The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) (6 page)

Read The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf) Online

Authors: Nicolette Pierce

Tags: #mystery, #poker, #the big blind, #Romantic Suspense, #nadia wolf, #Romance, #las vegas, #Suspense, #comedy, #thriller, #nicolette pierce

BOOK: The Big Blind (Nadia Wolf)
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He wrapped his finger around my hair waiting for my answer. The heat of his touch surged through my hair and up to my head. I broke out in full body shivers. A weekend with Caleb, or jackpot winnings . . .
holy moly!

“Well?” He asked.

I needed to stall. “Before I answer, can you give me a hand tomorrow?”

“With what?”

“I need an extra player for Mya tomorrow.”

“Sure, it could be fun. Should I ask why you’re teaching her?”

“No, don’t ask. Let’s just say it was a moment of weakness.”

I opened the car door to escape. Caleb grabbed my hand before I could dash off.

“You didn’t answer me about the wager.”




Chapter 4

I woke up with the sun. Gus and I enjoy sleeping when the sun peeks through my window but not today. This is the third day of the tournament. If I’m lucky, I’ll make it to the fourth and final day. This could take me to the final table and hefty cash payouts.

My mind raced with ideas of what I could do with the money. I could buy a car that runs on a daily basis. I could live far away from Frankie, and his schemes of being my manager, in a condo with an expansive floor plan. A vacation would be sensational and overdue too.

“Stop dreaming,” I said, rolling out of bed.

There was a knock on my door . . . Frankie. It’s sad when a girl’s life is filled with poker, Gus, and Frankie. Fortunately for me, I’m not seeking more right now.

I opened the door for Frankie and let him in. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Normally you just walk in.”

“I didn’t know if Caleb might still be around. You’re due to get lucky one of these years.”

“Very funny! I’m not due to get lucky, but thank you for keeping track of my ‘lucky calendar’. I’m especially not getting lucky with Caleb.”


“I’m not chicken. He’s just not the guy for me.”

Frankie raised an eyebrow. “Uh-huh.”

“I’m not saying he’s not unbelievably sexy or anything. But I don’t like competing for a guy’s attention.”

“No, you’d rather stick your nose in playing cards and hide behind your stacks of chips.”

“I’ve never had enough chips to hide behind.”

Frankie shook his head. “I need you to do me a favor.”

“Sure, as long as you give it a rest about me sleeping with Caleb.”

“I don’t have to give it a rest. Your lack of libido gives it all the rest in the world. I bet your libido is more sluggish than Gus’.”

“This is not how to get a favor from me. My libido is fine. I just need to find the right guy for it.”

“Caleb is not only the right guy, but the ultimate guy.”

“Maybe I don’t want the ultimate guy. Maybe I just want cute and reliable.”

“You wouldn’t say that after Caleb gave you a screaming orgasm.”

“See, now you’re just dreaming. How would you know if Caleb is good in bed or not?”

“I can sense these things.”

I groaned. “Frankie, what’s the favor you want?”

“I need you to stop at the store for me and pick up an outfit like on the
Rocky Horror Picture Show

“Are you serious? That’s like boudoir gone creepy.”

“Of course I am. Don’t be thinking this was my idea. I mean, I love the idea, but it was actually a request from a couple that reserved a ceremony time. I think they’re coming in character too.”

“Which character do you need me to buy?”

“The main drag dude.”

I arched my eyebrow but nodded. “Alright, I’ll take a trip to the mall before I head to the casino.”

“No, you need to go to the Naughty Shack.”

“Frankie, I’ll die of embarrassment if I go to the Naughty Shack.”

“It’s the only place that will have every thing I need and in my size.”

“You owe me for this. What size should I buy?”

Frankie peeked around at my empty apartment before he whispered his size in my ear.


I left the Naughty Shack with Frankie’s purchase. I was embarrassed to pick it out let alone have the cashier ring it up. I left with a bag filled with a corset, undies, and thigh high stockings with a garter belt. I even bought him a boa and heels to match, but I suspected he already had these things in his closet.

I peeked at my watch. I had to hurry to the casino to meet Mya. This was going to be our first poker lesson. I really didn’t know if I could teach her anything, but she seems sweet. If I could teach her to play well enough to beat her arrogant boyfriend then it would be worth it.

I jumped in my car and turned the key. The car groaned.

“No! Baby, please don’t die on me.” I gave the dashboard a caress.
Please be okay
. I closed my eyes and turned the key again.

Groan, sput, clunk, clonk.

“Stupid car!” I smacked the dash. The car gave a final sputter as it shook and died.

I dug my cell phone out of my purse. Without a car there was no way I could make in time to the casino. I’ll call Mya and . . . no, I won’t call Mya because I don’t have her phone number. Maybe Steffi could relay a message to Mya. Greyson’s business card was in the little secret pocket in my purse. I didn’t stash it there because I thought I would need to call again. I hid it there so I didn’t have to see it or think about it. I wanted to deter the remembrance of Greyson’s touch from befuddling my mind. Since his brief touch I hadn’t been able to purge him from my thoughts.

Steffi answered the phone in a very professional manner, yet I could detect a little Vegas attitude behind it.

“Steffi, its Nadia. I hate to bother you, but can you give Mya a message?”

“Oh, sure hon. What can I do for you?”

“I’m supposed to meet Mya for the private table you reserved for us, but my car died. Can you tell her I’ll be late?”

“How are you going to get here? Do you have a ride?”

“Uh, I haven’t thought that far ahead. I’ll probably just call a taxi and have a tow truck pick up my car.”

“Where are you? I’ll have Remy pick you up.”

“I’m at a store, but you don’t need to go to all the trouble.”

“It’s no trouble. Remy will be there in ten minutes.”

