The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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"Me too," she whispered. "I wish I'd been stronger."

Knox made a low sound of satisfaction in the back of his throat at her words. He kissed her deeper, his hands roaming down her torso, finding first one breast then the other, his thumbs teasing her swollen nipples through her shirt. Mica gasped as the sensation shot through her, all the way to her very core, making her pulse with need.

His thumbs moved faster and Mica thought she would drown in it. It was too much. Too much sensation, too much want, too much longing to handle. Knox shifted his weight, lifting his knee between her legs like a kind of chair so his hands were free. He pulled her shirt over her head, then dropped his mouth to her nipples, suckling them right through the lace of her bra. Mica dropped her head back, closing her eyes, giving herself over to the sensation.

He would own her body, like she remembered him doing before, and all she could do was hold on for the ride, she knew that. She wanted it. She craved it.

It didn't matter what else was going wrong in her life, because she had Knox back, and tonight was just for the two of them.

Chapter 6




One of Knox's large hands reached behind her, flicking the clasp of her bra and it popped open. Knox ripped it off her, flinging it to the ground, groaning at the sight of her breasts. Mica opened her eyes, wanting to see what made him make that noise. The look on his face drove her wild. Like she was the only thing on the planet worth looking at. The roughness of his stubble scratched her breast as he teased her nipple with his tongue, making her breath come hard and fast.

Knox tantalized first one breast then the other, as Mica's hands worried his shirt, trying to lift it over his head. Knox propped her up again and took it off, slowly, carefully, then returned to her breasts, working them, worshiping them.

Mica ran her hands over his shoulders, careful to avoid his injury. God, he was sculpted, gorgeous, with just the perfect amount of curly, brown chest hair. She could feel the outline of his cock pressing against her through his jeans and she wanted so badly to touch it, but his angle didn't let her. She ground against it instead, pressing her core to him, telling him how much she wanted him, wanted this, without words.

Knox pulled her away from the wall, lifting her again and carrying her to the spiral staircase on the far side of the room. "Bedroom," he rasped, and she nodded, holding on tight.

He lifted her up every step, carrying her like she weighed too little to be of consequence. Mica heard the click of nails on hardwood floor and peeked around Knox to see Lulu walking the perimeter of the large, open landing. Within an instant Knox was pushing a door open, flicking on a light, and carrying her into what had to be his bedroom. She wondered about the green room for only a moment, half-sad, half-glad that she wouldn't be experiencing that treatment.

Knox placed her gently on the bed, then kicked off his shoes and unbuckled his pants. "You are so gorgeous," he told her, his eyes raking her body, settling on her breasts. Mica's own hands fumbled to the snap of her pants, but stopped there, suddenly shy.

She watched Knox drop his pants to the floor, then dip his thumbs into the waistband of his dark boxers. Mica held her breath, her eyes straining at the bulge behind the whisper of fabric. She'd seen it before, but she'd been young, inexperienced. Could it really be as glorious as she remembered it?

Knox pulled down and his cock popped out of the material, bouncing slightly. The boxers disappeared onto the floor. Mica licked her lips. It was better than she remembered, thick, dark, and long, a drop of clear liquid on its very tip.

"Oh my God," Mica breathed, losing her shyness and ripping the top of her pants open. She wanted to be available for whatever Knox was going to do to her. She pushed her pants down her hips, her eyes still glued to Knox's shaft as he watched her. She imagined she could see it throbbing. She wanted to feel it, touch it, take it in her mouth, take it into her body.

Mica kicked her pants off as Knox started towards her, a wicked look in his eyes. "Pretty Mica," he said. "Tonight you're mine."

She nodded desperately and whimpered in the back of her throat. She wanted nothing less than what his eyes were promising, swearing, threatening.

Knox climbed onto the bed, running a finger lightly over the fabric of her pink panties, making her gasp. He straddled her, grabbing first one of her hands, then the other, raising them over her head and pinning them there. Mica stared at him, feeling open and vulnerable and oh-so-needy.

