The Best Man (4 page)

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Authors: Ella Ardent

BOOK: The Best Man
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mom appeared in his peripheral vision when he was mixing sugar into her coffee,
after Christine had headed back to Jess. One look told Jake that his mom was
not amused.

do you think you’re doing?” she said in a furious undertone. “Jacob Carmichael,
I did not raise you to be any less than a gentleman, even if you have been
spending time with those, those,
boys.” Arlene sputtered in her anger, a sure sign that the target of
her annoyance was dead meat. His mom might be two feet shorter than him, but
Jake knew better than to cross her.

do you mean?”

saw you touch Christine!
saw you touch Christine...!”

not what you think, Mom.”

kissed her!” His mom flung out her hands. “What could it possibly be?”

kept his voice even. “Christine and I made a deal to pretend to go for each
other, in mutual self-defense.”

sniffed in disapproval as she dumped another packet of sugar into her coffee. “No.
You can forget that idea completely. I forbid it.”


won’t see any son of mine act like this, especially not with Christine. She’s
an absolute angel and has been so good with Jess this past week.”

it was her idea!”

mom glared up at him. “I don’t care what you said to her or why and I don’t
care whose idea it was. You will not touch Christine like that again. You will
not toy with her affections, no matter what the reasoning. Understand?”


not defy me in this, Jacob. I can still make you regret it.”

sighed. “Is this the part where you tell me I’m not too big to be spanked?”

smiled up at him. “You’re only thirty-three, Jake, and I’m still your mom.” She
stretched up and kissed his cheek. “I know you’re a good boy, no matter how
much you look like a pirate today. Do the right thing. Christine deserves no

mission complete, Arlene headed back to her seat with satisfaction. Jake
stirred his coffee, acknowledging that his early triumph was experiencing a
major setback.

he could do was pray that Christine’s fantasy was one he could make come true.


* * *


had to be a fluke.

Carmichael, the most gentlemanly man on the planet and one Christine knew for
certain thought of her as a little girl, could not have an erection because of

if it was the most exciting possibility Christine could imagine.

Jake had to be turned on by Fiona, or maybe that erection was just a morning
thing for him. He couldn’t possibly be excited by


eyed him as he stirred his coffee at the coffee bar, halfway feeling that he
was a different man this morning. A wilder man and one who was less
predictable. The fact that he hadn’t shaved made him look like the troublemaker
she knew he wasn’t. Unless he was just looking for a chance to let loose? She
never would have imagined he could be any hotter, but Jake had proven her wrong.

he’d locked his hands around her shoulders and pulled her back against him,
Christine just wanted to rub herself against him. Or spin around and pull his
head down for another scorching kiss. She’d even be happy to lock her legs
around his waist and ride him until neither one of them could stand it anymore.

reminded herself that Jake was just playing a game to keep Ryan’s friends away
from her—the difference was that he was a lot better at it than she was.

flight would be the real test. Four hours together in the executive cabin, with
the rest of the guests in the back of the plane—and Christine sharing her
fantasy. She had to do it now. She had to tell him the whole thing.

hope that he took challenge of making it come true.


* * *


Chapter Two


and Christine boarded early because of their business class tickets, so
everyone in the wedding party had a joking comment to make as they passed
through the executive cabin later. Christine pretended to be reading the inflight
magazine and Jake was doing a last check on his phone. They could have been
complete strangers, which didn’t bolster Christine’s confidence in her plan.

keep to the deal, though, no matter what the consequences.

stewardess had served complimentary champagne with orange juice and it tasted
wonderful. The bubbles made Christine feel light and relaxed. She had two in
rapid succession and they dismissed her trepidation.

could do it.

plane was over the ocean, breakfast served and gone, their seats reclined
together when Jake gave her a sizzling look. “Good start to the vacation?”

flight. Thank you again.”

grinned and her heart thumped. “So, then, it’s payback time.”

really do look like a rebel today,” Christine teased, taking refuge in their
usual tone of conversation. “I’m not sure I should trust you.”

got no choice. You owe me, by your own admission.” He tapped a fingertip on her
arm, making her pulse skip. “You promised.”

sighed with forbearance. “I did.”

tell me your secret,” he invited, his voice dropping low as he leaned closer.
His shoulder bumped into hers and his gaze was so hot that Christine didn’t
think she could breathe. If he kissed her now, she’d be a goner—or a
member of the mile high club. “If you could have one secret fantasy come true
this week, what would it be? No repercussions, no conditions, no embarrassing
situations later. Just one fantasy, free and clear, delivered in the next seven

bit her lip and looked out the window. Anything to avoid his piercing gaze. The
thing was the answer was easy. She knew exactly what she wanted and there was
something about Jake’s intense expression—never mind the way he had
kissed her—that gave her hope that it could happen.

couldn’t say straight out that
was her fantasy. But Jake was a smart guy. He should be able to work out the
implications of a good strong hint.

make him work for it, though.

shouldn’t tell you this,” she said, toying with her empty glass. “You can’t tell

must be a really good fantasy,” he murmured. Jake lifted the glass from her
restless fingers, his hand closing momentarily over hers.

didn’t have to fake her blush. “You should have to tell me a fantasy in

shook his head. “Nope. I paid for this in points.” He smiled at her. “And it
sounds like it’s going to be worth it.”

should call forfeit and go sit in the back.”

