The Billionaire's Counterfeit Girlfriend (25 page)

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Authors: Nadia Lee

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Billionaire's Counterfeit Girlfriend
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Heat flooded his face. “I wanted a drink.”

“You know my liquor cabinet’s always open.”

Iain’s head dipped in shame. It was shitty of him to lie to his dad after dragging him out of bed at two a.m. “I was just pissed.”

Salazar raised his chin, something he did only when extremely angry. “Most people would cut off an arm to switch places with you, and you do something like this because you’re
.” He looked up at the concrete ceiling. “Well, ain’t that a kick in the pants.”

Anger surged through Iain. His fists tightened as he glared at his father. “Why aren’t you divorcing Mom?”

“Divorce your mother? Why on earth should I?”

“You know she’s been cheating on you. That’s why you started having affairs, right? To get back at her, to punish her.”
Except you also punished the rest of us

Salazar’s gaze came down and rested on Iain, his face devoid of expression. “No. I cheated first.” He shrugged. “But she knew I wasn’t the faithful type when she married me.”

Shame and anger thickened in Iain’s blood. They coated his mouth and lungs like tar, suffocating him, and he felt regret burn through his gut.

Salazar wasn’t finished. “Now listen, because I’m about to tell you something important. You’re a fool to let such a minor thing affect you like this. If you’d really lost control and killed one of those lowlifes, all my money and connections wouldn’t have been enough to save you.” His face twisted into an awful mask full of derision and pity. “When your grandmother said you should toughen up, she didn’t mean grow up and become a thug with the best karate chop in the cage. She meant emotionally. Emotions do not rule a man. You need to build a wall around yourself so you’re not so easily affected by things like this. Learn to rein it in, keep things in proper perspective. This mindless violence…it’s no better than being an animal.”

Salazar stepped back and adjusted the lapels of his suit. “Now, I’m going to go see about getting you out of here. Try not to kill anyone until I get back.” He turned and walked to the door. There was a buzz and he left.

Iain buried his hot face in his hands. His eyes burned, but tears didn’t come. Now that the initial shock of his father’s revelation dissipated, shame at his judgmental attitude seeped into his bones like poison. And he had no idea how to mend the past hurt.

It took about an hour for his father to reappear. In that time Iain focused on the future—he’d quit cage fighting and go back to school. And hone his body and mind until nothing could get to him.

Those would be the first few steps toward making amends.

Chapter One

The wintry wind nipped at Jane Connolly, its bite painful without a jacket. It wasn’t the brightest idea for a woman to be out alone, but she really needed a job, and if she moved her car she would lose her free spot. And these days, free was important.

As the back door to the small Italian bistro came into view, she slowed down and sniffed her white button-down shirt surreptitiously. It and a pair of soft khakis were her best interview outfit—old, but presentable. A sigh escaped her lips when she couldn’t detect any odor. The laundry really should’ve been done the day before, but she hadn’t been able to find a laundromat within walking distance of her car. At least
was clean—she’d scrubbed her face and brushed her teeth in a fast-food restaurant bathroom. All the time she’d been in there, her stomach had twisted at the smell of hot, greasy burgers and fries. She’d almost begged for a bite to eat.

She blinked away sudden tears. Crying before an interview was not the way to win brownie points. So what if this wasn’t how she imagined her life in a big city would be? She couldn’t go home as a total failure. The pity—and all the
I told you so
s—would be unbearable.

Wiping away the tears, she pulled her shoulders back and stiffened her spine. She had to just grit her teeth and do and say the right things. If the restaurant manager knew she was living out of a car, he might not give her the job. Sad to say, but some people judged.

The loud conversations in the kitchen died as she opened the door. A big, beefy man with a ruddy olive-toned face turned to her, while others stared. “Can I help you?” he asked.

“Yes. My name’s Jane Connolly.” She cleared her throat. “I heard you’re hiring a cook?”

He gave her a cursory glance. “You heard wrong.”

“I’m sorry?”

He shrugged his thick shoulders. “Just what I said. No opening in the kitchen.” It was painful to watch his bad acting.

