The Big Screen (96 page)

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Authors: David Thomson

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Great Leap, The

Great Train Robbery, The

Great Ziegfeld, The


Green, Adolph

Green Acres
(TV series)

Greene, Graham

Greenstreet, Sydney

Gregory, Paul

Grey, Joel

Grido, Il

Grierson, John

Griffith, David Wark


Gross, Nancy “Slim”

Großmann (serial killer)

Group Theatre

Grubb, Davis


Guerra, Tonino

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Guevara, Che

Guffey, Burnett

Guinness, Alec

Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

Gunga Din


(TV series)

Guns of Navarone, The

Gutenberg Galaxy, The


Habanera, La

Hackman, Gene

Hakim Brothers

Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers

Hamer, Frank

Hamer, Robert

Hamill, Mark

Hamilton, Patrick


Hammerstein, Oscar

Hammett, Dashiell

Hancock, Tony

Haneke, Michael

Hangmen Also Die

Hangover Square


Hanson, Curtis

Happy End

Hara, Setsuko

Hard Day's Night, A

Harding, Warren

Hardy, Oliver

Hare, David

Harpur College

Harriman, Averell

Harris, Ed

Harris, James

Harris, Jed

Harris, Richard

Harron, Robert

Harry Potter

Hart, Josephine

Hart, Lorenz

Hart, Moss

Hart, William S.

Hartley, Mariette


Harvey, Laurence

Haskell, Molly

Haunted Screen, The

Have Gun—Will Travel
(TV series)

Hawkes, John

Hawks, Barbara

Hawks, David

Hawks, Howard

Hawks, Slim

Hawn, Goldie

Hay, Will

Hayakawa, Sessue

Hayden, Sterling

Hayes, Alfred

Hayes, Harold

Hays, Will

Hays Code.
Production Code (1930)

Hayward, Leland

Hayworth, Rita



Head, Edith

Hearst, William Randolph

Heartbreak House
(Shaw, G. B.)

Heart of Darkness

Hearts of the World

Heaven's Gate

Hecht, Ben

Hecht, Harold


Hedren, Tippi

Heflin, Van

Heidegger, Martin

Heiress, The

Helander, Sture

Helland, J. Roy

Hell in the Pacific

Hellman, Lillian

Hellman, Monte

Hello, He Lied

Helm, Brigitte


Hemingway, Ernest

Hemmings, David

Henreid, Paul

Henrey, Bobby

Henry V

Henry and June

Hepburn, Audrey

Hepburn, Katharine

Herrick, Margaret

Herrmann, Bernard

Herzog, Werner

Hessling, Catherine (Andrée “Dédée” Heuschling)

Heston, Charlton

Heuschling, Andrée “Dédée.”
Hessling, Catherine

Higham, Charles

High Noon

High Sierra

Highsmith, Patricia

High Society

Hill, Benny

Hill, Virginia

Hill, Walter

Hindley, Myra

Hiroshima Mon Amour

His Girl Friday

Histoire(s) du Cinéma

History of Violence, A

Hitchcock, Alfred

(Chabrol and Rohmer)

Hitchcock's Films
(Wood, R.)

Hitler, Adolf

Hitler: A Film from Germany

Hoberman, J.

Hockney, David

Hoffman, Dustin

Hold Back the Dawn

Holden, William

Holliday, Judy

Holloway, Stanley

Hollywood Canteen

Hollywood Technical Directors Institute

Holman, Libby

Holmes, Katie

Holt, Tim

Holy Mountain, The

(TV series)

Homicide: Life on the Street
(TV series)


Hooper, Tobe

Hooper, Tom

Hoover, Herbert

Hope, Bob

Hope and Glory

Hopkins, Anthony

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

Hopkins, Jerry

Hopkins, John

Hopkins, Miriam

Hopper, Dennis

Hopper, Edward

Horne, Lena

horror films

Horse in Motion, The

Hospital, The


Houdini, Harry

Houle, Marguerite

Houseman, John

House of Bamboo

House of Mirth, The

House of Usher

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

Houston, Penelope

Howard, Leslie

Howard, Ron

Howard, Sidney

Howard, Trevor

Howe, James Wong

How Green Was My Valley

How the West Was Won

Hudgins, Johnny

Hudson, Rock

Hue and Cry

Hugenberg, Alfred

Hughes, Howard

Hughes, John

Hugo, Jean


Humphrey, Hubert

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The

Huppert, Isabelle

Hurdes, Las

Hurt, John

Hurt, William

Huston, John

Huston, Walter

Huxley, Aldous

Hyde, Johnny


I, Claudius

I Am a Camera

I Am Curious Yellow

Ibsen, Henrik

Ice Cold in Alex

Ichikawa, Kon


) (1952)

