someone more than ever. Emma was it. He was sure.

Just THE Nightingale.

* * *

Charlie and Becca headed back to the suburbs. Everyone was busy decorating the house and preparing food for the party. The kids were running amok and the entire scene reminded Charlie of what this house used to be like when they all lived there.

“I’m feeling nostalgic, Snow Mama.” He handed her the bottle of water she’d requested. Becca was getting good at this being-pampered thing.

“It’s nice to be home. Even better to have everyone home. They might all be nuts, but their our nuts.”

He tapped his water bottle against hers before taking a swig. “Yes, they are,” he said as they watched the chaos for a minute.

The party was an open house. Guests were free to come and go throughout the day. That had seemed like the smartest thing to do. Charlie’s dad had retired from the local high school where he had taught social studies for forty years.

Today’s celebration was going to include people he had worked with over the years, students who loved him and all his friends and family. They were expecting almost a hundred people to drop in.

There was a huge tent set up outside with tables and chairs arranged underneath it. Mike was the electronics expert and hooked up some speakers so they could play some music out there. The neighborhood bike path ran through the extra-wide lot next to the house, which gave them some extra space to set up a volleyball net and ladder golf.

Charlie had always felt his father was a great man, but seeing the number of people who came to wish him well in his retirement still blew him away. His father meant so much to so many. When his dad made a heartfelt speech to thank everyone for coming, Charlie got a little misty-eyed along with him.

Surprisingly, it made him wish Emma was there. He would have liked her to see where he came from and meet the people who helped shape who he was. He had never been more proud to be a Fletcher.

“What’s with the silly grin? You thinking about something that could get you in trouble?” Becca asked.

“I’m thinking about that girl who kissed me. Twice now, by the way, in case you were keeping count.”

Becca cocked one eyebrow. “That sounds like big trouble.”

“I think she’s decided to pick me over the doc.”

“That makes me think she might be smarter than I originally feared.”

“You would like her. She’s someone you’d be friends with and then convince not to date me.”

Becca’s mouth fell open then snapped shut. She smacked his arm. “I only did that once. And I didn’t want you two to date and then break up because then she and I wouldn’t have been able to be friends anymore.”

“Gretchen Filmore. She was so hot.”

“You two never would have worked. She thought there was a ghost who had imprinted on her. She was sure he followed her every time she moved to a new apartment. Not right away, of course—it took him a little while to find her again and he would always be really mad when he did.”

Charlie nearly doubled over in laughter. “Thanks for helping me dodge that bullet.”

“I need to meet this woman who’s got you grinning and spinning over two kisses,” she said when they finally stopped giggling.

“I’d like her to meet you.” Becca was a safe place to start.

The day was long, but the party was a grand success. Everyone was ready for bed as soon as the sun began to set. Candice and her family headed back to the hotel as soon as her kids hit the wall. Becca was dead on her feet and ready to go back to the city. Charlie realized they hadn’t gotten to talk to Candice as he had wanted. They’d have to do it tomorrow when they came back to clean everything up.

Mandy agreed to drop them off at the train station on her way out, but as they approached her minivan, Candice’s BMW came to a screeching halt in front of the house. She rolled down the window.

“Charlie and Becca, get in here. Now.”

They didn’t waste a second thinking about it. They both jumped in and she took off before they had time to fasten their seat belts.

Candice was clearly in the middle of an emotional meltdown. “He’s a cheater. He’s cheating. I saw the texts. He texts her about when they’re going to meet next. I think I’m going to throw up.”

“Pull over,” Charlie demanded. She was in no shape to drive.

He took over the driving responsibilities but had no idea where to go. “What do you want me to do?”

“Can I go home with you guys? I can’t stay with Mom and Dad right now. I don’t want everyone else to know. Not yet.”

To Charlie’s it was.


of hoped her double date would be a disaster. If the date was a total flop, it would be her sign that Charlie was the one for her. Even though Lucy had told her to stop looking for them, a sign would be nice.

