The Billionaire's Mistress Complete Series: Alpha Billionaire Romance (24 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Mistress Complete Series: Alpha Billionaire Romance
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The force behind it caught him off guard, and he let go, moving away.

“Enough,” I said, breathing hard. “Enough. Okay? You’ve got a fiancée.”

Just thinking about him with Paisley hurt. It was like having jagged, broken bits of dirty glass shoved straight through my chest, my ribs, right into my heart. He was tearing me apart, and he didn’t even care. The pain gave me the strength I needed.

“You need to go. I hope you and Paisley are happy together.”

“I'm not done,” Jal said, his voice tight. He grabbed me again, pulled me against him.

Clenching my jaw, I brought my hands up to shove him away. Then his mouth came down on mine, and I found my fingers curling into his shirt, pulling instead of pushing.

I was royally screwed.

Chapter Three

couldn’t do this
. I knew I couldn't.

I felt fractured, like there were three different parts of me. One part was enjoying his kiss, wanting more. Another part was standing apart, watching everything like some sort of observer. And the other was screeching, raging at me to stop, telling me that I was better than this. That I deserved better than someone who would cheat on his fiancée.

That thought had me going rigid under his kiss.

“Allie….” Jal whispered my name against my lips.

“Stop. We’re not doing this, okay?” I pulled away, and this time, he let me go.

I pressed my back to the door. Laying my hands flat against the smooth wooden panels, I sucked in air, then blew it out slowly, willing my racing heart to calm. I had to make him understand that this couldn't happen, that he needed to leave me alone so we could both move on. Him with his fiancée, and me with my regular life.

“I’m not going to be the other woman,” I said. “I wouldn't do it to a stranger, and I sure as hell won't do it to my sister. You made your choice.”

Jal caged me in against the door, his arms on either side of me, his expression intent. “Listen to me, Allie. The only reason I asked Paisley to marry me was because she told me she was pregnant.”

I sucked in a breath, staring at him. Was he fucking kidding me? Did he really think that would make things better? “She''re...the two of you...”

He pressed his finger to my lips, silencing the jumble of words.

His face softened. “She lied, Allie. There was never a baby. It was all some crazy, bullshit idea she cooked up with my mom and her mom. They all thought it was time I settle down, and for some insane reason, they all thought Paisley would be the one.” He leaned in, his mouth brushing my ear as he added, “She’s not.”

Heart now hammering against my ribs, I slowly met his eyes as he straightened. The air between us began to crackle, all but sizzling now. I didn't want to dare to hope.

“What are you saying?” I asked. I had to know, I had to be sure.

“The engagement is over. I was only marrying her because of the baby, and lately, I haven't even been all that sure it was the right choice to begin with. But now? Hell, no.” He cupped both sides of my face with his hands. “You've never been the other woman, Allie.
was. You’re all I've been able to think about pretty much from the moment we met.”

I searched his eyes for some hint that he was lying. Maybe it would be easier if he was. If he were lying, it would make it easier to push him away next time.

Next time…

I was crazy. That’s just all there was to it.

But, still...

Slowly, I reached up and curled my hands in the front of his shirt. “The engagement is off?”

“Yes,” he said, the relief in his voice clear. “It’s off. And not just the engagement. She and I are done. Over with. Forever.”

Jal nuzzled my neck, his breath hot against my skin. I arched my back, shuddering. I told myself I needed to think, figure out what all of this meant, but how could I possibly think when he was touching me?

It was then I realized that, for the first time, he was touching me without a shadow between us. No fiancée. No ring. No Paisley.

“You’re not engaged,” I said. Hearing the words again sent a rush through me.


“It’s over?”

His hand slid under my shirt, his fingers shockingly hot against my skin. Why was he so hot? I whimpered as those fingers skimmed higher, over my ribcage.

“Yes, baby…it’s over. Now…” He closed his teeth around my earlobe and bit down gently. “Can we stop talking? I’ve got other things I want to do. Namely,

I groaned, partially because I wanted him, but mostly because I knew we needed to stop. “I’ve...Jal, I’m at work.”

