The Billionaire Bargain (Millionaire's Club)

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Authors: Barb Han

Tags: #Contemporary, #Multicultural

BOOK: The Billionaire Bargain (Millionaire's Club)
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Table of Contents

Title Page




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen


Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

The Billionaire Bargain


Barb Han

The Millionaire’s Club

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

The Billionaire Bargain

COPYRIGHT © 2013 by Barb Han

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Contact Information: [email protected]

Cover Art by
Rae Monet, Inc. Design

The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

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Publishing History

First Champagne Rose Edition, 2013

Digital ISBN 978-1-61217-873-8

The Millionaire’s Club

Published in the United States of America

Praise for

is a Sizzling Romance with Charm and Wit.”

~The Kindle Book Review

“Readers will immediately enjoy Han’s glamorous setting…”

~RT Book Reviews

“I really enjoyed this story. Loved the hate-love relationship between the two main characters. It kept you reading and guessing the ending.”

~Alisia, Books & Other Spells


My deepest thanks go to the following people:

DJ Hendrickson,

your enthusiasm for this book and dedication

to make it better are tremendous gifts.

Jill Marsal,

your guidance is always invaluable.

Jerrie Alexander,

your honest critiques and friendship

mean so much to me.

Brandon, Jacob and Tori,

you inspire me every day.

Most of all,

John, you make every step

on this crazy and exciting journey better.

You make me believe in the kind of love

I thought only existed in fairy tales.

Chapter One

Rae Stevens tried to sidestep the charge nurse who’d blocked the doorway with her stout frame. “Wait. Cecilia. You know me. I’m not a
. I’m his daughter. He didn’t mean me.”

The compassionate glance issued by the nurse nearly brought Rae to her knees. A hand gripped her shoulder from behind.

“Ms. Stevens,” said Dr. Ralph’s familiar voice.

Rae spun around, her gaze rolled up to the ceiling before fixing on the doctor. “What the hell’s going on?”

The pitiful look shot by Dr. Ralph sent a shiver up her spine. The long pause issued next had Rae’s neck hair tingling.
This is not good. So not good. Please, God, don’t let him be gone already.

Tears blurred her vision.

“Ms. Stevens, you’re aware of your father’s prognosis.”

He’s alive
. Relief washed over her. “What happened?”

“He had a difficult night.”

“Why didn’t you call me?”

“He insisted you not be disturbed.”

She glared at the doctor. “Why would he do that?”

Dr. Ralph shrugged. A look of sympathy creased his forehead before he frowned. “We’re keeping him comfortable.”

“Is he…” She couldn’t bring herself to finish the question.


The word sat heavy on her chest. “Well is he?”

Dr. Ralph’s grip morphed into a sympathetic pat. “He’s very sick.”

“But this isn’t always terminal.”

“It depends on a patient’s physical condition—”

“I think we both know I’m talking about my father specifically.”

His head shook. “I’m sorry. The will to live is a powerful force. So is the alternative.”

“He can’t just give up like this.” A sob released. She swallowed the next one, snapping her fingers instead. “Let me think for a second.” The truth of the matter was she wouldn’t be able to gather herself in a minute…not in ten or twenty…nor a lifetime. “I need to see him. He shouldn’t be alone right now. Having support should help, right?”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible.”


“He was firm.” The doctor paused, allowing the words to absorb. “His orders were explicit. No calls. No visitors.”

“I’m afraid I don’t understand.”
This can’t be happening.

“That was his last wish.”

“Did he offer any explanation?”

The doctor’s gaze darted around the hall as if unable to meet hers. “He scribbled a note for you.” The corners of his lips curled down in a frown. “Would you mind if I read it to you in my office?”

“Okay.” Rae’s heart beat faster than her feet moved as she followed. He closed the door behind them.

“Your father left instructions for you. May I read the note?”

She sniffed back tears. “Please.” Hopefully, there was a sensible explanation as to why he would forbid her to see him. Some reasoning she could wrap her mind around and make this feel better.

“Live your life, not mine, child.”

Rae waited for the rest of the letter, the reassurance.

When no words came, she fixed her gaze on Dr. Ralph. “How long does he have left?”

“His body’s still strong. Could be as much as a week. Or as little as a few days.” He issued a thoughtful gap. “Of course, there’s always the hope he’ll improve. A lot depends on him.”

The words grated across her taut nerves.
You can’t give up. Not like this. I just found you. I won’t let you die.
“Please keep him fighting until I get back. Text me immediately if anything changes.”

“I’m not supposed—”

“I don’t care what he said. I’m the one paying the bill,” Rae snapped, losing her tiny grasp on what little patience she had left.

Dr. Ralph tensed as his blond brow hiked, and he crossed his arms.

She didn’t break eye contact. “He’s all I’ve got. Please.”

Dr. Ralph’s arms unfolded, and his shoulders relaxed. “I can make an exception for his only living relative. Be sure the nurse has your number.”

“Thank you, Doctor.” She pinched the bridge of her nose to hold back a raging headache. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to take it out on you. It’s not your fault, and you’ve been very kind. There are probably rules against sharing patient information. Even with family. I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

A compassionate smile warmed his serious expression. “How about we keep this between us?”