Mark? I think I’m better company.”


laughed and Christine couldn’t keep herself from smiling. “Come on,” he coaxed,
his low voice making her body hum with the possibilities. “Tell me. I won’t
tell anyone.” He crossed his heart and held up two fingers. “Scouts’ honor.”

a deal’s a deal.” Christine twisted in her seat so that her knee bumped against
Jake’s thigh. She leaned to whisper in his ear. It would be so easy to stretch
up and kiss him. “I’ve always had this fantasy of having a secret lover, a
mystery man who comes to me in the night and seduces me with his touch.”

you don’t even know who he is?”

shook her head. “He’s a stranger, one who has fallen in love with me from

looked skeptical. “Is that even possible?”

decided to be a little bolder. “Why not? Maybe he is someone I know or have
met, but wants to hide his identity. He’d be masked when he came to me. Or I’d
be blindfolded. That would be the mystery.” She reclaimed her glass and took
another gulp of champagne, hoping he connected the dots.

Jake frowned. “Masked? Like the Lone Ranger? With Tonto and the horses, too?”

More like the Phantom of the Opera.”

he have to be scarred and living in the sewers of Paris?”

was crushed by his attitude. “You’re making fun of me.”

I’m trying to understand.” He leaned his chin on his fist, bracing his elbow on
the armrest. His face was really close to hers, his gaze searching. “What makes
it such a good fantasy?”

just such a romantic idea.” Christine sighed. “He’d be a man who hid his
identity from me, but romanced me every night. He’d live in the shadows, or in
the twilight, but risk everything for love. A secret lover, who was already
crazy about me.” She risked a glance at Jake, expecting another smart comment
but was surprised by the heat in his gaze.

why couldn’t he just tell you so?”

the secrecy that makes it powerful. When you’re in disguise, you can let go.”

caught his breath. “Let go?” he echoed, his voice husky.

nodded. “Get a little wild. Indulge in a sexual fantasy, maybe one you wouldn’t
tell anyone willingly.” She gave him a steady look. “Maybe go farther than you
might otherwise.”

eyes got darker. “So, it would be more than kisses in the dark.”

held his gaze. “Much more.”

much more?”

smiled. “It would depend upon how passionate he was.” She dropped her gaze.
“And how persuasive.”

peeked through her lashes to see Jake swallowed visibly and dared to hope.

he’d have to be masked in order for you to really let go?”


if you knew him really well already?”

question made Christine’s pulse flutter. She tried to keep her tone level.
“Then he’d need even more of a disguise, wouldn’t he?”

straightened, drumming his fingers on his knee. “But Phantom of the Opera was
set in Paris, not on a Caribbean Island. Is this a city fantasy?”

abrupt change to a businesslike tone wasn’t encouraging. Christine tried to
grab his interest again. “Not necessarily. There are lots of places that are
romantic and it could be adjusted for the possibilities. I think a moonlit
beach, for example, would be a wonderful place for a secret rendezvous.” She smiled.
“On a tropical night, there could be romance and mystery.” Christine swallowed
and dared to look at Jake. He was so fixated on her that she dared to hope. “Maybe
even love.”

once you share all your secret desires, you have a greater intimacy with that

know the real me.” She smiled, knowing she could lose herself in his eyes. She
could lean forward, just a little, and kiss him again. “In every possible way.”

a sizzling moment, Jake nodded and averted his gaze. He finished his champagne
and put the glass down, hard. “So, that’s what you want on your vacation?”

it’s a fantasy. It probably won’t come true.”

only going to be there a week,” he said, sounding so pragmatic that Christine was
sure she’d played it wrong. “I thought you said falling in love takes time.”

sure.” Christine was crushed. He really hadn’t made the connection.

dancing?” Jake asked. “Waltzes on moonbeams? Tuxedoes and swirling skirts?”

a fantasy. You’re not supposed to make fun of it.” Christine sighed, trying one
last time to ignite his interest. “Maybe moonlight swims.”

Jake suggested. Suddenly, he wasn’t joking anymore. His voice had become very
low and his eyes were very dark.

naked,” she murmured, then let her gaze slide over him. “Beneath the moon, in a
warm tropical sea. Don’t you think that would be romantic?”

had an erection again, there was no doubting the evidence. Christine felt as if
the chances of success had shifted in her favor. She glanced up to see that Jake’s
gaze had heated, and awareness crackled between them. She saw him inhale
sharply, watched his throat work and then he looked away.

just six days on the island, your mystery lover had better get it in gear.”
Before she could answer, he stood up. “By the way, Mom nixed our plan of
covering for each other. She said she’ll make me regret it.”

she can’t tell you what to do?”

she can. She reminded me of that, too.” Jake grinned. “But then, maybe it’s for
the best.”

does that mean?”

leaves you available for your mystery lover, doesn’t it?” He rolled his eyes as
if her fantasy was crazy, then went to the front of the cabin.

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