“Your boss said you had forty minutes.” He made a dramatic show of checking the pricey watch on his wrist. “We used eight talking already.” His eyes narrowed, but the heat in them was all lust, not anger. “Now be quiet.”

His voice came out harder, stronger, and the command in it surprised me enough that my mouth snapped shut. His mouth took mine in a fierce, quick kiss that was over all too soon. Before I could catch my breath, he spun me around and grabbed my hands, bringing them up and pressing them to the wall.

In a matter of seconds, he had my pants down to my knees, the cool air shocking against my bare skin. I heard the familiar sound of a condom wrapper tearing, and anticipation twisted inside me. Nudging me forward, he canted my hips, and then thrust, shoving halfway inside me. My shocked, startled cry was caught against his hand as he covered my mouth. He moved closer, forcing my body to straighten as he pinned me between him and the wall.

“Fuck, I want to hear you scream so bad.”

I bit down on the fleshy part of his palm instead as he withdrew, groaning as he thrust back inside. It was excruciating, how aware I was of him. I could feel
. The hard plane of his chest. His muscular thighs. The thick weight of him filling me.

Hot shivers of sensation raced through me as he reached up and caught my wrist, dragging my hand down, urging it between my pinned thighs.

“Play with yourself.”

Mindless, I did as I was told as he moved his hand to my hip, my fingers falling into the familiar rhythm I'd perfected over the past couple years.

“I’m going to let go of your mouth, but you can’t scream.”

I wanted to, felt like I had to as his strokes became faster, deeper. He hit all those places inside me that only Tao had been able to find before, and only with practice. Jal instinctively seemed to know where they were, and all the right ways to play them.

“Don’t scream, Allie,” he reminded me.

I nodded, mindless answering a command that I wasn't sure I could follow. Circling my fingers over my clit, my body rocked under the motions of his, but it wasn’t enough. Moaning in frustration, I shoved back against him, needing something more.

Jal muttered something harsh and raw under his breath. Then, a moment later, he pulled away. I cried out, my pussy throbbing in protest, suddenly and achingly empty.

“Quiet,” he said against my ear as he dragged me to the ground. On my hands and knees, I swayed backward, all but ready to beg him just to be full again.

But it wasn’t necessary. He gripped one hip, and the blunt head of his dick probed at my entrance. Then he was driving inside me again. Deeper, harder, faster.

Over and over.

My head fell forward as I bit my lip to keep from crying out. He pressed his thumb against the entrance to my ass, and I shivered, chills rushing through me, threatening to dissolve my very bones.

The climax blindsided me, and I gasped, desperate for oxygen as the orgasm raged and tore through me. My entire body spasmed, shook. He swore, and I felt his cock jerk and throb inside me as he came too. The head of his thick shaft pressed against my G-spot, setting off a series of mini aftershocks as he emptied himself into me.

Blood roared in my ears, and I shuddered. His fingers tightened on my hips as he ground against me, milking out every last drop of pleasure. Another shudder went through me, and my arms gave out. The only thing holding me upright was the solid strength of Jal’s hands as he gripped my hips, his cock still rigid inside me.

* * *

al smoothed
a hand down my back as I straightened up over the sink. Our eyes met in the mirror as he came closer and slid an arm around my waist. It was crazy how completely natural the move felt, as if he'd been doing it for years.

“I have to get moving.” My forty minutes had shrunk down to nineteen, and I still hadn’t gotten the coffee.

“Yes.” Jal continued to stand there, his face buried in my hair, his arm holding me snug against him. He didn't seem like he was in any particular hurry to go anywhere.

Realizing I was going to have to move first, I pulled away from him and slid out of the minuscule bathroom. I’d managed to clean up fairly well, although I had a bad feeling everybody I worked with would be able to take one look at me and know what had happened up here.

“What now?” I asked as he followed me out of the bathroom.

“Now, we go get that coffee.”

I rolled my eyes. “Not what I meant.”

As he edged around me, he shot me a look. “I guessed as much, but we can talk about that on the way. We’ve already been up here much longer than what it would take to get some money. Speaking of which…” He bent over and picked something up from the floor.

