The Billionaire and The Pop Star (5 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: The Billionaire and The Pop Star
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I knew she had
to be sore, but she also seemed to need reassuring and for now this was the
best I could do. Only time will convince her that this was the real deal. Fuck
I was just as confused as she was, but unlike her, I wasn’t about to let doubts
get in the way of what I wanted.

Taking her
soreness into consideration, I dropped to my knees between her spread thighs
and opened her pussy lips gently with my fingers. She was a little red and
puffy from too much fucking, but she was also getting wet.

I licked her
clit with the tip of my tongue, staying away from her pussy slit for now.
“Ooh…” I love how fucking responsive she is, the way she lights up as soon as I
put my hands on her.

I licked and
sucked her clit until her juices started coming fast and furious. Then I dipped
my tongue into her pussy, going slow so I could soothe the ache in her overused

She gripped my
hair and mashed her pussy into my mouth before she filled my mouth with pussy
juice. When she came down from her climax I helped her up from the bed and
folding her in my arms kissed her long and deep, sharing her taste with her.

We tongue
fucked each others’ mouths like starving wolves and my cock was poking into her
navel as she rubbed herself against me. “Suck me off baby.” She slid down to
her knees and studied my cock before sticking out her tongue and licking the
pre-cum from my cockhead.

She’s an
enigma, all shy and blushing one minute and my little vixen the next. I had a
moment of jealousy at the thought that she’d done this with that asshole but
let it go for now. I’m a very territorial fucker, I knew I had to live with the
fact that he’d had her but I needed to erase him from her memory.

She licked
along my shaft before sucking the fat head of my cock into her mouth and
sliding her mouth down my length until she’d taken me in as deeply as she
could. I fisted her hair and waited until I was in her throat before I started
thrusting in and out of her mouth, going
first, until I picked up the pace.

Pretty soon I was face fucking her and
she was moaning around me cock. I looked down past her eyes that were staring
up at me and saw that she had her fingers stuffed in her pussy. I almost shot
my load then and there.

She did some
muscle spasm around my cock and my toes curled. I
pulled back so that I was no longer in her throat but on her tongue. I didn’t
warn her that I was about to cum, why would I?
going to swallow unless I said otherwise, and the only time I’ll do that is
when I was in the mood to paint her face, her tits or the small of her back.

She almost
gagged on the first volley. “Easy, breathe princess.” She soon got the hang of
it and was swallowing fast enough in time to catch the next load.

When my balls
were empty and my knees were almost too weak to stand I helped her to her feet
and took her to the bed. “Forget the movie baby, you need me to hold you.”

down behind her with her much tinier frame completely
covered by my arms and legs, cocooning her as I whispered in her ear.

going to be okay princess, I promise. If you’ve learned anything about me so
far, you should know I’m not a man that plays games. “But you’ve had
girlfriends before; did you feel the same way with them?” Her voice had gone
all soft
there at the end and I felt her body tense as if
expecting a blow.

“Let me ask
you this; do you feel the same with me as you did with him?” Now it was my turn
to tense up as I awaited her answer. When it came, it went a long way of easing
the green-eyed beast that had been trying its best to rear its ugly head.

“No, I’ve
never…but it’s not the same. You’ve had so much more experience and I’m sure I
don’t measure up to some of them.”

“That’s where
you’re wrong sweetheart, first of all none of them ever came close and besides
its about more than the physical. Sometimes in life you find that one being
that you can’t live without, you may have sampled a lot along the way, but when
you found THE one, it’s a whole new ballgame.”

“Tell me, what
did you feel that night when our eyes meet?” She turned around in my arms and
looked up into my eyes. “It was like being struck by lightning, or at least
what I imagine that would feel like. I felt a jolt to my system and I think I
forgot how to breathe for a minute. I almost panicked because for a split
second I forgot the words to the song.”

