The Best Laid Plans (27 page)

Read The Best Laid Plans Online

Authors: Sheldon Sidney

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Thrillers, #Espionage

BOOK: The Best Laid Plans
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"I've always believed in second chances, Kristen. I don't want to lose what we had what we could have again." The same voices echoed from the television set in the bedroom. Sime commanded, "I told you two to move! Let's get this over with." As the two panicky women took a tentative step toward the bedroom, the red light on the camera in the corner suddenly turned on. The images of Kristen and George faded from the screen and an announcer's voice said, "We interrupt this program to take you now live to a breaking story in the Whea-ton area." As the soap opera faded, the Gorman living room suddenly appeared on the screen. Dana and Marianne were in the foreground, Sime in the background. Sime stopped, confused, as he saw himself on the television set. "What what the hell is this?" In the van, the technicians watched the new image flash on the screen. "My God, Vernon Mills said. "We're live!" Dana glanced at the screen and breathed a silent prayer. She turned to face the camera. "This is Dana Evans coming to you live from the home of Carl Gorman, who was murdered a few days ago. We're interviewing a man who has some information about his murder." She turned to face him. "So would you like to tell us exactly what happened?" Lombardo stood there, paralyzed, watching himself on the screen, licking his lips. "Hey!

From the television set, he heard himself say, "Hey!" and he saw his image move, as he swung toward Dana. "What what the hell are you doing? What kind of trick is this?"

"It's not a trick. We're on the air, live. There are two million people watching us."

Lombardo saw his image on the screen and hastily put the gun back into his pocket.

Dana glanced at Marianne Gorman, then looked Sime Lombardo square in the eye. "Peter Tager is behind the murder of Carl Gorman, isn't he?"

In the Daly Building, Nick Reese was in his office when an assistant rushed in. "Quick! Take a look at this! They're at Gorman's house.

He turned the television set to Channel Six, and the picture flashed on the screen.

"Did Peter Tager tell you to kill Carl Gorman?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Turn that damned television set off before I "

"Before you what? Are you going to kill us in front of two million people?"

"Jesus!" Nick Reese shouted. "Get some patrol cars out there, fast!"

In the Blue Room in the White House, Oliver and Jan were watching station WTE, stunned. "Peter?" Oliver said slowly. "I can't believe it!"

Peter Tager's secretary hurried into his office. "Mr. Tager, I think you had better turn on Channel Six." She gave him a nervous look and hurried out again. Peter Tager looked after her, puzzled. He picked up the remote and pressed a button, and the television set came to life.

Dana was saying, "... and was Peter Tager also responsible for the death of Chloe Houston?"

"I don't know anything about that. You'll have to ask Tager."

Peter Tager looked at the television set unbelievingly. This can't be happening! God wouldn't do this to me! He sprang to his feet and hurried toward the door. I'm not going to let them get me. I'll hide! And then he stopped. Where? Where can I hide? He walked slowly back to his desk and sank into a chair. Waiting.

In her office, Leslie Stewart was watching the interview, in shock Peter Tager? No! No! No! No! Leslie snatched up the phone and pressed a number. "Lyle, stop that story! It must not go out! Do you hear me? It " Over the phone she heard him say, "Miss Stewart, the papers hit the streets half an hour ago. You said..." Slowly, Leslie replaced the receiver. She looked at the headline of the Washington Tribune: MURDER WARRANT SERVED


Then she looked up at the framed front page on the wall:


"You're going to be even more famous than you are now, Miss Stewart The whole world is going to know your name."

Tomorrow she would be the laughingstock of the world.

At the Gorman home, Sime Lombardo took one last, frantic look at himself on the television screen and said, "I'm getting out of here.

He hurried to the front door and opened it. Half a dozen squad cars were screaming to a stop outside.


Jeff Connors was at Dulles International Airport with Dana, waiting for Kemal's plane to arrive. "He's been through hell," Dana explained nervously. "He he's not like other little boys. I mean don't be surprised if he doesn't show any emotion." She desperately wanted Jeff to like Kemal. Jeff sensed her anxiety. "Don't worry, darling. I'm sure he's a wonderful boy." "Here it comes!" They looked up and watched the small speck in the sky grow larger and larger until it became a shining 747. Dana squeezed Jeffs hand tightly. "He's here."

The passengers were deplaning. Dana watched anxiously as they exited one by one. "Where's ?"

And there he was. He was dressed in the outfit that Dana had bought him in Sarajevo, and his face was freshly washed. He came down the ramp slowly, and when he saw Dana, he stopped. The two of them stood there, motionless, staring at each other. And then they were running toward each other, and Dana was holding him, and his good arm was squeezing her tightly, and they were both crying.

When Dana found her voice, she said, "Welcome to America, Kemal."

He nodded. He could not speak.

"Kemal, I want you to meet my friend. This is Jeff Connors."

Jeff leaned down. "Hello, Kemal. I've been hearing a lot about you."

Kemal clung to Dana fiercely.

"You'll be coming to live with me," Dana said. "Would you like that?"

Kemal nodded. He would not let go of her.

Dana looked at her watch. "We have to leave. I'm covering a speech at the White House."

It was a perfect day. The sky was a deep, clear blue, and a cooling breeze was blowing in from the Potomac River. They stood in the Rose Garden, with three dozen other television and newspaper reporters Dana's camera was focused on the president, who stood on a podium with Jan at his side. President Oliver Russell was saying, "I have an important announcement to make. At this moment, there is a meeting of the heads of state of the United Arab Emirates, Libya, Iran, and Syria, to discuss a lasting peace treaty with Israel. I received word this morning that the meeting is going extremely well and that the treaty should be signed within the next day or two. It is of the utmost importance that the Congress of the United States solidly support us in helping this vital effort." Oliver turned to the man standing next to him. "Senator Todd Davis." Senator Davis stepped up to the microphone, wearing his trademark white suit and white, broad-brimmed leghorn hat, beaming at the crowd. "This is truly a historic moment in the history of our great country. For many years, as you know, I have been striving to bring about peace between Israel and the Arab countries. It has been a long and difficult task, but now, at last, with the help and guidance of our wonderful president, I am happy to say that our efforts are finally coming to fruition." He turned to Oliver. "We should all congratulate our great president on the magnificent part he has played in helping us to bring this about....

Dana was thinking, One war is coming to an end. Perhaps this is a beginning. Maybe one day we'll have a world where adults learn to settle their probkms with love instead of hate, a world where children can grow up without ever hearing the obscene sounds of bombs and machine-gunfire, without fear of their limbs being torn apart by faceless strangers. She turned to look at Kemal, who was excitedly whispering to Jeff. Dana smiled. Jeff had proposed to her. Kemal would have a father. They were going to be a family. How did I get so lucky? Dana wondered. The speeches were winding down. The cameraman swung the camera away from the podium and moved into a close-up of Dana. She looked into the lens. "This is Dana Evans, reporting for WTE, Washington, D. C."

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