The Billionaire Cowboy's Love: A Billionaire BWWM Western Romance (2 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Cowboy's Love: A Billionaire BWWM Western Romance
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Next morning, Blake was still in bed when George knocked on his door.

“Sir may I come in?”

“Yes” Blake spoke in a drowsy voice.

“Sir you have an important call from New York.” George spoke in a haste as he held a phone in his hand and stood in front of Blake.

“Can’t you tell them to wait or call later?”

“Sorry, it’s an urgent call sir,”

Blake laid out his hand without further argument and took the phone from George.

“I will be waiting outside” George headed out of the room.

After a while, as Blake continued to speak on the phone, Sara entered his room without knocking.

“Excuse me?” Sara spoke in a soft voice.

Blake turned and looked at her. He was shocked and delighted to see her standing in his room.


“I am sorry to disturb you but breakfast is served and your parents are waiting for you downstairs.”

“I don’t need breakfast yet. I am busy, tell them to continue eating without me.”

“I am sorry but I really think your parents would like you to join them for breakfast and I don’t think you should disappoint them.” Sara spoke confidently.

“But as you can see, I am on a very important business call.” Blake pointed at the phone in his hands.

“Yes I can see that but I think the people who are waiting for you downstairs are more important than any business calls. Of course, furthermore, it is your decision” Sara spoke while eye balling him and soon left the room without further conversation.

Blake stood frozen for a while and then got back to his phone to say, “I will talk to you later.”


Meanwhile, downstairs, Sara entered the dining hall where Blake’s parents were seated around the table.

“Did you call Blake, Sara?” Jane questioned as Sara approached her.

“I did but he is busy and maybe won’t be coming down to join you for breakfast.”

“Who said that?” Blake spoke from behind as he entered the dining hall, “Good morning everyone” he greeted politely and sat beside her mother.

“I thought you were on an important business call.” Sara taunted and raised an eyebrow as she looked at Blake.

“Not really. I think the people who were waiting for me downstairs are more important than any business calls.” Blake spoke flirtatiously and smiled at Sara.

“Well, you are here now, let’s start the breakfast” Jane spoke by looking at Blake and then turned her glare at Sara, “And Sara why don’t you join us please.” Jane offered and insisted on Sara joining them as well. Sara agreed.

As the breakfast proceeded, the family ate while gossiping a little and after the breakfast was done, everyone headed back to their rooms.


“Sir?” George followed Blake as he headed towards his room after the breakfast.

“You gave me a task about Sara yesterday and well I have the entire information.” George spoke contently with a smile.

“Great! Tell me everything but not here. Let’s head outside.” Blake walked out of the house and George followed him. They stood in the backyard and their conversation started.

“Now tell me?” Blake stood and looked at George to continue.

“Her name is Sara Cameron. She is 30 years old and lives alone in a small house downtown. She took her medical degree from the local college of this town and she was the top student of her class. After her degree, she has worked around different hospitals where she was admired for her work. Your father is the first patient that she has been privately working for and…”

“George, George, tell me about her personal life, not her work achievements please.” Blake interrupted.

“Oh yes sir, I was just getting to that sorry. She has never been married...”

“Does she have a boyfriend?” Blake interrupted again.

“No sir. In the past she had two to three boyfriends over time but she never had a long-term serious relationship with anyone. According to her neighbor, Sara is not a man pleaser and was too mature as compared to the sort of boyfriends she had, which is why none of her relationship really worked out. Anyway, she is currently single and has not been in a relationship for over more than a year. In fact, as far as my research goes, she is not even in a budding romance with anyone.”

“Anything else?” Blake was smiling by now and felt contented with the information that George had provided him with.

“Nothing much. But there’s one small detail; she is the sole supporter of her mother, emotionally and financially. Since she doesn’t have any other siblings, and her father died due to an illness when she was very young, she is the only one left who earns and supports her mother.” George concluded and awaited Blake’s response.

“Well thank you George. As always, you managed to make me happy with the effort you put in your work. That will be all for now” Blake spoke with a smile and George nodded with a smile too.

“Damn! Everything about you is so appealing. I was waiting to know everything about you first, but now, its time to work and make you mine
.” Blake thought contentedly as he headed back inside the house and looked around for Sara. He finally found her in his father’s room where Sara was adjusting his father’s drip.




“Hello.” Blake greeted Sara as he entered the room.

“Sshh.” Sara quickly turned and silenced Blake.” Please keep your voice down, your father is finally resting now.” Sara whispered as she walked towards Blake.

“Oh sorry. I came here to talk to you.” Blake spoke in a low voice.

“Well sure but not here. We can talk outside while your father rests.” Sara spoke as she headed out the door.

Once outside the room, she said, “You wanted to tell me something?”

“I just came in to tell you that I find you gorgeous and…”

“You made me come out here so that you can tell me that?” Sara interrupted and felt surprised at Blake’s sudden advance at her.

“I am not finished yet Ms. Sara.”

Sara stayed silent and allowed Blake to continue.

“So as I was saying, you are a gorgeous lady and I have met many women in my life but none were as appealing as you are.”

“Are you now done Mr. Blake? Sorry but I need to go back inside to your father.” Sara spoke rudely and headed back towards the room without giving an ear to what Blake wanted to say or without further giving him the chance to speak.

“This act of yours just made you must more desirable Sara. I love to accomplish things that are difficult to attain. And I will achieve you one day for sure.”
Blake thought as he looked at Sara walking away from him.