“There you
see? Have you ever felt that before with anyone?” she shook her head and bit
her lip. I could see the soft sheen of tears in her eyes and pulled her close
to kiss her forehead. “It was pretty much the same with me baby; so the next
time you start doubting what we have, just remember those few minutes. Now go
to sleep, you’ve had a long day.”

I turned her
back around intending to go to sleep, but by now my cock was raging again.
“Lift your leg baby.” She lifted her top leg and I scooted down far enough to
line up my cock with her pussy.

I slid in and
held still pulling her back firmly against my front. “I’m not going to fuck you
again tonight, we’ll just stay like this until you fall asleep, you need your
man to stay inside you to keep the doubts away.”

I was suddenly
very tired, and it wasn’t long before I fell asleep to the sound of her
breathing evenly in sleep.

In the morning,
I awakened to her pushing her ass back against me with my cock still lodged
inside her. With my hand on her hip, I controlled the pace. “Can you take me
hard or do you need me to go slow baby?” I nipped her ear as she flooded my

please harder.”

“Please what
harder?” She didn’t answer so I reached around and pinched her nipple. “Tell me
or I’ll stop.” I held still and she tried to fuck herself on my cock. I pulled
back as if I was going to leave her body.

, please, harder…fuck me harder.” Fuck, I think that
shit backfired on my ass, because her sweet voice saying those words triggered
something inside me. Leaning up on my elbow I reached my hand around and
fingered her clit. “Put your arm behind my neck.”

She complied
with my order and I bent my head to her nipple. She screamed and went off like
a rocket from the dual pleasure, or was it triple? I fucked into her hard as I
played with her clit and sucked her nipple. I imagined my son or daughter
nursing at her bountiful tits some day soon and the next time her pussy
clenched around me, I shot off inside her.

It was harder than I imagined
it would be to leave her the next day.

Chapter 7



For the next
three weeks, we stayed hidden away in our lover’s paradise. Each day, I went
off to work and left her home. And each night, I came home and after dinner,
fucked her into the wee hours of the morning.

When it was
time for her to go back to work, I thought I would lose my fucking mind. I
didn’t want to share her with anyone. I knew it was selfish; she had a life, a
career that she loved.

“I want you to
move in here with me.” She didn’t seem too certain, still fighting those doubts
I guess. “Scratch that, I’ll send a service over to help you pack up, but when
I get home this evening your little ass better be here.” I left before she
could give me an argument.

I was pissed
off the whole day and didn’t know why. In the last three weeks, I could pick up
the phone and call her whenever I wanted. Now she was busy doing her thing. I
didn’t like it one fucking bit. When had I become this person? I knew that what
I felt for this girl was more than I’d ever felt before, but still, this
overpowering need to possess her completely, to dominate her life, was new to

Her upcoming
show was out of town and I wouldn’t be able to make it because of the timing. I
was going to be without her for two weeks while she travelled outside the
country for
eight night show. She’d been going to
the studio to rehearse the last couple of days coming onto the end of our time
together, but she’d been there in the evenings.

She never said
what if anything her handlers had said about the arrangement, but that could be
because I’d let her know one day when she tried to broach the subject that I
really didn’t give a fuck.


I heard her as
soon as I cleared the door that evening. Good, that meant I didn’t have to hunt
her down and drag her ass back home. I’d half expected her to disobey my order
to be here when I got home.

There were
boxes in the living room and I breathed a little easier. Looks like I was getting
my way after all. “Hey!” She was in the kitchen when I walked up on her. She
hadn’t heard me because she had earphones on.

Pulling them
out, she looked up at me with her little shy smile. I knew she was fretting
again about where we were going. I imagine moving in here with me was a big
step for her. She’d never lived with a man before, and I had to keep reminding
myself that she was young yet.

everything go okay with the move today?”

“Yeah, I still
have some stuff to bring over and some will have to go into storage.”

“Did they give
you any trouble with the lease?”