“Who’s Remy?”

“It’s Mr. Miller’s driver.”

“Oh, no. I couldn’t.”

“Too late. I’ve already sent Remy the instructions to get on the road. Mr. Miller is in a meeting and won’t be able to use Remy until this afternoon. Believe me, it’s better for every one involved to keep Remy active.”

I didn’t know what she meant and was afraid to ask.

“Nadia, where can he pick you up?”

My stomach churned. “The Naughty Shack,” I whispered.

“I couldn’t hear you. Where are you?”

I groaned. “The Naughty Shack.”

Steffi coughed and cleared her throat. “I’ll text Remy the information.”

I waited as far away from the Naughty Shack as I could, clutching the bag close. I didn’t want to leave it in the car. For such small items they cost a fortune.

A black limousine pulled to the curb in front of me. A tall muscular man with olive skin, shaved head, and dark brooding features stepped out of the limo and was in front of me within a few strides.

My eyes widened as he towered over me. I involuntarily squeaked.

Every thing about the man was muscular and edged with hard lines. His biceps stretched at his white button-down shirt, threatening to shred if he flexed once. His neck tie was loose enough to notice his top button was undone since it was too snug to button around his thick neck.

He was handsome in his own way. Not classically handsome. Secret-operative-on-steroids handsome. He gave off the instant vibe that he was his own island; someone who preferred to be strong, independent, and alone . . . with shore leave every now and again.

“You’re Nadia?”

“Yes. You must be Remy.”

He gave a tight nod. “I’ll take your bag for you.”

Any one else I would have argued. I didn’t want Frankie’s purchase to fall into prying eyes especially since they would assume it was my outfit. Remy didn’t seem he was going to take no for an answer, and I didn’t want to test him. I quickly handed him the bag as he opened the back door for me. Once I was settled, he closed the door and stowed my bag in the trunk.

As Remy drove away from the curb, I shifted to the seat in front so I could position myself closer to the privacy window that was closed. Normally, Remy was the type of man I was too chicken to talk to. He was the type of man most people were too chicken to talk to. However, he must know a lot about Greyson, and I was ten steps beyond curious. I knocked on the window. The window rolled down and two eyes narrowed on me through the rearview mirror.

“Need something?”

“I’ve never ridden in a limo. It’s kind of lonely back here,” I said.

I wasn’t truly lonely, nor did I care if I sat in the back all by myself. Greyson’s presence filled the confined space like a seductive dream calling me to make a fool of myself once again.

“Most people like being left alone,” he said as if it was an unquestionable fact.

“I guess that’s okay if you’re used to it, but I’d rather not ride in a black box. It feels like I’m going to my own funeral.”

“I’m on duty today, so no one’s going to a funeral unless they attack this car. Plus, it’s got the flashy lights and a bar back there.”

“So, you’re a bodyguard, too?”

He nodded. “You can’t be too careful. I drive Mr. Miller around too. He’s had several threats.”

“Really? Why would any one want to threaten him?”

“There are many reasons. You can’t be in a powerful position, and have more money than you know what to do with, without making a few enemies along the way. He’s a good guy and a bad-ass business man. Sometimes the two can blur together.” He inspected me in his mirror. “I haven’t seen you before. Are you
in his life?”

“Is that like asking if I’m his latest conquest?” I asked as my stomach withered from the thought of Greyson’s other possible conquests. “No, I’m not
in his life, but I did just meet him. It was very embarrassing, so I don’t want to go into details. He was nice enough to reserve a private poker table for Mya and me. That’s why I’m heading to the casino.”

“Oh, man! That was you?” He eyed me in the mirror. “You’re the girl who spilled the drink on Mr. Miller? I had to drive that Japanese dude to the airport. He laughed the whole way. He told me all about it between his fits of laughter. Are you sure Mr. Miller is helping you and not trying to get some kind of payback?”

“Would he do that?”

“Probably not to you. But, like I said, he has enemies.”


“Nadia,” Mya called. She waved her hand enthusiastically so I could see her in the crowd.

I made my way over to her. She hopped up and down like a small child anxious for her birthday presents.

“This is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait to learn everything. I’m going to be so good I can feel it. I think I was meant to play poker instead of serving drinks.”

“Let’s not jump ahead of ourselves. From what Greyson told me, you’re a good server.”

“He’s sweet but very focused. He normally doesn’t like people talking to him while he’s trying to work, but he always lets me ramble on and on. I think that’s because I’m his sister-in-law. His brother and I are married, but he disappeared one day. That was two years ago. I only started dating a few months ago. I’m not sure if I’m still considered technically married or not.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but she continued.

“Greyson tried to take care of me the best he could. I could have asked for as much money as I wanted, and Greyson would have gladly given it to me. I know I need to be on my own and make my own way. Greyson understood and hired me. I know he still keeps his eyes on me. He always schedules me for his fancy private parties even though I’m not his best server. He’s a wonderful guy. Should we play at this table?”

My head swam with information overload. I don’t think Mya breathed once. I’m sure if she continued we would have to race her to the hospital for oxygen deprivation.

“No, I’ve booked a private table.”

We followed the casino wall. It took ten minutes of struggling through swarms of tourists, tables, and noisy slot machines with flashing lights before we finally made it.

Roy and Caleb were deep into conversation but smiled when we arrived. Gloria was checking her makeup in her compact mirror. She’s Roy’s fifth and current wife. She’s about five years older than me and has a body that could stop a guy in his tracks. I never figured out why she married Roy since he doesn’t have a lot of money, and he’s twenty-five years older than her. They seem to get along well together, so there must be something in the relationship. I like her. I’m hoping she sticks around longer than the last one did. She has a spunky personality that matches her imitation Gucci bag and five-inch leopard-print heels.

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