The Billionaire Bum (21 page)

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Authors: Samantha Blair

Tags: #Romance, #Suspense, #Fiction

BOOK: The Billionaire Bum
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Her sleeping body shifted and her smooth thigh came in contact with my aching cock. I suppressed a moan and tightened my hand around my pillow. She snuggled into my chest, and I stroked her back gently.

She was mumbling softly in her sleep, but I couldn’t make out many of the words. I willed myself to go back to sleep. A few minutes later it became apparent that sleep would be impossible. She let out a sexy moan and rocked her hips against my leg.

Running my hands along the smooth span of her back, I gently cupped her ass and tugged her against me. I couldn't help myself; I had to have her again. I gently rolled her onto her back.

She moaned softly but did not wake. She was apparently a very sound sleeper. I began at her neck, placing soft kisses on her skin, tasting her, touching her. Her perfect nipples perked up at my touch, and I lapped at them with my tongue.

Her hands suddenly sunk into my hair, and she inhaled a shocked breath. I chuckled.

“Good morning, baby,” I murmured against her soft skin before sucking the pink tip of her breast into my mouth.

She arched up under me and said my name in the sexiest voice I had ever heard. Fuck, she was hot. She was content in her half-asleep state to let me explore her body at my leisure. I took my time, working her slowly, using my lips and teeth and tongue to make her squirm beneath me. I kissed every inch of skin that I could find from her firm breasts to her soft legs.

She was incredibly vocal, and it drove me wild. I loved the reactions I could pull from her sweet body. I spread her legs wider with my hands and lowered my mouth to her dripping sex. I ran the tip of my tongue along the crease between her leg and her core, and she bucked her hips hard. I put one hand on her hip and the other on the inside of her thigh to steady her and hold her open.

I took a slow lick all the way up the length of her slit, tasting her sweet juices. She was so wet for me. I alternated sucking and licking her clit as she writhed around under my firm grip. I wanted her panting and begging before I would let her come. Again and again I brought her close to her peak only to pull away and begin again, leaving her tightly strung and unfulfilled.

“You are so mean,” she whined, and I chuckled against her, using the vibrations to my advantage. I wanted to tease her like this for hours, but my cock felt differently. I was quickly losing the battle with my own self-control.

“Tell me what you want, Alissa.”

“I want you inside me.”

I managed to get her on her hands and knees, her beautiful ass raised up before me. I positioned myself between her legs and rubbed the head of my cock against her folds.

She arched her back as I pushed into her, and we both moaned. She was so hot and so tight. She felt spectacular. I gripped her hips and thrust into her gently. I used my hands to stimulate every part of her body that I could reach starting at her hips and then palming her breasts. She gushed wet heat over me when I pinched her nipples.

My girl likes it a little bit on the rough side. Fuck, yes.

The pressure in my balls was building, and I knew I would not be able to hold out much longer. She was just too damn good. I moved one hand between her legs and rubbed her clitoris gently. She bucked against my palm. I snapped my hips into her harder.

She came around me, squeezing my cock with her tight snatch, and crying my name.

Every caveman instinct that I had took over, and I drilled her hard, gripping her hips firmly, and finding my own release.

I collapsed in a heap on the bed next to her with a goofy grin on my face.

“Jackson?” she said, still out of breath.

“Yes, Alissa?”

“I’ll make a deal with you.”

“What’s that?”

“If you wake me up like that every morning, I’ll make you French toast every day.” I laughed and placed a kiss on her cute nose. “French toast sounds fantastic.”


What a way to wake up.

I regretted to admit that I needed to get out of bed and start the day. I really wanted to stay here and do that again... and again. I swung my legs out of Jackson’s bed and hopped into the shower. I was going to use the guest room. If we showered together, I would never get him his promised French toast before he had to go to work.

We agreed that I would make breakfast at the restaurant, and then Jackson would go to the office. He was hoping to be done in time to help me move in the new tables, but I knew he had a ton of work to catch up on. I felt terrible for monopolizing all of his time. We dressed and headed out of Jackson’s place.

“Which keys did you grab?” I asked while we waited for the elevator. I wondered if he had a car to go with every mood. It would be really helpful if I knew that he drove the corvette when angry or the Jag when nervous. Did he have an “I just got laid” car?