“Uh about
that…I’m not sure that I wanna give up the place just yet.” I just looked at
her not saying anything. “When I asked you to move in here, did you think I
meant for a few weeks or something?”

“No, I don’t

“Take care of
the lease
I will.
Don’t forget, I’m a businessman. It makes no sense whatsoever for you to keep
that place and pay the exorbitant rent for an empty apartment. I understand
that you still have doubts and fears, but I’m not about to let them get in the
way of things. I’ve spent the last three weeks trying to show you, but
apparently that wasn’t enough so you’re just
have to decide if you want to take a chance at happiness or not. A word to the
wise: I won’t pay for someone else’s short- comings. So if that’s what this is
about, you can kill that shit right fucking now.”

It seemed like
we were about to have our first real argument there for a minute, but then she
backed down. She needed me to take charge and I had no problem with that. She’d
gone from under her parents’ care, straight to this manager’s handling, so
basically, she’s been told what to do her whole life. Some people rebel against
that, but with
, it was quite the opposite. She
needed it.


She left two
days later for Europe and I spent the time gathering as much information as I
could on her manager and the other people around her. I didn’t like that pill
deal she’d told me about, and from some of the things she’d said, I wasn’t too
sure that her best interest was being taken care of.

As her man, it
was up to me to see that no one was taking advantage of her. And though our
relationship had been spared the spotlight thus far, it was only a matter of
time before word leaked out. And how would it look for Wall Street’s whiz kid to
be letting others take advantage of his woman?

We talked
every night after her show no matter what time it was, that was a stipulation
that I’d made before she left. She could get away during the day because I knew
she was busy with rehearsals, but at night I needed to know that she was safe.

We did
until she fell asleep; each night, I could see
that my baby was exhausted but she seemed to be having fun. There was a lot of
buzz in the headlines about her shows but I didn’t listen or read any of it.

That was until
two days before she was due back. My assistant was reading one of those crappy
magazines that were filled with half-truths and innuendo. That’s how I’d always
seen them until I saw my woman walking out of some restaurant in Italy with her

I didn’t want
to fly off the handle; the caption said the picture had been snapped the night
before which had to mean it was before we’d spoken and she hadn’t mentioned it
to me. My first instinct was to get on a plane and got drag her ass home after
dealing with both of them, but common sense and rationality won out.

I couldn’t go
half way around the world to kill her. No, I’ll wait ‘til she gets back and
strangle her ass in the privacy of our own home. That night when she called,
she still didn’t mention it and I played like nothing was wrong. There was
something in her voice but I wasn’t quite sure what it was. “So you’ve got your
final show tomorrow night yes?”

“Yes, and then
I’ll be home.”

“I’ll be
waiting.” The next night when she called, I didn’t answer. I’d spent the whole
day in a contained rage and had pretty much locked myself away in my office.
I’d come to terms with the fact that I didn’t believe for a second that she’d
cheated on me, but whatever reason she had for being with him was not good
enough. And the fact that she hadn’t mentioned it to
only infuriated me more.

She was home
when I got in the next day. When she ran to me and jumped into my arms I held
her close but didn’t kiss her. She knew something was wrong and her eyes
followed me across the room.

“Is something

“Is there
something you want to tell me
?” She looked at
me at sea. I pulled out the magazine I’d had hidden in the drawer of the little
side table and threw it at her. Her eyes widened when she saw it and she looked
up at me with fear in her eyes.

“It’s not what
it looks like. I can explain.” I walked away from her and into the bedroom to
remove my jacket and tie where she followed me a few seconds later. “Trace…”

“Were you the
one that was afraid of me cheating on you?” She’d never seen me this way
before, so she had no way of knowing that the precise movements and contained
tone was a sure sign that her ass was in trouble.

“But I didn’t
cheat, he was on tour because we have a few duets together and…”

“And you
didn’t tell me this because…”

“I didn’t want
to cause any problems.” She looked down at the floor and rung her hands.

“And the

“Everyone was
there that night.”