Knox held her hands over her head and kissed her deeply. He broke the kiss and swung one leg to the side of her, so he was kneeling next to her, then ran his free hand over her bare breasts, her stomach, down to her sex, then back up, his touch maddeningly light, infuriatingly soft. Mica bucked her hips and Knox returned his hands there. "You want me to touch you, pretty girl?"

Mica whimpered and nodded. Knox continued to roam his hands over her hips, only briefly touching the area covered by the scrap of fabric she still wore, instead focusing on her inner thighs, the outline of her panties, even dipping around and grazing between her ass cheeks. Mica sucked in a breath, opening her legs wider, trying to focus him where she wanted him.

"Tell me gorgeous, tell me what you want me to do with you, to you, all over you."

Mica stared at him hard, her brain interrupting her from saying all the things her thoughts were screaming.

Fuck me!

Take me!

Stick your cock in me, please, before I die!

She couldn't do it. Knew he wanted her to, but just couldn't get the words out. Knox's hands stilled, barely moving. He kissed her again, then brought his fingers up to her nipples, pinching almost hard enough to hurt, certainly hard enough to bring exquisite pleasure.

Mica threw her head back and writhed against the bed, mewling noises coming from her throat. Knox dropped his hand again and gently moved her panties aside, dipping his fingers into her wetness, then moving up to her clit, massaging it so gently she couldn't form a coherent thought. His fingers dipped and glided, swirled and stroked. Mica felt the sensations begin to peak for her and she clenched her thighs, moaning.

Knox pulled his fingers away, running them down her inner thighs again, making her scream and raise her head from the bed, trying to pull her hands out of his grasp. She couldn't. He was too strong.

Knox smiled, an evil smile, as he dropped his head to her neck and kissed her pulse point there. Then he whispered in her ear, "I want you to come, gorgeous. I want you to come so hard you forget your name, but I also want you to let go. You haven't yet. Now beautiful girl, tell me what you want me to do to you and I'll do it, I swear."

Mica glared at him, extreme frustration fueling her words, allowing her to push past her own inhibitions. "I want you to touch me Knox. I want you to fuck me. I want you to own me and I want you to take me in any fucking way you want."

Knox kissed her lips. "Yes, gorgeous, I'll do all of that. But I'm also going to shove my cock down your throat and make you swallow it. Is that something you want?" Mica nodded, her hair flying. God she wanted that gorgeous thing in her mouth. More than she wanted to breathe.

"Say it Mica, say the words for me."

"I want you to shove your cock down my throat, Knox. I want to swallow it." Mica felt her sex throb between her legs with every dirty syllable she spoke and she felt like screaming in frustration. She'd never wanted anything like that before, never talked like that before, never let go so much.

Knox nodded at her indulgently, then took his free hand to his shaft, rubbing it up and down, his hand gliding over the head. "This cock?"

Mica licked her lips, wishing she could touch it, her eyes riveted to it. "Yes, Knox," she whispered. "Your cock. I want your cock in my mouth."

"Anywhere else?" he asked, a wicked smile on his lips.

"In my pussy," she whispered, knowing only that word would do for him.

He nodded again. "Anywhere else?"

Mica stared at him, eyes wide. No. Nowhere else. She didn't want him to tease her anymore but she wouldn't say she wanted that.

Knox chuckled, his eyes still drinking her in. "Just asking, beautiful. Just wanted to be clear on what exactly you're looking for. Things can change in ten years."

His fingers dropped to her sex again, and before Mica knew what was happening, he'd found a sweet, steady rhythm of circling her softest spot that made her eyes roll back in her head. "God, Knox," she moaned, her eyes drifting closed as a peak built inside her. Her thoughts ceased as the peak broke and wave after wave of ecstasy flooded through her, causing her to lose all sense of time and self. She moaned and cried out, unable to restrain herself, the thick ropes of pleasure slamming into her, forcing out the noises.

