The Biker Next Door (8 page)

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Authors: Jamallah Bergman

BOOK: The Biker Next Door
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“What! Are you serious? She went up
against Rebecca? What did she do man?”

“Man it was unreal and it took me
by surprise how she could have been such a bitch. She tried to make that girl
feel bad because she didn’t have a date. I was about to break it up but she
came and slapped her ego down so bad it was actually hilarious. And we all know
how Rebecca can be; she’s a complete spitfire as far as a verbal fight. But
Hailey caught her completely off guard and tore into her like nothing I’ve seen
in a long time. I have to tell you man, I’ve fallen hard for this girl.” Brad
admitted as another man came over and sat down next to them at the bar.

“Are you serious man?”

Brad nodded and found himself
smiling when he thought about when they were in that room kissing each other.
How luscious her lips tasted and felt against his lips. He couldn’t wait to get
back home to taste them once more.

“Have you told her how you felt? I
mean, this is the first black woman you’ve ever talked about dating?” Todd
reminded him and he was right, she was his first. But honestly he never thought
of her as just being a black woman. No he really thought of her as being a
feisty luscious she devil that he wanted to try and get a hold of. At least
that’s what his thoughts were when he first saw her that night at his place, but
now that he got to be around her, get to know her for who she was. Brad wanted
more than just someone to bed with. He wanted that thing called a relationship
with this woman. He wanted love and he knew he would get it from her and he
would give it to her as well tenfold.

“What would you think about me
dating her?”

Brad noticed the look on Todd’s
face as he rolled his eyes, “Man, I don’t care who you date or get with. If you
care for her like you do, I say go for it man. I mean I know at least about
five guys who have dated black women including yours truly. It’s no big deal
man, the last relationship I was in, it lasted for about, oh I think about four
years. Best four years I ever spent with a woman in my entire life.” Todd

“Damn man I didn’t know that and
we’ve known each other for years. Well what happened with you two?”

Brad watched as he went into his
back pocket to get his wallet. When he opened it up, he saw his friend smile a
bit and pulled out a picture as he took it from his friend. “That is my girl
Lana, our daughter Natalya and my son T.J. We’ve been married now for about ten
years so yeah; even a scruffy looking thing like me could get a woman as
beautiful as that.”

Both men chuckled and took another
swig of their beers and that’s when Brad heard the guy next to him scoff a bit.

“You got a problem brother?” asked

“I don’t understand how you could
even think about dating someone outside your race. You’re supposed to date only
white women, have to keep our race pure. And now you got some mongrel children
and this one here wants to date one of them, man you both are stupid as hell.”

The guy was clearly drunk Brad
thought as Todd walked over and said, “What the hell you are saying?”

“You heard me motherfucker! Let me
ask you man, is she worth fucking up your race with that skanky bitch.” The man
looked at Brad when he said this and it only made Brad’s blood boil to the
point that he ended up getting up himself and plowing his fist into the guy’s
face while him and Todd ended up beating the crap out of the idiot. Soon some
of his friend’s came and then the rest of the gang came in. It ended up being a
big bar brawl with bottles being broken upside guy’s heads, chairs being thrown
as well as men over tables. For Brad it was like every weekend he had been out
with the guys, good times, good booze and sometimes an occasional fight, but
now it was completely personal he thought for now when he looked into those
scared eyes of hers scanning his face and trying to touch his eye, Brad’s
entire sense of being immediately melted. He took her hands in his, kissed them
and couldn’t help but chuckle at how she was reacting to his appearance.

“I’ve had worse than this, this is
honestly nothing whatsoever. Got into a scuffle with this guy at a bar two towns
over, luckily we didn’t get arrested and yes, it was the other guy’s fault. But
I am going to be fine and I do love the flowers.” Brad smiled kissing her
forehead as he walked out of her office. Walking to his office, he immediately
picked up his ringing phone and soon the day started off as usual.

Hailey was on cloud nine. Never in
her life had she ever thought she would have these feelings for a man,
especially for her boss who just happened to be her neighbor. It seemed like
whenever the two of them were in each other’s presence, the sexual tension
between them was something she couldn’t withstand. Whenever they were alone, he
never made it easier for her especially during dictation. He would bring his
chair behind her, lean over her shoulder and move away some of her hair. She
had never felt softer lips on a man and how they caressed the arch of her neck.
This is all he had to do to make her hot, to make her go crazy, to almost make
her want to just have him take her right there.

“You know I can nibble on your neck
and ear all day,” Brad whispered softly.

“And I would probably let you do
just that,” Hailey said with a smile.

He was about to continue, but the
phone rang and he got up to answer it. “Hello?”

“Hi sweetheart, I wanted to come to
your office and take you out to lunch,” Rebecca said in her small voice.

Looking over at Hailey, who still
was busy with her paperwork, he said, “Sure, I wouldn’t mind having lunch with
you, where would you like to meet at?”

“How about I meet you at Anthony’s?
I can meet you there around 12:15?”

“I’ll see you there.” Sighing
deeply, she watched him undo his ponytail running his fingers through his hair.
Hailey liked to see it down and he only seemed to do it around her, she was
happy he felt comfortable enough around her. “I’m having lunch with Rebecca,
are you going out with Tori or are you going to stay here and finish up?”

“I’ll just finish up and when you
get back from lunch, we can look over everything.”

“I honestly don’t want to after her
behavior at that party, but I have to get things straight with her first. I can
bring you something back if you want?” he said walking towards her chair. His
fingers lightly reached over to move some of her thick brown hair. He moved
even closer to her, warm lips pressed along her neck made her sigh from the
sensation while goose bumps formed quickly along her neck.