“Did you talk
to him?”

“I…” I saw the
answer in the guilty look in her eyes.

“Take off your


“NOW.” She
jumped and reached for the buttons on her shirt. I was naked by now and walked
around to my closet. I came back out with my leather strap and she took one
look at it and tried to make a run for it.

“You don’t
really want to make this any worst than it already is do you?” that stopped her
in her tracks but she was still halfway out of the room.

here…don’t make me have to tell you again
.” I
almost caved when she turned big tear filled eyes my way. She took a deep
breath to fortify herself and then walked slowly towards me with her head down.

I didn’t turn
her over my knee. I was too angry for that. Instead, I brought the belt down
across her ass and thighs as she hopped from foot to foot pleading with me to

“Please Trace
nothing happened.”

“I don’t want
to hear it, you had your chance to tell me this shit before you left here.” I
gave her a good twenty hard blows with the belt until she was a crying slobbering
mess. Still not satisfied I left her there crying and walked out of the room.

I went for a
long drive to cool down but by the time I got back, I was still no better than
when I left. She was in the middle of our bed with her arm locked around her
bent knees rocking back and forth.

We looked at
each other but I still wasn’t ready to talk to her. I felt betrayed; it was a
new feeling for me.
had been a long time since
anyone had had the guts to cross me.

I headed into
the shower in the hopes that the water would help to soothe my ragged nerves
but no luck. She was wearing my old tee shirt, which she’d taken with her when
she’d left.

“Lose the
shirt.” She hurried to comply though I noticed her eyes fell
my hands to make sure she wasn’t about to get another whipping.

I climbed onto
the bed and turned her around roughly. In the three weeks we’d bee together, as
hard as I’d been fucking her, I’d always held something back, but not tonight,
tonight I was going to give her the fucking I’ve been dying to but didn’t
because her little pussy was still having trouble taking my cock.

I didn’t take
the time to prepare her, this was a punishment after all,
planned to use her body tonight for my own pleasure until I’d freed myself of
this burning rage.

I had her bent
over in the middle of the bed, her legs spread, head down and her pussy in the
air. Licking my fingers I ran them roughly over her pussy, dipping my middle
finger into her wet heat before straddling her from behind.

I didn’t knee
behind her, that wouldn’t achieve my aim. I stood with my legs on either side
of hers, slightly bent. From this angle I could drill down into her. I’m sure
it would be a little harder for her to take me in this position but I really
could give a fuck at this point.

I ran my cock
ring up and down her slit until she started to get wet, then I slammed into her
only giving her about half my length. She screamed into the mattress and her
body shook but I didn’t stop pounding until I was
deep in her upturned pussy.

Grabbing a
fistful of her hair, I pulled her head back until I could see down into her
eyes. I saw pain, but there was lust there as well as I battered her pussy with
my cock.

When I felt
her clenching, I pulled out and left her panting. She looked over her shoulder
at me but she didn’t have the nerve to say anything to me. When I was sure she
wasn’t about to cum, I screwed my cock back into her, pulling her ass up higher
to keep her at the angle I wanted. I kept pulling out to tease her with the
piercing in the end of my cock because I knew how much she loved that, but not
giving her enough to get her off.

The hoarse
cries told me that I was hurting her, even as her pussy got wetter and wetter.
“Please Trace.”

“Not another
fucking word.” I tugged on her hair for emphasis and she bit her lip. She
couldn’t hide the fuck me noises that seemed to come from her gut, and her
pussy was on fire.

I love those
noises she made as I fucked into her my cock ring was hitting her just right
and she started pushing back trying to get more of my twelve inches inside her.
As pissed as I was I held off though, because I knew her tight little pussy couldn’t
handle too much in this position, not so soon, it was going to take lots of
fucking before that could happen without me tearing her.

I pulled out
and licked into her pussy, going deep, she screamed and came in my mouth before
I climbed back onto my feet and fed her eight inches of my meat. That’s as deep
as I could go before bottoming out inside her with her ass high in the air.