Of course, all the signs—if that was what they were—pointed right back to the plan. Scott was charming and attentive. He picked her up in his cherry-red Audi, a graduation gift from his well-to-do parents, and wasn’t too proud to admit that Chicago traffic was more than a little intimidating. He was polite to everyone, from the valet to the waiter. He remembered that Emma had said her sister designed the interior of Sato’s, and had nothing but nice things to say about it. He and Ian hit it off, learning they had a mutual love of baseball.

“We’ll have to get you to a Cubs game this summer,” Ian said. “A buddy of mine has some great season tickets.”

“That would be awesome. Are you a Cubs fan?” he asked Emma. Always the gentleman, he had made an effort to include her in every conversation.

“I’m a born-and-raised North Sider, it would be against the law not to be a Cubs fan.”

“I see,” he said with a laugh. “I need someone to teach me the rules around here. In Minnesota we only have one of everything. No one’s loyalties are divided.”

“Don’t admit to being a Vikings fan around these parts. That’s almost as bad as being a Packer fan,” Ian teased.

They all laughed except Emma. This was her dream come true. A great guy who got along with her friends and was interested in what she thought. Scott was the total package. Then why was she sitting at dinner with him wondering what Charlie was doing? Why did she keep checking her phone to see if he had sent her a text?

The food arrived and everyone raved about how good it was. Max strode over to their table with a pasted-on smile. He was not happy with Emma for asking him to host this little gathering behind Charlie’s back, but he put on a good act in front of her friends.

“How is everyone doing tonight?”

“Everything is fantastic,” Scott said, extending his hand. “I’m Scott Spencer, by the way. I’ve heard a lot about you and your fiancée.”

“Have you?” Max questioned, giving her a look that didn’t sit well.

She felt obligated to introduce everyone. “Scott, this is Max. Max this is Scott, Ian and Tessa.”

Max spent a few minutes chatting with their table. Emma could tell he was trying as desperately as she was to find a flaw in Dr. Spencer but was having the same problem. He was flawless.

“This place is fantastic. Everything has been superb,” Ian said.

Tessa agreed. “We’re thankful Emma has an in here. We definitely want to come back.”

“Well, I’m glad the experience has been positive. Save some room for dessert because it’s on me,” Max offered up with a toothy smile. He pointed at Emma. “But would you all mind if I stole my future sister-in-law away for one second?”

Emma braced herself for his wrath. He may have appeared cool, calm and collected, but she knew something else was brewing. Max was nothing if not loyal to those he cared about and Charlie was his best friend. She ruefully followed him all the way back to his office.

“You know, Charlie thinks you’re interested in him and not that guy,” he said, pointing at his closed office door once they were safely inside.

“I’m not interested in Scott,” Emma insisted. “I’m having dinner with friends.”

Max sat on the edge of his desk. “Does that guy know that? Because I’m pretty sure he thinks he’s on a date.”

“Everything is kind of messed up.” If she hadn’t listened to Lucy, she’d be following her plan and everything would be right with the world. Emma would have said goodbye to Charlie and this perfect first date would have been her sign that she’d made the right choice. Instead, she had listened to her heart. Now she couldn’t imagine walking away from Charlie. There would always be this big what-if.

“You can say that again. I don’t like being asked to lie to my friends.” He held up a hand to keep Emma from interrupting. “And lies of omission count.”

Panic set in. She didn’t want Charlie to find out she was on a date. She had promised him no more games, yet here she was, playing the biggest one of all. “I don’t want you to lie, I just don’t want you to offer up information unsolicited. If for some reason Charlie asks you if I had dinner with some of the doctors from the hospital, feel free to say yes. He won’t ask, though. So don’t tell.”

“The fact that you don’t want him to know tells me Charlie means something to you.”

“Of course Charlie means something to me.” He meant the world to her. Hurting him was the last thing she wanted to do. Not that she wanted to hurt Scott, but given the choice, it was Charlie’s heart she wanted to protect. “What does it mean when I’m on this amazing date with this fantastic guy and all I can do is think about someone else the whole time?”