“Um, the Audi,” he answered. “Did you want to take something else?”

“No,” I said. “I was just wondering.”

He considered me for a moment and then retraced his steps and picked up another set of keys. “You’re right.” He smiled at me. “We should take the Vanquish. I fucking love that car, and I never drive it.”

“Jackson, I didn’t mean for you to...”

“I want to, Alissa. I’ve learned a lot in the past two weeks, and my favorite lesson is that I took a lot of things for granted in my life. I am going to appreciate and enjoy the things that I have from now on and that means not letting those 460 horses sit idle.” I cocked an eyebrow at him. “Am I going to be able to get into this one?” He snorted. “No, but I won’t let you fall.”

He helped me into the car as promised. “Thank you, Mr. Bond” I said as he shut the door, which then led to a discussion of how cool the 007 cars were, and how awesome the actors were, and what a womanizing asshole the character was. Those movies made my feminist-alter-ego cringe.

He hummed and moaned in appreciation of my cooking, which made me want to jump him again, but we both had other things to be doing today so I refrained. I kissed him good-bye a little while later and watched him cross the street to get into his sleek sports car. I wondered for the five millionth time what he was doing with me. He had it all: cars, money, class, looks, brains, and everything else you could want. It made no sense that he wanted to be with me, but still, I would not look a gift horse in the mouth. I would enjoy it for as long as he would have me.

I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and spent a little time doing laundry and other everyday tasks that I hadn’t had much time for lately. I knew things would only get busier when I reopened the restaurant.

The new paint was dry in the dining room so I removed the painter’s tape and cleared away the plastic. One more good cleaning of the floor and we would be ready to move the new furniture in. I was still heartbroken over the vandalism, but I had to admit that the new look was going to be incredible. I was excited to reopen and see what the public thought.

Around 11:00 my phone rang, and I hobbled across the wet floor to get it.

“Dad?” I asked.

“Alissa,” he said, “I have news. The local PD picked up Ryan this morning. He confessed to vandalizing your restaurant. He was connected with Kayla.”

“Did they get her, too?”

“No, she wasn’t with him. They are still looking for her. She was supposedly involved in the vandalism as well.”

“Okay. Do the police need me to do anything?”

“No, just stay put, I’ll be in touch when I have more information.”

“Okay, thanks Dad.”

“Sure Sweetie. What time is the truck coming? I’ll help unload.”

“They said around 2:00. I’ll see you then?”

“Yeah. Bye, Alissa.”

“Bye, Dad.”

That was a typical phone conversation with my dad, straight to the point. I let out a deep breath. I couldn’t wait until this whole thing was resolved. I just wanted to go back to normal.

Well, normal plus Jackson. I would take on a million Kaylas if I got to keep him, but it was still stressful not knowing if my restaurant was really safe. Even if they caught her, we would be battling all of this out in court for a while, too. Just the thought of it was exhausting.

I returned to scrubbing the floor. The paint was almost all gone; just a faint hint of their sloppy scrawl was left. No one would ever know the difference.

I heard the backdoor squeak open.

“I’m in here, Tyler,” I called.

I froze. It sounded like high heels clicking across the floor.

“Do I look like Tyler to you?”

Chapter 29: Surprise After Surprise


I swung around, trying not to slip on the wet floor.

“Fuck! Lexy! You scared the shit out of me.”

“Geez, chill out. You knew I was coming over to help you hang the new curtains.” I took a couple of deep breaths. “Of course, Lex, I’m sorry. I just got off the phone with my dad, and I was thinking about Kayla, and I thought you were her. Paranoid moment.” I breathed a sigh of relief.

“What’s the latest news?”

I filled her in about Ryan’s arrest while we finished the floor. All that was left were curtains and furniture. I was stoked.

As expected, Tyler showed up a little while later and helped to reach some of the tall things that Lexy and I couldn’t get. I wasn’t dumb enough to try to get on a ladder with my clumsy feet.

Tyler and I made lunch together while Lexy finished up in the dining room, and it felt awesome to get back into a cooking rhythm with him. So much had happened in the last week, and I really needed this feeling of normalcy.