“Sounds good.” She didn’t even want to think what she would do if something happened to her father.

If she were left all alone in the world...

Rae shook off the terror that came with the thought as she thanked the doctor again. A ball of emotion tightened in her chest. She trained her gaze on the floor and hit the door at a fast clip. In the hallway, her pace increased. She had to get outside before the onslaught of emotion hit. No way did she intend for people to ogle her again while she lost it.

The hot, balmy weather assaulted her as soon as she stepped outside. Dark, gray clouds rolled through the sky. The wind wound through her hair as the first raindrops descended. Hot, burning tears spilled down her cheeks.

Suddenly, there she was. Six. Alone. Being handed off to a social worker. The memories pummeled her like physical blows to the chest. She was hurt, fragile, and abandoned.

Rae squared her shoulders.

She wasn’t a child anymore, dammit. And he didn’t get to be selfish. If she couldn’t give her father the will to live, she could provide every possible medical hope.

The first, she had zero control over. One man could help her with the second.
Yeah, right. And people in hell want a fire hose.


Rae’s internal deadline of eleven o’clock had come and gone, and still she stared at the hunk of plastic on her desk.
Make the call already.
Being in her home office today was a joke. Even though she needed her job now more than ever, work was the last thing she could concentrate on.

Not after her conversation with the doctor this morning.

Then there was the call she needed to make.

She slammed her laptop shut as fear roared through her with more force than the jaws of an angry pit bull. Dread settled around her heart like wet sand as she picked up the receiver and cajoled her way around Daegen Tan’s secretary.

The seconds before he picked up ticked by slower than years. He would either be angry or shocked to hear from her after the way she walked out on him years ago. Maybe both.

Or not.

She was probably just a speck in his love life. He’d most likely moved on and long-forgotten her name. Especially if she could believe half of what the papers wrote about him.

A tiny burst of hope he’d forgiven her inflated her chest.

“Make it quick, Rae. Contrary to your belief, the whole world doesn’t revolve around you. I have important business waiting.” His deep baritone issued a warning, reverberating like thunder rumbling in the distance. And just like a far off storm, Rae couldn’t tell how disastrous this downpour would be when it struck.

The balloon in her chest fizzled. She struggled to summon her voice because behind his anger, there was pain. Caused by her.

Fingers of panic squeezed her windpipe. Her grip tightened around the phone.

“Speak,” he said harshly.

A disgusted grunt escaped her. She didn’t need GPS to locate her voice after a comment like that. “I’m not a dog, Daegen. I don’t do tricks on command.”

“No, you prefer to make others perform circus acts. Right before you walk out of their lives forever.” The echoes of humiliation and indignation deepened his tone.

Guilt tensed the muscles in her shoulders. Touché. She’d been the one to leave without explanation. She deserved his angry response.

Rae shook her head mutely. Didn’t need to dredge up the details of their painful past to know she was in the wrong. This seemed like a good time to remind herself the best defense was a good offense.

“I need to see you.”

“Impossible.” The word came out swift and definite.


“I’m busy. Tell me what you’re after, and perhaps I’ll reconsider.”

“This is business, not personal,” she said. Her pounding heart and dry mouth belied her words.

His throaty growl goose bumped her arms. “Yet you used our personal relationship to get past my secretary and convince her to interrupt an important meeting. Give me a reason not to end this call.”

“Uh-I-well, don’t. Okay. It’s important.” She held her breath half expecting to hear a click as an invisible band tightened around her chest. Problem was she desperately needed to make her case in person. The phone was too impersonal, and she couldn’t read his body language to determine if she had the slightest chance of bending his iron will. Based on his reaction so far, a personal appeal was out of the question.

“We both know you’re better at business than this,” he cut into her thoughts, “if commerce is your façade for this disruption, get on with it.”

There was no trace of the feelings they’d shared, anger or otherwise, in his tone now. He shot daggers of ice and impatience.
You had this coming.

“Look. Take a meeting—”

“Won’t do any good to pretend this isn’t personal,” he said slicing through her words. “How could it not be?”

“It isn’t for me, Daegen, but I’m seeing it is for you,” she said, fighting off nerves threatening to make her body quake. “Let’s talk in person. Not over the phone like this.” She paused, hearing the shakiness in her own voice. She’d been fiercely determined to keep her emotions contained. Start crying with him on the line and she might never stop.

Her fingers drummed on her desk. She prayed he wouldn’t demand an explanation.

“Do I get to know why at least?”

“I can make it worth your while.” Damn. Did that come out as desperate? If so, she’d lost any shred of leverage right then and there. She’d meant to say mutually beneficial.
Worth his while
put the situation in a totally different frame. Give him the upper hand and she might jeopardize her mission.

“I leave tonight. You can arrange to meet with me in my villa through my assistant,” he said.

Oh, God, no. Her pulse climbed up her throat. Not there. Anywhere but there. The one place he’d shed his Kevlar-wrapped disposition and revealed a side of himself a rare few had ever seen.

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