“Now where were we earlier, oh
yeah, I was nibbling on your neck while planning a route of attack on that cute
little earlobe.” He held her in his big arms as she tried not to giggle, but
she couldn’t help it. As much as she was scared of getting caught, Hailey felt
safe in his arms having completely surrendered toward his advances. While he
nibbling on her neck, her fingers outline the front of his pants, which she slowly
could feel was getting harder, pinching his cock with her fingers. It seemed
when she grabbed hold of him, his teeth softly bit into her neck to where she
gasped while he growled. “Now why would you want to do that, you’re only going
to get into trouble?” he said.

“I just had to feel you for a
moment, now that I’ve felt you, I have to see what I’m going to be having
soon.” She quickly got on her knees in front of him, resting her body between
his long legs while he watched her undo his belt to unzip his pants. Slowly
reaching in she pull out his already hard cock, she knew he was thick but she
didn’t think he was this big. Hailey knew she was going to have a time with
him. She loved to go down on a man.

Brad watched her studying his cock,
rubbing and tracing her fingers along it. She was so delicate with her feather
like touches, he was completely mesmerized as she softly kissed the tip and
licked the sides of him. He wanted to run his fingers through her hair but he
didn’t want to mess it up. Her mouth swallowed his entire cock. He growled as
her tongue rolled around the tip and she looked up at him with those chocolate
brown eyes of hers. He started to chuckle. “You are such a bad girl, you know

She continued sucking him and he
tried not to moan and groan too loudly, as her lovely head bobbed up and down
on his cock, her mouth and tongue played games with him he never thought a
woman could do. This woman was a pro and he was going to love having her do
this again. Then the phone rang startling them both. She stopped. “No baby,
keep sucking to your heart’s content. Yes, this is Matthews, hey there Mike, no
I don’t have the Conner report, I think.” He tensed up when her teeth lightly
grazed against him, nibbling on him making him breathless. “I’m fine, I hit my
damn toe on my desk. But I know Jeff has those reports you might want to check
with him.” His eyes rolled in the back of his head relishing how she was making
him feel. “I’ll talk with you later, Mike, something just came up.” Quickly he
hung up the phone, he kept whispering to himself as his hips thrust deep within
her mouth. She kept her pace and soon Brad found himself letting go, grunting
quietly, gripping the arm rests of his chair so hard it almost felt like he was
about to pull them out. Hailey sucked every ounce of cum she could get out of

Once his body subsided he slowly
put his pants back on, he was at a loss for words. “Holy shit woman!” Hailey
laughed as she got up to straighten herself.

He finally got himself up; his
knees were like jelly as he struggled to get his balance. Brad fixed his shirt
and pants while she got herself something to drink. He pulled her close to him
and kissed her passionately on the lips. “Man that was amazing, Hailey. God, I
can’t believe we just did that.”

“Well that’s one thing you now know
about me, I love to go down on a man and I’m real good at what I do.”

“No shit!”

They both laughed. Her lovely eyes
scanned his face, as he ran his thumb across her lips. She softly sighed. “God,
I’m so glad I moved next door to you.”

When he got his hair back in a
ponytail, he went to the office bathroom and freshened up while Hailey opened
up the windows to let out some of the stuffiness.

Grabbing his jacket and putting it
back on, he asked, “How do I look?”

Giving him the okay sign, he smiled
and she fixed her hair some more. “And what about me, do I look all right?” she

He looked her over from those nice
thick hips that hugged her brown suede mini skirt to the cream colored blouse
he dreamed of tearing open to reveal big supple breasts. Licking his lips and
smiling at her he only uttered three words that immediately made her smile.
“You look ravishing.”


* * * *


Rebecca had been waiting for a
couple of minutes wondering when and if he would show. When his car pulled up
and he got out, she gave a sigh of relief. Giving her a small hug and a kiss on
the cheek, he sat down next to her and said, “How are you?”

“I’m doing just fine, been kind of
busy,” Rebecca said. “But listen, I want to apologize again to you, baby, about
how I acted towards that girl. I don’t know what came over me, I shouldn’t be
jealous of her because honestly, baby, you saw how she looked. She’s cute in
the face but as far as the rest of her, who would honestly want to get with
that unless they were desperate as hell.” Rebecca smirked as she sipped on her

“You know what? I honestly can’t
believe what a bitch you are right now. I came here thinking that maybe you had
changed just a little bit since the night of the party. But I see now that you
haven’t changed a bit. Your attitude has gotten even worse than before. Now I
am seeing the real you, Rebecca, and I don’t like what the hell I’m seeing.”

The waiter came over and asked,
“What would you like to order, sir?”

“Not a thing, I think the lady is
hungrier than I am at the moment, I just lost my appetite. And as far as me and
you are concerned, it’s over for good this time.” Brad walked out of the
restaurant hearing Rebecca’s pleas to come back but never looked back.


* * * *


“Oh I’m doing just fine, Momma, how
are you and Dad doing?” Hailey asked while looking over some of the papers.

“We are doing just fine,
sweetheart, I haven’t heard from you in a while, I was kind of worried but I
knew you had been pretty busy with work. I was wondering if you wanted to come
for dinner on Sunday after church,” her mother said.

“Do you mind if I bring someone
with me to dinner?”

“Sure baby, you know we don’t mind
you bringing anybody over.”

“Well, I’ll be over after you guys
get out of church. I love you, Momma, and I’ll talk with you later.” Hailey
smiled, hung up the phone and went back to going over papers.

After a while, she started to get
hungry and opened up those Godiva chocolates, she knew it wasn’t food, but at
least it satisfied the cravings and calmed her stomach for a moment. Then
another call came through and before she could even say hello, the woman on the
other end said, “You bitch!”

It shocked Hailey and at first she
didn’t say a thing. Finally she said, “What?”

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