When he turned, I saw it was the money I’d gotten from Alistair’s desk.

I scowled and snatched it away, spinning on my heel. I was suddenly annoyed at him, at myself. “A bit late to think of that, isn't it?”

I tossed the words at him over my shoulder as I hurried down the steps and straight toward the back. I might be in luck, and nobody would be in the break room. No one would have to know that I'd gone out the back way long after I should have already been gone. They'd think the line at the coffee shop was just long.

Jal followed me out into the cool spring air, catching up with me easily, his long legs eating up the distance between us.

“I want to see you again.”

That calmly uttered statement almost made me stumble.

Keeping my eyes straight ahead, I clenched my jaw and remained silent for a few seconds before responding. “And you’re telling me this…why?”

“Seems to be the polite thing to do.” He sounded slightly surprised that I was asking a question. “I’m asking you on a date.”

This time, I did stumble. He steadied me, his hand going to my elbow. I shot him a quick look before easing away, checking the traffic before darting across the street.

“Playing chicken in the middle of the morning isn’t the best way to avoid giving me an answer,” Jal said, irritation evident in his voice as he caught up to me again.

“I’m not playing chicken.” Glaring at him, I checked the time. “I’ve got twelve minutes until my appointment shows up, and I still haven’t gotten the coffee.”

“Or given me an answer.” He settled a hand low on my back as I reached for the door to the coffee shop.

There was no line.

When the barista saw me, she waved. “Want your usual?” Her eyes strayed to Jal before returning to me, and I managed not to laugh when she wagged her eyebrows at me.

“Actually, I need everybody’s usual, Cathy.” I named off the girls who were working and then added, “And one for the boss too.”

“You got a nice boss, kid. Lucky you.”

Cathy’s boss smacked her on the back of the head as she walked by, but it was a friendly gesture, not a harsh one. “Your boss is going to leave you a coffee shop one day, so don’t complain.”

Cathy turned her head and stuck her tongue out.

“I saw that!” The older woman called over her shoulder.

“Moms.” Cathy was still rolling her eyes as she got to work on the list of drinks. One of the other baristas came in a few seconds later and started working alongside her. Both of them kept shooting Jal and me sidelong looks.

“You still haven’t given me a yes or no,” he said, keeping his tone neutral.

I sighed. “For crying out loud.”

He dipped his head, pitching his voice low enough that the others wouldn't hear. “Well,
crying out loud
is one of the things I plan on making you do a lot. If you’d say yes, we can set a date and time.”

Heat rushed to my face.

“Whipped cream?”

“What?” My voice cracked.

Cathy eyed me, a hint of a smile on her lips as she repeated herself, “Whipped cream on yours, Allie?”

“Um, no. No, I’m good.”

Like hell I was. Now my heart was racing all over again, my thoughts scattered. Every nerve in my body felt like it had electricity racing across it. I was overly aware of every inch of him, the sound of his breathing, the unique scent of him.

“I knew I should have steered clear of you,” I said under my breath.

Jal shot me an amused look. “What?”

I just shook my head and checked the time. Down to seven minutes now. I’d need three of those minutes just to get back to the salon. Alistair wouldn't fire me if I were late, but it wouldn't be good either, especially if he figured out that the reason was because I'd been having sex in his office instead of getting coffee like I was supposed to have been doing.

“Relax.” Jal dropped a kiss on my head.

I stiffened in surprise, and he slid a hand down my back, then back up before closing his fingers around my neck and massaging at the tension gathered there.

“If you’re a few minutes late, what will it hurt?”

“Seriously?” With a roll of my eyes, I checked the tray of drinks. Only one left. I might make it. “Let's put it this way, Jal. If your mother was kept waiting by her hair stylist, would it go over well? I've never met her, but I doubt it. And who do you think would pay for it? The stylist.”

From the corner of my eye, I saw him grimace. He shouldn't have been surprised that I could accurately guess his mother's behavior. I might have been from different social circles, but I knew how the upper class worked, how they thought.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Mistress Complete Series: Alpha Billionaire Romance
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