The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal (Billionaire Bachelors Series - Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Marriage Proposal (Billionaire Bachelors Series - Book 4)
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Jennifer was damning, both him and her, for the power he had over her. She jerked beneath him, trying to pull away, and her struggles caused him to harden within her folds. Her eyes rounded at the intense pleasure of him growing inside her. She’d never felt anything like that and as he once again started moving within her, she lost all control.

“Damn you,” she said on a breathless sigh, before he took her lips with his and led her over the edge once again. After they were finished, which was a long time later, he wrapped her in his arms, and she fell asleep with her head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat, and taking in his masculine scent. What really scared her was being in his arms felt like being home and she never wanted to be anywhere else.




The next few days flew by in a blur. Trenton refused to let her withdraw from him. He made love to her several times a day and she responded each time. He knew her body more intimately than even she did.

She was sore in a pleasurable way and she decided to let go and enjoy her time in Vienna. She knew the real world would come crashing back around them and she’d deal with it then. She couldn’t fight him when she wanted him so badly, so why pretend?

He took her to Salzburg and she was ecstatic touring the area where the Sound of Music was filmed. It had always been one of her absolute favorite movies and she couldn’t resist the temptation to sing out loud on the same hills as Julia Andrews had. Trenton simply laughed and followed her as she pulled him around the famous city.

They went to the grand mountains where the opening of the movie was filmed and went around Lake Fuschl. He even allowed her to lead him onto a bus that took them through the area, though he grumbled and his guards didn’t look too happy with her, either. She smiled and told them to lighten up and live like real tourists.

She even managed to get the entire bus to sing ‘the hills are alive’ on the ride around the lake, even the always non-smiling guards. Trenton was amazed at how her enthusiasm managed to pass through everyone around her.

The snow continued to fall lightly throughout the days and since there wasn’t much of it in Seattle, she enjoyed it. When they were waiting for the bus to turn around, Trenton was staring at the pureness around him when he felt a snowball come from nowhere and smack him in the side of the face.

He turned around and stared at Jennifer, incredulously. He couldn’t believe she’d dared to hit him with snow. He looked at his guards, who looked back and shrugged at him, telling him he was on his own. They, in no way, were going to protect him from the wisp of a girl.

Before he could figure out how to respond she pelted him again, right in the face, and then bent over, laughing so hard she was having a hard time breathing. He heard a chuckle come from his guards and turned to glare at them. They didn’t even try to hide their glee, which irritated him. He was becoming much too soft in her presence.

He started stalking toward her and she looked up in time to see his menacing look and then turned around and ran, slipping and sliding on the icy surface. It didn’t take him long to catch up to her and he lifted her in his arms and tossed her into a soft snow bank. She looked up at him in shock, halfway buried in the cold snow.

She grabbed a handful of snow and lobbed it at him, and reached down for more. He tackled her before she was able to release the snowball and then they were wrestling around, both getting soaked, and his body quickly hardened at the feel of her body. He took her cold lips in his, warming them both up instantly.

The bus came back and he reluctantly released her. She got one last round of snow shot off, before quickly running to the safety of the bus. He vowed to make her pay later. He glared at his guards as they walked past him, actually chuckling under their breaths.

They had lunch and visited the home of Mozart, called Mozartplatz. They also went to the beautiful plaza Residenzplatz, adorned with a historic fountain. He showed her the Salzburg Cathedral, with its wonderful beauty and history. They went through ancient cemeteries and her heart was heavy with sadness for unknown children who died too young. There were so many of the small graves.

Jennifer’s other favorite place was the fortress high on the hill above Altstadt, which was built to secure the city. It was actually never used to fend off enemy attacks, but it was a very impressive place.

They had the best apple strudel high atop the hill. She found it fascinating the delicious desert was invented in Austria. There was so much rich history in the area and she wished there was an unlimited time to explore. Maybe, someday she’d be able to bring Molly there and take her to around.

After exploring the fortress, she finally allowed Trenton to lead her back toward the hotel. They were so exhausted they ended up eating in the hotel the remainder of their tour days.

Trenton grumbled a few times he’d never walked so much in his life. She ignored him, since he was obviously in incredible shape.

When the touristy part of the trip was over and they had to get back to work, Jennifer was extremely disappointed. She’d wanted to see so much more of the region and knew she’d need at least a month.

They finished their business in Vienna, much to Trenton’s satisfaction, and soon it was time for them to head home. She was sad to see her trip end, but excited to see Molly. They had been away for only two weeks, but it felt like months. She couldn’t wait to hold her niece in her arms again.

When they boarded the jet for home, Trenton seemed to be the one who pulled back from her and although her heart ached at the distance, she knew it was for the best.

They returned home and he had to leave again for the East Coast, where he’d be gone for about a week. She found herself actually missing him in ways she didn’t think would ever be possible.



Chapter Eight


Jennifer loved Christmas more than any other time of the year. She loved everything about it, the lights, decorations, food and the happy atmosphere almost everywhere you went. She knew she tended to take things over the top a bit, but she didn’t care, and she refused to change.

She got to work early, trudging to the office, with her arms full, and two security guards behind her, barely able to walk - they had heavy containers, they insisted on carrying for her.

“Thank you for the help, guys. I really appreciate it. I could’ve made a few trips and gotten all this up here, eventually,” she told them as they set the totes down by her desk.

“We couldn’t let you carry this on your own, Ms. Stellar,” one of the guards said, as if he was affronted by the very idea. It made her happy to know there were still true gentlemen in the world.

