The Betrayal - Sex Stories for Women (Adult Short Stories for Women) (6 page)

BOOK: The Betrayal - Sex Stories for Women (Adult Short Stories for Women)
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I couldn’t describe the feeling to you. I could describe the
tingling rush of sensations running through my eyes. I couldn’t describe the
electricity in air that night. All I could do was close my eyes and moan deeper
and deeper. I didn’t want to watch him licking Hallie. I just wanted to imagine
him with me, alone together. It was so perfect. It couldn’t have been anymore
perfect, except if we were alone.


I woke up in the biggest, whitest,
softest bed I had ever been in my entire life. The silky cotton rubbed against
me as I stretched and yawned my eyes open. I was alone in the bed. What
happened? I tried to think back to the night, but it was such a blur.
Everything mixed into one another. The large oversized floor-to-ceiling heavy
curtains sheltered the room from the glowing light outside.
Where is everyone? Where did they go?

I looked around the room and couldn’t find anyone. The
enormous room had an enormous limestone fireplace with intricately carved lion
heads as part of its mantle. I could have easily walked inside that fireplace,
that’s how large it was. I stretched some more and started to come to. I was
naked. I couldn’t remember where all my clothing was. Everything was missing
– my purse, my phone, my clothes.
What the hell

I got up and pulled one of the thin white layers of the
bed’s sheets, wrapped it around my body, and walked to the bedroom door. I
glided across the heated marble and limestone floors of the sprawling
penthouse, and penthouse several very pricey looking paintings slung carefully
on the wall. Each one looked just about as expensive as the soaring palace I
was wandering around in.

I couldn’t hear anyone, so I decided to check all the rooms.
One by
I surveyed each of the seven empty bedrooms
in the apartment. Each one seemed just as decadent as the next, but each bed
was also as empty as the next.
What the hell
I couldn’t remember. I remember being down in the theater room,
and just as I thought of it, I traversed the apartment looking for that room.
But, when I found
it, that
too was empty.
Where did they go?

I was starting to get worried. I kept wandering through the
massive space, and made my way into the living room. The French Doors that were
covered up with the heavy blackout
were now
open, and the doors were slightly ajar. I wandered outside, and looked out at
the city below. It must have been the middle of the afternoon because the sun
was still high in the sky, and I paused
the limestone railing of the balcony. I looked out beyond to the city below and
reveled at the breathtaking view. The expansive city stretched for miles; the
combination of the green form Central Park, and the blue from the city’s
neighboring oceans cast an almost fairytale like air to the city.

As I stood, soaking in the air from the city, I heard
giggles from up above. It was
. They were back on
the upper balcony. I glided up the steps to the side, and emerged there in
front of them, still encased in the oversized white sheet.

“Hey,” I said. They had been sitting in the hot tub,
surrounded by bottles of champagne and orange juice.

“Hey, Sydney,” Hallie said.

“Well good morning, sunshine,” Blake said. “Or, should I
say, good afternoon.” He smiled. That smile made me melt, but I was seething on
the inside. Something about the situation wasn’t sitting right with me. I
didn’t feel good about it at all, and it must have shown on my face.

“What’s wrong?” Hallie asked.

“Nothing. I was just surprised that no one woke me up. What
happened last night?” I made my way over to stand beside them in the hot tub. I
put my hand in, and realized that the water was cold. I almost thought that
they were sitting in hot water in this heat.

“We tried to wake you, but you wouldn’t get up,” Blake said.
He reached over to pull the sheet
off of
me, and drag
me into the hot tub. I looked over at Hallie with a sense of disgust.
You bitch.

“Did we…
we all sleep in the
same bed?”

“Yes, of course we did,” he said.

Hallie smiled. She hadn’t noticed me seething. She hadn’t
noticed how furious I was with her.
forget, it was her birthday. Remember, it was her birthday.

I slipped into the cool water, and sat back. It felt good
against my skin. It felt good considering how hot it was outside. “God, this
heat,” I said.

Blake smiled, and Hallie giggled in the corner. “Yes, it’s
certainly very hot,” he said.

“What’s so funny?” I asked Hallie.

“Nothing,” she said, and she giggled again.

“What? Tell me,” I exclaimed.

“Nothing, it’s just. Well, how would you guys like to head
to London with me?”

“London?” I looked straight at Hallie. She was smiling from
ear-to-ear, nodding her head, yes. “That’s what’s so funny? Hallie, we have
finals; we have the BAR exam. We can’t just be running off to Vegas like that.
We have lives, you know.” This time I looked at Blake. How could he have the
nerve to suggest such a

“Wait, hold up there. I didn’t know about finals and stuff.”
Blake turned to look at Hallie. “You didn’t tell me you had finals.”

the hell
is going on. What are
you telling him bitch? You can’t go to London. You can’t!

“Well, yes, but, they’re not for another two weeks,” she
sheepishly said. She couldn’t even look me in the eyes.

“You can’t go,

“You’re not my mother. I can study for the exams and take
them when we get back.”

“We? As in you and Blake?”

“Yes, we,” she said. She slid over next to him and placed
her arms around his neck. “We’ve decided to go to London and you’re more than
welcome to come with us.”

I was fuming. I felt like the blood was going to boil over
from inside of me and into the hot tub.
What the hell
was she talking about? What had gone on while I was
You fucking bitch.

“I can’t go to London. I have exams. She can’t go to London;
she also has exams!”

“Whoa, slow down there tiger,” he said, slinking closer to
me. I was staring straight at Hallie. I was ready to punch her in the face.
Best friend my ass.
“We can all go
together. You can get your studying done while we’re away.”

“You know damn well I won’t be able to concentrate while on
vacation in London. There’s no fucking way I can go to London. There’s no
fucking way at all.”

“Well, my plane leaves tonight. I really think you should
come with us,” Blake said.

“So, that’s it?” I asked. “You’re just going to take her to
London like that, with no care or regard for what I have to say?”
I was blowing things out of proportion, but here she
was taking my man. She was taking the man that I met at the bar
the man that wanted me more than he wanted her.

I rose up out of the hot tub, and grabbed a robe. I couldn’t
even stand to look either one of them in the face. I couldn’t stand the thought
of her jetting off to London while she had a million responsibilities here back
at home. But, maybe I was the one being stupid. Maybe I was the one making the
big mistake. God, London sounded so good. But, how could I throw four years of
hard work out the window on a whim just like that? I couldn’t do it. There was
no way I was going to do it. I had worked
way too
hard, and so had she.

You’re going to regret
this you bitch. You’re totally going to regret this.

As I made my way through the house and gathered my clothes,
I couldn’t help but feel a pit of disgust in my chest. I couldn’t help but feel
complete and utter shame for my supposed best friend. Something had gone on
behind my back. She had gone and conspired to snatch him away. With friends
like that,
who the hell
needs enemies?



be Continued

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time out to
read the first part of this adult short story series. I hope that you enjoyed
reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I would appreciate if you could
take a few moments of your time to fill out a review on Amazon. Your input
means a great deal to me.



E.M. Flemming


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