When Mica finally floated back to reality, subtle crests still causing her to shudder, Knox had let go of her hands and was kneeling next to her a look of satisfaction on his face, and one hand lightly stroking his cock.

Mica's eyes saucered at the sight of his unabashed confidence, lack of self-consciousness, and raw sexuality. She'd just been through the most amazing orgasm of her life, but somehow felt like she'd barely gotten started.

"You still want this, gorgeous?" he asked.

Mica scrambled up to all fours. She did. More than ever. As she approached Knox he leaned back on the bed and wound a hand in her hair. She glanced at him, loving the look of intense focus on his face. She would do everything she could to give as good as she had gotten.

She wanted nothing more than to hear Knox moan in surrender, and know he was hers as much as she was his.

Chapter 7




Knox locked his eyes on Mica, his heart hammering in his chest. He loved this part, loved when a woman was willing to put her mouth on him, but he'd felt uncomfortable with it for over a decade now, never building up the trust it took to allow someone to do it for very long. Even with Willa. Even with women who had been back to the green room more than a few times.

He trusted Mica implicitly, and he was going to enjoy this. He wound a hand in her hair as she inched closer to him, eyeing his cock like it was a fine steak or wine. The very tip of her tongue darted out and wet her top lip, making Knox groan deep in his throat. She hadn't even touched him yet but he felt her attention all the way to his balls. They throbbed and waited for her touch, yearned for it.

Mica peeked at his face, looking nervous, then back to his cock. He'd said he was going to shove it down her throat, but he hadn't meant it. The moment had carried him away. Some women liked rough treatment like that, but he thought Mica could only take it in small doses. For now. She blushed every time he said anything slightly dirty. She'd been that way ten years ago, but if she was going to be with him, she had to get used to it. He'd never had a filter on his mouth during sex and he never would.

Knox let go of her hair and let his hand lay limply at his side. Mica inched closer then, licking her top lip again. Knox could feel her breath, hot on his skin, and he let go of his desires, giving in fully to her speed, her pace.

Mica touched his cock at the base, her hands gentle as butterflies. Knox watched her feminine, graceful fingers grazing his skin, the sight alone almost pushing him over the edge. Mica curled her hand around him then, and in one motion opened her perfect lips, parting them just enough to slip the head of his cock through.

Knox moaned, the noise coming from the deepest part of him, the part most in tune with pleasure, love, appreciation.

His eyes dropped closed in delectation but he forced them open again, not wanting to miss a moment. He felt Mica's tongue on his skin, hesitant at first, then becoming bolder, swirling, dipping, sliding. The sensation rocked him, making his balls tighten.

For just a moment, her fingers hesitated, gliding over the small mass of scar tissue deep on the base of his cock, and Knox tensed, but then she picked up her pace again, dismissing it. The moment passed and Knox found himself able to relax, to enjoy.

Her hand and mouth worked together in a fluid rhythm that threatened to make him spill over way too quickly. Knox tried to calm himself, not wanting it to be over so soon. Mica dropped a free hand to his balls, massaging lightly, her eyes searching his questioningly. Knox couldn't help himself then. His hands went to her hair and lost themselves in the blond curls. He moaned deep in his throat, feeling his release build. It was too good. She kept up her pace, until he thought he would die.

"I'm going to come, gorgeous," he told her.

She made a small noise in her throat and grasped him tighter, working her hands faster.

Knox arched against the bed and called her name, unsure if he'd said Rachel or Mica, but unable to care. His release shuddered out of him, spilling into her mouth. He watched her darkly as she swallowed every bit and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then dipped to lick off the last drop.

She zeroed in on him, a feline smile of satisfaction on her face, then climbed up the bed to cradle her head in the crook of his arm.

"I wanted to fuck you," Knox growled.

Mica touched her forefinger to the head of his slightly-softening cock. "Oh, are we done then?" she asked teasingly.

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secret Kink Box Set: Knox: Secret Alpha Billionaire Romance Bundle (Rosesson Brothers Book 1)
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