“Well, I do appreciate your help, it simply isn’t Christmas without loads of decorations,” she said.

“I don’t know how the boss will feel about this. He did send out a memo, reminding the staff the holidays were no excuse for tackiness,” the guard said a bit warily.

“You let me take care of the boss, I won’t allow him to be a scrooge and ruin my holidays,” she told the men as she pushed them out of the office. She immediately got to work hanging decorations and lights throughout the area.

Trenton was going to be out of the office all day, giving her plenty of time to get things done. She’d deal with him when he returned, and of course, take full responsibility for the festive decorations. His anger would be well worth it, when she got to step into the office and see the beautiful colors.

Soon, other office staff started coming in. The new employees were oohing and aahing at all the pretty colors, while his employees, who’d transferred from Chicago, warned her he wouldn’t be too happy about it. Her enthusiasm was infectious, though. Soon, people were joining her in hanging up all kinds of decorations.

Some staff even went out on their lunch breaks and purchased more decorations and by the end of the day the entire floor had been transformed. She managed to get all her work done, so Trenton couldn’t complain, but for the next month she’d be able to walk into her office and feel the Christmas spirit. She smiled and wished the staff Merry Christmas as they left for the day.

It was a Monday evening and Molly was once again staying the night with her new best friend, since there wasn’t school for her the next day due to a teacher work day. It gave Jennifer time to finish the rest of her work. She hung the last piece of mistletoe, then was startled by a throat clearing. She turned around guiltily, thinking she was going to have to face Trenton a bit sooner than she’d expected. Her face lit up when she spotted George and Joseph, instead.

“We heard about the decorations going up and had to come see them,” George said. She gave him a huge smile.

“Do you like them?” she asked eagerly.

“It used to look this way when my wife was still alive. She’d make sure the holidays surrounded us and she kept the magic alive. I’m glad you’ve brought it back,” George said with a tearful sparkle in his eyes. She’d always been an affectionate person and couldn’t help herself from giving him a hug. He seemed to need one at that moment.

George accepted her hug and kissed her forehead. With the holidays coming up and only she and Molly left in her family, it felt like being home, wrapped in George’s arms. She didn’t understand how Trenton distanced himself from such a wonderful man.

“You really are a breath of fresh air for our family, Jennifer, and I’m grateful you’ve brought this all back to us,” he told her before letting go.

“I think we’ll have to send you to the other floors to make sure the entire building shines,” Joseph added. Jennifer’s eyes lit up at the thought. She didn’t know if he was serious or not, but she’d love to decorate the building.

“Just name the time and place and I’ll be there,” she told him eagerly.

“I think we could get the boss to let her off the rest of the week. Don’t you?” Joseph asked.

“I would count on it,” George said. She hoped she’d actually get to do it - it would be much better than sitting behind a desk all day. She appreciated her job, but it didn’t make her as excited as decorating did.

“I could work on the weekend if I can get a sitter for Molly,” she offered them, not wanting to anger Trenton by taking time off work.

“Weekend time is family time. We’d never expect you to work, then. There won’t be a problem with you decorating the building, we’ll take care of Trenton,” George said, as if reading her mind.

“Well, if you don’t think it’s a problem,” she said, still sounding unsure.

“We’re certainly sure,” Joseph added. The boys told her to meet them in the department store so they could get the decorations she’d need, and then they headed out. She finished the work she thought would need to be completed and decided she’d just make sure to swing by the offices at least a few hours during the day so nothing went undone.

With all her work done, Jennifer headed home. She entered her empty apartment and missed Molly. It was amazing to her how she’d grown so attached to her beautiful niece in such a short amount of time. She looked forward to the end of her day when she’d get to spend the entire evening with her.

She loved the hugs and kisses Molly gave her. Most of all she loved that her niece finally seemed healed as well as any child losing a parent can be. They were making a real home for themselves.

She went to sleep, excited to decorate the office building and looking forward to Molly coming home. She had Christmas Carols running through her mind.




Trenton stepped out of the elevator and a gasp escaped his lips. He looked around at the red and green decorations and stood silently as he also realized Carols were playing over the speakers. The offices looked as if Santa had set up his workshop right there.

He slowly walked around the offices, noticing there wasn’t a single area not touched, whether it was with lights, mistletoe, garland, or bells. Decorations were everywhere. He walked into his office and turned on his computer.

He found the memo he’d sent out and re-read it. He thought to himself his employees obviously couldn’t read because the memo specifically stated he didn’t want Christmas Decorations all over.

Trenton was getting ready to rush out his door, call a meeting, and fire whoever had dared come up with the idea to ignore his memo. He stood up, walking toward the door, when it was pushed open and his father and uncle walked in.

“You’re here nice and early, boy,” his dad said.

“I have a lot of work to do, Dad. This really isn’t a good time.”

“Oh, there’s always time for family. We came up to tell you we snatched your beautiful assistant to decorate the building, since she did such a great job, here,” Joseph said.

Trenton’s head snapped up as he gaped from his father to his uncle. He should’ve known Jennifer was the one responsible for his headache. She was always the one who seemed to push him to his limits. They were certainly going to have a few words together.

“Where is she, now?” Trenton asked through his teeth. He didn’t see the look his father and uncle gave one another.

“We are meeting her down in the store,” George said.

“Did you not think to ask me if I could spare her?” he said deceptively quiet. The two men looked at him quizzically, as if they couldn’t figure out why he’d ask such a thing. He had to count to twenty in his head before he could say anything more.

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