That made Max relax. “It means you’re on an amazing date with the wrong fantastic guy.”

“I think I’m falling for Charlie, but it scares me to death.”

“Been there,” Max said with a laugh. “As scary as letting your sister in was, choosing her was the best decision I ever made.”

“She wasn’t your plan.”

“The best things never are.”

Was that possible? She’d never tested the theory. As Lucy said, she’d always given up without a fight.

Max let her get back to her “dinner with friends.” After they finished their meal, the waiter brought over the dessert menu.

“I think I’m in love with Max. Dessert on the house means it has no calories, right?” Tessa asked with a devilish grin.

“Absolutely,” Emma agreed. “But don’t get any ideas. He’ll be my brother-in-law in less than a week.” It was crazy to think the wedding was that close. It seemed like yesterday when she was here with her sisters, watching the proposal.

“Fourth of July wedding means a free fireworks show at the reception,” Tessa said. “You should bring Scott to this shindig. I bet he’s never seen fireworks like the ones here.”

If looks could kill, Emma’s redheaded friend would certainly be a goner. Tessa, like any reasonable person, assumed she wanted Scott to be her date. It had been Emma’s goal since he’d arrived in town. Everything about her old plan was falling neatly into place. So why wasn’t her heart bursting with joy?

“It’s such late notice,” Emma tried.

Scott’s cheeks were red. “I’m scheduled to work that night. Sorry.”

“No, it’s fine,” Emma said, perhaps a bit too eagerly. “I mean, that stinks.”

Tessa would not be deterred. “I can check out the schedule. Maybe move things around for you.”

“That’s really nice of you, Tess.” Ian covered her hand with his. She smiled back at him, looking too pleased with herself. Emma was steaming. How dare Tessa use Emma’s love life to make herself look good for Ian?

“I hadn’t planned on bringing anyone because I may not make the best date that night. The last thing I want to do is convince you to come to something and then have you feel like I ignored you the whole time.” It was the best argument against Scott coming to this wedding that didn’t involve flat out telling him she wasn’t interested in him that way.

“Any of your time would still be better than none,” Scott replied. He was sweeter than all the desserts on the menu combined, but still not a single butterfly took flight in her stomach.

She’d have to talk to Tessa about not changing the schedule as soon as she could get the woman alone. Once dinner was over, Emma wanted nothing more than to get out of there. She claimed to have a headache when Ian suggested they get some drinks at a place down the street. Even though she encouraged Scott to go with Tessa and Ian, he insisted on taking her home.

“I had a great time tonight,” he said as he pulled to the curb in front of her place.

“It was a fun night out with friends. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.” She hoped he picked up on the intentional use of the word

Awkward silence ensued until Emma pushed open the door. “Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you at the hospital tomorrow.”

“Wait.” He captured her wrist and let it go almost as quickly. “You look beautiful tonight. I don’t think I said that when I picked you up.”

He was killing her with kindness. This would have been the moment she had dreamed about. He was hoping for a kiss good-night. Emma wanted to go inside and call Charlie. “Thank you.”

She was out the door and up the steps of her building before he could say anything else. Once safely inside her apartment, she pressed her back against the door and pulled out her phone.

Thinking of Charlies.

It was a play on the one he had sent her last night. She waited for a response, but none came. So, she sent another.

I lied. Only THE Charlie, of course.

She waited for a reply, but again nothing came through.

She kicked off her shoes and changed into her pajamas. She was so ready to put an end to this day, but all she could do was worry about her plan. Emma was never without a plan. Choosing Charlie meant she was driving without a map, letting her heart take her wherever it wanted to go.

She picked up her phone. Still no reply from him. Her heart had a specific direction, at least. She typed out one last text.

My Charlie.

* * *

light glowed through Emma’s curtains at an ungodly hour for a day off. She had forgotten to pull down the room-darkening shades in her mad dash for her bed last night.