I Know Where I'm Going

I Love Lucy
(TV series)

I Married a Witch


Immigrant, The

Immoral Memories


Immortal Story, The

In a Lonely Place

Ince, Thomas


Indiana Jones


Industrial Light and Magic

Infante, Guillermo Cabrera

Informer, The

Inglourious Basterds

Ingram, Rex

Inn of the Sixth Happiness, The

Institut des Hautes Études Cinématographiques (IDHEC)



International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Technicians (IATSE)


In the Heat of the Night

In the Realm of the Senses

Intimate Lighting


Introducing Dorothy Dandridge

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Invention of Hugo Cabret, The
(Selznick, B.)

In Which We Serve

Ireland, John

Iron Lady, The

Irons, Jeremy

Irwin, Robert

Isaacs, Jeremy

Isherwood, Christopher

I Spy
(TV series)

Italian cinema

Italian neorealism

Italian Straw Hat, The

It Always Rains on Sunday

It Conquered the World

It Happened One Night

It Happened Tomorrow

It Rains on Our Love

It's All True
(unfinished documentary)

It's Always Fair Weather

It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

It's a Wonderful Life


Ivan's Childhood

Ivan the Terrible
Part I
Part II

I've Got a Secret
(TV series)

I Was Born But…



Jack, Wolfman

Jack and Jill


Jack Benny Program, The
(TV series)

Jackie Brown

Jackie Gleason Show, The
(TV series)

Jack Rabbit Slim's

Jackson, Samuel L.

Jacobi, Lotte

Jacobsson, Ulla

Jacoby, Georg

James, Henry

James, Nick


Jannings, Emil

Janowitz, Hans



Jazz Singer, The

J. Edgar

Jennings, Humphrey

Jetée, La



Jobs, Steve

John Adams

Johnson, Ben

Johnson, Celia

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Van

Jolson, Al

Jones, Elinor

Jones, James

Jones, James Earl

Jones, Jennifer

Jones, Kent

Jones, L. Q.

Jones, Tommy Lee

Jourdan, Louis

Jour Se Lève, Le

Joyce, James


Judith of Bethulia

Jules and Jim


Junge, Alfred

Jurassic Park


Kael, Pauline

Kafka, Franz


Kaige, Chen

Kaiser, Georg


Kanfer, Stefan

Kardashian, Kim

Karina, Anna

Karl May

Karloff, Boris

Karno, Fred

Katz, Sam

Katzenberg, Jeffrey

Kauffmann, Stanley

Kaufman, Boris

Kaufman, George S.

Kaufman, Philip

Kaye, Danny

Kazan, Elia

Kazan, Molly

Keaton, Buster

Keaton, Diane

Keaton, Joseph Frank “Buster”

Keel, Howard

Keeler, Christine

Keeler, Ruby

Keeper of the Flame

Kefauver Commission

Keitel, Harvey

Keller, Helen

Kelly, Gene

Kelly, Grace

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John F.

Kerkorian, Kirk

Kern, Jerome

Kerr, Deborah

Kershner, Irvin

Kesey, Ken


Kiarostami, Abbas

Kid, The

Kidd, Michael

Kidman, Nicole

Kieslowski, Krzysztof

Kill Bill: Vol. 1
Vol. 2
(2003 and 2004)

Killers, The

Killer's Kiss

Killing, The

Kind Hearts and Coronets

Kind of Loving, A

King and I, The

King Coal
(Sinclair, U.)

King Kong

King of Marvin Gardens, The

Kingsley, Ben

King's Speech, The

kino trains

Kiss Me Deadly

Kiss Me Kate

Kiss of Death

Klass, Perri

Klein-Rogge, Rudolf


Knight, Arthur

Knight Without Armour

Knock on Any Door

Knox, Alexander

Koch, Carl

Koch, Howard


Koerner, Charles

Korda, Alexander

Korda, Michael

Korda, Vincent

Korda, Zoltan

Korean War

Kortner, Fritz

Kosma, Joseph

Kovacs, Ernie

Kracauer, Siegfried

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