The Biker's Past: A Cold Steel Motorcycle Club Romance Novella

BOOK: The Biker's Past: A Cold Steel Motorcycle Club Romance Novella
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Copyright ©2015 Meg Jackson

The Biker's Past is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author

s imagination or used fictitiously.

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Cover design : © L.J. Anderson at
Mayhem Cover Creations

Formatting by L.J. Anderson at
Mayhem Cover Creations




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She's the target. He's the captor. Neither of them ever planned to fall in love.


Gunner is the leader of the Rattlesnake MC.
The gang's latest plan is to kidnap the daughter of a rich man and demand a ransom, and it goes off without a hitch. But then he runs into a problem he never predicted - falling in love. Serena is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, and he'll stop at nothing to have her.


Serena is a rich girl with no love in her life.
Her father has been emotionally abusive for her whole life, and she's always looking for ways to get back at him for it. She feels a deep attraction the moment Gunner pulls the bag off her head, but he's the man who turned her life upside down. She'll never give in to her urges.


Will Gunner be forced to expose his sensitive side to win over Serena? Will Serena be able to resist?




Sara's boyfriend thinks it'll be fun to spend the night at the town biker bar, but it turns out
she's a lot more welcome than he is
. After a
rough biker
stands up for her during a fight with her boyfriend, Sara finds herself unable to stay away from him, and she'll do anything
or anybody
to keep him.








Did they make you read Romeo and Juliet in high school? They made us read it. I hated it. I thought it was stupid. I mean, these two kids just suddenly fall head-over-heels in love? They barely know each other! And then all that drama, all that pain, and they just wind up dead. What kind of story is that?

I’m not here to tell you that “once you have real love, Romeo and Juliet makes a lot more sense.” It doesn’t. It doesn’t make any more sense to me now than it did in tenth grade English. That’s not how love works. No one ever needs to wind up dead. If you’re in love and you wind up dead, you weren’t doing it right. At least, I’m pretty sure of that. After everything that’s happened though…I guess I could see myself winding up dead.

And “star-crossed lovers?” Sorry, but as easy as it might seem to blame fate, I don’t believe anyone winds up where they are because of things outside of their control. I mean, sure, oxytocin is a powerful drug, and a lot of the time you feel like you’re being compelled to do things, like you don’t have a choice, but you always have a choice.

I guess that’s one of the best things I learned from all this. You always have a choice.

But there is one bit of Romeo and Juliet that makes sense to me these days, on the rare occasion I think about it…

O, I am fortune’s fool!



Dad, no!”

My father was standing, one eye closed, the other narrowed to a slit, with a shotgun aimed at Boon. Actually, the shotgun was aimed at me, and I was standing in front of Boon.

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