A quick check of her phone told her it was just after six. It also told her that Charlie hadn’t answered any of her texts last night. She closed her eyes and tried to drift back to sleep, but a sinking feeling came over her.

Charlie had always responded to her texts right after she sent them. He never would have ignored what she wrote. Something was keeping him from his phone.

What if something had happened to Pete? Charlie would have gone to the hospital and that would be good reason for not getting back to her. Emma popped out of bed. She had to go check.

It was almost eight when she got to the hospital. She jogged to the elevator bay only to find Gianna standing there, waiting for a ride up with a bag and coffee in her hands.

“Is Pete okay?”

Gianna turned around. “I think so, why? Did you hear something?” She pushed the Up button again, suddenly much more anxious to get upstairs.

“No, no, no,” Emma reassured her. “I haven’t heard from Charlie since Friday night and I started to worry that something happened. I didn’t mean to alarm you.”

Gianna breathed a sigh of relief. “You scared me for a second. He’s been complaining about the food here, so I decided to bring some of my homemade doughnuts to him.” She held up the paper bag, sending the most delicious cinnamon smell wafting through the air.

“So, Charlie’s not here?” Emma’s brain began processing new theories.

“I haven’t seen him all weekend. I think he had a party to go to yesterday.” The elevator opened and Gianna stepped in. “Do you want to come up and see Pete, anyway? I have a doughnut with your name on it.”

Emma didn’t want to be rude and her stomach grumbled. “Sure.”

Pete was looking so much better than the last time she had checked in on him. His color was good. His black eye had faded to more of a mustardy-yellow color. He was happy to see Emma and Gianna, even more excited to see her doughnuts.

“No one makes better
than my Gianna,” he said, reaching into the bag with his one good arm.

Gianna offered one to Emma.
looked like little powdered doughnut holes, but they tasted like heaven. Crisp and sugary on the outside and fluffy and light on the inside. They were the best doughnuts Emma had ever had in her life. Gianna needed to open her own restaurant so Emma could eat her cooking every day.

“No chocolate sauce for dipping?” Pete asked, looking a bit dismayed when Gianna said no.

“I’m already breaking the rules. All I need is for you to get chocolate drizzle on your hospital gown so I get busted by the nurses.”

“I think you could bribe your way out of trouble if you handed out these things,” Emma said with a mouthful of goodness.

“Emma was looking for Charlie.”

Pete seemed pleased with this information. “You should go find him. He definitely wants to be found by you.”

Gianna snickered and shook her head at his poor attempt at being subtle. “What he means is, we haven’t seen him but he will be happy to see you. Charlie talks about you all the time.”

“He does?”

“Honey, the only person who talked about me as much as Charlie talks about you was this guy,” she said, pointing at Pete.

“He’s a good guy, that Charlie,” Pete added.

“He is one of the best,” Emma agreed. “You guys don’t have to convince me.”

“Good,” Gianna said. “Because a guy who lights up just talking about the first time you smiled at him is a keeper in my book.”

The thought of Charlie telling Gianna something like that made Emma’s heart skip a beat. Maybe all the signs were pointing in Charlie’s direction. She just didn’t know where to find him at the moment.

* * *

to look was his condo. So, when Emma left the hospital, that’s where she headed. She didn’t know what she was going to say when she found him, she just knew she needed to see him.

She pressed the button next to his name outside the building, giving him a minute to answer the bell. For all she knew, he could be sleeping. That could have been why he hadn’t answered her texts.

When he didn’t buzz her in, she decided to ring Max. He could get her in the building and then she could knock on Charlie’s door. Maybe he’d hear that better than the buzzer.

Max let her in with a “Go get ʼem, Tiger.” Emma climbed the stairs two at a time until she reached the second landing and Charlie’s door. She knocked politely three times and waited. That uneasy feeling was back. Gianna thought he’d had a party to go to yesterday. He hadn’t mentioned going to a party when they talked last.

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