“As soon as
I’ve broken in your tight little pussy, I’m going to ass fuck you.” She
clenched around me and came again. I wasn’t anywhere near cumming so I settled
in for a nice long
. Her body was still shaking
and her cries were dying down to low moans. She tried getting her hand under
her to touch her sore pussy but a hard smack on her ass stopped her in her

“Don’t do it.”
Finally, I lowered her ass just a little and dropped to my knees behind her and
the movement sent me all the way into her. It triggered another one of her
magnificent climaxes and she squeezed my cock like a vise.

I bit into the
flesh of her back to her neck before pulling her head back and to the side for
my tongue. “I love you Trace.” That stopped me mid stroke, the shock of it, but
that didn’t last too long.

“I love you
too, but this isn’t about that. You fucked up. I’m pissed as fuck at you.” I
brought her off three more times until I felt my balls draw up to my body in
preparation to blast.

“You don’t
deserve my seed.” I pulled out and pushed her away from me. She turned around
in time to watch me jerk my seed into the sheets. Her cry of dismay cut through
the air as I climbed off the bed and headed to the shower.

I was only in
there two minutes when I felt her come in and stand in front of me. I kept my
head back and eyes closed as I ran the cloth over my chest. “Trace, I’m so
sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I won’t do it again. I promise.” She was crying as
her hands came up to touch me tentatively.

I finished my
shower without saying a word to her and walked away. I stripped the bed after
drying myself off and putting on a pair of boxers. She was coming out of the
shower by the time I was finished remaking the bed

She looked at
me as I passed her and left the room. In the kitchen, I ignored the dinner
she’d made and made myself a sandwich before shutting myself away in my private

It was hours
before I felt human again. I’d called the detail I’d had following her unbeknownst
to her and got the same story from them. That eased my anger some but there was
still the issue of why she didn’t tell me that her ex was going to be on this

From what
they’d said, he’d been hounding her the whole time she was there but she’d
seemed disinterested. Like I said, I never thought she’d cheated on me with
him; I still didn’t want her having anything at all to do with him.

Along with
that, the reports on her manager weren’t looking too good. It was just as I’d
suspected, he was using the young girl for his own gains. She had been robbed of
a good three million dollars in the two years she’d been signed. Money from
different venues that I’m sure she wasn’t even aware of.

She wasn’t
hurting for money, not by a long shot, but still it wasn’t for him or anyone
else to rip her off. Before I confronted him though, I was still waiting for
the results of the in depth investigation of everyone that had anything to do
with her career.

She was curled
into a ball on my side of the bed when I finally upstairs hours later. I stood
over her for the longest time until I felt my heart settle. I wouldn’t have
chosen a moment of anger in which to tell her that I loved her, but she’d
chosen the time and place.

Now it was out
there, I’d shown her my heart, as well as giving it to her. We could never go
back now, from here on out we were one and for me that meant a whole lot of
shit. She’d only gotten a taste of the man tonight, if she fucked up in the
future it could be worst.

Turning away,
I walked to my side and climbed in with my back to her. She must’ve gravitated
to me in her sleep, because I woke before the sun the next day to find her
curled into my back.

Lifting my arm,
I turned and pulled her into my arms. She was barely awake when I turned her to
her back and slipped into her wet heat. She clutched at me in her sleep before
she came fully awake. “Trace…” Her voice was that of a little girl lost.

“Shh, it’s
okay I’m here.” I pushed her hair back so I could look into her eyes as I
stroked my cock in and out of her. “Wrap your legs around me princess.” She
lifted her legs around my waist pulling me in deeper. I never took my eyes off
of hers; I wanted to see what was there, what words could never say because
there weren’t enough. When I came I captured her lips with mine and accepted
her moans into my lungs as she gave me her sweet nectar. “I love you.” She
tightened around me and cried out at my admission.

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