“I saw your ad. And I asked your waitress.” She clenched her hands as her palms grew damp.

“The ad had a typo. And the waitress was mistaken.” He studied his fingertips. One of the kitchen crew behind him sniggered, and he shot him a nasty glare. The sound stopped instantly.

She swallowed a hot ball of humiliation. He wasn’t going to get rid of her so easily. “Look, I really need this job. I can do the work.”

“No, honey, you can’t. We only hire new graduates from the CIA.”

Jane glared at the man. He was having fun at her expense, while she was begging for a job and some self-respect. “Why would you need spies in a kitchen?”

The place erupted with laughter. The man wiped a tear from a corner of his eye. Finally he managed a semblance of a serious expression and turned to her. “If you need a job that bad, we might could use a waitress. A lot of our customers tip pretty well.”

“But I don’t want to be a waitress.”

“Then we can’t hire you. Look…uh…”

One of the crew said, “Her name’s Jane.”

“Right. Jane. If you really want to work in a restaurant, you should be glad to take any job, yeah? Can’t always get your dream job fresh out of college.”

“I’m not fresh out of college,” Jane said. “I’m twenty-six.”

“You look like you’re barely twenty-one.” He shrugged again. “If you don’t want to work, then it’s no skin off my nose.” He turned to the kitchen crew. “All right, you lazy bastards! We got dinner to serve!”

The men started hustling.

She couldn’t even speak through the hard knot that had traveled from her belly to her throat. She left before she broke down and begged for a chance. At least the man had been kinder than the others in her hometown. But the message was always the same: she wasn’t good enough to be paid.

Jane trudged along the broken and uneven pavement of Washington D.C. back toward her car. More than half the sun was already under the horizon, and shadows stretched along the sidewalks. Most old apartment buildings and townhouses had their curtains drawn, and light seeped out around the edges. The area had the mingled smells of a dozen different dinners, and Jane took a deep breath.

One day
One day

Maybe sometime in the future she’d look back on this and laugh about it. Even make a joke of it. “Oh yeah, that time when I got rejected. Again. It was hard, but I made it. I was willing to work and determined to succeed,” she’d say. “And sure enough, my chance came. I just knew it’d happen for me if I kept at it.”

As she moved farther from the bistro, more cracks and potholes appeared. The frigid air held a mixture of old grease and human waste and trash. Here, the homes didn’t smell like warm dinner. Loud catcalls and rough laughter drifted from somewhere, and she half-ran to her car. They probably weren’t directed at her—they sounded too far away, but she cringed anyway, her neck tense and shoulders raised.

Not for the first time in her life, she wished she’d been born a man. Then people wouldn’t laugh at her when she applied for work in a kitchen or think she’d never amount to anything.

And a man would’ve never fallen for a con artist like Gio.

Work in somebody else’s kitchen? Get outta here
you gotta think big
Why work for somebody when you can be the boss and do what you want? If they don’t wanna hire you
screw ’em
Who says you can’t start your own restaurant?

God, how persuasive he’d been. He’d shown her glossy photos of new restaurant openings across the country and created a beautiful vision. And he’d been the first person to tell her she could succeed. If he’d been trying to get into her pants, she might’ve blown him off, but he’d always behaved perfectly.

She’d been so convinced he was on her side, that he really wanted to see her do well. She’d opened a line of credit, using her portion of the family land as collateral. And she’d given him fifty thousand to buy equipment from liquidation auctions and secure a lease.

He’d used the money to pay off his bookie.

She put the heel of her hand against her belly and rubbed the hot and painful spot.

There was no way to get the money back—Gio apparently didn’t even have a job. It was up to her to make it right, and she’d rather be dead than have the bank take the land that had been in her family for three generations. Her family didn’t deserve to lose their legacy because she’d been stupid and gullible. They might not have supported her, but none of it was out of cruelty. They simply didn’t see her as anything other than the little girl who stayed home and cooked and cleaned because that was the role she’d played since forever.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out to check the caller. Speak of the devil.