Lexy filled me in on all the David gossip. It sounded like the two of them were really hitting it off. They had been seeing a lot of each other. Lexy got this dreamy look on her face when she talked about him, and I recognized the emotion immediately. I recognized it, because I saw it on my own face every time I looked in the mirror. She was a woman in love.

As I listened to Lexy prattle on about him, I realized that I hadn’t ever told Jackson how I felt. We’d had a lot of deep conversations – like the night in the bar, when he told me about the homeless week and all the things he’d learned, or the night of the storm when he held me and we discussed art, philosophy, and life in general, but we hadn’t talked very much about us. I was content to just take things one day at a time, but I wanted Jackson to know how strong my feelings were. I hadn’t taken the time to admit it to myself, but I was in love with him. I was hopelessly head over heels, and I loved every minute of it.

I couldn’t keep the goofy smile from spreading across my face. I really needed to get some more alone time with that boy... man... my thoughts wandered back to last night... and this morning... definitely all man.

“I’m sorry, Lexy, what did you say?”

She just laughed at me, and then asked me to hand her a different screwdriver. She couldn’t make fun of me because she was just as over the moon as I was.

My dad showed up around 2:00, and Jackson showed up at 2:30. The truck was late. At 3:00, Jackson suggested that we try to get the truck driver on the phone. There was no answer on his cell. At 3:30 the truck finally pulled up into the alley. We all went out into the side alley to greet the driver and help bring in the furniture. What met us, however, was not the truck driver we had expected.

Her eyes were bloodshot like she hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks. Her hair was a mess, and it looked as if she was recovering from a punch to the jaw.

In her hand was a .357 revolver.

I skidded to a halt when I saw her, but it was too late. We were all pinned by the narrowness of the alley. We were directly in her gun sights.


No. Oh, God, no.

“Kayla,” I said as calmly as I could, “please put down the gun.”

“You bastard,” she said pointing the gun directly at me.

That’s right, focus on me. Leave them out of it.

“You fucking bastard. You took everything. I loved him, damn it, and you took him away from me.” Her hands were shaking badly. She was very unstable. “Why couldn’t you just buy the fucking company? You had plenty of money? Don’t you know how hard I worked on that? It was going to be our ideal life. We were going to run off to Mexico. He was going to marry me.” The tears were streaming freely down her cheeks. She was absolutely hysterical.

“Kayla, we can work this out. Just put the gun down...”

“No, you fucking prick,” she screamed, “I am done working things out with you. You never gave a rat’s ass about my opinion. It’s always been your way or the highway.” She was moving closer to me, her eyes fixed on mine. I needed to keep her focused on me.

I saw Mark shifting his stance out of the corner of my eye, and I hoped he was doing what I thought he was doing.

“That’s not true, Kayla. I value your opinion.”
Stay with me. Focus all that hate right

“Liar. You fucking liar!” She was still advancing on me. “You cost me the love of my life, my future, my dreams. Everything!”

How had I let it get this bad? She was completely insane. She was going to kill us all. I could barely understand her. Her words were broken and tortured.

“And now... now... I am going to take from you what you took from me.” She turned away from me and pointed the gun at Alissa, I tried to block her path, but Mark was faster. He had drawn his gun slowly as she spoke, and when she turned to aim at Alissa, he shot Kayla twice, squarely in the chest. The gunshots echoed loudly in the small alley.

Kayla fell to the ground in a heap. Her gun clattered to the pavement.

The policemen who had been stationed at the front of the building ran around the corner yelling into their radios about an ambulance. Alissa buried her face in my chest. I had never been so glad to hold her. I realized how close I had come to losing her.

“Shhh, baby,” I soothed, “It’s over. It’s all over now.” Mark went into cop mode, and the excitement swirled around us. Kayla was pronounced dead at the scene by the paramedics. Mark handled the statements and other police matters. We were all shaken up, but virtually unharmed.

The truck driver was found in the back of the hijacked truck, duct tapped to one of Alissa’s new chairs. I felt terrible about the mess I’d involved him in, but he was amazingly understanding. I had my lawyers provide him with a settlement. They found a legal loophole, which allowed me to compensate him if he agreed not to talk to the press. I didn’t care about the legal jargon; I just wanted to make sure that he didn’t need to drive truck any more if he didn’t want to. He deserved some time off.

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