The next morning Sara was in church with her mother and after the ceremony ended, they made their way out of the church. Sara’s mother was a very social lady, which is why as she came out, an old lady stopped to talk to her. Sara soon became bored with the conversation and excused them by saying, “You guys can continue your chatter and I will be waiting for you at the church’s gate, all right?”


Sara’s mother nodded and she made her way towards the gate. As she walked, she saw a Ferrari standing by and she wondered if anyone in their church group was rich enough to afford such an expensive car. But as she walked closer, she saw Blake and George standing by the car and she realized whom the car really belonged to. Blake saw Sara and walked towards her with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. The bouquet that Blake carried looked beautiful, as it was a combination of Sara’s favorite flowers; white lilies and red roses.

“Hello gorgeous.” Blake greeted as he approached Sara who was beautifully dressed in a white dress with her hair tied in a bun. “These are for you” Blake handed in the flower bouquet to Sara.

“Umm thank you. They are beautiful.” Sara spoke politely as she looked at the flowers.

“Not more than you of course.”

“What are you doing here?” Sara questioned and did not respond to Blake’s flirting.

“Well, I came here to meet you.”


“What do you mean by why? Am I not allowed to come and meet you?”

“No. I mean why are you doing all this Mr. Blake. Maybe I was not clear enough yesterday but I am not interested in you in any manner, so please you have to stop doing all this.”

“Doing what Sara? I just came here to meet you and give you these beautiful flowers. Is that something offensive to you?”

“Yes it is! And how did you know I was here at the church anyway?”

“I have my ways and sources for that. Besides, I told you, I find you gorgeous.”

“Oh please, will you stop.”

“Now what? Is complimenting a beautiful woman like you, a crime too in your world?”

“You know nothing about my world Mr. Blake, so please stop pretending like you do”

“I may not be familiar as to how your world is, but I am well familiar with it, I know everything about you.”

“So you already ran a background check on me right? I don’t even understand why you are doing all this. What possible benefit will you achieve by following me around like this?”

“Ok, let’s make it simple for you. I want you Sara Cameron. In clearer terms, I want you to me mine.”

“That’s ridiculous. Look, while you are in this town, go find something useful to do with your precious time instead of wasting your time on me because I am not interested in being a billionaire’s arm candy.”

“What? I didn’t say anything about you being my arm candy. Now look who is being ridiculous herself.”

“Mr. Blake…”

“Hello?” Sara’s mother approached the couple from behind, “what’s going on here. Who is this fine gentleman Sara?” her mother asked as she looked at Blake.

“Hello ma’am, I am Blake Nathaniel. I am Sara’s friend. I am sure you must be Sara’s sister right?”

“Oh heavens, no. I am Sara’s mother. My name is Sofia Cameron.” She blushed while answering.

“Mother? Really? Well now I know where Sara gets her good looks from.”

“Well, it’s certainly not from her father’s side.” Sofia giggled.

“Mom, I think we are getting late. We should be heading home now.” Sara interrupted them because she couldn’t bear any more conversations with Blake.

“Well, all right. It was nice meeting you Blake.” Sofia smiled.

“Trust me, the pleasure was all mine. Besides, I love meeting such stunning women like yourself.”

Sara’s mother blushed again and spoke as she giggled. “Oh you are such a pleaser, Blake. Sara, why don’t you invite your friend over to our place sometime?”

“Yea Sara why don’t you?” Blake smiled and teased Sara.

“Mom, please let’s just go home. I am getting late.” Sara spoke in frustration.

“Ok, ok. Well, we will meet later Blake.”

“Sure Sofia.”




“So what’s up with that man, Sara? He sure was handsome.” Sofia questioned as they entered Sara’s house.

“Mom please stop all right? Please just ignore him like I do.”

“I cannot just ignore him Sara. At least, tell me about him.” Sara’s mother insisted.

“As he told you his name is Blake. He is the son of the man that I am privately nursing nowadays.”

“You mean he is the son of Mathew and Jane?”

“Yes mom. He is their billionaire son and he came to town few days back. He has been flirting with me ever since he got here. In the beginning I ignored him and thought maybe he was just playing around but today he just crossed his limits by following me all the way to the church.” Sara spoke angrily.

“Well, he was certainly very charming.”

“Mom!” Sara exclaimed in irritation.

“Ok, ok. If you have such a problem with that guy, why don’t you just complain to Jane about her son’s acts?”

“His parents are a bunch of sweet people. They have treated me like a part of their family and I don’t want to upset them by complaining. And Blake is a grown man anyway, I am sure he is not a child about whom I can complain to his parents in order to set him straight.”

“Oh that’s right. So then, what are you going to do then?”

“I am going to ignore him.”

“Ignore him?”

“Yes mom. That is my plan. What else can I do?”

“Are you sure ignoring will work? I mean that man looked pretty determined to get you Sara. I think he is highly interested in you.”

“But I am not mom. I don’t know what to do about this now.”

“Well, why don’t you just quit working for his family?” Sofia suggested.

“You are seriously telling me that? Mom, you know I can’t leave my job, especially because of a stubborn billionaire. Besides we need the money.”

“You are a good nurse Sara. You can find some other job.”

“Mom, I cannot just leave Mr. Mathew like that. He needs medical attention and I am his nurse. You know how honest I am with my work and I have a liability to look after that poor ill man”

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