“I asked you to stop calling,” she snapped.

“You bitch, you think you can run and keep my money?” came Gio’s low voice. It had sounded as smooth as whipped cream when they first met, but now it reminded her of loose nails in a can.

money. You stole it from me.”

“It was a fuckin’ investment! I told you that already!”

“It was your
gambling debt

“You can’t hide forever, Jane. I know how to find you.”

“No, you don’t.”

“You’re gonna be sorry!” he yelled. “You cun—”

She hung up, shaky with anger and frustration. She had no interest in his ranting or insults. She’d heard enough when he’d realized she wasn’t going to hand him any more cash. Apparently he’d still owed money to the bookie.
He stole fifty thousand bucks
, she thought. How much more could he owe?

Finally she reached the small street where she’d parked her rusty old Chevy. She’d been so certain if she’d moved out of her hometown, where everyone saw her as “that nice Connolly girl,” she’d be able to get a good-paying job and a place of her own. Instead she’d spent the last few weeks alone in her car in a hostile city eating nothing but stale crackers and processed cheese.

She swallowed bitterness.
No self-pity
. It wouldn’t do her any good to feel sorry for herself or wish she could go home. Going home meant admitting defeat. Unlike some of the town’s people, her family wouldn’t openly gloat, but it would be in their eyes when she returned with her tail tucked between her legs.

Jane frowned as she got closer to her car. There was something odd about the Chevy, like it was sort of sitting too low. She hurried toward it and then she saw Gio hadn’t been kidding when he’d bragged that he knew where she was.
was spray-painted across the windshield in a bright apple red, and all four of the tires had been slashed.

Jane stared at the car, willing it to be a dream. But it wasn’t. The windshield still sported the horrible four-letter word in all caps, and her tires didn’t magically heal themselves.

She couldn’t drive and live in a car like this, and she didn’t have the money to fix it. She had no job after months of searching. Her bank had given her a sixty-thousand-dollar line of credit, but she couldn’t take even a penny out of it. She already owed so much.

As she stared at her car, her breath caught in her throat. A nasty tremor started in her hands, and she closed her eyes.

Then she lost it.

* * *

Iain Pryce forced his hands to remain relaxed on the steering wheel of his cousin’s brand new Maserati, but twin hammers still beat against his temples. He should’ve never gone to Maryland to meet his old mixed martial arts buddies. As much as he liked them, they reminded him of the worst night of his life.

Most of them had retired from MMA fighting and owned gyms or other businesses. They’d talked about the good ol’ days. A few had asked Iain why he’d retired and how life was treating him. Iain had smiled the entire time and made jokes but never really answered the questions.

He should’ve stayed in L.A., but the city was making it hard to maintain his usual even keel. His parents had recently elevated their silent passive aggression to another level. They’d never had an ideal marriage, despite their high-society moniker—The Eternal Couple. But there was something new in their relationship that really set his teeth on edge…if he allowed it to.

Then there was Mark’s engagement. Iain was glad for his younger brother, but watching him be stupidly happy with his fiancée twisted something inside, and it shamed him. He should be totally ecstatic that Mark had finally hooked up with a nice girl, but maybe he was just annoyed he’d lost a perfect wingman for clubbing.

Iain frowned, then had to swerve sharply when another car suddenly decided to shift into his lane.
, he admonished himself. He pulled his car to the right, breathing in and out to a slow four-count and resisting the impulse to curse.

The exit coming up looked vaguely familiar, so he took it. Maybe he’d reached McLean already.

He soon realized his error. There was no way these cracked streets and defaced signs belonged to his cousin Elizabeth Pryce-Reed’s swanky neighborhood. Where in the hell was he? Thanks to Elizabeth’s paranoia about stalkers—she’d had a few—she’d ripped the GPS out of the car, so he couldn’t even use the latest technology to get himself back to her place.

He took out his phone. He’d forgotten to charge it the night before, but it probably had enough juice left for a call or two. The phone flashed LOW BATTERY as he dialed Elizabeth, then an X appeared over the battery status as it rang, and before she could answer, it died.

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